Archive: 07/2009
- Britain: University lecturers take strike action
- University of California system plans pay cuts
- No economic “green shoots” in world trade and transport
- Sri Lanka revives draconian law to gag media
- Royal Bank of Scotland increases top executives’ pay
- The US and the Honduran coup
- Three workers killed by toxic fumes at New York City waste plant
- South Korea: Clashes erupt at Ssangyong factory occupation
- The Girlfriend Experience: Not rich or thorough enough
- Financial czar threatens to throw Detroit public schools into bankruptcy
- More establishment lies against striking Toronto City workers
- Hunger, poverty on the rise in Chicago area
- US state budget crises fuel massive spending cuts
- Rival Stalinist camps abet reaction
- Australia: Global institutions tell Rudd government to cut spending
- The sentencing of Bernard Madoff
- The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3: A tale of two movies
- Socialist Equality Party conference in Detroit
- US seeks deal between Honduran coup leaders and deposed president
- Britain: Glasgow primary schools blockaded and occupied by parents
- Shooting near a Detroit school injures seven youths
- Letters from our readers
- US credit card companies jack up rates
- Governor of Bank of England warns government on debt
- Corrupt election campaign unfolds in US-occupied Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Australia: Man dies after being tasered by police
- US states’ budget crises threaten social disaster
- Karl Malden: a serious actor
- Sri Lanka: LTTE exile group announces “transnational government”
- The French radical “left” chases after social democracy
- Democrat Al Franken wins Minnesota Senate seat
- Germany: Joschka Fischer takes post as Nabucco pipeline adviser
- US unemployment rate for June at 9.5 percent
- Britain: Public sector jobs set to be slashed
- Chrysler plants reopen as assault on auto workers deepens
- A desperate attempt at reassurance
- Australia: West Gate Bridge construction workers charged with criminal offences
- Sri Lankan ministers accuse US of delaying IMF loan
- Sarkozy pushes austerity, anti-immigrant chauvinism
- Northern Ireland: Racist attacks force 100 Roma out of Belfast
- German’s Constitutional Court issues nationalist ruling on European Union
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US: Illinois state budget crisis threatens social programs, workers’ pay
- Detroit: Monica Conyers pleads guilty to corruption
- The Mousavi campaign in Iran and the lessons of past “color revolutions”
- Toronto mayor risks public’s health in city workers strike
- Obama sends marines to suppress population of southern Afghanistan
- Australian governments downplay mounting swine flu cases
- Sri Lanka: Presidential Secretary calls for spy units throughout public sector
- The death of former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun
- Washington Post offers its reporters to corporate sponsors
- The “left” and the US military offensive in Afghanistan
- US-Russian relations remain tense as Obama travels to Moscow
- London and Manchester: Striking college workers speak out
- Honduran troops kill anti-coup demonstrators at Tegucigalpa airport
- Red Cross issues harrowing report on situation in Gaza
- Britain: Thousands of education jobs cut with trade union complicity
- Comoros air crash raises issue of safety standards
- German military to engage more offensively in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Turkish economy in freefall
- Australia: Jury acquits truck driver over rail crossing disaster
- Iran, imperialism, and the “left”
- Italy: Train explosion leads to angry outbursts against Berlusconi
- Historian says US backed “efficacious terror” in 1965 Indonesian massacre
- US Medicare, Medicaid cuts threaten health care
- Bankruptcy judge approves sale of GM assets
- Glasgow school closures campaign at an impasse
- Letters from our readers
- Afghan deaths, troop casualties soar in first days of new US offensive
- Unemployment skyrockets throughout Europe
- China: Protests in Xinjiang point to deepening social tensions
- Limited concessions and unresolved tensions after US-Russia summit
- Sri Lankan all-party forum joins hands with Rajapakse regime
- The Honduran coup: A warning to the working class
- The Vietnam War and the decline of American imperialism
- Pentagon chief during Vietnam War escalation dead at 93
- Australia: League tables and democratic rights—a reply to News Ltd
- The Michael Jackson memorial: A mostly tawdry affair
- New Italian security law legalises vigilante patrols
- Yudhoyono ahead as Indonesians vote in presidential elections
- Video: D’Artagnan Collier speaks on Detroit mayoral campaign
- California governor pushes unprecedented budget cuts
- Australia: Low-wage workers’ pay cut
- Sri Lankan Tamil parties participate in sham local elections
- Sydney Film Festival 2009—Part 1: Courage and audacity sadly lacking
- Tehran and Tegucigalpa: A tale of two capitals
- Two days of US drone attacks kill nearly 80 in Pakistan
- New York City Opera threatened by economic crisis
- Japan: Ruling LDP in disarray
- Background to the Honduran coup: Poverty, exploitation and imperialist domination
- Obama administration unveils new cost-cutting plans for health care
- G8 summit in Italy dominated by deepening financial crisis
- Britain: Civil service plans 20 percent “doomsday” cuts in public spending
- Letters on Iran, Afghanistan and the “left”
- China: Xinjiang crisis deepens
- Labor government continues to starve Australian universities
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Chinese leadership demands “severe punishment” of Xinjiang protestors
- Turkish unions agree to sell-out contract for public workers
- Sydney Film Festival 2009—Part 2: Competition movies: largely passive reflections
- A war of colonial conquest in Afghanistan
- A socialist response to the economic crisis
- Australia: Former Labor PM Keating denounces Rudd government’s “isolationist” stance on China
- India’s government rushes to address business criticisms of budget
- Australia: The Victorian government’s “Walk for Harmony”: a cynical exercise in damage control
- France: Consumer credit reforms benefit finance, trading groups
- Obama claims right to imprison “combatants” acquitted at trial
- Security forces kill two protesting workers in Bangladesh
- Britain: Sheffield City Council votes to close Abbeydale Grange School
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Sri Lankan government reactivates tripartite labour council to impose mass sackings
- Britain: London postal workers strike in opposition to job losses
- The new GM
- Murdoch’s News Group accused of £1 million payout to conceal phone-hacking
- South Korean government prepares new assault on Ssangyong occupation
- China forced to delay Internet censorship measure
- Honduras: US-backed mediation legitimizes military coup
- G8 leaders fail to reach agreement on global crisis
- Australia: Victorian government attempts to pre-empt findings of bushfire investigation
- Public Enemies and a pivotal moment in American history
- Workers in New Jersey and Michigan die in industrial accidents
- Letters from our readers
- Canada: After strike ends, wholesale layoffs at Hamilton’s National Steel Car
- Brazil: students resist attacks by shock troops at University of Sao Paulo
- Criminal charges dropped against former German bank chief
- Who is Oscar Arias?
- Mounting death toll in Sri Lankan detention camps
- Sydney Film Festival 2009—Part 3: Some perceptive documentaries
- Xinjiang unrest reveals fragility of Chinese state
- New York state government uses budget crisis to attack pensions
- A cover-up of US massacre at Mazar-i-Sharif
- Mexican election results: an escalating crisis of class rule
- For a socialist solution to the economic crisis
- Australia: Indian students boycott Victorian Labor government’s “Walk for Harmony”
- AIG seeks to pay $235 million in bonuses
- New reports of massive spying, criminality by US government
- Toronto’s Mayor lashes out against striking city workers
- Oppose budget cuts in California! Defend jobs and education! Unite workers behind a socialist program!
- Right-wing opposition wins Bulgarian parliamentary election
- A sharp exposé of US “humanitarian intervention” in the former Yugoslavia—but some false conclusions
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Sri Lankan export zone workers hit by job and pay cuts
- Sri Lanka: SEP/WSWS to hold a public meeting in Jaffna
- Sydney Film Festival 2009—Part 4: Vital ingredients missing
- Death squads and US democracy
- New layoffs in devastated Pennsylvania steel town
- US commander in Afghanistan lobbies for more troops
- Full-time job losses accelerate in Australia
- Stella D’Oro workers: “It is not right if they close down—the fight should continue”
- Iceland: Government and trade unions impose IMF austerity measures
- Hungary: Socialist Party establishes right-wing militias
- Australia: Coroner finds caesarean death was “preventable”
- New York: Threat to close Stella D’Oro after 11-month strike
- Letters from our readers
- France: Racist campaign against burqa threatens democratic rights
- Crisis mounts over Afghanistan as UK troop deaths exceed Iraq total
- Whatever Works: The results are unattractive
- Australia: Court hears criminal charges against West Gate Bridge construction workers
- British government accused in parliament of “outsourcing” torture
- Arrest of Rio Tinto executive points to deepening economic crisis in China
- Thousands of Peruvian workers join protests against Garcia’s policies
- Once again: Iran, imperialism and the “left”
- Germany: Opel workers oppose cuts in holiday pay
- Australia: Sacked Nylex workers rally outside ANZ bank
- Ex-Clinton aides advising Honduran coup regime
- Record pay and profits at Goldman Sachs
- Peruvian President Garcia swears in new cabinet to “restore order”
- California: the human toll of the economic crisis
- Steven Rattner steps down from Obama auto task force
- Ousted GM head gets $10 million retirement package
- Spain: Government admits economic crisis far worse than previously acknowledged
- Somali-Americans subjected to first Obama “terror” prosecution
- Sri Lankan government coerces detained doctors to recant war casualty figures
- France: Union thugs, police evict undocumented workers from union hall
- Obama’s neocolonial mission in Africa
- Ssangyong occupation supporters speak to the WSWS
- South Korean government prepares to break Ssangyong occupation
- Obama tailors community college plan to corporate interests
- Japanese PM calls crisis election
- How the German banks forced the government to nationalize Hypo Real Estate
- A rising tide of social misery
- Detroit Public Schools moves closer to bankruptcy and privatization
- Letters from our readers
- Canada: CUPE forces Windsor strikers to vote on concessionary offer
- Australian unions praise Labor’s new “Fair Work” laws
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- British postal workers union calls phony “national day of action”
- Sotomayor’s record: A judicial pragmatist and defender of corporate interests
- Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor appeases Republicans
- Sri Lankan university students demand better facilities
- Several movies well worth revisiting
- Obama’s war
- Discussion with Opel worker: “Joint resistance is necessary”
- Job destruction accelerates in New Zealand as unions enforce austerity measures
- US health care legislation to leave millions uninsured, ration care
- China’s police-state crackdown in Xinjiang creates international tensions
- Fifty thousand General Motors retirees face destruction of benefits
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Canada: Windsor municipal workers reject new concessions contract
- East Timor: Trials begin over 2008 Horta-Gusmao “assassination attempt”
- Sri Lankan president postpones “political solution” with Tamil elite
- Quebec: La presse editorialist denounces Quebecers as “selfish”
- Obama’s speech to the NAACP
- Britain: Doctors demand inquest into death of Dr. David Kelly
- Closure of Johnnie Walker plants in Scotland will eliminate hundreds of jobs
- Letters from our readers
- CIT crisis threatens wave of business failures and layoffs
- Journalist critical of government killed in Chechnya
- Detroit: Carbon monoxide poisoning kills family of four
- Britain: Labour’s banking regulation means business as usual
- US air strikes kill Afghan civilians
- Sri Lankan government in desperate bid to win local elections
- Britain: Postal union seeks to prevent national strike
- Forty years since the first Moon landing
- Australia: Behind the Labor government’s paid parental leave fraud
- US: Anti-immigrant activist on trial for murder in Arizona
- Human Rights report reveals brutal repression in Honduras
- Indonesian military implicated in Freeport mine murder
- France: Workers facing mass layoffs threaten to blow up plants
- Senate Democrats drop “card check” measure from pending bill
- Walter Cronkite and the US news media
- Britain: Spike in casualties used to push for more troops in Afghanistan
- Germany: Deutsche Bahn slashes Berlin’s transport services
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- State budget shortfalls deepen US social crisis
- Sri Lankan SEP holds successful public meeting in Jaffna
- Six months of the Obama administration
- Tensions mount within Iran’s ruling establishment
- Jakarta terrorist bombings seized on to justify Afghan war
- US health care debate shaped by cost-cutting “efficiencies”
- Letters from our readers
- Central bankers warn: No sustained growth from stimulus spending
- Britain: Protests continue against closure of Abbeydale Grange secondary school
- Protesters opposing closure of Sheffield’s Abbeydale Grange School speak to WSWS
- Australia: Teachers Federation annual conference: a green light for Labor’s pro-market “education revolution”
- US bank bailout could cost $23.7 trillion
- German Socialist Equality Party certified for 2009 federal election
- The class issues in the US health care debate
- Australia: Labor government’s new industrial relations body bans paramedic strike
- Germany: Unions support dismantling of over 10,000 jobs at Opel
- Michigan officials slash public services
- Mexican state of Michoacán under military state of siege
- Obama task force backs indefinite detention without trial
- Darwin’s “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful”
- SEP candidate D’Artagnan Collier takes part in Detroit mayoral debate
- Canada: Worker resistance must be armed with a socialist strategy
- Governor Schwarzenegger and Democratic leaders agree to major cuts
- Afghan insurgents hold US soldier
- Denmark to open Arctic military command
- July casualties highest of Afghan war
- Britain: Vestas workers occupy wind turbine plant to stop closure
- Sri Lankan power workers demand higher wages
- Unions systematically divide Opel, GM-Europe workers
- Obama press conference: Evasions and lies on plan to slash health care for workers
- Japanese prime minister dissolves parliament and sets election date
- Inquiry into the killing of Iraqi civilian begins in London
- Vestas occupation supporter: “Those people in there definitely want to be heard”
- Britain: Government housing bill promotes nationalist “local homes” policy
- Honduras: Tensions mount as US-backed mediation stalls
- An interview with David N. Gibbs, author of First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia
- Letters from our readers
- China’s fragile “economic recovery”
- US Vice President Biden visits Ukraine and Georgia
- Fed Chairman Bernanke signals more bank bailouts, calls for cuts in social programs
- Chinese regime admits shooting protestors in Xinjiang
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Reject the concessions contract!
- End all utility shutoffs! For a socialist response to the economic crisis
- France: Third fatal accident at Total this year
- Detroit: D’Artagnan Collier speaks to protesting city workers
- Australia: Aboriginal disadvantage widens under Rudd government
- The Hillary Clinton doctrine
- Malaysian government alters ethnic-based investment laws
- Fiji: Military junta proposes new constitution, elections by 2014
- As jobless claims rise, Wall Street celebrates corporate profit reports
- Arab woman stabbed to death in German courtroom
- Rally of Detroit City workers against concessions contract
- Bankrupt US parts maker Delphi dumps pension obligations
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Britain: Unemployment continues rise to 2.4 million
- Scotland: Oppose Diageo job losses by mobilising the working class
- Sri Lankan prime minister denounces newspaper lawyers as “traitors”
- US outrage over “rigged” elections does not extend to Kyrgyzstan
- Moon: Back to the future in science fiction
- Massachusetts proposes rationing of health care for workers
- An Afghan voice against the US-led occupation
- Iceland’s parliament votes to apply for European Union membership
- Obama administration bars torture investigators from Guantánamo Bay
- Obama escalates assault on public education
- Letters from our readers
- Detroit schools “financial czar” orders teachers to reapply for their jobs
- Canada: Windsor city workers strike betrayed
- Workers continue Vestas occupation on Isle of Wight
- Britain: Workers occupying Vestas factory ordered to court
- CUPE leadership isolating Toronto city workers’ strike
- “The union is not being responsible to its members”
- Australian government boosts terror laws, while modifying “lexicon”
- Sri Lankan workers hard hit by export downturn
- South Korea: Riot police sent to break Ssangyong occupation
- The German offensive in Afghanistan
- Dozens arrested in New Jersey corruption probe
- Minnesota balances budget on the backs of workers and the poor
- Bush administration considered using military to arrest “Lackawanna Six”
- Honduran military appears to back plan to restore Zelaya to office—not to power
- France: Near win for neo-fascists in Hénin-Beaumont by-election
- Massive austerity measures approved by California Legislature
- Brüno: Another series of pranks at everyone’s expense
- Bemis workers on strike in Terre Haute, Indiana
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Greece: “Leftist” SYRIZA alliance defends police months after suppression of mass demonstrations
- The significance of the British Socialist Workers Party’s call for a new “left alternative”
- Solomon Islands parliament rams through renewal of Australian-dominated RAMSI occupation
- After delay, IMF approves loan for Sri Lanka
- Obama’s health care counterrevolution
- Britain: Labour’s electoral meltdown continues
- The Gates arrest and the “national conversation on race”
- Letters from our readers
- SEP holds conference in Detroit
- Iraq veterans charged with murder and other crimes
- Clinton’s ASEAN appearance signals US “back in Asia”
- Protesting Chinese steel workers kill manager
- Britain’s propaganda offensive on behalf of Afghan war
- Scotland: Politicians and union leaders grovel to Diageo over Johnnie Walker closure
- Australia: Olympic gold medalist Ian Thorpe speaks out against Aboriginal “intervention”
- The significance of the British Socialist Workers Party’s call for a new “left alternative”
- San Diego’s Union Tribune attacks city workers
- Citigroup’s $100 million banker
- South Korean “non-regular” workers face mass job losses
- Indonesian bombings portend renewed attacks on democratic rights
- Honduran coup enters second month
- Study shows sharp growth of low-wage sector in Germany
- Egypt hit by wave of social and industrial unrest
- Toronto city workers no-concession struggle in danger
- For a socialist solution to the economic crisis
- Atom Egoyan’s Adoration: Also not very compelling
- SEP Detroit mayoral candidate speaks at forum on youth and education
- SEP candidate participates in televised debate
- Threat of eviction remains over Vestas occupation
- US-China talks: a fragile relationship
- Sri Lankan nurses campaign for improved safety
- Britain’s political elite and the Afghan war
- Pennsylvania state workers go without pay
- German government contemplates Opel insolvency
- Obama’s Homeland Security chief invokes “terror threat”
- Iraqi prime minister: US forces can stay after 2011
- Obama, Congress back deeper attacks on health care for workers
- Dozens of Haitian immigrants drown off Turks and Caicos
- Cuba: more cuts in public spending announced
- Letters from our readers
- Obama names evangelical Christian to run National Institutes of Health
- California governor imposes new cuts in social programs
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Sri Lanka: A phony debate on university privatisation
- “The pain of recovery”: Rudd’s declaration of war on the working class
- International banks exploit the crisis to reap massive profits
- Strange case of North Carolina “jihadists” used to heighten terror scare
- Judge orders release of Guantánamo detainee Mohammed Jawad
- Irish government prepares more spending cuts
- US job cuts, foreclosures mount
- How I became a socialist
- Violence increases in Russia’s Caucasus republics
- Britain: Rail unions prevent national struggle
- Australian Labor Party conference showcases “unity” and “discipline” for pro-business agenda
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: