On “US Congress expands authoritarian anti-protest law”
It seems to me that HR 347 would also make the Bradley Manning protest song that was sung to the US President a felony. It happened at a fundraiser in I think San Francisco.
Jim A
5 March 2012
I would just like to say in light of this recent development, that although it has been slowly getting worse over the years, it has become blatantly obvious that our government no longer cares about the vast majority of its citizens or our rights that are given to us from the constitution. The problem with this is most people feel it’s easier to do nothing because they have so much to lose. Well, I believe it’s only a matter of time till all our freedoms are slowly and methodically deterred and we no longer have nothing to lose. Why should we wait until we are completely freedom-less to stand up and make a change? They only have the power in Congress that we give them. When are we finally going to do something about it as free Americans?
Brandon S
Illinois, USA
5 March 2012
On “Wall Street speculators continue to rake in billions”
Although I do not want to sound too ideological, but what this entire article once again confirms is the thesis of Marx and Engels in regards to the characteristics of modern state. After three and half years, nothing seriously has been done to alleviate the pains and sufferings of the working class, and yet at the opposite end of the spectrum we see the same Wall Street firms, who had created the conditions of the financial crisis back in 2008 which almost bought the entire world economy down, are today rewarding themselves with obscene amount of money as if nothing had happened. Another important point to note is that neither of these financial firms would have survived without the government bailouts, infusions and guarantees. Let me just reiterate what Marx and Engels said in this respect 164 years ago in The Communist Manifesto: “The executive of modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie”. In other words, he is seeing the state as a creature of the bourgeois economic interests.
Sebouh A
6 March 2012
Excellent, well researched and factual article, as is your standard. In addition, I recently learned from a Free Speech Television program featuring Thom Hartmann, Wall Street can be blamed for affecting rising gas prices due to speculation in the oil and energy sectors, albeit maybe a bit more indirectly.
Nelson V
South Dakota, USA
6 March 2012
On “Khamenei supporters win in Iran legislative elections”
Ali Larijani represents the wing of the Conservative camp that seeks some accommodation with the US and the European powers over Iran’s nuclear program, while maintaining the regime’s commitment to the development of civilian nuclear research and power generation. Does this imply that the present and previous governments have not sought to answer any real concerns about Iran’s nuclear research? Accommodation just is not possible because the US does not allow it. Iran can make any number of concessions. The US will simply make new demands and keep moving the goal posts.
5 March 2012
On “Stockton, California seeks bankruptcy”
Good article. Thanks for the explanation as to why bankruptcy for cities differs from personal and business bankruptcy. Needs to be spelled out further, if possible. I’d like other articles on US cities and states in trouble.
Joy R
6 March 2012
On “The US media responds with hostility to this year’s Academy Awards show”
I’m reminded that the prosaic Ms. Alessandra Stanley of the New York Times was also the authoress of a glowing cover story for the NY Times Sunday Magazine back in 1996, celebrating Yeltsin’s “democratic” triumph in that year’s Russian elections. Of course it later turned out that Yeltsin’s victory had been essentially purchased by a tiny new oligarchy, many of whom were allowed to get government guarantees to borrow the funds they needed to gobble up the juiciest morsels of Russia’s state enterprises. Ms. Stanley knows almost nothing about economics or politics, let alone film criticism, but apparently the Times regards her as a kind of female Tom Friedman.
James H
New York, USA
5 March 2012