Archive: 07/2003
- The letters of Natalia Sedova to Leon Trotsky
- US Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action: the language of oligarchy
- New Zealand commits troops and police to Solomon Islands occupation force
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US: Incomes of the ultra-rich quadrupled in eight years
- Finland: Prime minister resigns over Iraq war scandal
- Unprecedented police-state measures passed by Australian parliament
- El imperialismo en Iraq: lecciones del pasado
- Australia: Rail crash inquiry reveals serious mechanical flaws left uncorrected
- Guatemala’s mass graves ignored by mass media
- Bush accuses Europe of starving Africa
- How the German army celebrates its past
- Britain: Blair government blames BBC for crisis over Iraqi war lies
- Another detainee dies in US custody in Afghanistan
- Britain: Parliamentary probe exposes lies on Iraqi weapons
- What is a “work of realism”?
- El imperialismo en Irak: lecciones del pasado
- Oppose Australia's colonial-style intervention in the Solomons
- US government jails thousands of juvenile refugees
- Iraq and liberation
- Republican right tries to overthrow California Governor
- US political life 227 years after the Declaration of Independence
- US: Four dead, five wounded after Missouri factory shooting
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Ex-general installed as Australian head of state
- Britain: Parliamentary probe exposes lies on Iraqi weapons
- US subjects Iraqi detainees to “inhuman treatment”
- El Holocausto y la fortuna de la familia Bush
- The Times‘ William Safire: an old Nixon hand covers for Bush’s WMD lies
- Israeli army whitewashes its murder of US peace activist Rachel Corrie
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Interview with photographer Jason Murphy, participant in Art Against War
- US retaliates over war crime immunity demand
- Christian Science Monitor admits using forged documents against antiwar British MP Galloway
- The art of making protest art
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US jobless rate soared in June
- US, Israel push Palestinian prime minister to launch crackdown
- Singapore witnesses bolster flagging Jakarta terrorist trial
- Silicosis deaths in Pondicherry, India
- Huge rally in Hong Kong against anti-subversion laws
- Spain: Madrid threatens withdrawal of Basque autonomy
- World Socialist Web Site Review: July issue now available
- US cable network fires right-winger after anti-gay tirade
- Parliamentary whitewash of Blair’s lies on Iraq falls flat
- Letters from our readers
- World Socialist Web Site holds conference on the political lessons of the war on Iraq
- US: State budget cuts fuel social crisis
- Asylum-seekers targeted by rioters in Wales
- The Wall Street Journal and the occupation of Iraq
- The Carnegie Hall-New York Philharmonic merger and the state of classical music
- The political economy of American militarism
- The political economy of American militarism
- Bush picks six for drumhead trials, possible execution
- An exchange on the proposed constitution for Europe
- BBC was most pro-war of British networks
- Australia: Police block protest screening of banned film
- Total oil in France’s biggest postwar financial scandal
- US Supreme Court strikes down anti-gay laws
- Continuing turmoil in Nepal after king appoints new government
- The political economy of American militarism
- One week in America: workplace shootings, murder-suicides, killing spree plot
- Ireland: Health care cuts claim child’s life
- Mounting casualties, Iraqi resistance take toll on US troops
- Letters from our readers
- Spain: Telefonica to slash 15,000 jobs
- Solomon Islands bullied into accepting Australian-led military intervention
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US convenes Iraqi council with aim of grabbing oil
- Studies reveal significant levels of depression, inadequate care in the US
- Benton Harbor, Michigan: A socialist strategy to oppose police brutality and inequality
- Britain: Second Iranian asylum seeker risks death in protest
- Moral de soldados estadounidenses se tambalea en el pantano de Irak
- Fosas comunes de Guatemala ignoradas por la prensa popular
- Vida política de los Estados Unidos 227 años después de la Declaración de Independencia
- Resolutions condemn war in Iraq, Australian intervention in Solomons
- Democratic governor imposing austerity budget in Pennsylvania
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Bush White House in crisis over Iraq war lies
- The Australian Democrats and Greens and the ASIO detention bill
- The work of British composer Mark Anthony Turnage
- Antiwar song banned from Spanish television
- Resolutions on the international unity and political independence of the working class
- Release David Hicks and all Guantanamo Bay detainees
- What way forward for working people in France?
- Bush hangs Blair out to dry over Iraqi nuclear claims
- Rally against police brutality held in Benton Harbor, Michigan
- Bush’s tour and US imperialism’s designs on Africa
- US unemployment lines hit 20-year peak
- Resolutions on the war, social crisis and assault on democratic rights and the development of the World Socialist Web Site
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Iraq war lies rebound on Australian PM
- Katharine Hepburn, Gregory Peck and American filmmaking
- Spanish judge demands extradition of Argentine officers
- Letters from our readers
- Berlusconi and Europe
- War, football and the 1914 Christmas truce
- Indian unions call off stoppage after state government sacks 200,000 strikers
- Madagascar faces devastating famine
- Lessons of the German metalworkers’ struggle
- The Iraq war and the Blair government
- California Republicans propose drastic cuts in social spending
- Belgium: New government to scrap universal war crimes law
- Turkey: Power struggle between government and army
- US: Tax shelters for the rich starve state budgets
- Blind Shaft director speaks about filmmaking in China
- How the labor bureaucracy scabbed on the Portland school janitors
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- German artist Käthe Kollwitz at the Art Gallery of Ontario
- Letters on “Bush White House in crisis over Iraq war lies”
- “Europe confronts a profound dilemma”
- September 11 commission complains of “intimidation” and stonewalling
- Bush’s hatchet man: two biographies of Karl Rove
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- A provocative step towards a US-led military blockade of North Korea
- German artist Käthe Kollwitz at the Art Gallery of Ontario
- The Iraq war and the debate on phony intelligence
- Letters on “Bush White House in crisis over Iraq war lies”
- Ferry disaster in Bangladesh claims hundreds of lives
- Die Zeit pleads for German interests in Iraq
- Sri Lankan union leaders call off health workers strike
- Demonstrations greet Spanish government vote to send troops to Iraq
- An obsession, and not much more
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- The Times’ Thomas Friedman on Iraq: spreading “democracy” with missiles and lies
- Eruption of US militarism forces all states to redefine their relationship with America
- US and Europe renege on AIDS pledges
- US recession declared over but economic problems deepen
- Britain: Anti-terrorism sweep creates climate of fear
- Solomon Islands parliament approves Australian-led military take-over
- German teenager shoots himself at school
- Thousands of refugees perish on European Union borders
- Letters from our readers
- House Republicans call police on Democratic congressmen
- British report details tremendous obstacles facing asylum-seekers
- US: Report shows additional millions affected by lead poisoning
- Britain: Whistleblower Kelly’s death shakes Blair government
- The killing of Hussein’s sons: the Nuremberg precedent and the criminalization of the US ruling elite
- Bush government deports Muslim cleric to Lebanon
- South Asian floods kill hundreds and leave millions homeless
- Bali bombing trials leave key questions unanswered
- US launched air war against Iraq in 2002
- Britain: Was whistleblower Kelly’s death suicide?
- Release of Hussein sons’ photos: Washington exposes its own barbarism
- Questions Blair government must answer over death of whistleblower Dr Kelly
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Italian government takes tougher line on refugees
- Oldest modern human fossil discovered in Ethiopia
- Letters from our readers
- Discussion on war and internationalism
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Turkish-US tensions continue over Kurds in northern Iraq
- International outcry over release of Hussein sons’ photos and video
- Australian and British governments claim military trials will be “fair”
- Blair government surrenders rights of Britons held in Guantanamo
- Spanish cut-price music web site forced to close
- Split in Spanish Socialist Party
- West Africa: Coup aborted in São Tomé and Principe
- Bush attack on overtime pay passes House
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Iraqi Communist Party joins Washington’s puppet administration in Baghdad
- Discussion on political program, social conditions and democratic rights, and the WSWS
- Not exactly a nourishing meal
- Australian unions grovel before rightwing media campaign
- America’s maimed come home from Iraq
- Irish government prepares airport and transport privatisation
- Hong Kong protests leave Tung administration isolated
- Britain’s whistleblower scandal: Slanders against BBC’s Andrew Gilligan
- Letters on the death of British whistleblower Dr. David Kelly
- The art of ancient Sumer
- US: Verizon demands employees pay for collapse of telecom bubble
- Military mutiny in the Philippines: a sign of deeper political tensions
- A German ex-radical adds to the anti-Trotskyist slanders
- Report denounces Israel’s human rights abuses
- US government deports Haddad family
- Pentagon scheme for a futures market in terror
- Modern life and modern tragedy
- Latest articles
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