Archive: 10/2009
- SEP holds public meeting in Sri Lankan plantations
- Germany: Successful rally in Berlin ends PSG election campaign
- The New York Times throws Roman Polanski to the wolves
- Sixty years after the Chinese Revolution: Lessons for the working class
- Australia: The political issues facing Victorian paramedics
- Protests mount against Pakistan’s blasphemy laws
- Tsunami hits several South Pacific countries
- Ireland: Vote “No” to the Lisbon Treaty
- Talks with Iran open in Geneva amid threats and provocations
- US Senate panel votes down “public option” for health care
- Military regime massacres protestors in Guinea
- Wall Street lauds FDIC plan to replenish bank deposit insurance fund
- Letters on two recent films
- Mass sackings in Russia
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Former detainee describes conditions in Sri Lankan internment camps
- General Motors to liquidate Saturn brand
- Britain: Postal workers call for disaffiliation from Labour during strike ballot
- Imperialist interests drive US focus on Iran, Afghanistan
- New Orleans jail conditions violate inmates’ constitutional rights
- Michigan lawmakers prepare sweeping cuts in social services
- A new period of class struggle and inter-imperialist conflict
- Britain: Leeds refuse strike enters fourth week
- “Law & Order” episode makes case for prosecution of Bush administration torturers
- US continues to pressure Iran after Geneva talks
- EU report states Georgia started 2008 war with Russia
- UN official fired over criticisms of Afghan election fraud
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- “The Iraq war poisoned the water—you can’t undo that, it’s there forever”
- Sri Lanka: SEP election team campaigns among cinnamon peelers
- One year since the US bank bailout
- General McChrystal publicly campaigns for Afghanistan “surge”
- Britain: The denouement looms for Labour
- US: Over a quarter million jobs lost in September
- Thousands feared dead after Indonesian earthquake
- Germany: Whither the SPD?
- The new Forbes 400: Provocative wealth amidst social misery
- Letters from our readers
- Social Democrats suffer historical defeat in Upper Austria
- US faces worsening military situation in Afghanistan
- Puerto Rico: Mass layoffs provoke protests, strikes
- Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired: Laying bare the facts of the 1978 case
- Unemployment crisis shows the failure of capitalism
- Obama’s Olympic failure
- Australia: The assassination of Michael McGurk and the stench of NSW Labor
- Irish referendum endorses European Union’s Lisbon Treaty
- Indian drought exacerbates social crisis
- Germany: The role of the Free Democratic Party in the next government
- US Senate committee set for vote on health care plan
- Britain: BAe Systems faces prosecution for bribery
- Heavy US troop losses in insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US: Watchdog says Treasury misled public about cost of bank bailout
- Letters of support for Balmoral Estate Action Committee
- Sri Lankan plantation workers support Balmoral Workers’ Action Committee
- White House-military tensions over Afghanistan
- New York Times recycles fabrications about Iran’s nuclear programs
- IMF chief economist calls for drastic UK spending cuts
- US states face record demand for home heating assistance
- Greece: New PASOK government to move quickly to impose austerity measures
- New York Times: “everyone to blame” in Russia-Georgia war
- Letters from our readers
- Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story
- Arizona: Man killed in police shooting following home foreclosure
- Pacific tsunami relief efforts grossly inadequate
- Filmmakers on violence and social tension in the Middle East
- Demand the release of Tamil detainees in Sri Lanka
- The new leadership of the German Social Democratic Party
- Amnesty International condemns Spain’s Incommunicado Detention Law
- Pregnancy ends in death for one in eight mothers in Sierra Leone
- Roman Polanski denied bail in Switzerland
- Washington faces deepening debacle in Afghanistan
- Obama offers no relief to growing army of jobless workers
- Chicago teen killed in street brawl
- New York Mayor Bloomberg to spend more than $100 million to secure third term
- The Australian Labor Party and the war in Afghanistan
- Video: Tens of thousands line up for housing assistance in Detroit
- Seventy years since World War II: lessons and warnings
- Sri Lankan SEP holds final election meeting in Galle
- The sordid coalition pursuing filmmaker Roman Polanski
- Obama rules out troop drawdown in Afghanistan
- Opel/Vauxhall takeover by Magna
- 50,000 line up for housing aid in Detroit
- Western media steps up pressure on China over Iran
- “Most people out here have been unemployed for months”
- British care industry using foreign students as cheap labour
- Bosnia faces collapse
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Sri Lanka: Vote SEP in the Southern Provincial Council election
- Britain: Postal workers vote for national strike
- The socialist answer to unemployment and poverty
- UN agency bombed in Pakistan
- US: Pennsylvania enters fourth month without a budget
- France: New Anti-Capitalist Party prepares “unitary” coalition with state parties
- Leeds refuse workers vote to continue strike
- White House-backed plan to slash health care costs advances in Senate
- GM to cut 10,500 more jobs by year’s end
- Prosecuted for saving the lives of refugees
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Britain’s Conservatives outline plans for an “age of austerity”
- More human (and artistic) problems
- Mercedes Sosa, 1935-2009
- Sri Lanka: The JVP and the executive presidency
- The Nobel War Prize
- Ten thousand unemployed apply for 90 jobs in Louisville, Kentucky
- US builds “coalition of like-minded nations” against Iran
- An interview with Asli Özge, director of Men on the Bridge
- Dollar plunge highlights fault lines in global economic “recovery”
- Letters from our readers
- US Afghanistan commander requested as many as 60,000 more soldiers
- Israeli cabinet minister cancels visit to Britain
- Vietnamese economy hit by global crisis
- Support for government fades in Sri Lankan election
- Romania: General strike intensifies political crisis
- Obama continues assault on democratic rights
- Pakistan vows to mount new military offensive
- Australian government deports Sri Lankan asylum-seekers
- One year since banking collapse, Iceland’s crisis deepens
- This week in history
- US Supreme Court term begins with more threats to democratic rights
- Letters on Roman Polanski
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Britain’s bosses call for university tuition hike
- “Socialism in One Country” and the Soviet economic debates of the 1920s
- The racist outburst of German Federal Bank executive member Thilo Sarrazin
- Dollar devaluation and the working class
- The World Economic Crisis: A Marxist Analysis
- White House defends inaction on jobs crisis as unemployment grows
- India: Chhattisgarh government to call probe into industrial accident
- This week in history
- German unions agree to mass layoffs in printing machine industry
- New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman glorifies American militarism
- UAW reaches new concessions agreement with Ford
- One in ten US high school dropouts incarcerated
- The Crash of 2008 and its revolutionary implications
- Letters on the “Nobel War Prize”
- Australia: Productivity Commission report rules out curbing executive pay
- Another costly week in Afghanistan
- 75 years since the 1934 truck drivers' strike in Minneapolis
- European Trotskyists mark seventieth anniversary of World War II
- Compassion, vision, genius
- Sri Lankan president invents an “international conspiracy”
- Obama tops Bush in troop buildup
- US Senate panel approves Obama-backed health care plan
- Nationalist tensions deepen over Magna’s purchase bid for GM Europe
- US pressure builds ahead of talks with Iran in Vienna
- Political fallout grows over Indonesian bank bailout
- The American way of debt: Turning a profit by preying on the poor
- Citigroup spins off subsidiary to pay trader $100 million
- Workers expose GM payoff to Canadian auto union officials
- Norwegian pension fund breaks silence on Volkswagen-Porsche takeover scandal
- Sri Lanka: Plantation employers drive up productivity under union agreement
- Swedish government to provide backing to Saab sale
- A day in the life of a Sri Lankan plantation worker
- A record year for Wall Street pay
- Australia: Contradictory witness testimonies in Julian Moti hearing
- Mexican government closes electric utility, sacks 44,000 workers
- More than 1 billion hungry, UN agencies report
- “Obama’s War”: A glimpse of US debacle in Afghanistan
- Solidarity meetings in Germany for dismissed shop worker
- Letters from our readers
- Britain: Brown’s £16 billion asset sale a vain effort to appease big business
- Afghan election crisis enters new stage
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Reject UAW-Ford concession demands
- FBI raids home over use of Twitter at G20 summit
- Sri Lankan government delays annual budget
- Supreme Court agrees to hear appeal of Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling
- The politicization of the British military
- Pakistan descends deeper into civil war
- New Zealand workers face deepening assault on jobs and conditions
- The German Left Party and Berlin’s austerity budget
- Dow climbs to 10,000 as jobless rate nears 10 percent
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- British media gagged in toxic dumping case
- Thoroughly lost, or playing at it
- Australia: Rudd intervenes to block Tamil asylum-seekers
- Puerto Rico: General strike against mass layoffs
- BBC reveals plan by Royal Mail and Labour government to break postal strike
- Obama and the fiscal crisis of the states
- Obama in New Orleans: The callous face of the US ruling elite
- Australian Federal Police disclose 1,500 pages of documents in Julian Moti case
- Morale crumbling among US and British troops in Afghanistan
- Indian government to launch major military offensive against Maoist insurgents
- Letters from our readers
- Class justice in Germany: banker wins €1.5 million redundancy judgement
- Bailed out insurance giant AIG plans $198 million in new bonuses
- Pakistani military launches offensive into South Waziristan
- Phoney Indian concern about Tamil detainees in Sri Lanka
- The two Americas
- One year since the election of Obama: Illusion and reality
- Power struggle in Italy around Berlusconi
- Obama joins Netanyahu in shielding Israel from war crimes charges
- Honduras: Is US moving to back ‘state of siege’ election?
- Signs of the US dollar’s demise
- US House panel approves pro-Wall Street derivatives bill
- British High Court instructs government to release evidence of CIA torture of Binyam Mohamed
- Berlin state constitutional court rules against Senate ban on referendums
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Students stage occupation to protest California budget cuts
- US soldier commits suicide in Indiana movie theater
- French President Sarkozy backs Washington’s hard line against Iran
- German Greens to form coalition with CDU and FDP in Saarland
- Britain: Postal workers face a political struggle against Labour government
- Obama’s job creation fraud
- Oregon: plagued by homelessness, unemployment, cuts in social services
- Moti defence counsel challenges Australian Federal Police witness
- The crisis in Detroit: The socialist response
- US: Massachusetts governor threatens 2,000 state layoffs
- Attacks on Iranian Revolutionary Guards kill 42
- The Invention of Lying: Telling the truth, or some of it
- Indonesian earthquake toll soars
- Letters from our readers
- New fossils provide insights into early human evolution
- US steps up pressure on Karzai over Afghan vote
- Reports of indiscriminate bombing in South Waziristan
- One in six Americans in poverty in 2008
- Roman Polanski refused bail by Swiss court
- British secret service chief justifies torture
- Obama turns to the financial elite for campaign cash
- France: New Anti-capitalist Party tries to channel worker discontent with the unions
- Australian government prosecutors suffer significant blow in Moti case
- Michigan governor slashes $54 million more from school funding
- Ford workers oppose UAW demand for concessions
- Britain: Thousands of jobs threatened in higher and further education
- US college tuition skyrockets
- Australia: Five men convicted of terrorist “conspiracy”
- The great unmentionable
- Norwegian election dominated by debates over oil fund
- Los Angeles city unions back concessions agreement
- Bernard Kerik jailed on eve of corruption trial
- Sun Microsystems to cut 10 percent of workforce
- Iran makes significant concession to defuse nuclear standoff
- India: Official corruption and negligence tied to 34 deaths in firecracker explosion
- Letters from our readers
- France: CGT’s industrial policy means workers will pay for the crisis
- The British National Party and “Question Time”
- US Fed Chairman Bernanke demands austerity
- The “Balloon Boy” hoax, celebrity culture, and the American media
- Germany: Armed Forces memorial unveiled in Berlin
- Karzai bows to US pressure on Afghanistan runoff
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Sri Lankan regime keeps student union convener detained
- Unite Michigan teachers, students, workers to stop school cuts!
- Germany: Closure of Quelle mail order business costs 7,000 jobs
- British postal workers launch two-day national strike
- Washington pushes Pakistan to the brink
- Britain: Leeds refuse workers vote to continue strike
- Tensions between India and China flare again
- Opposition mounts to UAW-Ford concessions contract
- Britain: South Yorkshire firefighters threatened with mass sackings over new shift patterns
- White House unveils token bank pay restrictions
- Atlanta homeless shelters strain under economic crisis
- Britain: Postal strikers speak to SEP campaign teams
- US bankers cash in despite phony pay restraint
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- White House rejects new measures to stem jobs crisis
- Irish Fianna Fail/Green coalition prepares major budget cuts
- UAW says key local passed Ford contract by 51 percent
- Michigan governor again takes axe to education
- Living standards continue steep fall in Eastern Europe
- Letters from our readers
- Russia: Workers at AvtoVaz protest against mass layoffs
- German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk defends racist remarks by central banker
- The Sri Lankan government’s “resettlement” of Tamil detainees
- Britain: Post workers speak to SEP during second day of national strike
- The runoff farce in Afghanistan
- Paris CGT jobs protest dominated by nationalist politics
- South Korean government cracks down on workers’ rights
- Obama declares US national emergency over H1N1 flu
- A program of social devastation in Germany
- German building cleaners strike against wage cutting
- Atlanta shelter director speaks on the homeless crisis
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Sri Lanka: Petroleum unions call off work-to-rule bans
- Romania: Boc government resigns after no-confidence vote
- US formally requests extradition of filmmaker Roman Polanski
- The reality behind the US “success” in Iraq
- White House promotes tax on “Cadillac” health care plans
- Mass opposition to Ford-UAW concessions contract
- Detroit: A city for sale, and very few takers
- Letters from our readers
- Arizona sheriff carries out immigrant raid
- US casualties rise as Obama prepares Afghan escalation
- Pakistani army offensive devastates tribal communities
- Sri Lanka: Plantation unions accept wage sell-out
- Israel, the United States and international law
- US companies, governments continue to slash jobs and pay
- America’s crumbling infrastructure
- Germany: A government of social confrontation
- Ford workers speak out against contract
- Child deaths from abuse and neglect rise in the US
- Australian government intensifies crackdown on asylum seekers
- October the bloodiest month for US troops since Afghan war began
- Yemen: Regional instability worsens as government pursues insurgents
- Ukrainian economy suffers sharp fall in 2009
- Bridgestone closes plants in Australia and New Zealand
- What are US troops dying for in Afghanistan?
- Historians in the service of the Big Lie:
- The way forward for Ford workers
- Education spending targeted by all parties in Germany
- Chicago city and transit budgets pose mass layoffs and deep cuts in services
- Pension fund probe into possible bribery of former Los Angeles deputy mayor
- Britain: Protests and political campaigning redefined as “domestic extremism”
- Attack on UN in Kabul in lead-up to sham Afghan election
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- WSWS speaks to workers who exposed GM payoff to Canadian auto union
- US: GDP figure masks deepening economic crisis
- Britain: Deepening recession fuels concern over corporate bonuses and bailouts
- Swine flu vaccine shortage disrupts local response plans
- Britain: Three days of post strikes under way
- The swine flu pandemic and the market
- Opel’s future once again up for grabs
- Australian man faces lengthy jail term for “offensive” letters
- End the war in Afghanistan
- Wrangling continues over Iranian nuclear deal
- Indian auto dispute sparks mass protest, shuts Ford Canada plant
- Obama signs bills for record Pentagon, Homeland Security spending
- US: Lack of insurance linked to thousands of child deaths
- European Trotskyists mark 70th anniversary of World War II
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US makes cynical overture to Sri Lanka over war crimes
- A political and industrial offensive against Labour government is required
- Obama’s banker-friendly financial overhaul
- Canada: Vale Inco continues provocations against Steelworkers
- US House leaders unveil health care bill
- Washington pushes through deal with Honduran coup regime
- France: Sarkozy escalates anti-immigrant campaign
- Video: Ford workers speak out against concessions contract
- US wages and salaries rise at record-low levels
- Letters from our readers
- Québec Solidaire manifesto promotes nationalism and a “moral” capitalism
- An exposure of corruption: Afghanistan, on the Dollar Trail
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: