
Protests erupt throughout the US in response to Supreme Court decision overturning abortion rights

Protests erupted in Washington D.C. and in hundreds of cities following the US Supreme Court’s decision on Friday overturning the 1973 Roe V. Wade ruling and eliminating the right to an abortion.

The reactionary ruling has already effectively outlawed abortion in at least 21 states, with abortion providers canceling appointments and shutting their doors, leaving thousands of pregnant women without access to this basic democratic right.

In anticipation of the ruling, which was leaked last month, US Capitol Police installed seven-foot high security fencing around the Supreme Court. As soon as the decision was announced, heavily armed riot police and snipers were deployed. The police deployment stands in stark contrast to the virtual police stand-down during the January 6, 2021 coup.

Hundreds of people of all ages, races and genders marched in support of the right to an abortion in Detroit on June 24, 2022.

Police have already responded to peaceful protests with massive deployments and wanton violence. In Los Angeles, police riot squads and Department of Homeland Security thugs, who last month attempted to run over abortion rights protesters, assaulted protestors and journalists as night fell.

Social media videos show that in addition to deploying tear gas, Los Angeles police dragged a handcuffed protestor across the pavement. While an exact number is not known at this time, on-the-ground reporters are claiming that there have been multiple arrests. Video has emerged showing police shooting at least one unarmed protestor at close range with “less-lethal” ammunition.

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Reporters for the World Socialist Web Site interviewed workers and youth attending a number of demonstrations throughout the US.

Washington D.C.

Several thousand people attended a rally outside the Supreme Court.

Protesters gather outside US Supreme Court following overturning of Roe V. Wade

Kim, a protester at the D.C. rally, said, “They want to show us that we don't have any rights and we aren’t entitled to anything and that we absolutely have to get our privileges from the government... We are here today to let them know we’re not going to accept it.”

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Katy said, “The Democrats have been in power many many times since Roe was passed and they’ve done nothing to codify it. We can’t vote our way out of this. We need to do something bigger.”

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Kelly said, “Wire hangers. We are back in those times again... People are going to die, either because they are giving themselves an abortion... or they’re going to commit suicide because they have to live with something they don’t want to live with.”

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“Low income women can’t afford afford to go to different states,” another protester said.

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New York City

Abortion rights demonstrators rally in protest to the overturning of Roe V. Wade in New York City on June 24, 2022.

Over 10,000 people gathered at Washington Square Park in New York City in opposition to the court’s decision.

Maddie explained to reporters with the WSWS that the Democrats were “equally as responsible” for today’s decision.

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Chicago, Illinois

Thousands of protesters rallied in downtown Chicago’s Federal Plaza to oppose the assault on abortion rights. Workers and young people spoke out against the attacks on democratic rights and were very concerned that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade would entail a turning back of the clock. Young people held up signs that read, “They will not stop here,” and, “They won’t stop at Roe.”

The protest in Chicago against the Supreme Court decision overturning the right to abortion.

While Illinois Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker attempted to lead the protesters in a march around the Loop downtown, there was deep distrust among the protesters towards the Democratic Party and anger over its unwillingness to do anything to stop the attacks on democratic rights by their fascistic Republican counterparts, whom Biden calls his “colleagues.”

Reporters from the World Socialist Web Site spoke to young workers, nurses and students. “I’m a nurse,” said Yasmeem. “This is very harmful to women. What’s going to end up happening in these southern red states could be women coming in with sepsis, uterine perforation, hemorrhaging and death. It just outlaws safe abortions. This just takes away our safety.”

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Speaking of the RaDonda Vaught case and the conditions nurses face, she added, “Especially with the pandemic, nurses are tired. Accidents happen every day in hospitals. They’re able to get more safe staffing but the hospital CEOs don’t want to get a pay cut. They want to keep allowing the units to be short-staffed so they can see more money. People who don’t have primary care come to our hospitals.”

She continued, “Same sex marriage is going to be under attack. There’s a lot of going back they’re going to be doing. This is 50 years old. This is very dangerous for the rest of our laws we have now. As a whole, we need to fight back.”

Detroit, Michigan

Around 500 protesters gathered outside the Theodore Levin federal courthouse in Detroit and marched through the downtown area. The protest was heavily policed with barricades set up surrounding the court house before the event.

A section of the protest in Detroit, Michigan

“Forced birth is a crime against not just women, but all of society,” one protester said. “This is a dangerous first step of an authoritarian Supreme Court that is infringing on every right we have.”

Another added, “Roe was just the top. There are so many other rights that can be taken away.”

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