Archive: 03/2000
- An interview with the director of Zoe, Maren-Kea Freese
- The successful depiction of a zeitgeist
- Unilever to shed 10 percent of workforce in global restructuring
- “The struggle of the common man for self-dignity is very profound”
- New study confirms growing social polarisation in Britain
- African floods: Western governments' indifference to plight of Mozambique
- Mumia Abu-Jamal supporters arrested in Washington anti-death penalty protest
- Galileo's Daughter: An important contribution to the history of science
- Six-year-old Michigan girl shot and killed in classroom
- What's behind the split in stockmarket values
- Was there a high-level MI5 agent in the British Workers Revolutionary Party?
- Hundreds of residents register for class action against lead smelter pollution in Australia
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Africa and the Middle East
- The US elections and the lessons of the Clinton impeachment crisis
- Haider's resignation as leader of Austria's Freedom Party: a tactical manoeuvre
- More letters on the Amadou Diallo verdict
- Lebanese student writes WSWS about recent protests against Israeli bombings
- Pinochet returns to Chile after Britain halts extradition proceedings
- Financial fiasco brewing in Australia over Sydney Olympic Games
- New York plainclothes cop kills unarmed Bronx man
- Britain's Labour Party celebrates hundredth anniversary amidst gathering storm clouds
- Britain refuses asylum to hijacked Afghanis
- The German state election in Schleswig-Holstein: business as usual?
- Walker Evans and photography
- Putting his finger on a wound
- Promising new insights into early cancer growth
- US: What the shootings in Flint and Wilkinsburg have in common
- Nigeria edges towards civil war
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Evidence at Australian rail disaster inquiry reveals chaotic safety system
- An exchange on socialist planning
- Canada's Liberal government embraces the tax-cutting agenda of big business
- Reactionary propositions on March 7 California ballot
- Some background to the incarceration of the mentally ill in the US prison system
- Pakistani judge gags ousted prime minister on trial on fabricated charges
- The Christian right and the Republican Party: the dirty secret of American politics
- Mr. Death —portrait of a specialist in "humane and dignified" executions
- One dead, two missing in Virginia auto parts plant explosion
- Domino Sugar workers in New York on strike for more than eight months
- Pontiac, Michigan police cite artist for "obscenity"
- "On what basis should a movement in defense of artistic freedom be founded?"
- Pontiac panel discussion on censorship and the arts
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- British Labour government orders private consultants into Yorkshire education authorities
- Australian dollar in sharp decline
- California: a case study in inequality
- Boeing imposes last wage offer on striking engineers
- East Timor and Australia's oily politics
- Pinochet Regresa a Chile Luego de la Gran Bretaña Ponerle Paro al Proceso de Extradición
- Agente de Policía Vestido de Civil Mata a Hombre Desarmado en el Bronx
- El Caso de Amadou Diallo: Las Raíces Socio-políticas de la Violencia Policíaca
- La Exoneración de los Policías de Nueva York: el Tribunal Sancionan el Asesinato de Amadou Diallo
- Interview with Goran Rebic, director of The Punishment
- Safety breaches disrupt privatisation of British Nuclear Fuels
- Israeli parliament considers bill legalising torture
- German nominee forced to withdraw
- Letters on the Alaska Airlines crash
- Other letters to the WSWS
- Letters on the recent shootings in the US
- Beyond the shadow of Milosevic
- Alberta to switch to "flat" income tax
- Police clampdown on South African VW strikers
- British student arrested under Official Secrets Act
- Kurdish nationalists seek supporting role in Turkish state
- US-OPEC tensions over rising oil prices
- The Abner Louima case: three New York cops guilty in cover-up of torture
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Australia: The NSW teachers' dispute
- Bitter political feud between the government and opposition in Bangladesh
- Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000): leading representative of capitalist "reform" in Russia
- KLA provocations in Mitrovica and southwest Serbia
- "It is not just that new Austrian government has no idea of art, they hate it"
- New issue of World Socialist Web Site Review now available
- British government to expand use of drugs to control children's behaviour
- Letters to the WSWS
- Chilean government to implement new anti-bail provisions
- Kerosene baths reveal systemic aged care crisis in Australia
- Why bad news for workers is good news for Wall Street
- Contest for US presidential nominations ends with March 7 primaries
- Protests rock Quebec Youth Summit
- Mazda plans to shed thousands of jobs in Japan
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- TV documentary exposes devastating toll of sanctions against Iraq
- Is all of this inevitable?
- Australian businessman Alan Bond walks free from jail
- Fisherman killed in collision with Sri Lankan naval boat
- Police build up anti-riot forces in US cities
- Huge security buildup for Sydney Olympics
- Northwest Airlines fires flight attendants accused of organizing job action
- British rescue worker tells of missed opportunity to aid Mozambique
- Mozambique flood disaster shows legacy of colonial oppression
- The Los Angeles police scandal and its social roots
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Europe and America compete for British missile contract
- El Caso Abner Louima: Tres Policías Neoyorquinos Culpables de Encubrir Tortura
- A big issue is clean drinking water
- Nick Beams replies to a reader on Lenin and globalisation
- Norwegian Labour Party, Conservatives and Progress Party oust Bondevik Government
- Letter from a reader on Lenin and globalisation
- The Los Angeles police scandal and its social roots
- Letters to the WSWS
- Britain's Observer newspaper suggests Russian secret service involvement in Moscow bombings
- An onlooker in a world falling apart
- A "writer" in name only
- A long history of state intimidation and repression
- A new round of shootings in the US
- The Los Angeles police scandal and its social roots
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- British documentary substantiates US-KLA collusion in provoking war with Serbia
- Hindu extremists stop publication of Indian history volumes
- Deep divisions in ruling circles as Taiwan goes to the polls
- Victoria de la derecha en las elecciones generales españolas
- Right-wing victory in Spanish general election
- Sharif lawyer killed as Pakistani junta cracks down on opposition
- Tribune and Times-Mirror combine: US media monopolies grow larger
- An inside look at the US presidential campaign: Gore's town meeting in Detroit
- The report of former forced-labor prisoner Nicholas Livkovsky
- The history of the former Gestapo concentration camp "Oderblick" in Schwetig/Swiecko
- A letter on the Los Angeles Police Department scandal
- An exchange on the privatisation of public utilities
- British doctors fear mother has passed human BSE disease to baby
- Retorno de Pinochet desata conflictos políticos en Chile
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US government report reveals growing numbers of children in adult prisons
- Israel/Palestine talks resume
- IMF row reveals US-German tensions
- The filmmakers can't help themselves
- The Deutsche Bank/Dresdner Bank merger: a struggle for worldwide market domination
- Pinochet’s return fuels political conflicts in Chile
- US government honors one Latin American torturer and frees another
- Massive rise in university tuition fees proposed for England and Wales
- G.E.M. de Ste Croix: A lifelong empathy with the oppressed
- Papua New Guinea ministers sacked as Australia applies pressure for economic restructuring
- Teamsters suspend negotiating committee member for opposing concessions to Northwest Airlines
- British Nuclear Fuels accused of deliberately falsifying safety checks
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Simplifying matters
- Boeing engineers ratify contract
- The "Sanitation" controversy at New York's Whitney Museum: freedom of expression under attack
- The flight of the Karmapa Lama from Tibet
- Taiwan election result produces political volatility at home and abroad
- Britain's Sunday Times records spectacular increase in wealth
- The killing of Patrick Dorismond: New York police violence escalates in wake of Diallo verdict
- US interest rate rise to fuel economic policy conflicts
- France's education workers strike against Socialist Party government policies
- Reader comments on Nick Beams' "Marxist internationalism vs. the perspective of radical protest"
- Australian government's crisis deepens as markets demand full privatisation of Telstra
- Suppressed report raises question of US role in Rwandan civil war
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East and Africa
- Clinton visit to the Indian subcontinent sets a new strategic orientation
- German capitalism in transition: globalization and the erosion of "Germany Incorporated"
- The "Human Body Worlds" exhibit in Cologne
- New York denies asthma treatment to homeless children
- UN censors human rights findings
- Sri Lankan police order female "LTTE suspect" to strip publicly at gunpoint
- Mental illness and the American dream: Part 1
- Libel suit brought by apologist for Nazi role in Holocaust concludes in London
- Former Black Panther leader will fight extradition on murder charge
- Executions carried out in Virginia, Missouri and Oklahoma
- 1900: Art at the Crossroads at the Royal Academy, London
- Strike deadline approaches at US Airways
- The West courts Russia's Putin
- Mental illness and the American Dream: Part 2
- Conference organizers direct Mumia Abu-Jamal defense campaign to Democratic Party
- Britain: libel verdict vs. exposé of Bosnia War propaganda bankrupts independent journal
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- El Escándalo Policíaco de Los Angeles y sus Raíces Sociales
- El Escándalo de la Policía de Los Ángeles y sus Raíces Sociales
- El Escándalo Policíaco de Los Ángeles y sus Raíces Sociales
- El Escándalo Policíaco de Los Ángeles y sus Raíces Sociales
- Indian budget contains huge increase in military spending
- Privatisation of Australian electricity supplies leads to shortages and blackouts
- Letters to the WSWS
- Toll of killings by Ugandan cult exceeds 400
- Australia: Alarming death rate among recently released female prisoners
- Cyanide spill endangers villagers in Papua New Guinea
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- An exchange with Frank Brenner and other letters on "Mental illness and the American dream"
- This year's Academy Awards ceremony: Hollywood in full view
- Sri Lanka: Inquests fail to charge jailers responsible for the killing of two Tamil detainees
- Nick Beams replies to a reader's question about the law of the falling rate of profit
- An Australian tragedy: mother charged over son's death at poker machine venue
- Germany's CDU veers to the right as state elections approach
- Abuse in the California prison system
- Hostage siege in Baltimore--another American nightmare
- Putin's election as president signals authoritarian turn in Russia
- McVeigh interview sheds light on the social roots of the Oklahoma City bombing
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Piano variations from the American songbook
- Ulster Unionist leader Trimble narrowly defeats leadership challenge
- Phillips Petroleum plant explosion: the latest in a series of deadly accidents at Houston facility
- NATO admits to use of radioactive munitions in Yugoslavia
- An interview with Radu Mihaileanu, the director of Train of Life: "We have to learn to articulate these deep emotions"
- New York's Mayor Giuliani and the Brooklyn Museum reach a settlement
- Australian bank merger signals a new round of job cuts and branch closures
- British Labour government to enforce police access to email encryption
- Class justice in New York: Why the DA failed to aggressively prosecute the cops who killed Diallo
- Letters to the WSWS
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: