Archive: 09/2010
- The Tillman Story: An exposure of military mythmaking in the service of the US “war on terror”
- Sri Lankan government’s bogus inquiry into the civil war
- Spain: Popular Party embroiled in corruption scandal
- Solomon Islands: New coalition government formed
- Seventy years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky: The return of history and the strategy of the world revolution
- As US “recovery” collapses, White House rules out social relief
- Pentagon report underscores rising US-China tensions
- Obama’s Iraq speech: An exercise in cowardice and deceit
- Worst famine and flooding in Niger’s history
- Nick Beams to address University of Western Sydney students
- Five years since Hurricane Katrina
- France: Socialist Party leaders call for increased state repression of youth and workers
- Inspections of US egg farms reveal “stomach churning” conditions
- Greens sign deal backing minority Labor government
- Mass breakout at Australian refugee detention centre
- Obama administration, media intensify campaign to hold teachers “accountable”
- The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States
- “The steel in our ship of state”: Obama cowers before the military
- Pakistan floods exacerbate child hunger and malnutrition
- Australia: Garment company returns to profit after axing jobs
- US Mid-East talks: A conspiracy against the Palestinians
- One million US public school students homeless
- Liberal Party accused of budget “black hole”
- France steps up military intervention in Sahel
- SEP candidate denounces wage-cutting attack on Detroit city workers
- Danton’s Death at the National Theatre
- The Brunner trial in Germany—a different picture emerges
- Swedish prosecutor re-opens “rape” case against WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange
- Afghanistan: Offensive in Kandahar underway
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Labor edges closer to forming minority government
- Roma family gunned down in Slovakia
- The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States
- Nazi ideology from Germany’s Bundesbank
- New economic slowdown hits New Zealand workers
- Indianapolis GM workers pressured to vote on wage cut
- Food, Inc.: What the food industry doesn’t want you to see
- Oil rig explodes off the Louisiana coast
- US CEOs who laid off the most workers got the most pay
- Chile’s trapped miners: Victims of a ruthless drive for profit
- US bank profits back to pre-crisis heights
- 2010 already deadliest year for US troops in Afghanistan
- Spanish air traffic controllers’ union sabotages another struggle
- The Breakdown of Capitalism and the fight for Socialism in the United States
- Japan’s new political crisis
- Food riots erupt in Mozambique
- Alan Milburn, New Labour and the British coalition government
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US unemployment rose in August
- German Greens to continue their coalition with the conservative CDU in Hamburg
- Support the socialist campaign for Michigan House of Representatives
- Letters from our readers
- Letters from auto workers on Indianapolis struggle
- US companies shift bigger share of health care costs onto workers
- Lawsuit challenges Obama administration’s “targeted killing” of US citizens
- This week in history: September 6-September 12
- The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the United States
- Piyaseeli Wijegunasingha, a Sri Lankan Trotskyist, dies at 67
- The First National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party
- Pathologist who investigated G20 police killing found guilty of misconduct
- US charges Pakistani Taliban leader with murder of CIA agents
- New Zealand: Hundreds left homeless after Christchurch earthquake
- Quebec: Rash of suicides linked to nurses’ deplorable working conditions
- The Nation on the Detroit march for “Jobs, Justice and Peace”: Deceit and self-delusion
- The Kids Are All Right: Circling the wagons
- Struggle against Sarkozy’s austerity measures requires a new socialist perspective
- Thousands protest in France vs. witch-hunt of Roma
- Youth bear brunt of British budget cuts
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Manila’s water crisis exposes impact of privatisation
- Obama on Labor Day: No measures to address jobs crisis
- Australia: Detained refugees challenge Labor government’s denial of fundamental legal rights
- German court agrees to insolvency plan for Karstadt store chain
- Economic fault lines deepen in Europe
- Letters from our readers
- BP warns Congress offshore drilling regulations will threaten compensation fund
- Australia: Labor forms minority government with rural independents’ support
- Postal worker suicide in Britain reveals human cost of closures
- Frank Rich on the “mystery” of Obama
- Service cuts will devastate public transportation in Pittsburgh
- US ruling class prepares attack on Social Security
- The Stieg Larsson phenomenon
- Police killing of immigrant worker sparks protests in Los Angeles
- US and China at odds over North Korea
- Obama to propose further tax cuts for big business
- Mideast talks a cover for US war preparations
- Australia: Gillard hails “resilient democracy”
- General Petraeus calls for 2,000 more troops to Afghanistan
- London Underground workers strike to protest job losses and cuts
- Thai government rules out early election
- Australia: Unions enforce Labor’s “Fair Work” ban on sugar strike
- South African unions attempt to impose settlement on striking public service workers
- The Australian election outcome
- Obama unveils pro-business “jobs” plan
- Geert Wilders—kingmaker in the Dutch political crisis
- Koran-burning provocation sparks US fears over Afghanistan
- Federal appeals court adopts Obama “state secrets” doctrine to block torture case
- 100 million workers join India’s September 7 general strike
- Millions strike in France to defend pensions
- Fires burn throughout Detroit
- Detroit fires expose criminality of DTE and Bing administration
- Canada: How to fight the CAW’s backroom deals
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Opposition in Sweden presents election program
- The twelve soldiers charged in atrocity and cover-up
- New Zealand government bails out collapsed finance company
- New Zealand earthquake costs continue to rise
- Obama’s victory for torturers
- IMF demands blood from flood-ravaged Pakistan
- OECD predicts global economic slowdown
- German authorities, police, organizers deny responsibility for Love Parade disaster
- Frida Kahlo retrospective in Berlin—Part 1: The “Kahlo myth” and the reality
- Witnesses describe horrific night of Detroit fires
- BP report whitewashes oil disaster
- Australian Greens seek collaboration with Liberals, pledge fealty to the banks
- Genius Within: The Inner Life of Glenn Gould: A more intimate view
- Slideshow: The Detroit Fires
- Slideshow: The Detroit Fires
- Detroit firefighters denounce city budget cuts, DTE
- Canada’s “Northern Strategy” and the militarization of the Arctic
- US soldiers killed Afghan civilians and kept fingers, skull as trophies
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Lawsuits launched over state repression at Toronto G20 summit
- Sri Lankan parliament amends constitution to entrench powerful presidency
- Scottish local authorities confirm 13,000 public sector job losses
- Thilo Sarrazin and the preparations for a new right-wing party in Germany
- Obama press conference on the economy: An exercise in demagogy and lies
- 9/11 anniversary overshadowed by uproar over Koran-burning
- Frida Kahlo retrospective in Berlin—Part 2: Frida Kahlo and communism
- Tense contest over Japan’s prime ministership
- Iraqi soldier kills two US troops
- Los Angeles Mayor defends shooting of immigrant worker
- Letters from our readers
- American media suppresses report on US military atrocities in Afghanistan
- Committee Against Utility Shutoffs and SEP hold press conference on Detroit fires
- Gas line explosion in California kills four, injures dozens
- Pentagon seeks to suppress book by 9/11 whistleblower
- China-South Africa deals highlight great-power rivalry in Africa
- Video: Detroit fire victims charge DTE Energy with negligence
- This week in history: September 13-September 19
- True Blood: “Popcorn TV” for a generation that needs so much more
- One in seven Americans now living in poverty
- International lessons of the South African public service strike
- Big corporations dictate German energy policy
- Anti-government protests hit Greek austerity measures
- Evidence points to infrastructure decay in California gas explosion
- Conflicts intensify within Egyptian ruling elite
- Thousands line up for food, school supplies in Detroit
- California budget impasse leads to funding crisis in health care, education
- Australian PM Gillard announces new Labor cabinet
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Once again: The New York Times and Obama’s health care “reform”
- Malema prophesies ‘nationalisation’ of mining
- SEP (Sri Lanka) holds funeral for comrade Piyaseeli Wijegunasingha
- Poverty in America: 2010
- Frida Kahlo retrospective in Berlin
- Indian state murdered Maoist peace envoy
- Greek debt crisis fuels fears of European sovereign default
- German armed forces “reform” reflects growth of militarism
- Victim of Detroit fires: “DTE is to blame”
- The reality of Australia’s “two-speed” economy
- Public school teachers strike in Danville, Illinois
- A letter from a Canadian telecom worker on the unions
- International condolences on the death of Sri Lankan Trotskyist
- Japan-China tensions flare up over disputed Diaoyu islets
- Anglo Irish Bank fails
- US transfer of Iraqi prisoners: an ongoing war crime
- Committee Against Utility Shutoffs and SEP hold press conference on Detroit fires
- Rail unions confine London Underground workers to token strikes
- Germany: Thilo Sarrazin and the SPD
- Pakistan: Political infighting escalates in floods’ wake
- Two years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers
- Abramovic and Kentridge at MoMA
- Over a dozen to be charged in LA protests over police killing
- Pennsylvania’s capital city staggers towards bankruptcy
- Federal judge strikes down US military “don’t ask, don’t tell” law
- Cuba announces firing of half a million state workers
- DTE, Detroit authorities launch legal vendetta against “energy thieves”
- The French New Anti-Capitalist Party and the anti-burqa campaign
- The NPA and the French regional elections: A case history of opportunism
- Australia: Construction unions wind down campaign over victimised worker
- Sears Canada workers speak
- Swedish Greens offer support to right-wing Alliance
- Steelworkers union isolates locked out Sears Canada workers
- Conflict erupts between EU and France over Roma expulsions
- The Tea Party primary election victories
- The Australian election crisis: The political issues facing the working class
- Mott’s workers end bitter 16-week strike in upstate New York
- Wishing and hoping for Franklin D. Obama
- Labour’s leadership contest enters final weeks
- Japan’s prime minister fends off leadership challenge
- Indianapolis GM workers fight new UAW vote on wage cut
- Hungary—Fidesz now in power for over 100 days
- Australia: Former Guantánamo prisoner denied passport again
- Scientists find large amounts of oil on Gulf of Mexico seafloor
- French unions, “left” allies undermine resistance to pension cuts
- Great power rivalries intensify ethnic conflicts in Kyrgyzstan
- Officials seek to prevent discussion at meetings on downsizing of Detroit
- A program to rebuild, not downsize Detroit
- Letters from our readers
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Splitting Image, the final album from Supastition
- South Australian Labor government announces deep spending cuts
- European leaders disavow criticism of France’s Roma deportations
- Forty-four million living in poverty in the US
- Cuba’s mass layoffs: The dead-end of Castroism
- Flooding crisis worsens in Pakistan
- Opel: Restructuring at the expense of the workforce
- The global economic breakdown—a Marxist analysis
- Unions force through casual labor contract at Harley-Davidson
- British general’s memoirs hit Blair government on military policy
- French unions, “left” allies undermine resistance to pension cuts
- Detroit fires: Timeline of a disaster
- US egg producer responsible for outbreak knew of contamination for years
- More evidence of PG&E cost-cutting prior to San Bruno explosion
- UK coalition government attacks welfare benefits
- British Trades Union Congress will not oppose government’s austerity measures
- American historian Alexander Rabinowitch to speak in Berlin
- The persecution of Roma—under the Nazis and today
- Massachusetts infrastructure in dangerous state of decay
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Join the International Students for Social Equality!
- Raid by US troops kills Iraqi civilians
- Solid support for Indianapolis workers at GM’s Flint Metal Center
- Record number of US homes seized by banks
- Economic crisis threatens to unleash global currency wars
- Letters from our readers
- White House ducks fight with Senate Republicans over consumer agency chief
- Another rigged election in Afghanistan
- West Virginia jobless fund faces insolvency
- Washington State paper mill workers reject second contract offer
- This week in history: September 20-September 26
- Tens of thousands in Germany protest “Stuttgart 21” railway project
- Britain’s trade unions and the ex-left
- Australia: Pseudo-lefts line up behind Greens-backed Labor government
- BP seals well, but environmental disaster continues
- East side Detroit residents say fire not a “natural disaster”
- Cambodian union leaders call off garment workers’ mass strike
- French Senate votes burqa ban into law
- Fraud, violence and mass abstention: Election debacle in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Video: Inferno on Moenart Street in Detroit
- Split over Greek regional election highlights SYRIZA’s rightward march
- Spanish parliament passes anti-labour laws
- Sri Lankan constitutional changes entrench autocratic rule
- SEP Public Meetings: The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the US
- All London firefighters threatened with being sacked
- Kashmir seethes: Indian elite resorts to repression and political maneuvers
- UAW holds sham “information” meetings to push Indianapolis GM wage cut
- Australia: Gillard government responsible for suicide at immigration detention centre
- Obama seeks to placate Wall Street amidst forecasts of years of high unemployment
- Detroit symphony musicians facing deadline for strike or lockout
- Public meetings: The social and political roots of the Detroit fires
- The Pakistani cricket match-fixing scandal
- Letters from our readers
- Japan-China dispute in East China Sea flares up
- Chicago residents occupy public school field house
- Australia: US-China rivalry provokes heated debate
- European youth hit hard by crisis
- Right-wing Alliance inflicts defeat on Sweden’s social democrats
- Currency wars and the contradictions of capitalism
- Support the Indianapolis GM workers!
- Murdoch phone hacking scandal engulfs all Britain’s major parties
- Get Low and getting to the truth
- Dollar drops, gold soars following Federal Reserve meeting
- Report whitewashes FBI political spying
- Democratic administration pushes ahead with Detroit downsizing
- Australia: New Labor government changes tune on carbon tax after BHP chief intervenes
- Helicopter crash makes 2010 the deadliest year for Afghanistan occupation troops
- US Supreme Court clears way for execution of Virginia woman
- Australia: Local residents offer support to asylum seekers
- Filmmaking in 2010
- Planning committee on education cuts—the ISO supports the Democratic Party
- Philippine president visits US amid rising regional tensions
- UN “poverty summit” exposes failure of world capitalism
- Russian president defends authoritarian rule in the name of “democracy”
- European Central Bank presses Irish government for more social cuts
- Letters on the Indianapolis rank-and-file committee
- Germany’s bankrupt Hypo Real Estate pays out millions in bonuses
- 100,000 protest against government nuclear policy in Berlin
- Republicans block vote on repeal of “Don’t ask, don’t tell”
- Australia: Labor government defends mandatory detention in face of asylum-seeker protests
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Obama at the UN: The arrogant voice of imperialism
- Former Sri Lankan army chief convicted for second time
- Australia: Queensland government launches rail sell-off
- Debacle in Afghanistan: British troops withdraw from Sangin
- International aid for Pakistan flood victims grossly inadequate
- CAUS holds meeting on Detroit fires
- Indianapolis GM workers defy UAW, vote down wage cut
- Forbes 400 list: 2010 has been very good to the richest Americans
- Producer of tainted eggs testifies before US Congress
- Continental workers in France pressured into voting for wage cuts
- US insurers stop offering child-only health plans
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Thailand: Bangkok rally highlights continuing political tensions
- Senate Democrats postpone vote on tax cuts for the wealthy
- California energy giant PG&E releases list of 100 most dangerous gas pipelines
- Thousands demonstrate in Bucharest against social cuts
- FBI raids homes of antiwar activists
- The return of the Greens
- Why is the political right on the offensive in America?
- FBI informant in “Newburgh 4” terror frame-up caught in perjury
- US presses India to further water down nuclear liability law
- French day of action: Millions march against pension cuts
- Virginia woman executed, Georgia and California executions to follow
- US jobless claims, housing data show no recovery for workers
- More letters on the Indianapolis rank-and-file committee
- Letters on the Indianapolis rank-and-file committee
- Japan releases trawler captain after China threatens economic war
- This week in history: September 27-October 3
- Toronto Mayoralty race pushes right-wing agenda
- Ballot irregularities fuel uncertainty over Sweden’s election result
- Sri Lankan government to abolish Colombo Municipal Council
- British police officer convicted of brutal assault released from prison after six days
- FBI raids on antiwar activists: A frontal assault on democratic rights
- Did Massey officials tamper with evidence?
- Ed Miliband takes up the poisoned chalice as the UK’s Labour Party leader
- European economy falters as divisions mount
- Suso Cecchi d’Amico (1914–2010): a seminal figure in Italian cinema
- Former Australian police chief testifies in Bali Nine appeal
- Obama administration invokes “state secrets” doctrine to defend the assassination of US citizens
- US slaughter intensifies in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Big Brother Obama: US to spy on Internet messaging
- The New York Times and the FBI raids
- Tears of Gaza director: “How could one not want to show the world what is happening?”
- The lies of Thilo Sarrazin
- Detroit teachers hear lecture by “school reform” opponent
- UAW backers offer no strategy for Indianapolis struggle
- IMF-ILO conference warns of political upheavals
- Facebook founder’s gift to Newark schools: The return of the aristocratic principle
- Spanish miners strike against unpaid wages and pit closures
- Poverty grows in Madagascar
- More letters to the Indianapolis rank-and-file committee
- The way forward for Indianapolis GM workers
- Hearings expose health hazards in natural gas extraction
- Paris seizes on Niger kidnapping to sow “war on terror” panic
- ETUC European day of action—a cynical maneuver
- Protesters denounce FBI raids on antiwar activists
- Letters from our readers
- Australia: Treasury sets austerity agenda for Gillard government
- Ernest Withers and the FBI
- Detroit Symphony musicians set October 4 strike date
- General strike in Spain against anti-labour laws and austerity measures
- The lies of Thilo Sarrazin
- Antiwar activists raided by FBI could face prison
- The Historical Foundations of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit
- Philippine budget: Austerity for the poor, subsidies for the rich
- US escalates killing on both sides of Afghanistan-Pakistan border
- China-Japan standoff continues over disputed islets
- Indianapolis rank-and-file committee draws worldwide support
- German government offers miserly increase in welfare payments
- French state, unions seek to disarm strikes against pension cuts
- Defying police attacks, Foxconn workers in India continue strike
- 2009 income gap in the US highest on record
- ISO opposes break with Democratic Party at Berkeley planning committee meeting
- New push to send more Australian troops to Afghanistan
- Military hearings on Afghanistan “kill team” begin
- US House passes anti-China trade war bill
- The rise of the Sweden Democrats and the Swedish far right
- Sri Lankan president at the UN denies war crimes
- Spain: Ten million workers take part in general strike
- Victim of FBI raid speaks out
- The Historical Foundations of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit
- Europe-wide protests against austerity and cuts
- SEP publishes program: “The Breakdown of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism in the US”
- European Union sharpens its austerity measures
- At Wisconsin rally, Obama shows contempt for his “base”
- New Zealand teachers, health workers strike
- More letters to the Indianapolis rank-and-file committee
- Indianapolis workers face fight against threat to close GM plant
- Letters from our readers
- Australia: Labor-Green committee to promote pro-business climate policies
- CIA runs private army in Afghanistan and Pakistan
- Palestinian President Abbas refuses to quit phoney peace talks
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: