Archive: 12/2006
- German Left Party leaders pay tribute to deceased spy boss Markus Wolf
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- From a reader: an incident in Toronto
- Washington meeting gives green light for Sri Lankan military offensive
- Australia: Police report reveals real instigators of Cronulla race riots
- Northern Ireland: The arrest of Kevin Fulton and the Omagh bombing
- NATO summit in Riga: Sharp conflicts over Afghanistan
- Spain: Amnesty International details abuse of migrants
- Bush-Maliki summit: White House rejects any withdrawal from Iraq
- Workers speak out against Australian industrial relations laws
- Australia: national protests against Howard government’s industrial laws
- Canada’s Liberal leadership contest—a race to the right
- Volkswagen strike in Brussels enters third week
- Australia: Police report reveals real instigators of Cronulla race riots
- Britain’s prison population reaches record high
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Britain: Calls for Herceptin breast cancer drug and healthcare rationing
- Faux Fur
- Nearly half of US Ford workers accept buyouts: A vote of no confidence in the United Auto Workers union
- Australian Labor Party’s latest leadership crisis comes to a head
- Sri Lankan government brings down a war budget
- Spain: Socialist Party government betrays victims of Franco’s dictatorship
- Congress held in Madrid on 70th anniversary of Spanish Civil War
- US seeks Shiite collaboration in attack on Moqtada al-Sadr
- Bush, Democrats disenfranchise antiwar voters
- Fijian political crisis intensifies amid continuing threats of a coup
- A socialist perspective for striking Sri Lankan plantation workers
- Secret US database on international travelers exposed
- Congreso sobre el septuagésimo aniversario de la Guerra Civil Española se celebra en Madrid
- Scorsese’s The Departed: Stop and think
- Australian Labor Party’s “fresh face” masks a pro-war, corporate agenda
- Video reveals US torture of “enemy combatant” José Padilla
- Why the Canadian Liberals elected Stéphane Dion as new leader
- Beijing prepares the army to repress domestic unrest
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- 20,000 march against closure of Volkswagen factory in Brussels
- Pay for US university presidents soars
- Opposition parties fail to oust Taiwanese president
- Death toll continues to rise as Iraq war grinds on
- Senate committee votes unanimously to confirm Bush nominee for Pentagon chief
- Fijian government ousted in military coup
- Letters from our readers
- Britain is video surveillance capital of the world
- Illinois Democratic Party allows January 1 power rate increase
- Vietnam signs up to World Trade Organisation
- Ukraine’s president writes in the Washington Post
- The Queen: Mr. Blair comes to the rescue
- Massive US prison population continues to grow
- Hundreds killed as Typhoon Durian lashes the Philippines and Vietnam
- Sharp reversal for Social Democrats in Dutch elections
- Iraq Study Group report highlights crisis of US imperialism in Iraq and at home
- Rafael Correa declared new president of Ecuador
- Sri Lanka: “Heroes Day” speech a symptom of the LTTE’s political bankruptcy
- Canada: Parti Québécois seeks to rally business support
- Inquiry finds Australian soldier’s death in Iraq an “accident”
- Report documents extreme levels of global wealth inequality
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East and Africa
- Fijian military regime moves to suppress any opposition
- Casino Royale: the new James Bond film
- Bush rejects Iraq Study Group report
- Britain: Asylum seekers protest treatment at detention centres
- Sri Lankan president reimposes anti-terror laws in preparation for intensified war
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US jobs report: More factory and construction jobs lost
- Iraq Study Group: a bipartisan coverup of Washington’s war crimes
- German Green Party congress: “Peace” from the barrel of a gun
- Footy Legends: Australian suburban comedy recycles old myths
- Australian Wheat Board inquiry: a threadbare whitewash
- Former detainees argue right to sue Rumsfeld over torture
- Pinochet, Chile’s former US-backed dictator, dead at 91
- Nepali Maoists to lay down arms and enter the government
- Introductory remarks by World Socialist Web Site correspondent at Madrid congress on Spanish Civil War
- Letters from our readers
- Blair’s Washington summit: What next for Britain in Iraq?
- Australia: Ajax workers facing loss of jobs and entitlements
- Bush y los Demócratas rechazan el voto contra la guerra en las últimas elecciones
- Pianist Jay McShann, last of Kansas City’s jazz giants, dies at 90
- Further letters to Sri Lankan authorities demand full investigation of SEP supporter’s murder
- Jeane Kirkpatrick: from “social democrat” to champion of death squads
- Italian right wing mobilizes against Prodi government
- US income figures show staggering rise in social inequality
- Australian rallies demand release of David Hicks from Guantánamo Bay
- Democrats vow to continue funding Iraq war
- From the archives of Marxism: lessons of the 1973 coup in Chile
- Britain: Blair stirs up Islamophobia
- West Bengal’s Left Front regime suppresses protests against land seizures
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- The role played by German VW works councils in the attack on Belgian workers’ jobs
- Mourning for Pinochet: US establishment shows its affinity for fascism
- Japanese prime minister faces sharp fall in opinion polls
- Opposition in Baghdad among Kurdish, Shiite parties to Iraq Study Group
- Britain: an acute social divide in housing
- Half a million Sri Lankan plantation workers continue strike for higher pay
- Striking plantation workers speak to the WSWS
- US immigration agents arrest 1,282 in raids at six meatpacking plants
- Israel and the US threaten Iran and Syria
- Bush administration conspires to replace Iraqi government
- Millions to join one-day, all-India general strike
- New York State commission demands hospital closings
- Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto: a painful experience
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- US Supreme Court sloughs off right to fair trial in a murder case
- Letter from a correspondent in Poland
- New Zealand opposition leader quits
- German top banker and Mannesmann executives buy themselves free
- Obituary: Naguib Mahfouz, novelist of Egypt and humanity
- Kucinich runs again for Democratic presidential nomination
- Bush administration preparing to boost US troop strength in Iraq
- Australian lawyers launch court bid to secure David Hicks’s release from Guantánamo
- Sri Lankan military launches new offensive in country’s east
- Pakistan drops terrorism charges against key suspect in Heathrow bomb plot
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Israeli high court sanctions political assassinations
- Washington pushes ahead with plans for Iraq “regime change”
- European disillusionment over the Baker-Hamilton report
- Letters from our readers
- Blair questioned in cash for peerages probe
- Filmmakers turn their attention to Africa—with limited results
- Grupo de Estudio sobre Irak destaca la crisis del imperialismo norteamericano en Irak y el propio Estados Unidos
- The German chancellor and the Baker-Hamilton report
- Oregon lawyer wins lawsuit over false arrest for Madrid bombings
- Executions on hold in two US states
- Bush administration elaborates plans for bloodbath in Iraq
- Abbas attempts a political coup on behalf of Washington
- Britain: Still no compensation one year after Buncefield explosion
- Evidence surfaces that Indonesian military executed “Balibo Five” Australian newsmen in 1975
- Babel: Humanity is not the prisoner of fate
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Wall Street awards itself billions in Christmas bonuses
- Strike by Sri Lankan plantation workers at the crossroads
- Australia: No charges against police for killing Aboriginal prisoner
- Former Solomon Islands attorney-general acquitted of politically-driven charges
- Millions of Indian workers strike against Congress-led government’s economic policies
- US general issues warning: politics must not interfere with 100-year “war on terror”
- Letters on art and culture
- Thousands march in New York to protest police killing
- UK troops rampage through Kandahar
- Sellout at Brussels Volkswagen plant
- Deep divisions dominate European Union summit
- Canada: The Arar Affair and the RCMP Commissioner’s resignation—the cover-up continues
- Pentagon report paints grim picture for US in Iraq
- Australia: High Court clears way for expansion of federal power
- Darfur: Bush and Blair plan no-fly zone and consider air strikes against Sudan
- US-China “strategic economic dialogue” underscores sharpening trade tensions
- Blair’s Middle East tour: “Jaw, Jaw” in furtherance of “War, War”
- Argentina: landowners withhold meat supplies from country’s population
- Sri Lankan unions betray plantation workers strike
- Australia: one year after the Cronulla riots, racialist provocations continue
- Britain’s establishment mourns Chilean dictator Pinochet
- Judge in Padilla case orders mental evaluation
- Britain: High Court rejects Jean Charles de Menezes family appeal
- US: Hundreds sickened by contaminated food
- Chronic drought conditions create hardship in Australian rural areas
- US breast cancer decrease tied to drop in hormone replacement therapy use
- Bush sets stage for major escalation in Iraq
- The Robert Kennedy phenomenon goes unexplored in Bobby
- Report exposes European complicity in CIA torture flights
- Former Australian military chiefs challenge government over Iraq war
- The International Socialist Organization: A profile of middle class radicalism
- Power struggle in Saudi Arabia: a sign of regional instability
- Notice to our readers
- Fijian crisis drags on as military delays formation of interim administration
- Goldman Sachs boss gets $53.4 million bonus
- Berlin Senate adopts new austerity measures
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Iran’s Holocaust conference and the dead end of bourgeois nationalism
- US Marines charged in Haditha massacre of Iraqi civilians
- German Social Democratic Party chairman badmouths the unemployed
- Sri Lankan plantation workers angry at unions and government
- Letters from our readers
- Britain: Conservative Party feigns concern for the poor—the better to oppose welfare state benefits
- Britain: Poorer student numbers fall as tuition fees are hiked up
- A legal farce: Iraqi court confirms Saddam Hussein’s death sentence
- German government considers deploying air force in Afghanistan
- Rollback of post-Enron corporate regulations in US
- Nanni Moretti’s The Caiman: in the end, a chilling exposure of Berlusconi
- Bloc Québécois’ support for Canada’s Afghan war exposed
- New Year holiday publication schedule
- Another deadly pipeline explosion in Nigeria
- US-backed UN resolution heightens tensions with Iran
- Two years after the Asian tsunami: thousands still suffering in India
- Financial Times cautions the “plutocrats”
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- China admits to organ trade from executed prisoners
- Workplace deaths soar in Canada
- Belgian TV hoax exposes political tensions
- Blair government cancels British Aerospace-Saudi arms inquiry
- Australian court orders re-trial on terrorist charges
- Sri Lankan tsunami victims speak out
- Two years after the Asian tsunami: Sri Lankan survivors face civil war and squalor
- Ethiopian troops occupy Mogadishu
- The execution of Saddam Hussein
- Maryland Reservist killed by police after refusing deployment to Iraq
- Germany: Left Party-PDS and Election Alternative agree on a common reformist program
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- More US troops to Kuwait, as Bush moves to escalate the war in Iraq
- Government report concedes India’s Muslims are a socially deprived, victimised minority
- David Walsh picks his favorite films of 2006
- Blair government cancels British Aerospace-Saudi arms inquiry
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