The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) candidates in the March 28 state election in New South Wales, James Cogan in Summer Hill, Carolyn Kennett in Penrith, Oscar Grenfell in Bankstown and Noel Holt in Wyong, will address a combined election rally in Sydney on Sunday March 22.
The rally will provide a forum for the discussion of SEP’s perspective. Our candidates are fighting for a socialist and internationalist program against war, austerity, and the ever-escalating assault on democratic rights under the fraudulent banner of the “war on terror.”
Regardless of the election outcome, the next government in New South Wales will intensify the attack on the living standards and social rights of the working class on behalf of the financial and corporate elite. This class war agenda is being propelled by the deepening global economic crisis, which is fuelling ever-growing international tensions.
The US, fully backed by Australia, is preparing for war against Russia and China. It continues to fuel a dangerous confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, while recklessly stoking conflict with China in flashpoints in Asia such as the South China Sea. The Abbott government has sent another 300 Australian troops to join the new US-led war in the Middle East, which is aimed, above all, at dominating the oil-rich region.
The SEP’s election statement explains: “In every country, millions of workers and youth are deeply opposed to this toxic state of affairs. But anger and opposition alone cannot prevent the descent into poverty and war. The working class must be armed with an alternative political strategy and perspective, one that seeks to mobilise its massive social strength in a unified political struggle for world socialism and the reorganisation of economic life on the basis of social equality and the fulfilment of human needs—not the wealth, profits and privileges of a tiny minority.”
We urge workers and youth who are looking for an alternative to austerity and war to attend.
SEP Election Rally
Sunday, March 22, 2.30 p.m.
Ashfield Civic Centre
260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield
(short walk from Ashfield Station)
Tickets: $3/$2 concession
Authorised by James Cogan, 12-13 Bankstown City Plaza, Bankstown, NSW 2200