Archive: 10/2001
- Australian cancer patients denied radiation therapy
- 30,000 state workers walk out in Minnesota
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Pessimism and the historical painter: Leon Golub
- Germany: Hamburg elections deliver a serious warning
- Letters on "Bush lied about threat to Air Force One"
- Chilean regime signs electoral pact with Communist Party
- Tens of thousands march in the US and Europe against war preparations
- Hand-picked cabinet in East Timor
- El gobierno de Bush se embarca en la supresión de la disidencia
- La Casa Blanca fracasa en presentar pruebas sobre la culpabilidad de bin Laden
- President Putin visits Germany: Moscow and Berlin seek a new role in world politics
- FBI send agents to Kenya
- Fed cuts rates again with US recession "no longer in doubt"
- An exchange of letters on "Anti-Americanism: The ‘anti-imperialism’ of fools"
- Correspondence on "Anti-Americanism: The ‘anti-imperialism’ of fools"
- 2001 Toronto International Film Festival—Part 3: Struggling, alive, contradictory...
- Scandinavian governments support Bush’s war against terrorism
- Minnesota state workers defend strike
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Bomb attack in Kashmir heightens tensions between India and Pakistan
- US terror attacks used to introduce sweeping police powers
- New York mayor exploits tragedy in bid to prolong his term
- A combustible political situation in Pakistan
- Northern Nigeria hit by floods
- A wave of job losses in Australia
- Political tensions increase in Northern Ireland
- The political depravity of journalist Christopher Hitchens
- Naidoo’s story of two young refugees wins 2001 prize
- Suspicious trading points to advance knowledge by big investors of September 11 attacks
- Another debacle for the UAW
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- More questions than answers in Siberian Airlines jet explosion
- Germany: Arab students witch-hunted
- Australian government calls snap election for November 10
- Widespread violations of civil liberties in US dragnet
- Britain: Blair outlines his imperial mission
- Tony Blair’s bin Laden dossier: a pretext instead of proof
- US airlines exploit crisis to slash jobs and benefits
- Why we oppose the war in Afghanistan
- Mass shooting reveals dark side of Swiss society
- Both parties stoke anti-immigrant prejudice
- British army practises expeditionary operations in Oman
- The Minnesota workers strike and the class divide in America
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Layoffs soar throughout US economy
- Whistling in the dark at G7 finance meeting
- Worldwide protests against US bombing of Afghanistan
- Arafat cracks down on Palestinian protests
- US Supreme Court Justice O’Connor says "personal freedom" will be curbed
- Indonesian court overturns conviction of Tommy Suharto
- Letters on the war in Afghanistan
- Austria: Government limits democratic rights and boosts military spending
- A gentle appeal for justice
- Western Australian government plans to carve up electricity network
- Serbia faces increased political and social turmoil
- Reply to a defender of the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African Communist Party
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Japan moving from recession to depression
- German government plans second "anti-terror" package
- United Nations slashes growth forecast
- Por qué nos oponemos a la guerra contra Afganistán
- Poland: Democratic Left Party heads new coalition government
- New York City protest opposes war in Afghanistan
- More letters on "Why we oppose the war in Afghanistan"
- Bush’s economic plan: a wartime gift to corporate America
- US food drops: a cynical propaganda exercise
- The collapse of Swissair
- Australian navy opens fire on refugee boat
- Britain: Blair government caught in media manipulation row
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Bush’s war at home: government censorship, secrecy, and lies
- Canadian government attacks civil liberties
- Civilian casualties mount in Afghanistan
- Why is Bush refusing to negotiate with the Taliban?
- Pakistani leader faces an uncertain future as protests continue
- Union officials accept deal to end Minnesota state workers strike
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Anti-war demonstrations in Europe
- Canada joins war on Afghanistan
- The media and Mr. Bush
- Bulgaria: New government implements cuts and privatisation
- Australian economy reveals trend to global recession
- An exchange on the land occupations in Zimbabwe
- Chronic power shortages in Sri Lanka
- Suben desmesuradamente los despidos en la economía de Los Estados Unidos
- El plan económico de Bush: buen regalo de guerra para las corporaciones estadounidenses
- US foreign policy shift destabilises Israeli government
- More unanimity than conflict in Australian election debate
- Vietnam’s Mekong delta suffers third year of flooding
- US-Uzbekistan pact sheds light on Washington’s war aims in Central Asia
- Britain: Parliamentary debate reveals growing dissent in "war against terrorism"
- Del Grupo de los Siete: Silbando en la oscuridad
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East and Africa
- Behind the “anti-terrorism” mask: imperialist powers prepare new forms of colonialism
- War in Afghanistan gives rise to tensions in France
- Letters on "The media and Mr. Bush"
- How the US airlines got their $15 billion bailout
- Pacifist moralizers rally behind the US war drive
- German Green Party supports war against Afghanistan
- Global downturn could set off financial turbulence
- US government steps up press censorship
- Civilian death toll mounts in Afghanistan
- Britain: Labour government plans to introduce internment
- Australian unions help destroy thousands of airline jobs
- Sharon utilizes Ze’evi assassination as a pretext for Israeli war-drive
- Howard plays the war card in Australian elections
- Protest against Afghan bombings sparks ethnic conflict in Nigeria
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US jobless claims approach nine-year high
- Bush aides push war with Iraq
- Bush protects drug giant’s patent on anthrax medicine
- Anti-war protests in Australian cities
- Police deeply entrenched in Sydney’s drug traffic
- Crisis facing immigrant workers in New York exacerbated by attacks
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- More letters on "Pacifist moralizers rally behind the US war drive"
- An exchange on "Pacifist moralizers rally behind the US war drive"
- Ontario Premier resigns
- Afghan death toll mounts as US warplanes hit civilian targets
- China, Russia fall in behind Bush’s "war against terrorism" at APEC summit
- Britain: Government member says war is "not a matter of conscience"
- Once again on the problem of perspective
- The Taliban, the US and the resources of Central Asia
- 350 refugees drown trying to get to Australia
- US and Israel clash over West Bank incursions
- US considers use of torture in interrogation of terrorism suspects
- More letters on the US war in Afghanistan
- The Taliban, the US and the resources of Central Asia
- la censura, las mentiras y los secretos
- Unprecedented police raid on nightclubs in Australia’s largest city
- Ominous threats from US against Nicaraguan Sandinistas
- The war in Afghanistan: the socialist perspective
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East and Africa
- Northern Ireland: IRA decommissions arms
- Berlin elections reveal instability and divisions
- US secretary of state’s visit to Pakistan and India fails to quell tensions
- "If Attac did not exist, big business would have to invent it"
- Mass arrests at anti-war demo in Britain
- Two revealing comments on the war against Afghanistan
- Remembered horrors of a religious education
- Britain: Labour government accused of cover-up over BSE experiments
- Attac conference in Berlin: opportunism and unwavering loyalty to the state
- Sharp fall in global trade growth
- World Socialist Web Site Review: November issue out now
- US postal workers denounce government negligence in anthrax attacks
- Britain: Reports admit this is a war for oil
- Nigerian soldiers carry out massacres
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US anthrax scare: Why the silence on right-wing terrorism?
- Britain: Labour MPs oppose bombing--but not war
- Los poderes imperialistas se esconden detrás de la máscara del 'anti terrorismo' para preparar nuevas formas del colonialismo
- Five workers killed in New York City construction accident
- New Norwegian government relies on far right Progress Party
- Socialist Equality Party and World Socialist Web Site public meetings in Britain: "Why we oppose the war in Afghanistan"
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Iranian filmmaker faces death penalty in upcoming trial
- Pakistani immigrant dies in US custody
- US propagandists invoke the Cold War
- Too modest by half
- Bush "anti-terror" law mandates sweeping attacks on democratic rights
- Indian government cracks down on Islamic student organisation
- 2001 Australian elections: The political issues facing the working class
- General Motors plans to axe thousands of jobs in Europe
- New York mayoral race reflects growing social tensions
- Japanese parliament votes for military role in Afghan war
- Northern Ireland: How the US told the IRA to begin decommissioning
- Lloyd’s members insist "very large profits are possible" following September 11
- Latest articles
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