Sydney Sunday November 4, 3:00pm Tom Mann Theatre 136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills (near Central Station) Tickets: $6/$4 students & unemployed | Melbourne Thursday November 8, 7:00pm LaTrobe University City Campus Lecture Theatre 215 Franklin St, Melbourne (near Queen St) Tickets: $4/$2 students & unemployed |
The September 11 attacks on New York and Washington and the US-led war against Afghanistan mark a profound turning point in world affairs. Washington and its allies are seeking to exploit the justifiable revulsion felt over the loss of innocent lives in the US to stampede public opinion into supporting military aggression against one of the world’s most backward countries.
Despite the unanimous support for the war in official circles, many people have serious doubts and questions about what is taking place. Where is the evidence linking Osama bin Laden to the September 11 attacks? Why has Afghanistan been made a target, and who will be next? What are the consequences of this open-ended US intervention in a region that is a tinderbox of competing interests and tensions? What are the implications for the international working class?
In Australia, the federal election campaign has been overshadowed by the war. Widely-felt concerns over unemployment, the lack of public schools and hospitals and the steady encroachment on basic democratic rights have been pushed to one side as Prime Minister Howard and Opposition Leader Beazley compete with one another to demonstrate their eagerness to join with the US. But what is the real purpose behind Australia’s involvement?
To answer these questions, it is necessary to critically examine the self-serving explanations offered by the Bush administration and its allies, and to place the events since September 11 within a broader historical and international context. The Socialist Equality Party in Australia invites World Socialist Web Site readers to attend our Sydney and Melbourne public meetings, where speakers will address these issues and advance an alternative socialist perspective. Ample opportunity will be provided for questions and discussion.
Tickets can be ordered by telephone on (02) 9790 3511 or by email at