The World Socialist Web Site encourages workers and other readers to send letters of support and solidarity to the Indianapolis GM Stamping Rank-and-File Committee. The committee was established to organize workers independently of and in opposition to the United Auto Workers union to fight the wage and job cuts being demanded by the corporations, the government and the UAW. (See “An open letter from the Indianapolis GM Stamping Rank-and-File Committee.”)
Send messages of support to and copies to the World Socialist Web Site.
Hello fellow workers,
I work in the public transport sector in Victoria, Australia. I write to express my wholehearted support for the forthright and necessary struggle by the Indianapolis GM Stamping Rank and File Committee.
By your stand against the despicable actions of the UAW and GM you defend not only your own rights, you stand up for the rights of the working class the world over.
The UAW shows itself to be like the vast majority of union organisations today, that systematically position themselves to act as agents and brokers for business interests—and against the interests of working class people.
In Australia unions have used rank and file members’ money for real estate deals, property development deals, and for setting up of superannuation funds. All of these have union officials placed in lucrative upper management positions.
Unions have turned capitalist, and set themselves against the workers.
Consider the growing union mantra: “we must understand the importance of global competitiveness.” We see how unions have adopted a core capitalist lie, joining with capitalists to use it to strip workers’ wage to a minimum.
If workers say ‘No!’ to this lie—as they must—the unions, business and media collude to portray them as selfish.
They dare to suggest that workers should be ashamed of themselves for not taking a pay cut!
They dare to suggest that workers do not care about future generations!
They dare—by pushing THEIR false doctrine of ‘global competitiveness’—to drive a wedge between the working class!
But a rapidly growing number of us, like Indianapolis workers, are growing acutely aware of that grand lie of capitalism—that workers are antagonistic to each other, separated and powerless—and will refute it utterly.
I join you in encouraging Lake Orion workers, and all other auto workers, to form rank and file committees to fight the UAW.
In solidarity,
Victoria, Australia
I read your letter on the World Socialist Web Site. Briefly, I simply wanted to send a letter expressing my gratitude and solidarity with the sentiments you express. I’m a college student studying philosophy in Ohio. Hopefully you know that there are a growing number of students who come from the working class, whose parents are workers, and who ultimately are on your side. If there is anything I can do to help you in your struggle, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.
All the best,
I have read about the GM Stamping Rank-and-file Committee workers’ struggle against the UAW—and J.D. Norman and GM—at (which I think is the best site for news and analysis). I hope that your struggle is successful, and that it marks a watershed event, a turning point in the ongoing fight of workers to preserve their jobs and living conditions.
Well said!! Like yourself, I find myself looking forward to the day the useless union officials and reps find themselves completely screwed by their own policies. They are one group I wouldn’t want to help in any new rank and file reorganization down the road.
Buffalo, NY
Dear Comrades,
Your struggle against the UAW and GM resonates with workers all over the world, and with me. I am a truck driver. I have seen my wages dwindle and my hours increase over the years. I understand your plight. Your struggle is an inspiration to thousands, if not more.
In Fraternity,
Fayetteville, AR