Archive: 12/2012
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Thai anti-government protesters clash with security forces
- Protests grow against evictions in Spain
- One month since Hurricane Sandy
- Israel to expand settlements after UN vote on Palestine
- Bradley Manning speaks on abuse
- Leveson report whitewashes collusion in media’s criminal activity
- US bankruptcy judge approves $1.75 million in bonuses for Hostess executives
- France: Gaullist Union for a Popular Movement on verge of split
- Workers protest low wages at New York City fast-food restaurants
- Mass protests as Egyptian government seeks to push through constitution
- November sales slump in US reflects worsening social crisis
- Bipartisan group in US Congress promotes drone killings
- Letters from our readers
- Los Angeles and Long Beach port clerical workers on strike
- Police attack Bangladesh garment workers
- Dangerous Remedy: Bertram Wainer and the struggle for abortion rights
- This week in history: December 3-9
- US birth rate falls to lowest since 1920
- The PQ budget and the 2012 Quebec student strike
- Demands for restructuring of public sector follow approval of Portuguese budget
- The “rule of law” and state killings
- Fifth German secret service resignation in NSU far-right terror scandal
- Thousands protest as new Mexican president takes office
- German Left Party moves further to the right
- South Korean “independent” pulls out of presidential election
- The death of Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif
- Social catastrophe faces UK working poor
- Doha conference highlights national divisions over climate change
- Grain haulers’ lockout of Northwest longshoremen postponed
- In “fiscal cliff” talks, Democrats offer cuts now, cuts later
- Burmese military cracks down on copper mine protest
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Reject the sellout contract! Fight to defend the right to higher education and decent living standards!
- Mass opposition to Tunisian repression of anti-poverty protests
- Washington floats chemical weapons charge as pretext for Syria buildup
- A reply to Unite Head of Health Rachael Maskell
- Los Angeles area port workers’ strike continues
- The historical significance of the gathering world slump
- NHL union lays the basis for massive concessions for hockey players
- Jordan hit by protests against fuel hikes and Abdullah’s rule
- Japan: At least nine dead in tunnel collapse
- Sri Lanka: Jaffna University students arrested
- New study details growth of income inequality across US
- Florange steelworkers betrayed by French government, unions
- More data pointing to slowdown in US economy
- Australian Senate report rejects dole increase
- Letters from our readers
- UK health unions mount feeble protest against attacks on National Health Service
- Behind the UAW’s “support” for the Maruti Suzuki workers
- South China Sea disputes flare up
- Notes on the social crisis in America
- Striking bus drivers in Singapore face arrest and deportation
- Hurricane Sandy compounds crisis facing public schools in New York City
- Massive cost-cutting by airlines across Europe
- German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau faces bankruptcy
- Scores dead as typhoon hits the Philippines
- Obama and Al Qaeda
- Assessing an American pop icon
- Italian steel workers fight for jobs
- Obama administration to allow further US media consolidation
- Mass anti-Mursi protests, clashes with police in Cairo
- Public tussle over US deficit plans masks bipartisan agenda
- Boeing professional and technical workers oppose concessions demands
- Australian central bank cuts interest rates amid signs of economic slump
- Austrian billionaire Stronach launches new right-wing party
- Sri Lankan unions prepare political trap for plantation workers
- Spanish government prepares repressive measures against social opposition
- Who are Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles?
- ISO leader endorses Chicago school closings
- German Left Party student association moves further to the right
- Large turnout at meeting on attacks on public schools in Michigan
- Mursi’s crackdown exposes counter-revolutionary role of Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists
- ILWU ends Los Angeles port strike
- Papua New Guinea PM pledges fealty to Australian government, mining investors
- Leveson whitewash of Murdoch’s UK media empire
- US-backed Muslim Brotherhood unleashes bloody crackdown in Cairo
- Defend auto workers victimised by Maruti Suzuki and Indian authorities
- The failure of land reform in South Africa
- Citigroup to cut 11,000 jobs
- Letters from our readers
- Elliott Carter (1908-2012) and the crisis of contemporary music
- Congressman Jack Brooks, Rex ’84 and the Iran-Contra affair
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- US tightens military noose around Syria
- Spanish bank bailout paves way for new attacks on working class
- The American establishment and the British royal pregnancy
- Survey shows Australian teachers oppose NAPLAN testing
- Michigan legislators pass right-to-work bill as police attack protesters
- The SYRIZA model
- Michigan woman killed in blaze near closed fire station
- Egypt’s US-backed president Mursi deploys army, prepares massive repression
- Behind the growth of D.C. charter schools
- Locked out American Crystal Sugar workers reject contract again
- UK by-elections reveal hostility to government
- Global retail giants and the Bangladesh factory fire
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Mounting evidence of US plans for military intervention against Syria
- Trade unions shut down South African farm workers strike
- Japanese election mired in nationalism and militarism
- Protests continue in Australian refugee detention camps
- Letters on the British royal pregnancy
- The destruction of health care in Greece
- Protests spread throughout Egypt against Islamist dictatorship
- Tepid US jobs report points to ongoing slump
- Washington DC parents and teachers express outrage over schools plan
- Letters from our readers
- Cleveland, Ohio police killing sparks outrage
- UK Autumn budget: Austerity without end for workers
- Australian national income falls as global downturn deepens
- This week in history: December 10-16
- Tunisian UGTT union calls one-day national strike
- Syrian “rebels” establish unified military command
- Protests against Slovenian government
- No to Michigan’s ‘right-to-work’ legislation
- Death toll from Philippine typhoon exceeds 600
- The “fiscal cliff” and the dismantling of Medicare
- Peabody closes Illinois mine after miner’s death, laying off 400
- New York City police arrest artist who created drone satires
- Inter-European conflicts torpedo plans for banking union
- Mursi calls on military in Egypt crisis
- Australian governments make bogus pledge to lower electricity bills
- Jazz musician Dave Brubeck dies at 91
- Karzai offers immunity for continued US occupation
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Croatian war criminals released after appeal by Western military chiefs
- Sri Lanka: Parliamentary panel backs impeachment of chief justice
- The political economy of the Spanish bank bailout
- Patriot Coal to end mountaintop removal mining in West Virginia
- UAW provides Obama a platform for his austerity assault on workers
- Italian Prime Minister Monti resigns
- Irish budget deepens misery for working people
- Obama inauguration to allow unlimited corporate donations
- The extortionate operations of NML Capital
- Doha climate summit concludes without agreement on emission reductions
- WikiLeaks editor denounces mass internet surveillance and US attacks on democratic rights
- Stockton, California: Bankruptcy judge poised to rule against workers
- New York: Continuing misery in Rockaways in aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
- Conviction of Quebec student strike leader sets stage for broader attack on students’ rights
- Washington discovers terrorists in Syria
- GM-Opel plant in Germany to be shut down
- Australia: Young people list economic issues as top concern
- Michigan enacts right-to-work law
- Hearing on Bradley Manning’s pre-trial confinement concludes
- Michigan protesters denounce right-to-work law
- Mass protests against referendum on new Egyptian constitution
- Chinese leadership tries to revamp its corrupt image
- The Central Park Five: A story of injustice
- Outburst of loyalist violence in Northern Ireland
- Illinois grad assistants union pushes through concessions contract
- “Friends of Syria” meeting demands Assad cede power to Islamist opposition
- Australian court throws out allegations against former parliamentary speaker
- Social Democratic-led alliance wins Romanian election
- Michigan’s right-to-work law
- Oregon students face massive debt
- The royal pregnancy phone hoax
- Massachusetts governor outlines new round of budget cuts
- Lobbyists collude with UK government on National Health Service privatisation
- US warns of “consequences” over North Korean rocket launch
- After winning FDI vote, Indian government vows to push ahead with pro-investor measures
- Sweetheart settlement for HSBC bank on drug money laundering charges
- New Zealand Hobbit premiere used to drive “international competitiveness” agenda
- Leading German newspaper’s conference hears call for dismantling democracy
- Death Grips’ No Love Deep Web: A terminally destructive message
- Letters from our readers
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Australian pseudo-left backs imperialist intervention in Syria
- Australia: Fire safety problems in new student accommodation
- Sri Lanka: Security forces continue arresting Tamil youth
- Scotland’s Radical Independence Conference pledges to divide the working class
- Global tensions overshadow Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit
- Film showing of Tsar to Lenin in Sydney this Sunday
- Russia starts construction of the South Stream pipeline
- Philippine government calls for the rearming of Japan
- Above the law
- Washington, DC charter school wins Race to the Top grant
- SPD leader calls for a strong German state
- US Federal Reserve expands “quantitative easing”
- Obama, CEOs join forces in budget-cutting campaign
- Uninsured in Detroit speak on health care crisis
- Australian foreign minister visits Sri Lanka to tighten anti-refugee measures
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Detroit area auto workers speak on passage of Michigan right-to-work law
- US military trial to censor testimony on CIA torture
- Indian establishment mourns founder-leader of fascist Shiv Sena
- Rice abandons bid for secretary of state nomination
- Australian state government prepares to privatise railways
- Syria in the crosshairs
- India: Thousands join convention and protest to defend victimised Maruti Suzuki workers
- Junta forces Malian prime minister to resign
- The Life of Pi: In a lifeboat alone with a tiger
- South Korean “progressives” line-up behind the Democrats
- Air incident escalates Japan/China tensions over disputed islands
- EU summit—years more of austerity and crisis
- UK local authorities plan more than a billion pounds in cuts
- School shooting in Connecticut leaves 27 dead, including 20 children
- This week in history: December 17 - December 23
- Workers and youth speak about the relevance of the Russian Revolution today
- Horror in Newtown
- Australia: Keen interest in socialist perspective at Tsar to Lenin screenings
- British Labour backs welfare benefit cuts
- Right-wing LDP government to take office in Japan
- Ireland’s United Left Alliance presents its “alternative” budget
- German union boss becomes head of personnel at ThyssenKrupp
- Rash of gun violence, arrests follows Connecticut massacre
- Instigator of 2002 Gujarat pogrom seeks new term as chief minister
- Egyptian constitutional referendum marked by low turnout, allegations of fraud
- After devastating Samoa, Cyclone Evan hits Fiji
- Vast increase in compensation for US college presidents
- Protests erupt after Chicago police kill unarmed man
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- New Chinese leader signals further pro-market restructuring
- UK government pays millions to tortured Libyan to conceal its crimes
- Stone tools and the evolution of modern human cognition
- Israel considering attack on Syria
- The enduring significance of the life and work of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya
- Peña Nieto moves toward privatization of Mexican oil
- One-day sale – get 50 percent off Tsar to Lenin DVD
- In Memory of Keerthi Balasuriya
- Australian hospital patients waiting longer under Labor’s “health reform”
- Media, politicians obscure social roots of Connecticut shooting
- Obama, Republicans move toward deal to slash social programs
- Letters from our readers
- Michigan’s Awrey Bakeries faces closure
- Ten girls die in Afghanistan explosion as US pushes for permanent presence
- Tunisian UGTT union calls off one-day national strike against Islamists
- New York Times prescription for “When the Doctor Is Not Needed”
- Washington raises specter of Al Qaeda seizing Syrian chemical weapons
- Sri Lankan SEP marks 25th anniversary of Keerthi Balasuriya’s death
- Notes on the social crisis in America
- Killings highlight epidemic of police violence in US
- New Japanese government marks dangerous turn to militarism
- Germany’s Left Party and the closure of GM-Opel’s Bochum plant
- Private consultants reap rewards from UK National Health Service privatisation
- Andrew Marr’s History of the World: A slur against revolution
- Fierce clashes follow elections in Georgia
- New Zealand earthquake report whitewashes government’s role
- Chicago diverts taxes to investors, plans privatization of services
- Australia boosts links with Sri Lankan regime
- German parliament votes to station Patriot missiles on Syrian border
- US Department of Agriculture pushes for weaker rules on poultry industry
- Tsar to Lenin premiered in Berlin
- US, Arab allies call for intervention in Syria after bombing of Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp
- Ravi Shankar, acclaimed Indian musician, dies at 92
- Obama proposes Social Security cuts
- Obama announces task force on gun violence
- The Australian Labor government and the “mummy bloggers”
- UBS Libor-rigging settlement exposes pervasive bank fraud
- Daughter of former South Korean dictator wins presidency
- Pakistan: Ethnic violence in Karachi deadliest since 1994
- Government threatens UK teachers with pay cuts as punishment for industrial action
- Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty: Hollywood embraces the “dark side”
- Letters from our readers
- Bangladesh factory fire report blames “sabotage”
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- UN admits Syria wracked by sectarian civil war
- Australian refugee lawyer condemns deportations to Sri Lanka
- The German chancellor’s Christmas message
- US Congress drops measure banning indefinite detention of US citizens
- Malaysian ruling party mobilises for crisis election
- Germany’s Left Party mobilizes for war against Syria
- Forecast: 13.1 percent to be jobless some time in US next year
- Social discontent grows in Greece against austerity
- Australian government abandons budget surplus pledge
- State Department officials sanctioned for Benghazi attack
- French president promotes corporate interests, Mali war in Algeria visit
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Former Thai prime minister charged with murder
- Thousands affected by floods in Sri Lanka
- Germany: PSG holds meetings in defence of Greek workers
- The Libor swindle
- Michigan legislature enacts new attacks on workers, democratic rights
- Twenty-four dead in Mexican prison riot
- UN Security Council approves military intervention in Mali
- Obama nominates John Kerry as secretary of state
- Mental health charity warns of “nightmare scenario” for North East England
- Obama, Boehner pledge to continue talks on social cuts
- Privatisation agenda behind government threats against UK teachers
- Letters from our readers
- A new film version of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (and Sean Baker’s Starlet )
- Australia: Christmas period highlights mounting social crisis
- This week in history: December 24-30
- Massive cuts at German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp
- African National Congress anoints the butchers of Marikana
- Britain: Oppose the closure of Maltby Colliery
- Report details massive growth of social inequality across US
- Berlin: A grim Christmas for many
- Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood claims constitutional referendum victory amid mass abstention
- Big business clamour for Canada to adopt US-style “right-to-work” laws
- Robert Bork (1927-2012): Reactionary jurist and opponent of equality
- Australian analyst points to debate on alliance with Japan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Russian President Putin’s address to parliament promotes nationalism, austerity
- Unions isolate Portuguese dockworkers’ struggle against European port restructuring
- Occupy protests targeted by FBI counterterror units
- US retools terror war in scramble for Africa
- 25 years since Keerthi Balasuriya’s death: South Asia’s foremost Marxist of the second half of the 20th century
- New right-wing Japanese government installed
- US munitions cause spike in Iraqi infant birth defects
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey—not so unexpected as all that
- US mayors’ survey: Food insecurity, homelessness rising across the country
- Australian utility companies disconnect thousands of households
- West Coast longshoremen overwhelmingly reject grain handlers’ contract offer
- Letters from our readers
- Wage freezes, school cuts in Connecticut budget
- Global split over telecom treaty
- Spanish Popular Party government launches assault on public education
- UK police frame up Conservative MP
- Currency wars to intensify in 2013
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower: Growing up in the early 1990s
- Social crisis intensifies in New Zealand
- Longshoremen strike may shut down US East Coast ports
- South Korean companies plan sweeping job cuts
- 25 years since Keerthi Balasuriya’s death: South Asia’s foremost Marxist of the second half of the 20th century
- Iraq arrests spark mass protests
- Democrats, Republicans prepare major cuts in workers’ wages, benefits
- Rape of Delhi woman sparks protests in India
- More than 400,000 Californians could lose unemployment benefits
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- In wake of Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers hit with transit fare hike
- Syria faces humanitarian catastrophe
- The Scottish Socialist Party and the financial oligarchy
- Tentative agreement reached as union calls off plans for US port strike
- UK: Peterborough city council’s social cuts target elderly, disabled
- White House, Congress extend police-state FISA law
- IMF demands deeper austerity in Pakistan
- Favorite music of 2012
- NYC worker: “The fare is going up, but my salary is not”
- Democrats, Republicans work toward “fiscal cliff” deal
- Australian state government imposes fire station shut-downs
- Best films of 2012
- Dismal holiday sales belie talk of US “recovery”
- Unpaid wages spark strikes in China
- Homelessness soars among US Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans
- This week in history: December 31-January 6
- Australian government rejects refugee protest letter
- Obama spearheads social counterrevolution
- Monti to lead coalition in Italian election
- Anti-Semitic outburst in the Hungarian parliament
- UK High Court rejects inquiry into British role in Pakistan drone strikes
- Fear of food scarcity hits US capital, outlying suburbs
- Cyclone Evan causes serious damage in Fiji
- China’s red aristocracy
- US, France deploy troops to Central African Republic
- Canada’s native peoples protest chronic poverty and government attacks
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: