Archive: 04/2000
- Sri Lankan unions and government prepare witch-hunt against "saboteurs" and "inefficient" workers
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Family of British casual worker killed on job presses for corporate manslaughter charges
- US Vice President Gore bows to Cuban rightists in Elian Gonzalez case
- The "Jarmusch touch"
- Central banker points to US deficit worries
- 50,000 jobs in Britain threatened by BMW's Rover sell-off
- Flight attendants union granted major concessions to avoid US Airways strike
- Office equipment giant Xerox cuts 5,200 jobs
- Oil producers denounce US bullying
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- British Internet libel case threatens free speech internationally
- The Case of Martin Heidegger, Philosopher and Nazi
- Letter from an Australian nursing home worker
- Canada's Reform Party reborn as the Canadian Alliance
- Tamil school student assaulted on Sri Lankan train by racist gang
- Democratic Party leader assumes office as president of Senegal
- Stalin's Neo-NEP to be published in German
- Growing crisis of affordable housing for the poor in the US
- The Case of Martin Heidegger, Philosopher and Nazi
- Filmmakers and artists protest the attack on director Deepa Mehta
- Republicans, Clinton White House back funding for US military intervention in Colombia
- What happened to Bill Bradley? The rise and fall of a US presidential candidate
- British union officials use anti-German chauvinism to divert struggle over auto jobs
- Nathaniel Abraham's Michigan rehabilitation center under investigation for abuse
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Los Angeles janitors strike
- From Obuchi to Mori: a carefully managed transition in Japan
- Protests against the attack on Indian filmmaker Deepa Mehta
- Australian building unions and their phoney 36-hour week campaign
- Australian government prepares to abolish social security system
- The legacy of Dmitri Shostakovich
- Provocative raid into Serbia leads to clash between US troops and civilians
- Inquiry into "Bloody Sunday" opens in Northern Ireland
- Rubin "Hurricane" Carter supports campaign for US political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal
- More protests against the attack on Indian filmmaker Deepa Mehta
- Letters to the WSWS on the Elian Gonzalez case
- Sri Lankan prisoners of war undertake hunger strike for release
- Former Pakistan prime minister sentenced to life imprisonment
- Thousands protest police violence in New York City
- Norwegian train crash forces evacuation of town
- Two days after antitrust ruling, White House, Congress hail Microsoft billionaire
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Los Angeles janitors strike widens
- New US aggression and machinations in the Persian Gulf
- An exchange on G. E. M de Ste. Croix, historian of Ancient Greek society
- Britain: Racist attacks follow in wake of anti-immigrant press campaign
- New York welfare offices recruit potential strikebreakers
- Union orders Toronto city workers to end strike
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- PASOK scrapes to victory in Greek general election
- Ian Dury (1942-2000): a poet of the spoken word
- Big business blasts Canada's Liberal government
- Troops used to break up protests by laid-off Chinese miners
- Protests against water rate rises sweep Bolivia
- Tensions grow between Zimbabwe's ZANU-PF government and MDC opposition
- Revelations about Echelon spy network intensify US-European tensions
- Answers to a radical numbskull: once more on the gulf between Marxism and protest politics
- Australian government moves to deport Kosovars
- Hitler apologist David Irving loses libel case at London High Court
- CIA disciplines seven officers over NATO's bombing of Chinese embassy
- Britain: Labour government and Conservative opposition reported for stoking up anti-immigrant prejudices
- Sell-off of high-tech stocks reveals fragility of US financial boom
- Filmmaker Deepa Mehta replies to the Times of India: "I am determined to make the film"
- Poverty, homelessness and the London Mayoral elections
- South Korean poll dominated by a disgruntled and alienated electorate
- Meeting on Iraq sanctions describes horrors inflicted by US and allies
- Elian Gonzalez case yields debacle for Cuban rightists
- Merger of Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank fails
- Union leaders prepare to betray teachers' fight against new award
- Measure permitting second term for Turkish president fails in parliament
- Two weeks of protests in Tunisia
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Union officials, Democrats push for end to Los Angeles janitors strike
- Major imbalances in world economy
- The hue and cry in Germany over Hans Haacke's artwork Der Bevölkerung (The People)
- US government retreats before rightists in Elian Gonzalez case
- Hypocrisy across the board
- Anticommunism, chauvinism and beating the drums for war: the US trade union bureaucracy shows its colors
- Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia
- Japan's union offensive fails for the third year in a row
- An insider's look at the IMF
- Lack of political perspective endangers movement against IMF and World Bank
- Stephen Frears contributes something
- Robert Lee Tarver put to death in Alabama's electric chair
- Report from Costa Rica on mass protests against privatization of state-owned utilities
- A letter on "The Case of Martin Heidegger"
- Amnesty International reports widespread human rights abuses in Europe
- Internet free speech under attack in San Francisco libel suit
- Gas attack on Portuguese disco kills seven
- Measles epidemic continues in Sri Lanka due to poor health and social conditions
- London mayoral elections: Livingstone offers no alternative to Labour Party's pro-business politics
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Study finds that US doctors must deceive insurers to provide quality health care
- US psychological warfare experts worked at CNN and NPR during Kosovo War
- German Christian Democrats elect new leader
- A deeply pessimistic film
- A sharp contrast in US policy: clubs and pepper spray for IMF protesters, cringing before Cuban anticommunists
- Hypocrisy and double standards during Russian President Putin's London visit
- New Zealand's new industrial law enshrines unions as enforcers of "productivity" and "efficiency"
- Irish government edges towards legal action against Britain's Sellafield nuclear plant
- Extensive police crackdown against opposition rally in Malaysia
- Report details CIA role in overthrow of Iranian government in 1953
- Aid withheld as famine grips Horn of Africa
- British Columbia court entertains spurious fraud case against NDP government
- Two films from Vietnam: The Wild Field and Collective Flat
- Fujimori forced to cede on second round vote in Peru
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Union officials stump for Democrats while blocking support for Los Angeles janitors strike
- Bloody Sunday Inquiry hears evidence suggesting deliberate "shoot-to-kill" policy by British Army
- US judicial panel backs ultra-rightists in Elian Gonzalez case
- Wee Waa: a test case for mass DNA sampling
- Students and artists protest attack on Indian-born filmmaker Deepa Mehta
- Teachers vote to strike but union prepares for a deal
- An interview with Viet Linh, director of Collective Flat
- 19 soldiers killed in controversial military plane
- Still pleased with himself
- Resignation of Italian Prime Minister D'Alema threatens to topple government
- US Supreme Court upholds limits on death penalty appeals
- Tennessee executes first prisoner in four decades
- Poor in US more likely to face tax audits
- Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia
- US supermarket chain slashes 11,000 jobs
- The IMF tightens the screws on Indonesia
- Spanish court investigates Guatemalan military dictators
- Britain's Conservative Party leader Hague plays the "race card"
- Michigan boy tried as adult enters assault plea
- Bracks government keeps thousands of teachers on short-term contracts
- Film directors and critics at Singapore film festival oppose Hindu extremist attempt to stop Deepa Mehta film
- Film festival director talks to WSWS about censorship in Singapore
- New Jersey Senate passes "parental responsibility" legislation
- Ohio college students defend decision to hear US political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal
- US scientists say fossilized heart indicates dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded
- US scientists say fossilized heart indicates dinosaurs may have been warm-blooded
- Military debacle at Elephant Pass set to trigger political crisis in Sri Lanka
- Kids on Pills: BBC documentary examines increase in prescription drug use amongst children
- Rescue of Elian Gonzalez intensifies political crisis in US
- Working poor on the increase in New York City
- New York services union and building owners reach tentative pact
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Honoré Daumier, Intimate Contemporary
- Argentine police in violent attack on trade union demonstrators
- Suicides reveal impact of government attacks on Britain's education system
- Amnesty International reports widespread human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia
- Los Angeles janitors end strike
- Prosecutions over Australian mine disaster fail to address underlying safety issues
- Homelessness in a Rocky Mountain Colorado city—a growing problem
- Political tensions mount as Pinochet hearing opens in Chile
- US Supreme Court hears arguments on state-imposed abortion limits
- Confrontation brewing between Beijing and Taiwan's president-elect
- Spain: Aznar government seeks opposition agreement to austerity program
- The Silence and The Door, two films by Mohsen Makhmalbaf
- British film director Ken Loach calls for support for Indian filmmaker Deepa Mehta
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Finnish unions derail workers' offensive
- Canada: Mass protests against Alberta health care privatization plan
- Michigan school shooting: a tragic consequence of US welfare "reform"
- "Some films can change the fate of their characters"
- Germany: a political profile of new CDU chairperson Angela Merkel
- British media and Tories defend murderer of 16-year-old boy
- A stifled leadership challenge in Malaysia points to continuing rifts in UMNO
- Half of US bankruptcies caused by medical problems, new study finds
- US states use welfare "reform" to finance tax breaks for the wealthy
- Interview with a South African Volkswagen worker: "Working conditions are worse now than they were under the apartheid regime"
- Germany's post-Stalinists in turmoil: PDS leaders Gysi and Bisky step down
- Obesity: a curable epidemic
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- WSWS Editorial Board member Nick Beams replies to a reader's question on the labour theory of value
- Mounting social contradictions in Chile
- Latest articles
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