Archive: 07/2007
- Britain’s terror alert raised to critical
- Sri Lankan defence secretary defends the military’s crimes
- US military massacre in Baghdad’s Sadr City
- Report documents over one million “severely poor” children in UK
- Antiwar protesters fined for entering US-Australian spy base
- An exchange of letters on school integration and affirmative action
- US: Local and federal agencies threaten to shut down Los Angeles hospital
- US Supreme Court in surprise order sets hearing for Guantánamo prisoners
- Britain: Brown forms government including Liberals, ex-Conservatives, business, military and police figures
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Western Australian mine workers protest unsafe conditions
- Sri Lankan government blocks Tamil website
- Mizoguchi’s Sansho The Bailiff released on DVD
- Putin, Bush talks fail to dispel mounting tensions
- Bush commutes prison sentence of convicted perjurer and Iraq war conspirator I. Lewis Libby
- New US accusations against Iran
- Iraq: European think-tank documents occupation failure in Basra
- US airstrike leaves over 100 dead in Afghanistan
- Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission hearing into disappearance of SEP member
- Uneven responses to real human problems
- Prague: thousands protest against cuts in social programs
- Philippines election result indicates deep hostility to Arroyo government
- Global survey finds growing opposition to US foreign policy
- The freeing of Lewis Libby: Government criminality and the class nature of American “justice”
- The July 4th holiday and the state of US democracy
- The “Canadian Ministers” of Hamid Karzai’s Afghan government
- Under sustained US pressure, Iraqi cabinet sends oil law to parliament
- Australia: Scepticism mounts towards Howard’s Aboriginal intervention
- New Zealand woman dies after power company cuts off electricity supply
- UN shuts down Iraq inspection program
- The assault on Rio’s favelas and the growth of state repression in Brazil
- Record big business donations flow into 2008 US presidential campaign coffers
- Britain: Brown seeks support for further attack on civil liberties
- France: Socialist Party feminist joins Sarkozy’s cabinet
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Britain: Brown’s constitutional reform—a smokescreen for right-wing measures
- Record flooding forces thousands to evacuate in central US
- Threat of Australian intervention hangs over Papua New Guinea election
- Australian defence minister admits oil a key factor behind Iraq occupation
- The German rail strike and the lessons of the Telekom betrayal: Build a mass movement against the grand coalition government!
- Six more Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan
- A Fourth of July lesson: Bush hails US war to crush Iraqi independence
- France: Sarkozy prepares strikebreaking law for public transport
- Sri Lankan war provokes deep unease in Indian political establishment
- US troops charged with murders, cover-ups in Iraq
- Michael Moore’s Sicko: very limited conceptions, very limited results
- Man convicted for Lockerbie bombing wins right to appeal
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Congressional Republicans, Democrats prepare fallback Iraq war strategy
- Australian Labor leaders shift closer to Howard’s IR laws
- The Galileo Project: European plans for global navigation supremacy
- US appeals court rejects lawsuit against warrentless domestic spying
- Letters from our readers
- CIA uses Sudanese intelligence in Iraq
- Sri Lanka: Military offensive used to clear eastern Special Economic Zone
- Pakistan’s dictator threatens massacre at Islamabad mosque
- The New York Times and the crisis of American imperialism in Iraq
- East Timor: Despite winning election, Fretilin likely to be ousted
- US unions agree to impose cuts, run benefits program at auto-supplier Dana
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Spain: ETA ceasefire collapses as Zapatero government seeks unity with Popular Party
- US Social Forum in Atlanta: Identity politics and appeals to the Democrats
- “New Crowned Hope” films from Asia: Strengths and weaknesses
- Poland: Health workers in confrontation with Kaczynski government
- New Zealand widens sanctions on Fiji following high commissioner’s expulsion
- Prisons as the new mental asylums: the example of Michigan
- Polish healthcare workers discuss their strike
- Democrats unveil new plan to “shift mission” in Iraq
- Reports indicate over 150 civilians killed in Afghanistan during past week
- Turkish army intervenes ever more openly in political life
- Two summer movies: Live Free or Die Hard and Evan Almighty
- Some documentaries from China, Israel and Australia
- German minister calls for internment and assassination of terror suspects
- Pennsylvania state workers return to work after one-day furlough
- Mosque massacre: Washington’s “war on terror” shakes Pakistan
- Solomons Islands’ government defies Canberra, reappointing Julian Moti as attorney-general
- Letters from our readers
- A not-so-quiet American: New York Times reporter writes on Central Asia
- World Wealth Report: a census of the global oligarchy
- Britain’s terror plot: What drove a doctor to become a suicide bomber?
- Sri Lankan military intensifies offensive in the East
- 12:08 East of Bucharest and Beauty in Trouble: mixed results from Eastern Europe
- German rail dispute: two unions act as strike-breakers
- British postal workers face political struggle against Brown’s Labour government
- Democrats, White House agree: Iraq war will rage on regardless of Senate debate
- US Homeland Security official has “gut feeling” on terrorist attacks
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- France: Sarkozy names Socialist Party’s Strauss-Kahn to head IMF
- Young Sri Lankan maid faces execution in Saudi Arabia
- Britain: “Celtic coalition” demands London slash tax on big business
- Musharraf lauds Lal Masjid massacre
- “From the streets to the suites”: NAACP holds annual convention in Detroit
- “Green” capitalism: German Greens adopt new economic programme
- White House invokes broad executive privilege claims to block congressional testimony
- Bush rejects any US military pullback in Iraq
- Australia: Protests against Howard’s takeover of Aboriginal communities
- Amnesty International report on Turkey: failure to punish perpetrators of torture
- Australia: British terrorist attacks used to detain doctor without trial
- Supreme Court term marks shift to the right
- South Africa: COSATU calls off public service strike
- An exchange on Michael Moore’s Sicko
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Fighting rages across Iraq as Bush claims military “progress”
- US Senate unanimously passes threatening measure against Iran
- New French law treats juvenile offenders as adults
- Further suicides in French workplaces
- New Zealand threatens to cut aid to the Solomon Islands
- Japan’s defence minister resigns over remarks on US dropping of atomic bombs
- Sheffield: Residents tell of losses caused by flooding
- The human cost of the June floods in Britain
- Bush’s assertion of executive power: The logic of presidential-military dictatorship
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Wales: Nationalist party in government for the first time
- Georgia parole board issues 90-day stay of execution for death row inmate
- A letter on academic ethics in response to David North’s “Leon Trotsky and the post-Soviet school of historical falsification”
- Former surgeon general describes Bush administration’s interference on science and health issues
- The Big Sellout—a documentary film by Florian Opitz
- An unpalatable truth for Bush: most foreign insurgents in Iraq are Saudis
- Australian government unilaterally detains doctor after court agrees to bail
- A letter on a forum with Norman Mailer and Günter Grass in New York
- Hessian culture minister calls for creationism to be discussed in German schools
- US forces kill Iraqi civilians every day
- Tensions between NATO and Russia escalate
- US: Public television airs discussion on presidential impeachment
- Australian police officer acquitted of manslaughter of Palm Island Aborigine
- Bush prepares new Iraq escalation as congressional Democrats blather on
- An insight into the White House debate over military action against Iran
- US: More immigrant deaths in desert border crossings
- Letters from our readers
- House passes meager “College Cost Reduction Act”
- Reports show impact of climate change in Africa
- Aboriginal people condemn police-military intervention in Northern Territory
- Diplomatic tensions worsen after Britain expels Russian diplomats
- The way forward in the Polish doctors and nurses strike
- A new pretext for American militarism and domestic repression
- New Zealand: asylum seeker faces secret “security risk” hearing
- Iraq: Carnage in Kirkuk amid conflicts over city’s future
- US: Testimony in Drummond Coal lawsuit on murders of Colombian union leaders
- Report predicts environmental disaster for US Northeast
- Harper commits billions to build Canada an Arctic navy
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- The political issues posed by the German train drivers’ struggle
- War economy weighs heavily on Sri Lankan workers
- Democrats halt Senate debate on Iraq war
- Peru’s President Garcia faces nationwide protests
- Sarkozy government plans to extend strikebreaking law to entire public sector
- Australian government’s “terrorist” case against Dr Haneef unravels
- New York City: steam pipe blast kills 1, injures dozens
- China executes former food and drug administration chief
- The London bombing trial: How much did the security services know?
- Social tensions at the forefront in run-up to Turkish parliamentary elections
- Judge dismisses Plame/Wilson suit against Bush administration officials
- In a stunning rebuke to Musharraf, Supreme Court orders chief justice reinstated
- Bush administration threatens military intervention in Pakistan
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Bush plans veto on child health bill
- Lawsuits expose conditions in US “guest worker” program
- FEMA covered up toxic danger in trailers given to Katrina victims
- White House asserts sweeping power to defy the law
- British government and BAe Systems revealed as money launderer for Saudi Arabia
- Australian Fair Pay Commission hands down pittance for low-paid workers
- United Auto Workers opens talks with US car companies
- Bush sanctions CIA torture program
- Sri Lankan government celebrates “victory” after army seizes the East
- US generals call for extension of Iraq war
- Jack Lang and the continuing disintegration of the French Socialist Party
- US and Russia at loggerheads over Kosovo independence
- Ford Australia announces axing of Geelong engine plant
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Britain: Iraq Commission rules out setting date for troop withdrawal
- Royal Dutch Shell and the struggle for Iraqi oil
- “I’m interested in a documentary and fiction hybrid”: filmmaker Kriv Stenders speaks with WSWS
- Australian reflections: Boxing Day, The Home Song Stories and Lucky Miles
- Letters from our readers
- Democrats’ “censure” plan—another cynical diversion of fight against war and reaction
- US pressure on Iraqi parliamentary factions to enact “benchmarks”
- Bush orders freeze on assets of those threatening Iraq “stabilization efforts”
- Washington, EU welcome AKP victory in Turkish elections
- Sri Lankan police charge farmers over anti-government protest
- A further exchange: Sicko and American politics and cinema
- Iraq war opponent Cindy Sheehan arrested at Democratic Congressman’s office
- Australian government launches unprecedented attacks on lawyers as Haneef case falls apart
- Democrats conceal pro-war policy in South Carolina debate
- Britain: No one to be prosecuted over “cash for honours” allegations
- Bush delivers rant on Iraq to military audience as poll numbers plummet
- Daniel Pearl’s tragic death in A Mighty Heart
- The US adopts belligerent posture in Baghdad talks with Iran
- Indonesian prosecutors launch limited civil action against Suharto
- Britain: Antiwar MP George Galloway suspended from parliament
- Charges dropped against New Orleans doctor in Katrina hospital deaths
- US Congressional committee approves contempt citations against White House aides
- 200 dead in Brazil air disaster: Lula government shows gross indifference
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Mortgage lending crisis sparks Wall Street plunge
- The motives behind the Bush administration’s latest terror scare
- Sri Lanka: Police stall in Human Rights Commission inquiry into disappearance of SEP member
- Thousands held in horrific conditions in Iraqi prisons
- Poland: Kaczynski brothers provoke government crisis
- The political meaning of the conflict between Cindy Sheehan and the Democratic Party
- Bush’s international peace conference: A conspiracy against the Palestinian people
- US commission on wounded soldiers: stopgap measures for a veterans healthcare system in “meltdown”
- Democrat Barack Obama spells out his foreign policy: “I will not hesitate to use force”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Hundreds die in eastern Europe heat wave
- Haneef “terrorism” charges dropped: a debacle for the Australian government
- Standoff between White House and Congress over US attorney purge, domestic spying intensifies
- The summer floods in Britain: Outmoded and decayed social infrastructure exposed
- Sustaining a humanist approach in the twentieth century: George Tabori (1914-2007)
- International conference offers no solution to Iraqi refugee crisis
- Vast data mining programs behind 2004 dispute within Bush administration over domestic spying
- Sarkozy angers European Union over Libya’s release of Bulgarian medics
- Fiji’s nurses strike in defiance of military junta
- United States warns Spain over Cuba policy
- Letters from our readers
- On Cindy Sheehan and impeachment: a reply to a Stalinist critic
- British students jailed for possessing “extremist” literature
- Iraqi team wins Asian Cup, captain condemns US occupation
- Peru explode em greves por todo o país e governo de Alan García aproxima-se rapidamente do Bonapartismo
- Somare set to win PNG election despite Canberra’s smear campaign
- Talks over North Korea’s nuclear programs fail to make any progress
- Global credit crisis fuels stock market turmoil
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Racist frame-up in Louisiana: the case of the Jena Six
- Oxfam reports one-third of Iraqis in need of emergency aid
- German army and air force deployed against G8 summit demonstrators
- Jury finds Drummond Coal not liable in murder of Colombian unionists
- Southern California grocery workers ratify new contract
- Latest articles
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