The World Socialist Web Siteand the Socialist Equality Party have been at the forefront of major struggles in the past year. Two new pamphlets from Mehring Books document the record of the campaign of the WSWS and the SEP in defense of Wikileaks editor and founder Julian Assange and the struggles of US teachers.
For six years, Julian Assange, who exposed the crimes of the US military and intelligence apparatus, has been trapped in the Ecuadorean embassy in London under increasingly onerous and precarious conditions, including the loss of internet access. The WSWS has spearheaded the campaign for the defense of Assange under conditions where he has been abandoned by the various left-liberal and pseudo-left organizations.
The statewide teachers strikes in the US earlier this year marked an upsurge in the class struggle after years in which strikes have been suppressed by the trade unions. The strikes, organized by rank-and-file teachers outside of the framework of the teachers unions, had the character of an incipient rebellion of workers against the corporatist unions. The WSWS intervened in strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona and other states to provide leadership and a political perspective for teachers and school employees, as well as for students and parents seeking a means to defend public education.
Both of these pamphlets are available for online purchase, with a discount available for purchases of five or more copies.
The 2018 Teacher Rebellion, price $3.50, click here to order
The World Socialist Web Site and the Defense of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, price $3.50, click here to order