
VIDEO: Workers and young people sign up to put the SEP (Australia) on the ballot

Early last month, the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) launched a campaign to regain official party registration and put a socialist anti-war party on the ballot at the next Australian federal election.

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As the only party with a socialist program and perspective to fight war and inequality and their source, the capitalist system, the SEP’s campaign has found a strong response at protests against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, on university campuses, and in working-class areas across the country.

Growing numbers of people are being politicised by Israel’s barbaric war and its unequivocal support by the federal Labor government. Many are also beginning to draw the connection between the relentless war drive of US, Australian and global imperialism, and the increasingly difficult living and working conditions at home.

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The World Socialist Web Site is today publishing video comments from several workers and young people, explaining why they have decided to join the SEP as electoral members.

To follow their lead and apply to become an electoral member today, fill out the form at the end of this article, or click here.

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