Dear Editors,
For Canadians, watching the US self-destruct in the tabloidized TV 'news' media has become a spectator sport during these months of White House sex scandal. Your eminently sane editorial only reinforces my growing feeling that what we are witnessing is part of the process whereby a First World power becomes a Third World nation. Only Nero fiddled while Rome burned because Rome didn't have a CNN, ABC, MSNBC as orchestral backup.
Thank you for this editorial.
Dear WSWS Editorial Board:
I am a college student in Florida and like keeping up with the major events of the day. But, when discovered your web site I was pleased to see another view of the news. Your week-by-week of the Lewinsky scandal seems to be right on the money. Your reporting has exposed the real players behind the scenes--the key players who often go unreported in the 'liberal media.' (I really get upset when people say that, because the American media is anything but liberal). Your stories paralleling the past abuses of power (Nixon--Watergate, Reagan--Iran-Contra) clearly shows how unfairly Pres. Clinton is being executed by his right-wing critics for something this minor. Once again, thank you for your excellent analysis of the news--with no agenda or missions to sway public opinion--just the facts. Keep up the good work!
To the Editors:
I'm new to your site. Interesting for sure. I'll tell like and unlike minds to explore. I have a few questions concerning the whole matter of these investigations.
1. Who gave Lewinsky the transfer to the WH during the shutdown? I'd like to know.
2. Does Dan Burton have ties to the ultra right? I'd like to know.
3. Is there right wing connections in the Zubin Mehta /Susan McDougal trial in California? I'd like to know.
4. Is it just a coincidence that MSNBC is such a harsh critic of the President while Microsoft is being taken to task about their new Operating System? I'd like to know.
5. Did Starr lie before the Supreme Court while defending Tobacco interests? I'd like to know.
6. Did Linda Tripp ever work or just wander around the White House? I'd like to know.
7. Is there some sort of list of all the connections that lead back to RM Scaife? I'd like to know.
8. How many investigations are going on concerning Starr's ethical conduct? I'd like to know.
9. With 65 percent of the American people are for the taking where is the Democratic Party? I'd like to know.
10. Why doesn't mainstream media mention the fact that the Supreme Court really does make the laws through their rulings? I'd like to know.
If you can answer some or all of these questions it would be greatly appreciated.
Dear DA:
Your rhetorical points are well taken.
See Also:
Lieberman delivers 'the most unkindest cut of all'
[8 September 1998]
Elite opinion and public opinion
Reflections on the class divide in America
[8 September 1998]
The Starr investigation: a creeping coup d'etat
[6 June 1998]