Archive: 02/2004
- “Bush’s WMD probe is a fraud,” says SEP presidential candidate
- JVP-SLFP alliance heightens political tensions in Sri Lanka
- Australian lawyer condemns lack of legal rights in the Solomon Islands
- Poisoning for profit: Book exposes US corporate cover-up of toxic pollution
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- France: Former prime minister Juppé convicted on corruption charges
- Hutton Inquiry: A black day for democracy in Britain
- Resistance is not always the whole picture: Hong Sung Dam’s Dawn woodcuts and the Gwangju uprising
- Washington conceals US casualties in Iraq
- Protestors jailed over antiwar sign on Sydney Opera House
- Sweden: Anna Lindh murder trial ends
- Germany: Government seals the fate of the welfare state
- US budget deficit to hit half a trillion dollars
- Letters from our readers
- Canada’s Liberal government calls public inquiry into treatment of Maher Arar
- Spanish magazine/web site apologizes for misuse of WSWS articles
- Verdict due in German terror trial
- Irbil suicide bombings aggravate tensions in northern Iraq
- Israeli ambassador vandalizes artwork at Swedish museum
- Parents of Rachel Corrie speak at University of Michigan
- Hypocrisy and right-wing politics fuel furor over Super Bowl episode
- Butler inquiry into Iraq intelligence: Blair prepares another whitewash
- Behind the media boosting of Australian Labor’s new leader
- New Zealand government challenges court ruling over detained asylum seeker
- Another fatal police shooting in New York
- Northern Ireland loyalists turn to race violence
- Haiti: Aristide regime shaken by mass protests
- Instability threatens Guinea after presidential election
- US Democratic primary votes reveal growing popular hostility to Bush
- Asian bird flu threatens to trigger worldwide epidemic
- An old man’s anger: Absolute Friends, by John le Carré
- An appreciation of Warren Zevon
- Britain: Blair caught out once again on WMD 45-minute claim
- German Socialist Equality Party to stand in European elections
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Japanese parliament ratifies troop deployment for Iraq
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East & Africa
- Bush plan for community colleges: training ground for low-wage jobs
- Bush’s Iraq commission and the “intelligence failure” fraud
- German foreign policy targets Africa
- Britain: home secretary proposes “pre-emptive” justice
- Sri Lanka’s president remains silent after sacking the government
- Thousands march in Barcelona for legalisation of immigrant workers
- A soldier’s view of the Iraq war
- A series of neo-reformist illusions
- New York: Oyster Bar workers in third month of strike
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- UN summoned to salvage US plans for Iraq
- California death row inmate granted stay of execution
- SEP presidential candidate on Bush’s “Meet the Press” interview: “A spectacle of ignorance, cynicism and indifference”
- As Senate offices reopen, questions raised over White House actions in ricin attack
- Italy: Investigators ignore role of banks and political leaders in Parmalat scandal
- Bush’s Iraq commission and the “intelligence failure” fraud
- Guerrilla war intensifies in Iraq despite Hussein’s capture
- Britain: 19 Chinese workers drown working on slave labour gang
- Letters on “Hypocrisy and right-wing politics fuel furor over Super Bowl episode”
- Australia: Police shooting highlights lack of mental health care
- US: Behind the AFL-CIO’s call for a “a new labor code for Iraq”
- US: Record number of long-term unemployed losing benefits
- Germany: Schröder resigns as party chairman
- Dutch leaders involved in NATO bombing of Yugoslavia testify at The Hague
- Sri Lanka’s constitutional coup thrusts JVP to political prominence
- Right wing-led rebellion convulses Haiti
- Federal authorities drop subpoenas to Iowa antiwar activists
- Another step in the “Balkanisation" of the world market
- East Timor calls on Australia to stop exploiting disputed oil field
- Anatomy of a fraudulent “grassroots” campaign: Citizens for a Sound Economy in Oregon
- Oregon faces deep cuts in schools, health and safety
- Britain aided US in spying on UN delegates
- France: Despite conviction, former prime minister Juppé to keep posts
- SEP candidate Bill Van Auken: “Iraq war’s wounded—an American tragedy and national disgrace”
- Australian Labor conference bows to Washington: No debate on Iraq
- ¡Por una alternativa socialista en las elecciones de 2004!
- Sri Lankan opposition cynically exploits struggles of workers and farmers
- US pressures Norway to extradite leading exiled Kurd
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Protest planned over US killing of journalists in Iraq
- US: Over 100,000 job cuts announced in January
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Letters from our readers
- Canada’s Liberal government rocked by financial scandal
- Bush budget freezes social spending to pay for military buildup
- Sudan: Khartoum escalates civil war offensive
- South Africa’s health minister says of AIDS sufferers: Let them eat garlic
- Australian prime minister capitulates to new Labor leader on superannuation policy
- Greenspan testimony points to deepening US fiscal crisis
- Spain: Catalan nationalist sacked after meeting Basque separatists
- Iraq: A convenient letter from an Al Qaeda terrorist
- The death of “TJ” Hickey—the social and economic circumstances
- One third of the world’s urban population lives in a slum
- Australia: Riots in Sydney as police blamed for death of 17-year-old Aboriginal boy
- New York City Council opposes USA Patriot Act
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- The 2004 US election: the case for a socialist alternative
- Germany: Klaus Uwe Benneter—the new SPD general secretary
- Australia: Government-media witchhunt of train drivers falls flat
- France: National Assembly bans Muslim headscarves in schools
- Bush on “Meet the Press”: a letter on the US media
- Britain: The Respect-Unity coalition and the politics of opportunism
- An exchange on Haiti: Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the dead end of “left” nationalist politics
- Creating the past in their own self-involved image
- Analysts warn China on verge of economic crisis
- Microsoft threat to discontinue Windows 98 and NT operating systems
- Spain: Tens of thousands march against Iraq occupation
- Socialist Equality Party condemns Sri Lankan president’s dictatorial actions
- Britain: The Respect-Unity coalition and the politics of opportunism
- Netherlands: Arming the state in response to growing poverty and unemployment
- US: Republicans lose House seat in Kentucky special election
- Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci: the fate of a member of the artistic “generation of 1968”
- The rise and fall of Howard Dean
- Australian Labor returned in dreary Queensland election
- Australian government introduces pro-business, regional-based immigration visas
- Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s hunting trip with Cheney: the political and constitutional issues
- Australia: Government and media attack Aboriginal community after Redfern riot
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Kumaratunga tries to justify her anti-democratic actions
- Northern Ireland: Discussions aimed at rescuing Good Friday Agreement
- Letters from our readers
- Disentangling “dark and difficult” cinema
- Berlin summit: Blair, Schröder, Chirac press for accelerated “reforms”
- Conferencia pública auspiciada por el World Socialist Web Site y el Partido Socialista por la Igualdad
- Dutch parliament votes to deport asylum seekers
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- French government attacks labour laws, working conditions
- The vetting of John Kerry
- Hospitals oppose US government effort to obtain abortion patients’ records
- Pentagon institutionalises indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo Bay
- Australia: Police victimisation stepped up following Redfern riot
- Ralph Nader to run as independent in US presidential race
- Haiti: Washington gives greenlight to right-wing coup
- Attack on Fallujah police highlights lack of US control in Iraq
- Britain: Leaked report reveals plans to slash 80,000 civil service jobs
- Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling indicted
- Behind the disappearance of presidential candidate Ivan Rybkin
- Bush installs right-wing judge without Senate confirmation
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Israel boycotts International Court on West Bank barrier: Why the wall is being built
- Millions of Indian government employees to go on strike today
- California Democrats back austerity ballot measures
- Women workers face super-exploitation by global corporations
- Estados Unidos se opone a plan de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para combatir la obesidad
- Australia: Hundreds mourn the death of TJ Hickey
- Bush education secretary calls teachers union a “terrorist organization”
- Grand jury exonerates New York cop who shot 19-year-old youth
- The JVP reassures Sri Lankan business leaders
- Iran: Elections show political bankruptcy of the “reformers”
- Washington utilizes rightist terror to effect “regime change” in Haiti
- Spanish government rejects Iraqi WMD inquiry
- Top US scientists blast Bush administration
- Britain: Prison overcrowding reaches breaking point
- New Zealand: tensions erupt over “preferential” policies for Maori
- Why are the Democrats so incensed at Ralph Nader?
- Australian Labor leader proposes retrospective laws to prosecute Guantanamo Bay detainees
- Does Haiti’s “non-violent” opposition want a bloodbath in Port-au-Prince?
- The legacy of the 1960s: films by Fernando Solanas and Theo Angelopoulos
- US: Congress approves school voucher plan for nation’s capital
- Spain: Dozens of casualties after police attack striking shipbuilding workers
- US central bank chief calls for cuts in Social Security
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East & Africa
- British government abandons trial of whistleblower who said Iraq war was illegal
- Letters from our readers
- Two fires kill scores of people in China
- Australian sailors misled about anthrax vaccinations for Iraq war
- Sri Lankan prime minister passively accepts his dismissal
- Britain: Short’s allegations of spying against UN confirm criminal character of Iraq war
- Britain’s Labour Party expels rail union
- Workers Struggles: Australia, Asia and the Pacific
- Why Israel boycotted the International Court hearing on West Bank wall
- US and France target Haiti’s elected president for removal
- Latest articles
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