The Socialist Equality Party candidate for Detroit mayor, D’Artagnan Collier, will speak at an election meeting on Tuesday, July 14, on the socialist response to the economic crisis. The corporations and wealthy are using the economic crisis—the product of their own reckless speculation—as an opportunity to restructure class relations in America. Their aim is to restore profits through a massive attack on the working class, the destruction of millions of jobs, the starving off of key social services such as education, and the impoverishment of wide sections of the population.
If workers are to defend their livelihoods and their families, they must fight back. The SEP’s campaign is aimed at encouraging and providing political leadership to a renewed struggle of the working class in Detroit, throughout the country and internationally. This meeting will discuss the necessary political strategy for a new struggle of the working class. We encourage all workers, professionals and young people in the Detroit area to participate in this crucial discussion.
July 14 • 6-8pm
Southfield Public Library
26300 Evergreen Rd, Southfield, MI