Archive: 03/2005
- Romania: new right-wing government slashes taxes, fuels social tensions
- Australia: Palm Island’s dark history of Aboriginal repression
- Judge orders end to indefinite detention of Jose Padilla
- More letters on the Ward Churchill question
- Despite US pressure, Russia signs nuclear fuel deal with Iran
- Australia: SEP candidate opposes closure of maternity ward in Sydney’s west
- Report documents poverty and social misery in Afghanistan
- State Department rights survey denounces as “torture” methods used by US
- Australia: Sydney suburb remains tense following four days of conflict
- Narrow majority on US Supreme Court bans juvenile death penalty
- Sri Lankan bus workers denounce union betrayal
- Sri Lankan unions scuttle islandwide bus strike
- Britain: Labour and Conservative parties compete over anti-immigrant measures
- Letters on the 77th Academy Awards ceremony
- Vermont town meetings vote against Iraq war
- Asian tsunami: the New Zealand government’s pathetic record
- Iraq suicide bombing campaign: a reactionary diversion from the political struggle against imperialism
- Britain: house arrest legislation a fundamental attack on democratic rights
- White supremacist group suspected in killing of Chicago judge’s family
- US central bank chief backs budget cuts and privatization
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Australian economic slowdown undermines Howard government
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Sri Lankan SEP holds public meeting in tsunami-affected south
- New York meeting supports US sailor who refused orders to Iraq
- A reply to a reader on “Recruit’s death highlights brutality of Marine training”
- London meeting presses Palestinian Authority for further concessions
- German unemployment highest since 1933
- Bush administration keeps silent on terrorist killings in US
- An increasingly complex portrayal of German anti-fascism
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- A marriage of political convenience in Taiwan
- Pro-independence parties topple government following Tahiti by-election
- Spain: PSOE government immigration policy aimed at tightening borders
- Federal suit charges Rumsfeld authorized detainee torture
- Two readers respond to “Arthur Miller, an American playwright”
- Jorge Medina, father of soldier killed in Iraq, speaks to the WSWS
- Afghan and Iraqi prisoners detail abuse by US torturers
- US: bonuses for CEOs soared in 2004
- Nathan Steinberger dies at 94
- Australia: Macquarie Fields—the political issues
- Sharpening tensions in Sri Lankan government over talks with LTTE
- An interview with Nathan Steinberger (1997)
- Letters from our readers
- Bush visits the CIA: reassuring America’s Murder Inc.
- Bush picks right-wing attack dog as UN ambassador
- India: further evidence Hindu-supremacist BJP culpable in Gujarat pogrom
- Turkey: union bureaucracy works to sabotage paper workers’ occupation
- The growing class divide in New Zealand’s education system
- Massive rally in Beirut rejects US intervention
- An interview with the mother and widow of a former Iraqi contractor
- German Chancellor Schröder’s business trip to the Gulf States
- US Senate clears last obstacle for bill to punish bankrupt debtors
- An appeal to students who oppose the war in Iraq
- Wealth and poverty in modern Russia
- Lockheed workers in Georgia walk out over health benefits
- Kentucky students victimized by “zero-tolerance” policies
- India-Pakistan talks hold out the promise of a Kashmiri bus service
- Washington resumes officer training for the Indonesian military
- Bush administration repudiates World Court jurisdiction in death penalty cases
- General strike in France as workers continue protests against Raffarin government
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Aesthetic choices: Aleksandr Sokurov’s The Sun
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Opposition to Iraq war hitting US military recruitment
- Report highlights costs of occupation for Israeli society
- International health experts demand inquiry into number of Iraqi war casualties
- Haiti: the forgotten milestone in Bush’s crusade for “freedom”
- Chinese president preaches the need for “a harmonious society”
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Turkey: union leadership intervenes to end paper workers’ struggle
- Britain: government to expand privately-run state schools
- Quebec: Student strikes exemplify mounting social discontent
- SEP holds second public meeting in Australian by-election
- Berlusconi government in predicament over US shooting of Italian journalist
- Letters from our readers
- An epidemic of murder-suicide in the US
- Violent eruptions in Wisconsin and Georgia: the pathology of a society in crisis
- Germany: Opel works committee signs a “Pact for the Future”
- Iraq, Macquarie Fields and Australia’s “History Wars”
- Kosovo prime minister charged with war crimes
- China’s “anti-secession law” adds to tension in North East Asia
- Britain: BBC documentary exposes abuse of asylum seekers
- To “hold the world but as the world...”
- Bush administration defends use of covert propaganda in US
- The media, the entertainment industry and Michael Jackson
- Israeli security wall to encircle East Jerusalem
- Australia strong-arms East Timor over new oil and gas plan
- Bush defends rendition of detainees to torture regimes
- Australian government appoints Murdoch hack to ABC board
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- A record number of candidates, but no policies for working people
- GM announces sharply lower profit figures
- French referendum on European constitution set for May 29
- Unite European workers and youth against militarism and social reaction
- Ebbers found guilty in WorldCom fraud: a case study of US corporate criminality
- Indonesian cleric convicted of conspiracy in Bali bombings
- The latest Bush provocation: Wolfowitz named to head World Bank
- Workers Struggle: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Germany: Foreign Ministry under fire in “visa affair”
- Socialist Alliance promotes Australian Greens as “a progressive alternative”
- Washington’s criminal war against Iraq enters its third year
- France: Chirac government, Socialist Party close ranks on European constitutional referendum
- US Congress witch-hunts players in baseball steroids scandal
- Thousands in cities across US demand an end to the Iraq war
- Bush, Congress intervene in Terri Schiavo case: political thuggery in the service of reaction
- Iraq war veterans, military families hold protest in North Carolina
- Iraq’s national assembly shows its subservience to Washington
- Northern Ireland: McCartney murder used to increase pressure on IRA to disband
- Europe: tens of thousands protest on second anniversary of Iraq war
- Canada: protests against US occupation of Iraq in 40 cities
- Brussels: workers from East and West demonstrate for a “social” Europe
- Rallies in Australia, New Zealand and Asia demand troops out of Iraq
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Britain: government issues first “control orders” imposing house arrest
- Funding cuts undermine Sri Lanka’s public hospitals
- Australia: economic slowdown threatens to push up unemployment
- The dysfunctional society: US billionaires on the rise—roads, bridges in decay
- Letters from our readers
- Australia: Werriwa by-election result no great boost for Labor
- The Schiavo case: Bush and Congress trample on science and the Constitution
- Portugal: New Socialist Party government intensifies social attacks
- Minnesota: Ten killed in deadliest school shooting since Columbine massacre
- Australian by-election: a microcosm of political alienation and hostility
- Indian budget: a balancing act that cannot long be sustained
- Democrats complicit with Christian right, Republicans in Schiavo case
- American war resister in Canada speaks with WSWS: “The wealthy oil people are making money off of this”
- Ukrainian President Yushchenko presses for closer ties with European Union
- Former Clinton aide and Kerry adviser hails choice of Wolfowitz for World Bank
- Israel to build thousands more settler homes in West Bank
- A sign of desperation: Beijing ousts Hong Kong’s chief executive
- Letters from our readers
- Top insurance company mired in allegations of accounting fraud
- Germany: Interior Minister Schily bans Turkish newspaper
- Deadly explosion at Texas oil refinery part of a broader pattern
- “Culture of life” or culture of lies: an exchange with WSWS readers on the Terri Schiavo case
- Letters from WSWS readers on the Schiavo case
- US-EU deal on Iran: a step towards confrontation, not a negotiated settlement
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- US money and personnel behind Kyrgyzstan’s “Tulip Revolution”
- Right-wing propaganda and scientific fact in the case of Terri Schiavo
- CR letter to the WSWS
- Kyrgyz president forced to flee as opposition seizes power
- Italy: Rifondazione joins with Prodi
- New details of Australian involvement in the torture of Mamdouh Habib
- Letters from our readers
- American media silent over mass protest in Bahrain
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- North Carolina man arrested for soliciting Michael Schiavo’s murder
- Further letters on Terri Schiavo
- China: Shenzhen protest highlights frustration among unemployed graduates
- New cases of bird flu underscore dangers of a global pandemic
- American media silent over mass protest in Bahrain
- New documents confirm widespread US abuse of Iraqi prisoners, implicate top general
- Government crisis in Poland—prime minister to resign
- Philippine police crush jail rebellion
- The Terri Schiavo case and the crisis of politics and culture in the US
- US increases pressure on Lebanon amid growing instability
- Indonesia hit by another devastating earthquake
- Letters on “Right-wing propaganda and scientific fact in the case of Terri Schiavo”
- US Secretary of State presses India and Pakistan to abandon Iranian gas pipeline
- “Reality television” and the American reality that produces it
- New malaria study reveals huge underestimation of disease
- Jesse Jackson at the Schiavo hospice: Democrats makes common cause with Christian right
- Iraqi puppet parliament adjourns in disarray
- Germany: parliament curbs freedom of speech and assembly
- More letters on the Terri Schiavo case
- Crisis of labor bureaucracy dominates US union summit
- Latest articles
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