On “ISO paves way for Chicago school closures”
Your November 27 article regarding the Chicago school closings supported by Rahm The Terrible does not surprise me because Emanuel and Obama are two of a kind. Center/Right-wing politicians—part of the so-called elite. They have abandoned public education, which is the bedrock of our democracy, and they will continue their onslaught along with the Gates people to destroy public education.
Remember how Obama praised the Central Falls Rhode Island School District for firing all the high school teachers? Let’s blame Rahm and Barack for their failures to curb poverty and violence in our urban school districts.
What has Obama done to curb the enormous problem of 20 percent of children not having enough to eat? What has the mayor of Chicago done to curb the violence in his city streets where the murder rate is one of the highest of any cities? Someone should be taking over the country, and the city of Chicago, because they have not done their jobs.
Anthony D
New York
28 November 2012
On “Britain: Soup kitchens become part of mainstream welfare provision”
Good report highlighting the terrible consequences of the current economic crisis combined with the austerity policies of the ConDem government. In Durham the crisis is not only hitting the public sector but also can be seen in the private sector with job losses and poverty wages.
What is the Labour/Union opposition doing to fight these attacks? Absolutely nothing. Where action is taken by the unions, as in tonight’s protest in Newcastle against the city council plan to cut millions from their budget, the action is more symbolic than real. Protests by few hundred activists who are attempting to appeal to the consciences of the Labour Party bureaucrats are a waste of time, and in the long run become counterproductive as cuts continue, jobs are lost and demoralisation sets in.
What is needed is a network of working class activists with political clarity who can argue and convince their fellow workers that action strikes, occupations have to be taken. In many cases these actions will be against the unions as organisations.
If this does not occur then the dystopia of many a science fiction film will become a terrible reality and life for millions of workers will return to being short, desperate and brutal.
Dave T
28 November 2012
On “After the elections: Obama escalates war drive in the Middle East”
Dear Comrades,
A very good article covering many aspects of imperialism’s drive to redivide the world.
From what I've read, and making some assumptions, it is more than quite possible that electronic warfare is being used by the US against Syria. Recently the “rebels” have overrun military bases seizing SAMs and other high-tech military gear with apparently very little opposition and without the Syrian air force being launched against them. If this is the case, does the “West” have to arm the “rebels”? They are being assisted in arming themselves.
30 November 2012