The following is a selection of recent letters to the World Socialist Web Site.
On “G8 powers sanction Israeli aggression”
There is an economy that decides in the last analysis. Trotsky was first on this, at a session of the Third International, and speaking at a time when capitalism was gaining ground, so adding the caveat, that it was only in the last analysis that economy decides. He did not live to see the last analysis, which is our time. Omitted from your editorial statement is the heavy damage to the Israeli economy that the war is taking, especially when the world economy is in such perilous shape. Israel is, and has always been, a “colonial settler state,” in the words of Abraham Leon. How many times in the last century have such militarily large states been humbled in asymmetrical warfare. Already, the Zionist papers are nervous, the Lebanese economy bounced back from worse. The Israeli economy is subsidized by the world’s only superpower. whose relative strength economy-wise you have portrayed brilliantly: Feet of clay.
Concretely, it costs too much for the Israeli economy to maintain this level of engagement beyond a few weeks. How long can the other side hold out? Ask my surviving people of the strugglers of the Warsaw Ghetto, rolling over in their graves.
Toronto, Ontario
18 July 2006
On “Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific”
Dear friend,
Thank you for reporting the bank employees agitation and campaign program. Finally, the bank employees went on an all-India strike on 28 July 2006. I am personally a bank employee and work in the Central Bank of India. Also I thank for the news on Central Bank’s strike held recently.
With greetings,
Kolkata, India
29 July 2006
On “Superman Returns, Pirates II, Clerks II: No ‘fount of impressions and emotions’ at present”
After reading the article published by the WSWS, it comes as a confirmation to a trend in American pop-culture that I’ve been observing for the past few years. In a general sense, it seems to continually be an expression of the lack of any genuine creativity in terms of the core elements to both film and music. Have stories become so lacking that new plots must sustain themselves with more sequels and more special effects? Has film only been profitable by becoming an extension of comics instead of possessing the depth of a quality novel? The list goes on. It probably would be no surprise if in the following years the movie industry of America reaches a final standstill both in quality and earnings—a death not by lack of innovation, but instead by creative inertia.
28 July 2006
On “UAW-GM deal: a new stage in the corporate assault on American workers”
Excellent article. I have just a few thoughts about the degeneration of the trade unions. The article by Professer Vadim Rogovin, “Why there is no strong socio-political left movements in Russia,” written in 1994, can give a deeper understanding of the failure of the trade union perspective and criminal activity. It is a very difficult issue for workers to really understand and the article puts it in the context of social policies of governments defending their class interests against a working class social movement for social equality and justice. Can you reprint this important statement:
“In order to prevent the workers from consolidating in left social movements, these forces try to achieve a shift in social identification from class and party to national identity ... the division of people into ‘us’ and ‘them’ depending on what nationality one belongs to.”
Melbourne, Australia
27 July 2006
On “Ukraine: Constitutional crisis deepens as Orange parties jostle for power”
My compliments for a lucid analysis of the situation in the Ukraine. Even Ria Novosti and Pravda limit themselves to facts, without going into any in-depth analysis. I don’t talk about the newspapers here. Liberation and Le Monde are silent, as are their Atlantic counterparts. It is always a pleasure reading your web site.
Menthon St. Bernard, France
27 July 2006
On “Sri Lankan military personnel questioned over murder of journalist”
This dastardly slaying is but the latest in the secret police terror state that has become the lot of Sri Lanka. By virtue of the racist and religious bent of the state constitution, policies, laws and practices over decades, Tamils have been particularly badly affected in this deadly state, regardless of what President Rajapaksa and his government say or pretend to say that it is all wonderful and paradisiacal!
Now even Sinhala journalists, like Lakmal, who perhaps by dint of his conscience and journalistic training and outspokenness, have not been spared. The whole journalistic world and journalists in Sri Lanka have been saying it loud and clear since the murders of Sivaram and others that the death of the country’s journalists spells the death of democracy and freedom.
Do other countries’ governments care? Seems not. Otherwise, they would have reined in the state of Sri Lanka long time ago. Instead, they only rein in the LTTE and give backhanded references about the state of governance in the country that is the real rot. Why? Perhaps they do not want to “hurt” the sensitivities of governments or they want to sell arms to earn more dollars, or they want to get “bases,” or they just want to see world disorder so they can play “important foreign policy” roles by fishing in troubled waters. Do they care about local people? Why should they, when the so-called local leaders do not care?
It all seems to be one big vicious circle. Unless and until those involved in the slayings of journalists are brought to justice, for so long will the future of justice and freedom for ordinary people be seriously imperiled. The trouble is there is no remedy for failed states and their so-called leaders. Unless and until there is public agitation and laws to bring failed leaders to account for misgovernance by public trials, the present indolent state of the country will continue.
12 July 2006
On “Lessons of Peter Garrett’s evolution: from radical activist to Australian Labor politician”
Dear Mr. Cogan,
I was talking with some Australian friends today and Peter’s name came up. I had not realized that he’d gone into parliament, and was excited to hear this. Well ... All I’d known of him was Midnight Oil, and had appreciated their music, etc. Thank you for writing this article. Disappointing as it may be, it’s good to know what’s really going on.
Sadly, but fraternally,
Portland, Oregon, US
20 July 2006
On “Australian treasurer Peter Costello joins anti-Muslim bandwagon”
I am so glad I found your article. For the fifth time this year I have received that disgraceful email touting Treasurer Costello’s stance on “Australian values.” I had been at a loss as to how to respond to such racist and bigoted statements. I have sent your article to the offending and offensive people who dared to send me the email in the first place. Should I receive it again, I will put them in their place with your backgrounder and wonderful analysis of true reasons behind this story. Thank you.
Toronto, Canada
17 July 2006