On “Opposition emerges in film industry to Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty”
Thanks for this. Moore’s response, as you noted, is both putrid and emblematic of the anti-war movement’s (should the phrase “anti-war” be put in quotation marks?) marked shift to the right after the election of Obama. It could also be noted that the film’s depiction of CIA torture from the exclusive point of view of CIA torturers who never express any doubt about what they are doing automatically prejudices audiences against their victims. One doesn’t need to go to film school to understand this.
Tom A
14 January 2013
On “Witch-hunt continues against Maruti Suzuki workers in India”
The official statement of Siddiqui, a bourgeois representative in the auto industry, reveals the crisis-ridden bourgeoisie’s drive to slash down the wages of North American, EU, British or Australian auto workers to that of more oppressed workers in India, China, the far east and Eastern Europe, which are being implemented on a rapid basis everywhere. Otherwise, workers in Maruti Suzuki would not have been paid even the meagre sum of $3 per hour. Workers of the world unite, to combat the class enemy, overthrow the system for profit, and replace it with system for human need. Thanks for the article. Regards,
14 January 2013
On “Fear of British EU exit prompts US/German warnings”
Let’s examine the problem from the point of view of the European bourgeois. What do they believe? That the EU is in transition. That no one knows what the final outcome space will look like. That the Euro will collapse or the Euro area will turn into a political federation.
Now we can examine the position of the British ruling class. If the Euro area becomes a federated political entity, what will be the fate of peripheral states like Britain? It is impossible to say from here. And this ignorance in a crisis feeds fear and divisions in the British regime of power, class and ‘truth’.
Chris Ireland
16 January 2013
On “Revival of Clifford Odets’ Golden Boy (1937): The American dream turns sour”
A timely article, since Odets has been relatively forgotten these days. He did influence the generation that was blacklisted, although Howard Hawks never forgave him for causing the psychological instability of Frances Farmer (see Howard Hawks - Interviews. University of Mississippi Press). Odets’s legacy influenced both Abraham Polonsky and Robert Aldrich. Body and Soul (1947), on which both men worked, was a re-working of Golden Boy starring Odets’ original choice for Joe Bonaparte—John Garfield, who later finally played the role on Broadway. This year is the centenary of John Garfield and I hope that wsws.org will be writing one of their stimulating articles as a tribute to this other relatively forgotten figure.
Tony W
16 January 2013