On “Volcanic ash cloud leaves hundreds of thousands stranded in Europe”
Regarding these eruptions and their effect on air travel, my concern is: What might happen if one of these volcanoes falls into the hands of terrorists? Stay tuned to the National Terror Network in your area. All Terror, All the Time, 24/7.
Randy R
Oregon, USA
20 April 2010
On “Rumblings of new war in the Middle East”
You can’t deny the economic interests that benefit from protracted warfare involving the US in the Middle East. Military exports account for a huge chunk of what’s left of American industry. What better way to ensure the continued pilfering of the working class than through war? Obama wants to increase exports? We can see how the American bourgeoisie profits from promoting international instability. No matter if the supposed “heroes”, “Our Troops” get shot with the goods sold, so long as the GDP keeps ticking up.
War provides all sorts of opportunities for the promotion of all kinds of financial innovation and speculation. The threat of nuclear war and the annihilation of the species is just another component of the risk/benefit analysis.
Daniel R
Ontario, Canada
22 April 2010
On “German government statement on the Bundeswehr mission in Afghanistan: The Chancellor’s lies”
Merkel’s choice of discourse is trying to play poker against the German populace, and she underestimates their memories miserably. Using consoling words and intentionally leaving the word “war” aside, confirms her time warp from WWII. The German people have thankfully moved on in their opposition to imperialist motives in Afghanistan. She not only lies about it, but is insulting to the people in the bargain.
Philip T
Baden Wuertemberg, Germany
23 April 2010
There is a CIA report (on WikiLeaks) that analyzes public support in Germany for the Afghan adventure and how to increase it. The report concludes that nothing much can be done, and that if the Afghan war moves up the priority list of German voters, the entire policy will be in big trouble. Now an unstated assumption in the report is that the Left Party and the SPD are political opportunists. My take on this is that the Left Party is calling (or will call) for withdrawal of German troops, and that the SPD is reserving its position until it sees if the Left Party makes political “capital” from this stance. And that is the source of the SPD nonsense about the word “war.” It is a marker to which they will return if the party hierarchy considers that it could prove a worthwhile “investment.” I expect that both these parties will try to tap into anti-American sentiment given the recent failure of the German government to get tactical (American) nuclear weapons removed from Germany. These weapons are a direct threat to the autonomy of the German elites. They can be used to involve Germany directly in a nuclear war. Perhaps the SPD will take up this cause so as not to be outflanked by Left Party rhetoric. In any case the topology of both parties is known. A surface of left sounding phrases covering an imbroglio of bourgeois convictions.
23 April 2010
On “Detroit News runs to the aid of DTE Energy”
Right on, Jerry! Excellent article about the faux piety of DTE executives. And regarding the plan to get rid of the old houses to solve the “problem”—sounds like the old-fashioned “slum clearance” of the 1960s to me. Get rid of the people and the buildings; get rid of the problem. The utter soullessness of the so-called “solution” is staggering.
San Francisco, USA
23 April 2010