
Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the US-led imperialist war drive!

Indian supporters of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) will hold a public meeting in Chennai on August 27 to discuss the growing danger of war against China in the Indian Ocean region and the political strategy required to mobilise the international working class to prevent this catastrophe.

India’s increasing involvement in this US-led military build-up against China is occurring behind the backs of the working class and poor. The so-called “left” in India, including the Stalinist Communist Party of India Marxist, is covering up the immense dangers posed by Washington’s reckless drive for global hegemony.

Since coming to power in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has effectively transformed India into a “frontline” state against China and further integrated the country’s military into Washington’s plans.

American warplanes and warships are permitted to use India’s military bases and ports and the Modi government is backing provocative US operations against China in the South China Sea. India has also expanded its relations with key US allies in the Asia Pacific, such as Japan and Australia.

Tensions have intensified between India and China, both nuclear-armed powers. The recent intervention by Indian troops to stop road expansion work by Chinese workers in the Doklam plateau, a disputed border region between Bhutan and China, poses the danger of military conflict.

The ICFI and all its sections have called on the working class to oppose this imperialist war drive by building a global antiwar movement based on a socialist and internationalist program. Indian supporters of the ICFI are seeking to mobilise workers in India in solidarity with those across Asia to oppose imperialist war and to fight for the United Socialist States of Asia.

We invite workers, youth, students and socialist-minded intellectuals to attend our meeting in Chennai and participate in this important discussion.

Date and time: August 27, 10 a.m.

Address: First Floor, Periyar E.V. Ramasamy-Nagammai Education and Research Trust (opposite the HPM Paradise Kalyana Mahal)

277/2 Chennai-Thiruvalluvar High Road, Ambattur, Chennai-600098
