Archive: 12/2001
- SEP campaigners speak to voters in Sri Lankan election
- Socialist Equality Party holds election meeting in Sri Lanka
- Ipperwash gunman remains on Ontario police force
- Ontario Premier forced to testify about Ipperwash killing
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- New US decree expands power to detain immigrants
- Britain and Spain agree to negotiate constitutional changes in Gibraltar
- French academic slanders surrealism
- Sri Lankan government opens housing project in bid for votes
- La perspectiva socialista sobre la guerra en Afganistán
- La perspectiva socialista sobre la guerra en Afganistán
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Britain: Top London hotel slashes wage rates
- Teachers struggles erupt in New York, New Jersey
- US air strikes kill hundreds of Afghan civilians
- Election violence in Sri Lanka foreshadows further political turmoil
- US gives green light for war against Palestinian Authority
- German parliament agrees second anti-terrorism law package
- Feltex dispute signals renewed offensive against Australian workers
- Letters on the massacre of Taliban POWs
- The lack of any real feeling for the world
- Anti-fascist demonstrators denounce Berlin police tactics
- A red-baiting attack at the US Transport Workers Union convention
- Is the US preparing an invasion of Somalia?
- State takeover of Philadelphia schools temporarily delayed
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Enron: The real face of the "new economy"
- Composer Pierre Boulez victim of Swiss police raid
- Unions play key role in carve-up of Australian airline
- Australian Walkley Awards: Rewards for services rendered
- Argentina al borde de la bancarrota—¿Quién sigue—Brasil?
- The Geneva Convention and the US massacre of POWs in Afghanistan
- Britain: Police reform targeted at civil disorder
- Two hundred arrests in New Jersey teachers strike
- Britain: BAE ends production of commercial jets at cost of 1,700 jobs
- Film on postwar Italian life falls short
- Millions of Afghanis lack food, shelter and medicine
- Why Britain should be indicted for war crimes: The SAS role in the Qala-i-Janghi massacre
- Once again on the New York Times and Bush’s police-state measures
- Britain: Dock company Euromin cleared of corporate manslaughter
- Japan moves into recession as credit rating cut again
- Tommy Suharto given kid glove treatment by Indonesian police
- Letters in response to "Anti-Americanism: the ‘anti-imperialism’ of fools"
- Another inquiry into Australia’s refugee detention centres
- A dull thud; or, Filmmaking in bad faith
- Cholera epidemic spreads in Nigeria
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US war crime at Mazar-i-Sharif prison: new videotape evidence
- French officer accused of collaborating with Milosevic government
- Kandahar: the Taliban’s last stronghold in Afghanistan falls
- Anglo-American tensions over Afghanistan and Iraq
- More evidence of US war crimes in Afghanistan: Taliban POWs suffocated inside cargo containers
- Philippine president uses September 11 attacks to forge closer ties with US
- Workers Struggles: Europe, The Middle East and Africa
- Britain: 30,000 job losses at Consignia
- FBI begins questioning of 5,000 Middle Eastern immigrants
- Australian High Court rubberstamps Howard government’s treatment of Tampa refugees
- US: shares of Cheney’s former company hit hard
- Strikebreaking judges, defiant teachers: the real face of class relations in the US
- Rightwing UNP wins general election in Sri Lanka
- Cynicism and political reaction in the Bush White House: the case of Karl Rove
- Kenya: 15 killed in slum clashes
- Corporate job-shedding continues in Australia
- Canada: British Columbia to slash civil service by one-third
- Cohn-Bendit attacks German novelist Günter Grass for opposing Afghan war
- Britain: Report into summer riots recommends oath of national allegiance
- Protests mark 20 years since arrest of Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Elections confirm popular hostility towards Kosovo Liberation Army
- A letter on the contradictions of capitalism
- Afghanistan: US rules out surrender and turns Tora Bora into a killing field
- Australian government threatens intervention in power dispute
- The bin Laden videotape: the reactionary politics of terrorism
- Tonga announces the expulsion of hundreds of Chinese immigrants
- Bush administration seeks to relax curbs on FBI domestic spying
- US proposes "limited operations" in Somalia
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- General strike paralyzes Argentina as bankruptcy threatens economy
- Former ruling party suffers heavy losses in Taiwan election
- US judge overturns Mumia Abu-Jamal’s death sentence
- US approved 1975 Indonesian invasion of East Timor
- Sharon seeks destruction of Palestinian Authority
- A serious film requires a serious social viewpoint
- German government bans Turkish Islamic group
- Britain: Asbestos ruling will limit compensation payments
- Australian airline plans all-out assault on maintenance workers
- Muslim leader in Michigan detained by US officials
- Malawi: Police shoot peaceful demonstrators
- Britain: Parliament passes draconian anti-terror legislation
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Attack on Indian parliament heightens danger of Indo-Pakistan war
- Letters to the WSWS
- A letter from a reader in South Africa
- Bush blocks strike by United Airlines mechanics
- Holiday gift from US corporations—more job cuts and plant closures
- Northern Ireland: Just incompetence or police collusion in Omagh bombing?
- France: Former intelligence officer Bunel jailed
- Social unrest topples Argentina’s president
- Australian Alcoa workers strike over toxic emissions
- The New York Times and the case of John Walker
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Ex-Stalinists join Social Democrats in Berlin city coalition
- Report estimates Afghan deaths exceed Twin Towers figure
- Canada: Alberta Premier berates homeless in visit to shelter
- Britain: Open divisions emerge between army chiefs and Blair government
- Political crisis deepens in Argentina after De la Rua’s fall
- Washington’s man to be installed as Afghan prime minister
- Britain: Police will not face charges over Harry Stanley killing
- Refugees face "hell" in Australia’s offshore detention camps
- The Manns: a Novel of a Century
- US judge approves shutdown of LTV Steel
- Australia’s secret police to get unprecedented powers
- South African government to appeal against AIDS drug verdict
- Withdrawal from ABM treaty signals escalation of US militarism
- Grinding rural poverty leads to suicide in Sri Lanka
- One critic’s picks for best jazz and blues recordings of 2001
- African man dies at the hands of German police
- Class analysis and feeling mean a great deal
- Large anti-government swing in Chilean elections
- US anthrax attacks linked to army biological weapons plant
- British government split over Tanzanian radar system
- State takeover of Philadelphia schools paves way for privatization
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- India and Pakistan on threshold of war
- Australia’s largest city ringed by fires
- David Walsh picks his favorite films of 2001
- Letters on "The New York Times and the case of John Walker"
- As US bombs more civilian targets, Bush insists Afghan war must go on
- Latest articles
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