The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees

Report to Seventh Congress of Socialist Equality Party (US)

Build rank-and-file committees, the organs of 21st century working class struggle!

This report was given by Eric London to the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US) in support of the resolution titled “Build the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees! For a global counteroffensive of the working class!”

Eric London

Google lays off 12,000 workers as tech jobs bloodbath intensifies

The announcement by Google that it is laying off 12,000 workers is the latest in the intensifying jobs bloodbath in the technology sector internationally and the spearhead of a drive by the financial elite to impose the inflation crisis on the backs of the working class.

Kevin Reed

Stop the attack on Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio!

On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania-Ohio Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee met, discussed and passed the following resolution condemning the fascist violence being directed against Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio.

Pennsylvania-Ohio Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee

“I support the strike 100 percent”

Airline workers speak out in support of strike by 33,000 Boeing machinists

The demands of Boeing workers—at least a 40 percent raise to combat inflation, maintaining their yearly bonus, improved healthcare and the restoration of pensions—echo among all workers who have faced decades of slashed wages and declining living standards.

Bryan Dyne

BMA sells out junior doctors’ pay fight in partnership with Labour government

The train drivers’ two-year strike and the junior doctors’ action in England were the two remaining national disputes from the 2022-3 strike wave of rail, postal and telecom workers, NHS staff, teachers and lecturers that was demobilised by the union bureaucracy based on sellout agreements.

Tony Robson

Australia: Vote “no” to union-Labor sellout of Victorian nurses

Under the proposed agreement, base pay rates in most classifications will remain lower in real terms than they were in 2019, until at least October 2027. Moreover, the deal will do nothing to address the deepening crisis in the state’s public health system.

Martin Scott

Stop the attack on Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio!

On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania-Ohio Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee met, discussed and passed the following resolution condemning the fascist violence being directed against Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio.

Pennsylvania-Ohio Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee

Boston University resident assistants strike, joining grad students striking since March

Boston University resident assistants struck August 31 over an impasse in negotiations with BU for better pay and working conditions. Three thousand BU graduate students, organized in the same SEIU local, went on strike in March for improved pay and benefits and still have not reached an agreement with the university, having been largely abandoned by the union apparatus.

T.J. Garrison

Amazon delivery drivers strike in Illinois

Last week about 100 package delivery drivers at Amazon’s DIL7 Delivery Station in Skokie, IL went on strike demanding wage increases, a standard 40-hour work week, and to protest union busting efforts by the company.

Andy Thompson

Oil workers walk out at Marathon Detroit refinery

More than 270 workers went on strike Wednesday morning to demand substantial wage increases and an end to exhausting work schedules that threaten the health and safety of workers and the surrounding working-class community in southwest Detroit.

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