Archive: 09/2012
- The Organization of the Working Class and the Fight for Socialism
- South Africa after the Marikana massacre
- Parti Quebecois promotes chauvinist, anti-immigrant agenda
- Three New Zealand soldiers killed in Afghanistan
- West Nile virus cases set seasonal record
- German chancellor visits China
- Jerry White concludes visit to Sri Lanka with meeting in Galle
- Lufthansa cabin crew launch strike
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Millions in India affected by severe drought
- US Justice Department closes CIA probe with no charges in torture, murder of detainees
- Australian police move to break building workers’ picket
- Support for break with euro grows within Finnish ruling elite
- Dental care in America: A study in austerity, neglect and profiteering
- US Federal Reserve set to provide further boost to banks
- Tens of thousands lose cash welfare assistance in Michigan
- This week in history: September 3-9
- Terrorist attacks intensify after Western war threats against Syria
- Build the International Youth and Students for Social Equality
- Australia: Refugees stage hunger strike against removal to Nauru
- A new stage in the attacks on the European working class
- Short-time working introduced at Opel
- Videos capture extreme police brutality in Los Angeles
- Australian “liberal” press joins persecution of Assange
- Jackson Hole discussion points to deepening economic crisis
- Jewish youth charged with assault on Israeli Arabs
- Funerals of slain South African miners held as unrest spreads
- Cortland, New York residents and youth discuss poor working conditions
- Opposition to sellout contract by Chrysler workers wins support
- Reject the plantation unions’ fraudulent electoral front
- European parliament president calls for special economic zones in Greece
- Four South African miners shot as strikes spread after Marikana massacre
- Resolutions of the SEP (US) National Congress
- Clinton intervenes at Pacific Islands Forum
- The Democratic convention opens
- Music review: Replica from Oneohtrix Point Never and James Ferraro’s Far Side Virtual
- Imperialist powers mourn death of Ethiopia’s Meles Zenawi
- India: Maruti Suzuki presses ahead with workforce purge
- SEP supporters campaign for ballot access in Louisiana
- Foreign students at London Metropolitan University threatened with deportation
- Former Obama advisers float proposals for cutting health care costs
- Australian government imposes new “performance” regime on public schools
- Global manufacturing slumps as European banks seek bailouts
- California Assembly passes resolution defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism
- Australian soldiers launch reprisal over “green on blue” incident
- Jury rules for Apple against Samsung in patent dispute
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Syrian opposition, Western powers push for regime change in Syria
- South Africa’s miners and the fear of “contagion”
- Britain’s National Health Service under sustained attack
- Police shootings raise questions over CIA role in Mexico
- Flight attendants strike at Germany’s major airports
- US letter carrier dies after delivering mail in heat wave
- Obama considers new “red lines” against Iran
- Right-wing pogroms against Roma in Hungary
- Former Gujarat minister convicted for her role in 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom
- Australia: Construction union offers to end blockade at Grocon site
- Frankfurt protest against Western intervention in Syria
- Socialist Equality Party (Britain) launches National Health Service Fightback web site
- Phony populism from a party of corporate America
- Democrats slash California workers’ compensation
- Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate Jerry White begins England tour
- Striking teachers and support staff speak out
- Sharp fall in number of UK university students
- EU, IMF demand lower wages, longer hours in Greece
- Portland, Oregon increases transit fees
- Victorian teachers’ union blocks fight against Labor’s assault on public education
- Socialist Equality Party (Australia) resolution to AEU mass meeting
- Parti Quebecois to form minority government, after narrow election win
- Peter and the Starcatcher: An evening of complacent children’s theater
- A lost generation and the struggle for socialism
- Tensions remain high between South Korea and Japan
- US Presidential candidate Jerry White addresses Manchester audience
- Gulf region remains devastated one week after Hurricane Isaac
- The Democratic convention: A scripted and empty spectacle
- Letters from our readers
- Colombian government, FARC guerrillas in peace talks
- Clinton pressures Beijing over South China Sea
- California launches attack on public sector pensions
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Michigan governor signs bill attacking school employee pensions
- Vote SEP in Sri Lankan provincial elections
- The Obama administration and the cover-up of CIA torture
- Obama speech caps two weeks of demagogy and right-wing policies
- China: Sixty killed in two mine disasters
- Lufthansa strike needs the support and solidarity of all workers
- SEP US presidential candidate addresses London meeting
- Sectarian violence erupts in Northern Ireland
- French trade unions urge spending cuts, labour market deregulation
- More than 50 million face hunger in the US
- Financial markets rejoice over European Central Bank plan
- Clinton at the Democratic convention: Rhetoric vs. reality
- Federal court upholds key provision of Arizona law targeting immigrants
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- SEP presidential candidate Jerry White reports on visit to Sri Lanka
- United Steelworkers union agrees to concessions at US Steel
- Under African Skies: The story of the collaboration that became Graceland
- UK government shifts further to the right
- US escalates CIA intervention on Syrian-Turkish border
- The reactionary essence of California’s Proposition 30
- The bankers’ dictatorship in Greece
- Obama's acceptance speech: A compendium of half-truths and lies
- German flight attendants’ union calls for arbitration at Lufthansa
- Canada’s government continues to persecute “child soldier” Omar Khadr
- Jerry White discusses with workers and students at London meeting
- Another dismal US jobs report
- Open letter demands Chinese premier’s removal
- The socialist answer to Labor’s program of war and austerity
- Signs of economic reversal in Australia
- US steps up military operations in Yemen
- This week in history: September 10-16
- The historical significance and enduring political relevance of the 1917 Russian Revolution
- Sri Lanka: Ruling UPFA wins provincial elections but with reduced votes
- Slovenia threatened with national bankruptcy
- Scottish National Party seeks military role in the Arctic
- South Africa: Corruption exposed at Orkney and Grootvlei mines
- After the conventions: The political issues in the 2012 elections
- Syria’s “eerie parallel to Afghanistan” and the pro-imperialist pseudo-left
- Texas: Austin police provocateurs infiltrated, entrapped Houston Occupy protesters
- French President Hollande outlines budget cuts, law-and-order policies in TV interview
- Australia: Residents denounce lack of fire safety
- Cuts in US jobless pay, government layoffs throw 1.5 million more people into poverty
- More than 80 killed by earthquakes in southwestern China
- Teachers strike in Chicago
- California raids special funds in attempt to fix budget
- SEP (US) presidential candidate speaks at Berlin Humboldt University
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Turkey ramps up war threats against Syria
- South African miners speak on Marikana massacre
- WSWS speaks to wife of New Zealand mine disaster victim
- Clinton stokes up tensions with China on tour of Asia
- Strikes spread in South African mines
- A letter from the mother of homeless Michigan man killed by police
- SEP campaigns at Lawrence, Massachusetts textile strike commemoration
- Mining cuts deepen job losses across Australia
- Bombings, death sentence stoke sectarian tensions in Iraq
- Striking teachers speak out in Chicago
- “I want to have people influenced by John Heartfield”: An interview with the German artist’s grandson
- Obama evades jobs crisis on campaign trail
- Letters from our readers
- Democrats and Republicans line up against Chicago teachers
- Catalan separatism whipped up in Spain
- More companies charged with manipulating California energy market
- Share market scandal erupts in Sri Lanka
- The enigma of Shostakovich’s Leningrad Symphony
- SEP vice presidential candidate discusses political issues with striking Chicago teachers
- More ANC leading figures embroiled in gold mines asset stripping scandal
- 9/11 anniversary: The terror pretext in tatters
- UK politicians gain from privatising National Health Service
- Dutch elections: All parties support austerity
- UAW calls off Jeep contract vote
- Chicago teachers discuss political issues in their strike
- India: Profiteering, negligence, and corruption lead to 50 deaths in factory explosion
- The troika returns to Athens
- German Constitutional Court to rule on euro rescue fund
- Chinese military conducts long-range missile tests
- Chicago teachers in forefront of fight against bipartisan assault on education
- Detroit Three demand massive concessions from Canadian auto workers
- State of alert declared as unrest spreads in South Africa
- Australia: Queensland budget spearheads new austerity offensive
- US Census report: Record numbers in poverty and widening inequality
- Victory to the Chicago teachers!
- US sends Marines to Libya after ambassador’s killing
- German Constitutional Court gives green light for euro bailout fund
- Pakistan factory fires kill over 300 workers
- Tensions between China and Japan flare over disputed islands
- IMF urges “more clarity” on Ireland’s austerity plans
- Growing number of family tragedies in Germany
- Mayor Emanuel plans to close one-fifth of Chicago public schools
- SEP vice presidential candidate Phyllis Scherrer speaks to Chicago teachers
- Jerry White reports on international tour in Detroit
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- “The Quiet American”: the death of J. Christopher Stevens
- US Federal Reserve extends unlimited support to financial markets
- The US embassy protests
- Protests against Palestinian Authority austerity measures
- Lessons of the Lufthansa strike
- Students, teachers oppose attack on public education
- German Court ruling on euro bailout fund heralds deeper attacks on working class
- An appeal from SEP (US) National Secretary Joseph Kishore
- Australia: Hundreds of Bankstown fire survivors remain locked out
- Chinese president’s top aide sidelined
- Union preparing to accept sellout contract and end Chicago teachers strike
- CAW moves to meet Detroit Three’s demands for two tier-wages, other givebacks
- Survey of California’s community colleges reveals harmful impact of budget cuts
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Without final contract, Chicago Teachers Union pushes for end to strike
- Sartorius report: French government backs mass layoffs at auto maker PSA
- CLASSE and Quebec’s student federations welcome PQ’s election
- The US poverty report and the Obama “recovery”
- US designates Haqqani Network in Pakistan as terrorist group
- Grand coalition government formed in the Netherlands
- Report on Hillsborough football disaster exposes “biggest cover-up in British legal history”
- Australia: The issues behind the clash between Grocon and the construction unions
- Right-wing terrorist organization worked within US Army
- Anti-US protests rage across the Middle East
- The strange absence of China’s vice president
- Chicago teachers: Reject the contract betrayal! Broaden the fight to defend jobs and public schools!
- Teachers have the right to know: What’s in the contract?
- British TUC makes hollow general strike threat
- Australia: Official wall of silence over Bankstown fire
- Right-wing groups prepare national campaign to disenfranchise US voters
- This week in history: September 17-23
- Australia police raids stir up new “terror” scare
- This deal is not what the strike was about!
- Silent: A homeless man in Dublin, with anger and regrets about the past
- South Africa: ANC orders security clampdown against miners’ revolt
- Financial parasitism and looting are the “new normal”
- Pakistani government facing public anger over Karachi fire
- Polls show Obama edging ahead of Romney
- Ireland: Behind Clare Daly’s resignation from Socialist Party
- Chicago teachers vote to continue strike
- SEP candidates discuss fight to defend education with Chicago teachers
- 150 years since the Battle of Antietam
- Alcoa workers travel to Rome to protest imminent plant closure
- NATO bombing kills nine women in Afghanistan as fighting mounts
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- New York police arrest hundreds on first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street protests
- Thousands demonstrate in Madrid against austerity
- Discrimination of Roma in Europe intensifies
- Anti-US protests spread throughout Muslim world
- Metro Detroit area pipefitters on strike
- Seven Days in Chicago: What has been revealed by the Chicago teachers strike
- UK: Conservative Lord’s company wins £300 million National Health Service contract
- Israeli leader presses Obama to set trigger for war against Iran
- India announces “big bang” economic reforms
- Study shows rise in US youth population neither in workforce nor school
- The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander: A brief for racial politics
- Letters from our readers
- Under threat of injunction, Chicago teacher delegates to vote on strike
- SEP candidate Jerry White speaks to transit workers on Chicago teachers strike
- Australia: After Bankstown apartment fire, residents demand answers
- Australian police crackdown on anti-US protest in Sydney
- The two paths open to Chicago teachers
- SEP vice-presidential candidate campaigns in San Diego
- Romney's words
- Pakistan’s factory fire: An indictment of capitalism
- Calls grow for slashing pensions in Ireland
- The unholy nexus between Britain’s royal family, the military and the media in Afghanistan
- EU launches anti-monopoly suit against Russia's Gazprom
- Mounting anti-Japanese protests in China
- Delegates meeting votes to end Chicago teachers strike
- CAW leadership bows to Ford Canada’s concessions demands
- Caterpillar to sack 920 workers at FG Wilson, Northern Ireland
- Attacks force US to halt joint operations with Afghan troops
- Anti-US protests spark internal policy debate over American war drive in Syria
- Romanian workers protest privatization, demand resignation of union leaders
- Political and historical issues in the South African miners’ revolt
- Mexican gas plant explosion kills some 30 workers
- European GM auto workers face US-style attacks
- Increasing use of “zero-hours” contracts in Britain’s National Health Service
- Australian government removes refugees to Nauru
- All-India general strike against pro-investor “big bang” economic “reforms”
- Lockout of National Football League referees continues
- Egyptian President Mursi cracks down after US embassy protests
- Letters from our readers
- End of Chicago strike paves way for redoubled attack on teachers, public education
- Vice presidential candidate Phyllis Scherrer speaks in San Diego
- Bento’s Sketchbook—John Berger’s “Way of Seeing” Spinoza
- Bangladeshi garment workers clash with police
- Australian Labor government prepares for election campaign of lies
- American Airlines sends layoff notices to 11,000 employees
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Australia: TAFE teachers strike over job losses, assets sell off
- Washington pressures Iraq over alleged arms shipments to Syria
- British royals take criminal action over topless photograph
- Net worth of richest Americans soars by 13 percent in 2012
- Victorian TAFE teachers speak on cuts to funding
- Oppose Chinese and Japanese nationalism
- Marikana massacre: France’s NPA sows illusions in South African government, unions
- Millions protest in India against “big bang” pro-market measures
- Obama denies health care to young immigrants granted temporary reprieve from deportation
- Hungarian government plans further austerity measures
- German police and secret services linked to neo-Nazi murder band
- Alpha Natural Resources closing eight mines, laying off 1,200
- Lessons of the Chicago teachers strike
- Britain: Reject pay-cutting demands of Royal Bournemouth Hospital’s chief executive
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Verizon workers should reject the concessions contract
- The wide range of human passion, action and adventure
- ANC President Zuma authorises use of South African army against miners
- “Largest-ever” demonstrations in Portugal
- 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation
- Amid rising tensions, US defense secretary visits China and Japan
- David North to speak on Leon Trotsky at historians meeting in Mainz, Germany
- Life expectancy falling for the poorest Americans
- US blames Libya attack on Al Qaeda-linked forces it previously backed
- India’s government survives defection, vows to press forward with “big bang” reforms
- Greece: Growing resistance to austerity measures
- Germany’s rich profit from the financial crisis
- New Zealand: Social crisis deepens following Christchurch earthquake
- Bank of America to lay off 16,000 workers
- Obama moves to overturn court ruling invalidating indefinite detention law
- Letters from our readers
- Demand Bankstown council provides accommodation and answers for Euro Terraces residents
- For a counteroffensive of Canadian and US auto workers!
- Currency war warnings follow US Fed’s “quantitative easing”
- This week in history: September 24-30
- Britain: Ian Tomlinson’s family denounce police misconduct trial as a whitewash
- UN human rights officials visit Sri Lanka
- Squatting now a criminal offence in the UK
- Russian parliament expels Putin adversary
- Australia: Brisbane workers and youth denounce austerity budget
- Australia: Devastating cuts to Queensland public sector jobs and services
- Phyllis Scherrer discusses SEP campaign, Chicago strike at California meetings
- A balance sheet of the Afghanistan war
- Socialist Equality Party (US) Congress resolutions now available as pamphlet and ebook
- France’s Socialist Party government bans protests against anti-Muhammad cartoons
- Los Angeles workers speak on social crisis
- Chicago Symphony musicians walk out
- Australia: Funeral ceremony held for Bankstown fire victim
- Melting ice in the Arctic unleashes race for profits
- Study: Recession punishes West Virginia workers
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- SEP presidential candidate speaks to Ford Canada workers
- How Germany’s Left Party supports the war in Syria
- Support the struggle of Sri Lankan university teachers
- Sri Lankan SEP to hold Piyaseeli Wijegunasingha commemorative lecture
- Romney’s “47 percent” video and the bipartisan assault on social reform
- UN prepares French-backed intervention in Mali
- Attack in Libya disrupted major CIA operation
- Britain: Vast cover-up of Hillsborough football disaster
- Thousands of Foxconn workers clash with security guards in China
- Ford Canada workers ratify concessions deal
- Letters from our readers
- California governor signs pension “reform” bill
- Australian budget figures mean major attacks on spending
- Unions leading race to bottom for British car workers
- An interview with Mahdi Fleifel and Patrick Campbell, director and co-producer of A World Not Ours
- A World Not Ours: Where do the Palestinians go from here?
- Miners’ strikes add to fears of South African economic downturn
- Europe strengthens repressive powers of the state
- Pakistani government breaks up protests against the US
- Obama uses UN speech to threaten war against Iran
- As Australian mining boom ends, new push for wage cuts
- Mentally ill double amputee shot to death by Houston police
- Birthplace of UK’s National Health Service targeted for cuts
- In fourth date with death, Texas inmate executed by lethal injection
- UAW to hold revote at Chrysler Dundee, Michigan engine plant
- Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians ratify concessions contract
- Japan and China face off in island dispute
- Video: Chicago teachers speak on their strike and the defense of public education
- Workers at French auto plant speak out against job cuts
- Banks and money markets back plans for European banking union
- Australia: Bankstown council shuts fire victims out of meeting
- Western Australian cuts highlight sharp turn to austerity
- Spain’s anti-cuts protest violently broken up by police
- SEP presidential candidate Jerry White speaks in South Carolina
- Humala government outlaws strikes by Peruvian teachers and doctors
- US elections conceal preparations for war with Iran
- Job cuts confirmed at New Zealand rail
- Japan’s new opposition leader promotes militarist agenda
- Despite mass opposition, India pushes ahead with operationalizing nuclear plant
- Questions raised by BBC’s apology to queen over Abu Hamza
- Millions of Greek workers join one-day general strike against austerity
- Expo Chicago: Money and art mingle, with little benefit to art
- Early voting begins in US elections
- Poverty grows in Washington DC suburbs
- Letters from our readers
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- US military brands Assange, WikiLeaks as “the enemy”
- Voyager spacecraft approaching interstellar space—35 years after launch
- Turkish government raises consumption taxes
- Filmmakers respond to important events—but how they respond is also important …
- Sri Lanka suicide rate one of the world’s highest
- South Africa’s strike wave hits whole mining sector, spreads to transport
- National Football League and referees reach tentative agreement
- Europe sees unprecedented social polarisation
- Chicago school nurses speak on shortage: “Our kids deserve better”
- SEP presidential campaign comes to Virginia
- Israeli prime minister lays out path to war with Iran
- Germany: Undercover state agents active on periphery of far-right terrorist cell
- Australian PM demands UN rubberstamp war on Syria and Iran
- Australia: Bankstown fire points to safety de-regulation
- The terror of US drone warfare
- Global crisis hits German auto manufacturers
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Witchhunt intensifies against anti-US protesters in Australia
- Report reveals deteriorating social conditions in Wisconsin
- AKP government moves against Turkish army
- US scuttles Syria negotiations, backs anti-Assad forces at UN
- Slovenia: Government and opposition join ranks to impose austerity
- What is behind the global stock market rally?
- UN delegation snubbed by Pakistani officials as violence ravages Balochistan
- Harlan, Kentucky coal miner killed in roof fall
- Jerry White speaks to workers and students in Virginia
- Meeting in defense of Leon Trotsky at German Historians Conference
- 14,000-strong New England janitors union authorizes strike action
- Syria and the pro-imperialist “leftists” of the ISO
- Australia: Union/Grocon collusion against building workers
- Austerity budgets imposed across Europe
- An exchange of letters on the Emancipation Proclamation
- Letters from our readers
- Catalonia plans referendum on independence from Spain
- China: Bo Xilai expelled from the Communist Party
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: