The Socialist Equality Party (Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, PSG) in Germany has now placed its general election campaign web site online. It can be accessed here.
The PSG is standing in the parliamentary election with its own state lists in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin. The aim of the PSG campaign is to unite workers and youth in Germany and Europe in the struggle against social cuts, unemployment and militarism and to
defend democratic rights. Its initiative is an integral part of a global campaign by the International Committee of the Fourth International to build revolutionary socialist workers’ parties.
The PSG is currently gathering the 2,000 signatures per state necessary for its candidature. On the election web site it is possible to download a signature form and register as a supporter of the PSG election campaign. It is also possible to support the PSG campaign with a financial donation.
Also on the site is a great deal of material on the policies, program and perspective of the PSG, including: the election statement for the 2013 parliamentary election, the PSG’s statement of principles and historical foundations documents, plus the resolutions of the party’s last congress. Each PSG candidate is presented with a photo and brief resume.
The web site will regularly report on the election campaign of the PSG and provide the dates of all election events.