
Letters from our readers

On “US, Canadian workers locked out for opposing wage cuts



I agree with this commentary and think it is time for workers to start playing a little hard ball. Occupy Wall Street? How about a round of “Occupy the Factory” instead! It’s an old-fashioned game that was played by our grandparents, only this time it’ll involve wireless Internet. And as elected workplace committees connect with other committees, the possibility of a democratic worker government starts to look pretty real.


In short, I also want to thank the web site writers for all their hard work over the past year, and I look forward to their continued world coverage and their focus on the goal of true and international democracy.


7 January 2012

On “Obama signs police state legislation

Yes We Can! ...trade rule of law for rule of “trust me”—and Obama has proven that he is not to be trusted.


Michael K
5 January 2012

On “The Pentagon’s strategy review: A blueprint for world war


Coming after the crushing of the OWS movement by force, this explanation of US intentions to keep the Middle East a US colony while pursuing a criminal war with China exposes the main goal of the capitalists here to begin the process of finally eradicating class struggle worldwide and creating a grotesque totalitarian system that crushes all resistance to the pigs and their domination. Apparently, the Pentagon and capitalist think-tanks see the economic power of China as being hostile to capitalism, ignoring the millions of CPC millionaires and the inestimable saving of US capitalism by allowing the imperialists to place thousands of US companies in China during the last 30 years. The Chinese have nukes, however, and although their number is few they might be augmented by many more from Russia. Although December 21, 2012 is too soon a time for a nuclear inferno to engulf us, it may be that the Chinese will try to pre-empt the pigs with a demo of a few nukes on US military bases in the Pacific like Kwajalein atoll or Guam.


Steve H
Massachusetts, USA
9 January 2012

On “California Democratic Governor enacts ‘trigger cuts,’ promising continued austerity


I am far from being a socialist, however, I do feel that certain social services are cornerstones for basic quality of life. I do know one divorced mother in Pacheco, California, who paid over one thousand dollars for her three kids to have the ability to ride buses to school. This is a hardship for many, and of course would be disproportionately hard on those who depend on two incomes for families. I wonder how many people will lose significant income and even become insolvent when bus service is cut. What is the net gain or loss to our economy for these services?


Tim N
California, USA
5 January 2012

On “TNA drops opposition to Sri Lankan war crimes whitewash

Politicians are ready to use bankrupt linguistic politics as weapon to hold, divide and control the oppressed masses. But, when it comes to rights and even basic needs of the people they stand as allies with the same oppressors to deny them. So, workers don’t have any caste, religion, language or race, only the shackles to break.


“Two countries within a country, two distinct culture within same city of London, that of bourgeoisie and working class”—Engels in Conditions of Working class in England.



9 January 2012

On “New Italian government tilts foreign policy towards Washington


Hello, it is an unfortunate turn of phrase, which implies a misunderstanding, to speak of the current Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, as an “authoritarian economist.” Monti’s real base of power is only the fear that the country might end the way of Greece—bankrupt—so in reality, politically speaking Monti is barely hanging by a thread—anything but authoritarian—and has repeatedly adjusted his austerity cuts in response to pressures from various interest groups.


However, Monti earned undying gratitude for himself by making possible the ousting of Berlusconi, who was hanging like a millstone from Italy’s neck, not unlike Mussolini in 1943, when he was eventually ousted and replaced by a similar technocratic government.


Incidentally, the Treaty of Friendship signed by Berlusconi with Gaddafi was torn up by the former, under withering and contemptuous American pressure, as it bound Italy not to allow its territory to be used for hostile acts against Libya.


Whereas almost all of the air attacks against Libya were launched from Italian soil.


Which goes to show whether Italy (and other European nations) can be considered any longer as sovereign and independent states.


Carlo C
6 January 2012

On “David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Thanks for an engaging and interesting review.


I think one point that could be made is the absurdity of Hollywood’s mania for remaking foreign language films, for no discernible purpose other than to change the language... After all, the Swedish language production of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was only released in 2009. I haven’t had a chance to see Fincher’s production, but from your review, it sounds like his version hews closely to the novel, and to the Swedish film production... The decision to make an English language version would seem to be based solely on considerations of ticket sales, and profit, rather than any artistic concerns.


I think the desire to Anglicise or Americanise foreign language films also serves to promote an outlook of cultural insularity. American adaptations are not limited to foreign language films; they have also been made for British and Australian TV shows, even though the original versions were English language. I didn’t particularly enjoy the Swedish production of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I think broad release of a foreign language film in the US would expose audiences to a broader world, far better than another Hollywood blockbuster.


Oliver C
7 January 2012

