The following is a selection of recent letters sent to the World Socialist Web Site.
On “Bush administration threatens Iraqi prime minister as Baghdad bloodbath is prepared”
Moqtada Al-Sadr has partly himself to blame for the dangerous position he is in. When some time ago, his militia was in a strong position, and the Sunni militants were also fighting hard against the occupation forces, Al-Sadr’s militia did not join with the Sunni fighters. Instead, Al-Sadr gradually gave way to the occupation forces to proceed with elections and install a favourable government. All the while, Al-Sadr’s forces continued with their hostility to the Sunnis. Now, Al-Sadr is isolated and has to fight alone against both the occupation and Sunni forces.
28 January 2007
On “The background to the murder of Turkish journalist Hrant Dink”
It is strange that as the world progresses in education and science, instead of becoming more liberal it is becoming more intolerant. One example of this is the murder of Turkish journalist Hrant Dink. It is also tragic that a precious life is lost because Mr. Dink expressed his views. This episode is not good for Turkey and not good for the present civilization, which is perilously poised on the brink. Let us pray that the inevitable would be averted by a miracle.
Lucknow, India
28 January 2007
What we don’t need is putting our energies into energizing the Democratic Party that is complicit in everything that is done in Washington, and can now conveniently blame the corrupt Republicans.
What we do need is a brand new movement of peace and justice and a restructuring of the monetary policies that have led to a new class of robber barons vs. the impoverished working class. The powers that be like to vilify Cuba, but Cubans have universal healthcare by some of the best medicos in the world, and free education through the university level. Sure, the Cubans are poor—they’ve been embargoed for decades—but what are the chances that our lopsided system will ever allow us to have access to those benefits of healthcare and education? Just about as good as a snowball in hell. Sometimes I sit in the local supermarket and read the local progressive rag and pick up a conversation with whomever else is sitting there waiting for their ride home, and I have to tell you—the people know they’re being screwed, and they blame everyone in the government, and the boiling point is just about ready to blow! To the barricades!
30 January 2007
* * *It is sad that the government of the US does not realize the war in Iraq was utterly wrong. The first attack was because Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait. He would never have done so if he knew that the US would react as it did. Something said by the former US ambassador to Iraq suggested that she had deliberately misled him. The object was to get an opportunity to invade Iraq and secure control of its oil. When George Bush Senior was not reelected, Clinton did not proceed as the Oil Barons had wished. Hence the second attack under George Bush Junior. It is all about oil. All around the world most people are easy to get on with. It is the politicians that cause all the trouble.
Ottawa, Canada
30 January 2007
On “Repression in Brazil: University students sentenced for protest against Lula government”
Although precise at describing the ongoing feel of fear at Brazilian universities, Júlio Mariutti fails to simply add that the University of Sao Paulo is not a federal institution, and the state governor carefully chooses its presidents. The state of Sao Paulo has been for more than a decade controlled by PSDB, the opposition party.
30 January 2007