Britain is to dispatch an additional 500 troops to Afghanistan. At the same time, the United States is planning a massive build-up of tens of thousands of additional troops. Currently 9,000 UK personnel and US 65,000 troops occupy the country. Taken with the 124,000 personnel still in Iraq, these occupation forces outnumber the 186,000 involved in conflict under President Bush.
The war has already claimed the lives of almost 1,400 coalition forces and Afghans numbering in the multiple thousands. The election of Barack Obama was hailed as a fresh chance for peace. Instead Washington’s war drive has escalated. In Britain, all the major parties are committed to the conflict.
Far from being aimed at democratic “regime change” and combating a terrorist threat, the war seeks to secure control of vital oil and gas resources in the Middle East, Caspian Basin and Afghanistan itself—estimated to hold reserves of nearly 1.6 billion barrels of oil and 15.7 trillion cubic feet gas. This imperialist war of conquest must end, but how can this be done given the abject failure of the anti-war movement?
The International Students for Social Equality proposes a new and socialist movement against war. Come and discuss this strategy at our meeting.
Monday 2 November, 6pm
Arts A, Room 103
Arts A BuildingUniversity of Sussex
Sussex, BN1 9RH
Wednesday 4 November,7.30pm
Room 1, University of Manchester Students Union
Steve Biko Building, Oxford Road
M13 9PR
Wednesday 4 November, 6.30pm
St Matthews Meeting Rooms
Carver Street (off Division Street)
Sheffield, S1 4FT
Wednesday November 4, 4pm
Room G.76, Franklin-Wilkins Building
Waterloo Campus, Kings College London
Thursday 12 November, 6.30pm
Room G6, University of Dundee
Tower Building, Perth Road
Dundee, DD1 4HN
Wednesday 18 November, 7pm
Room 611 LT E, Boyd Orr Building
University Avenue, University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
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