Archive: 09/2006
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Kofi Annan visit provokes angry protests in Beirut
- Turkey: Conflicts over deployment of troops to Lebanon
- Ceasefire monitors declare: Sri Lankan army murdered aid workers
- Australia’s 200 rich list records largest ever rise in wealth
- Israeli cluster bombs blanket Lebanese towns
- Illinois election board delays ruling on ballot status for SEP candidate
- Socialist Equality Party on the ballot in NY Senate race
- More letters demand ballot status for Illinois SEP candidate
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Britain: Young soldier commits suicide over Iraq war
- US prepares to escalate conflict with Iran
- SEP candidate Joe Parnarauskis demands Democrats halt drive to bar him from Illinois ballot
- Germany: Health “reforms” at the expense of the working population
- Lillian Groag’s The Magic Fire at the Shaw Festival: an unusually perceptive piece
- Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld speeches: A new drumbeat for war
- Sri Lanka: Journalist’s abduction highlights intimidation of media
- UK Energy Review: A policy made by big business
- Mexico: President Fox puts legislature under siege
- Major powers offer devastated Lebanon a pittance in aid
- The Illusionist: The filmmaker, in fact, can’t have it both ways
- Victory to the Detroit teachers!
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Australia: Thousands hear US military lawyer for David Hicks
- UK Energy Review: A policy made by big business
- Sri Lankan SEP demands full investigation into murder of Sivapragasam Mariyadas
- Letters to election board demand ballot status for Illinois SEP candidate
- “Green” politics and imperialism: The case of Joschka Fischer
- US: Chicago fire kills six children
- Australian government insists on independent military presence in East Timor
- The great unmentionable at Detroit’s Labor Day parade: Labor
- Election law expert protests efforts to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Letter from a Mississippi resident on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina
- Report reveals 1.6 million Israelis living in poverty
- Worsening food insecurity in Africa
- France: Socialist mayor threatens to evict homeless immigrants by force
- Detroit schools close as teachers strike enters second week
- Democratic Party outlines pro-war agenda for US elections
- Letters from our readers
- China’s oil diplomacy: Hugo Chavez makes high profile visit to Beijing
- Hitler’s favourite sculptor: New exhibition displays the work of Arno Breker
- Britain’s largest water utility cuts jobs by 25 percent
- What lies behind the terrorist attacks in Turkey?
- Brother of murdered SEP supporter in Sri Lanka speaks to WSWS
- Australian government sets course for militarism and war
- Parnarauskis issues statement on the eve of Illinois election board hearing
- Letter from wife of Liberty City, Miami “terror” suspect
- Pentagon report on Iraq reveals a deepening catastrophe
- SEP Illinois candidate launches fall campaign despite legal obstructions
- New Orleans one year on: FEMA stonewalls recovery efforts
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Capture of Sampur sets stage for intensification of civil war in Sri Lanka
- British Columbia: RCMP cleared in death of detained youth
- Five years since September 11: Causes and consequences of the “war on terror”
- Brief in support of SEP ballot access in Illinois
- Chipmaker Intel to cut workforce by 10,500
- Illinois Democrats fail to remove SEP candidate from ballot
- Shanghai pension scandal: a factional struggle erupts in China’s leadership
- Bush admits secret prisons, demands Congress sanction drumhead tribunals
- Britain: Internal party revolt seeks Blair’s removal
- Detroit teachers hold strike rally
- Election board refuses to certify Illinois SEP candidate for November ballot
- More letters demand ballot status for Illinois SEP candidate
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Murdoch’s media empire girds up for a war against Iran
- Answer strike-breaking injunction: Mobilize Detroit workers in defense of the teachers
- Canada: Conservatives to revive Liberals’ Internet surveillance legislation
- Bush demands congressional rubber-stamp for police-state powers
- A national disgrace: sick 9/11 workers left without medical coverage
- Wife of murdered SEP supporter appeals for support for WSWS campaign
- Spain: “Law of historical memory” continues cover-up of Franco’s crimes
- Fatah steps up provocations against Hamas-led Palestinian Authority
- Mexico’s political crises intensifies after Calderón is certified as president
- Detroit teachers defy injunction, but Democrats prepare new trap for strike
- NATO in disarray over military crisis in Afghanistan
- Five years since 9/11: A political balance sheet
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Letters demand inquiry into murder of SEP supporter in Sri Lanka
- New York Times laments demise of post-9/11 “national unity”
- Director of Baghdad museum goes into exile
- More letters demand ballot status for Illinois SEP candidate
- Germany: Political lessons of the hospital doctors’ strike
- Australian Fair Pay Commission lays the groundwork for wage cuts
- Defend the teachers! Mobilize Detroit workers against strike-breaking! Billions for public education!
- Blair: Beating Washington’s war drum in the Middle East
- Five years since 9/11: A political balance sheet
- Worldwide drive to privatise water
- Who was behind the attack on the US embassy in Syria?
- Germany: Socialist Equality Party to hold Berlin election rally
- Berlin election: German Socialist Equality Party defends its perspective on German television
- New York Times on 9/11 observances: propaganda in the guise of reportage
- Malaysian prime minister under bitter attack from predecessor
- Shiite faction pushes for control over southern Iraq and its oil
- Bush, Cheney ignore Senate report debunking Iraq-Al Qaeda ties
- Reject the concessions sellout! Mobilize Detroit workers behind the teachers!
- Bush uses 9/11 commemoration to campaign for Iraq war
- Five years since 9/11: A political balance sheet
- A tale of two elections: the US and Ukraine in 2004
- Detroit teachers vote narrowly to end strike
- Sri Lanka’s “peace” party backs the government’s war on the LTTE
- Illinois SEP candidate faces off with Democratic opponent at Sierra Club
- Australia: Queensland election reveals deep disaffection
- Berlin election: Socialist Equality Party defends its perspective on German television
- German government presses for military deployment in Lebanon
- Pentagon concludes US defeated in key Iraqi province
- SEP candidate sues Illinois election board to gain ballot status
- Britain: Blair and Brown make a show of unity at TUC congress
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- German deputy minister of culture visits Weimar
- Australian prime minister lashed for stalling on Telstra privatisation
- Sri Lankan government rejects unconditional peace talks with the LTTE
- Pope visits Bavaria: A broadside against the Enlightenment
- Mass shooting in Montreal
- SEP candidate for Senate to speak at New York meeting
- US: Defense and oil company executives reap windfalls from Iraq war
- Indonesian court sentences four more young Australians to death
- European powers refuse to send more troops to Afghanistan
- Australian government targets Solomon Islands for “regime change”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Ford to slash 44,000 jobs
- Berlin hospital workers begin strike
- Ford’s job massacre: A corporate crime
- Iraqi asylum seekers deported from Britain
- Mounting casualties compel Canada to send Afghanistan reinforcements
- Bush demands US Congress pass bill sanctioning torture of detainees
- Construction slowdown threatens Spain’s economic boom
- SEP Senate candidate addresses campaign meeting in New York City
- Michigan SEP candidate appears on Michigan Talk Radio
- Australia: Income distribution study details growth of social inequality
- SEP candidate Joe Parnarauskis to speak at University of Illinois
- Wall Street demands more plant closures, deeper cuts at Ford
- No nonsense about Dada
- Letters from our readers
- The Bush administration and the CIA prisons: a new campaign of lies
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Support for inquiry into murder of SEP supporter in Sri Lanka
- Construction slowdown threatens Spain’s economic boom
- IAEA exposes US committee’s lies on Iran’s nuclear programs
- Illinois election board still deadlocked on SEP candidate
- Political lessons of the Detroit teachers strike
- Britain’s Labour Party: No honour amongst thieves
- Sweden: Right-wing coalition takes power
- Sri Lankan war threatens humanitarian catastrophe on Jaffna peninsula
- Judge orders election board to certify Illinois SEP candidate
- Australian government’s role in ousting East Timor’s prime minister Alkatiri
- Illinois SEP candidate condemns Chicago mayor’s veto of minimum wage law
- Washington threatens wider Middle East war
- State elections in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
- Military coup ousts Thai prime minister
- Muslims protest against police massacre in eastern Sri Lanka
- Solomon Islands PM publicly denounces Australian government
- French State Rail Company found guilty of Nazi collaboration
- Britain: Promotion for police commander involved in de Menezes shooting
- Bush wants a bloodbath in Baghdad
- Hungary erupts in violent protests
- Letters from our readers
- DaimlerChrysler unveils downsizing plan
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Bush administration denies responsibility for torture of Canadian
- Some things are sinking in
- Mass protests demand resignation of Taiwan’s president
- Ratzinger’s Crusade
- Palestinians to form national unity government
- Republican senators’ resistance to Bush torture bill reflects tension between White House and military brass
- Australia: Employers launch vicious attacks on workers’ conditions and rights
- Illinois election board certifies SEP candidate for November ballot
- Senate-White House compromise sanctions CIA torture of detainees
- “Outlaw regimes” and the harboring of terrorists: the case of Posada Carriles
- The extreme-right NPD wins seats in German election
- The struggle against war: Break with Labour and build a new socialist party
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Torture and civilian deaths reach record levels in Iraq
- SEP candidate Parnarauskis addresses meeting at University of Illinois
- Harper outlines the Canadian elite’s imperialist agenda
- As Brazilian election nears, crisis deepens for major parties
- Britain: Labour has shifted taxes from rich to poor
- Thailand’s coup leaders suppress democratic rights
- SEP writes to Sri Lankan attorney general to demand inquiry into supporter’s murder
- British Labour: A party of war and social reaction
- Private Jacob Kovco: the unanswered questions
- Letters from our readers
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- British military in crisis as NATO mission in Afghanistan unravels
- The past is present
- Sri Lankan government imposes police state measures in Colombo
- Shinzo Abe: Japan’s new prime minister
- SEP candidate on Illinois ballot fight: “A victory for democratic rights”
- An interview with Bahman Ghobadi, director of Half Moon
- France’s Delinquency Bill: A step towards totalitarianism
- East Timor left to flounder in poverty and unemployment
- Democrats defend “our president” against international criticism
- The bankruptcy of the “left” state government in Berlin: political experiences and lessons
- More hypocrisy and lies from Sri Lankan president at UN
- US continues covert action in Somalia
- Support the Socialist Equality Party 2006 campaign!
- US threatened to bomb Pakistan back to “the Stone Age”
- Australia: James Hardie directors show contempt for asbestos sufferers
- Ted Grant: A political appraisal of the former leader of the British Militant Tendency
- US gasoline prices: the “free market” and the November election
- Clinton and Kerry set Democrats’ pro-war agenda for 2006 election
- Sordid deals as Australian parliamentary parties pick their candidates
- The bankruptcy of the “left” state government in Berlin: political experiences and lessons
- Support grows for inquiry into murder of SEP supporter in Sri Lanka
- For a socialist alternative in the 2006 US elections
- Japan’s energy diplomacy and Koizumi’s trip to Central Asia
- Ted Grant: A political appraisal of the former leader of the British Militant Tendency
- East Timor left to flounder in poverty and unemployment
- Blair’s conference speech: Labour Party applauds its own gravedigger
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- US Congress legalizes torture and indefinite detention
- Sri Lankan government manipulates inquiry into massacre of aid workers
- Iranian director Tahmineh Milani speaks with WSWS
- Illinois SEP candidate speaks at forum on public education
- Political lessons of the events in Hungary
- Socialist Equality Party launches write-in campaign in California
- British Labour Party conference: Brown stands up for health privatisation
- Militarism and Howard’s “Australian values” campaign
- Outcome uncertain on eve of Austrian elections
- US Senate votes 100-0 for $70 billion more in war spending
- “I am not terrorist or monster. I am not Dracula. I am not a monkey or cow. I am a man”
- Australian government rejects limits on sedition powers
- Government probe of Pasadena church: a witch-hunt against Iraq war critics
- Behind the rift between the Afghan and Pakistani presidents
- SEP to hold public meeting in Pasadena, California
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- India and Pakistan agree to resume “composite dialogue”
- France: Immigrant hunger strikers in a critical condition
- Bolivia: class tensions rise as Morales bows to landowners, energy transnationals
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: