Archive: 04/2007
- No British soldiers found guilty in murder of Iraqi worker
- Poverty rises in Britain as money poured into Iraq war
- International Students for Social Equality/Socialist Equality Party conference adopts socialist internationalist perspective to oppose war
- Indigènes: The French army’s exploited North African soldiers
- Wide popular interest, deep political tensions dominate French presidential election
- Shoddy structures led to workers’ deaths during West Australian cyclone
- Workers struggles: The Americas
- A damning report on attacks against free speech in Turkey
- Australia: Union’s refusal to defend jobs leaves Tristar workers in limbo
- Sri Lankan government jails former minister on trumped up charges
- 2008 election campaign: Hillary Clinton claims lead in the “money primary”
- Letters from our readers
- Bush skips baseball’s opening day
- SEP candidate discusses lessons of Burberry factory closure with workers
- Democratic cave-in on White House testimony in US attorney firings
- US Supreme Court refuses to hear Guantánamo appeals
- End the occupation of Iraq! No to war against Iran! For an international socialist movement against war!
- Australian immigration detainees launch hunger strike
- Whom is John McCain trying to fool?
- US demands bring Iraqi government to brink of collapse
- Standoff over detained British sailors occasions US threats against Iran
- Behind Washington “showdown” on Iraq: Democrats to fully fund the war
- Sri Lankan authorities continue to stall over disappearance of SEP member
- Solomon Islands: tsunami causes humanitarian disaster
- Germany: Arbeiterpresse Verlag presents its 2007 publishing programme at the Leipzig Book Fair
- Iran’s release of sailors: A humiliating episode for Britain
- Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl”: Fifty years later and in its own time
- Record US presidential fund-raising: The best elections money can buy
- Socialist Equality Party of Britain on the ballot for May 3 elections
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Resolution adopted by the ISSE/SEP Emergency Conference Against War on the disappearance of SEP member in Sri Lanka
- North Korea nuclear talks break down over funds transfer
- David North to refute falsifications of Trotsky’s life at lectures in Scotland and Wales
- Iran charges Washington with sponsoring terrorist attacks
- Exchange of letters with Iraq Body Count on Johns Hopkins study estimating 650,000 Iraqi war dead
- France: Police attack defenders of immigrant school children
- Canberra prepares rapprochement with Fijian military junta
- The Namesake: for the most part, a failure to “concentrate on the things that matter”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- The political foundation for a movement against war
- As US, British death toll rises: Pentagon orders 14,000 National Guard troops to Iraq
- British marine admitted that captured patrol was spying on Iran
- Amnesty International report: conditions for Guantánamo prisoners worsening
- New Ford CEO received $39.1 million in 2006
- Egypt: New constitution makes martial law permanent
- US government admits backing Zimbabwe’s opposition
- SEP election campaign: Welsh Labour denounces antiwar opposition
- East Timor: Presidential election campaign held under ongoing Australian occupation
- Germany: Left Party and Election Alternative seal their merger
- Contributions to ISSE/SEP conference: David North and Patrick Martin
- More calls for attorney general to resign over firings of US attorneys
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Sri Lankan authorities provide no answers over disappearance of SEP member
- Bush administration backs Canberra’s campaign against Solomon Islands’ government
- Tommy Sheridan’s big hint that he will back the Scottish National Party
- Freed British sailors allege torture by Iran: Why do the media ask no questions?
- Senate Democrats pledge funding to continue Iraq war
- Contributions to the ISSE/SEP conference: David Walsh and Joanne Laurier
- Hundreds of thousands march in Iraq to demand end of US occupation
- India: Five years after 2002 Gujarat pogrom
- Climate change report outlines dire impact of global warming
- US: High school play about Iraq war cancelled
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- An exchange on the Spanish Civil War: Socialism or a bourgeois republic?
- Deported refugee commits suicide in Romania
- US: Investigation exposes extensive corruption in student loan dealings
- Contributions to the ISSE/SEP conference: Jerome White and Helen Halyard
- After mass protest in Iraq: US forces press attack on Sadrist movement
- Iranian diplomat accuses US of detention and torture
- Hunger strike expanding despite repression at Guantánamo prison camp
- Brazil: Workers occupy factory where Lula once worked
- Police killing of teacher provokes national strike in Argentina
- Scottish Socialist Party election manifesto—a nationalist diatribe
- Sri Lankan SEP holds meeting to demand inquiry into member’s disappearance
- Italy: Hostile reception in Rome for a leader of Communist Refoundation
- Contributions to the ISSE/SEP conference: Bill Van Auken and Barry Grey
- French presidential elections: Four in ten voters undecided
- Letters from our readers
- US steps up trade pressure on China
- Britain: Anger at sailors selling stories forces government U-turn
- US raid on mosque leads to massacre in Baghdad
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Uncertain East Timorese presidential election outcome foreshadows further instability
- Scottish National Party—still Tartan Tories beneath the left veneer
- US judge rejects demand to dismiss Padilla case on grounds of torture
- John McCain at VMI: A blunt statement of US imperialism’s stake in Iraq
- French police arrest dozens of Sri Lankan Tamils
- Abe’s denial of Japan’s wartime sex slavery provokes tensions
- ISSE/SEP Conference: Report on the work of the International Students for Social Equality
- Pentagon extends tours for US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
- US talk show host Don Imus taken off the air
- Banking giant Citigroup to cut 17,000 jobs
- SEP candidate in Wales demands the return of missing Tamil socialist
- Scotland: Debate on independence sidelines Iraq war
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Contributions to the ISSE/SEP Conference on student work
- Civilian compensation claims: a glimpse into US crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan
- The issues of principle in the case of David Hicks
- German media, politicians launch chauvinist campaign over a “Muslim takeover” of Germany
- A number of new films: Offside; The Prisoner or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair; Bamako; Daratt (Dry Season); The Lives of Others
- Democratic presidential hopeful moves into 28,200 square foot mansion
- Detroit Chrysler worker speaks out on impact of mass layoffs
- As fatalities mount, Canada’s Conservative government moves to extend Afghan intervention
- Scandal, political tensions spur demands for Wolfowitz’s ouster at World Bank
- Political tensions increase as Turkish presidential elections approach
- Abduction of journalist exposes police-state tactics in Sri Lanka
- War crimes investigation after Ethiopia shells civilians in Somali capital
- Pakistan: Will Bhutto’s PPP come to Musharraf’s rescue?
- Report to the ISSE/SEP Conference: On the political situation in Europe
- Atheism in the service of political reaction: A comment on author Sam Harris
- Bush administration seeking to expand spying powers
- Fiji: Public sector workers vote to strike despite military regime’s threats
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- More than 30 dead at Virginia Tech
- Ukrainian political crisis deepens after Yushchenko dissolves parliament
- Two American universities clamp down on student anti-sweatshop protests
- What are Britain’s special-forces doing in northern Iraq?
- Trial of “enemy combatant” Jose Padilla begins
- Report to the ISSE/SEP Conference: On internationalism and the political situation in Australia
- Iraqi parliament bombing: a sign of deepening crisis
- Will White House sacrifice Gonzales to save Rove?
- Military and money dominate opening of US 2008 presidential campaign
- Eight killed as oil rig support vessel capsizes off coast of Scotland
- Letters from our readers
- Military-backed regime in Bangladesh postpones elections for 18 months
- Labour plans to gut National Health Service in Wales
- The Virginia Tech massacre—social roots of another American tragedy
- Under pressure from below, Sadrist ministers withdraw from Iraqi cabinet
- Poland’s new “lustration” law—a profound attack on democratic rights
- Court appeal scheduled for US political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal
- ICFI holds Paris memorial meeting for Raveenthiranathan Senthil Ravee
- Reports to the ISSE/SEP Conference: Canada and Italy
- Israel: One third of Holocaust survivors live in poverty
- Germany: Green Party attacks peace marches
- Further lurch to the right in French election campaign
- India’s Hindu-chauvinist BJP attempts to incite communal riots ahead of pivotal state election
- Australia: bipartisan support for media instigator of Cronulla race riot
- Balance sheet of the German trade unions
- Solidarity and the Scottish Socialist Party: Programmes for a capitalist Scotland
- Oil company CEO nets $460 million in 2006
- Extreme right candidate Le Pen profits from the bankruptcy of the “left”
- Report to the ISSE conference: on the political situation in Sri Lanka and the disappearance of SEP member Nadarajah Wimaleswaran
- The plunder of Iraqi antiquities continues
- US continues detention of five Iranian officials in Iraq
- Bush, Democrats meet on war funding as violence soars in Iraq
- Australia dispatches more troops for phoney “war on terror” in Afghanistan
- US Supreme Court rules in favor of abortion restrictions
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- East Timor: Hunt for “rebel” military leader called off
- The Scotsman newspaper misrepresents SEP campaign
- Posada Carriles: terrorist who killed 73 in plane bombing walks free
- The dismal world of Lutte Ouvrière and Arlette Laguiller
- Greetings to the ISSE/SEP Conference: Britain
- Letters on the tragedy at Virginia Tech
- The malignant resentments that erupted into mass murder in Virginia
- Anger erupts in Iraq over Baghdad bombings
- Tom Stoppard’s The Coast of Utopia
- Britain: Stop the War Coalition’s humble appeal to Labour’s “new Prime Minister”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US steps up pressure on Iran’s nuclear programs
- Gonzalez before the Senate Judiciary Committee: The Bush clique on life support
- Leading Democrats posture on abortion ruling
- West Bengal’s Stalinist chief minister invited to Washington
- Bayrou poses as alternative to Sarkozy
- Australian governments covered up 1975 execution of “Balibo Five” newsmen
- US media hides behind the Virginia Tech tragedy
- International conference highlights plight of Iraqi refugees
- Wen’s visit fails to end Sino-Japanese tensions
- Sarkozy and Royal to compete in second round
- Study details US junk food industry’s targeting of youth through TV ads
- Britain: Socialist Equality Party distributes election statement
- Canada’s Green leader backs the Liberals
- Berlin district office cancels meeting room for PSG meeting on May 1
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Welsh voters denounce main parties
- Torture exposed in new US-Iraqi “security stations”
- Australian government argues for mass detention power in “war on terror”
- Sri Lankan defence secretary menaces newspaper editor
- Huge sewage pollution in Scotland linked to Thames Water’s cost-cutting
- Call for Nigerian presidential election to be annulled after massive corruption
- Haditha massacre report: US commanders see killing Iraqi civilians as “cost of doing business”
- After strong growth, world economy at a “turning point”
- More letters on the tragedy at Virginia Tech
- Climate change seen as “security threat” by UN Security Council, US military experts
- Austria: 100 days of the grand coalition government
- India’s elite touts Tata’s Corus Steel takeover as proof India a “global player”
- The Situation: a drama of the Iraq war
- Final votes counted in New South Wales election campaign
- Who missed the deadline on the North Korean nuclear deal?
- Scottish Greens vie for coalition with a pledge to abandon protest politics
- Washington’s Iraq funding “confrontation:” a dispute over tactics for continuing the war
- Iraq: Nine US troops dead, 20 wounded in Baqubah
- Iraqis oppose US plan to divide Baghdad into ghettos
- Toyota surpasses GM in global auto sales
- Pat Tillman’s brother denounces the US military’s “deliberate and calculated lies”
- Sri Lankan SEP to hold May Day meeting in Colombo
- Regional powers provide a pittance in aid to tsunami victims in Solomon Islands
- The bitter legacy of Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007)
- PSG takes legal action against Berlin district office over meeting ban
- British Lancet medical journal calls for defeat of Australian government
- UN warns of growing humanitarian crisis in occupied Iraq
- Britain: Labour whips up anti-immigrant prejudice
- After first round of French election: the contest for the “centre”
- Letters from our readers
- Obituary: Kurt Vonnegut, satirist and pessimist
- Sri Lanka: LTTE mounts second air attack as government forces intensify offensive
- Senate passes Iraq war spending bill, paving way to Bush veto
- US, Japan and India flex naval muscle in the Pacific
- Top hedge-fund managers average $540 million in income
- US moves to limit lawyers’ access to Guantánamo inmates
- Workers Struggles: Europe
- Berlin district council meeting upholds ban on PSG meeting
- Reports confirm Canada’s complicity in Afghan state torture
- SEP writes to Sri Lankan defence secretary demanding answers on disappearance of party member
- Australian Labor leader’s US trip: a nod from Murdoch and the Washington establishment
- Royal moves into the camp of Bayrou
- Millionaire landowner to save the National Health Service?
- Massacre in Mogadishu—war crime made in the USA
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US economic growth slows as housing bubble deflates
- US: FDA knew of food contamination for years
- Democratic presidential candidates debate where to wage war next
- Andrew Young, bagman for US capitalism in Africa
- David North refutes falsifications of Trotsky’s life at lectures in Scotland and Wales
- Sri Lanka: military intelligence involved in “terrorist conspiracy”
- SEP candidate speaks at election meeting on Scottish island of Arran
- PSG May 1 meeting to be held in Schöneberg city hall
- International resistance grows to auto industry downsizing
- David North refutes falsifications of Trotsky’s life at lectures in Scotland and Wales
- US analyst derides ineffective US-created Iraqi military
- Latest articles
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