Archive: 03/2012
- Further evidence of secret US indictment of Julian Assange
- Australia: Union isolates striking Victorian nurses
- German employers, courts, trade unions seek to crush airport ground crew strike
- Support for Quebec student strike swells
- Polish government plans new attacks on the working class
- SEP vice presidential candidate denounces transit cuts at Pittsburgh forum
- Prosecution abruptly rests case in Philippine impeachment trial
- What is at stake in Syria?
- Obama, UAW revel in auto workers’ impoverishment
- New York police defend illegal spying operation against Muslims
- A4e scandal highlights looting of UK social spending by private companies
- Hamas aligns itself with US imperialism against Syria, Iran
- An honest band for difficult times: Shaving by Chewing on Tinfoil
- New political turmoil over post of Australian foreign minister
- Popular protests sparked by deadly train accident in Argentina
- Workers struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- SEP candidate visits Ohio, Indiana and Illinois
- Superintendent charged in Upper Big Branch mine disaster
- Tornadoes kill 12 in US Midwest, South
- A strange “Iranian” explosion in Bangkok
- Sri Lanka government slanders protesters opposing price hikes
- Unions call off strike by metro and bus workers in Barcelona
- The Australian’s foreign editor and Labor’s leadership crisis
- New version of Porgy and Bess: A pale reflection of a work of genius and compassion
- South China Sea tensions mount as Manila prepares to drill for oil
- Lessons of the Cooper Tire struggle
- India: Tens of millions join one-day protest strike
- EU and IMF increase pressure on Hungary
- German labour court bans Frankfurt airport strike
- Afghan troops kill two more US soldiers in Kandahar
- The US media responds with hostility to this year’s Academy Awards show
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Protests against austerity continue in Spain
- Sri Lankan unions betray university workers’ strike
- US Congress expands authoritarian anti-protest law
- Massive attack on postal workers’ jobs
- Hillary Clinton and Middle East war crimes
- Egyptian junta lifts travel ban on NGO operatives
- Spotlight falls on Murdoch newspapers’ bribing of police
- Irish government announces referendum on EU austerity treaty
- Will the Woody Guthrie Museum in Oklahoma distort the folksinger’s views?
- Australian government dismisses call to boost school funding
- Gas prices and the working class
- University of South Florida students speak out on proposed budget cuts
- EU summit adopts Fiscal Pact for European-wide austerity
- Financial markets demand sharper crackdown against Egyptian workers
- Letters from our readers
- Caterpillar workers accept severance deal in London, Ontario plant closure
- Political instability to continue with installation of new Australian foreign minister
- 100,000 welfare recipients in Berlin threatened with eviction
- Photo story: West Liberty, Kentucky virtually destroyed by storm
- World Bank demands further pro-market measures in China
- This week in history: March 05 - March 11
- 39 dead in US tornado outbreak
- The Tall Man: Probing a prisoner’s death on Australia’s Palm Island
- British “left” covers for Unite union’s betrayal of electricians’ dispute
- Britain considers air strikes against Somali insurgents
- Putin wins Russian presidential election
- The European fiscal pact
- Perruchot report exposes French unions’ ties to the ruling class
- Obama at Master Lock: “Insourcing” for cheap labor
- “It is an important story about justice in this country”
- Khamenei supporters win in Iran legislative elections
- Obama hardens threat of war against Iran
- German intelligence agencies expand monitoring of Internet
- SEP campaigns in Michigan, California and Kentucky
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Arming of Syria’s opposition stepped up as demand for safe havens grows
- Stockton, California seeks bankruptcy
- BP settles for $7.8 billion in Gulf blowout
- More cuts demanded as recession looms in Spain
- Sri Lankan fishermen forced back to work
- The uncertain future of Pompeii’s extraordinary ruins
- The tornado disaster and the case for socialist planning
- Wall Street speculators continue to rake in billions
- Obama, Netanyahu discuss Iran war options
- Attorney general defends presidential assassinations of US citizens
- Union helps liquidator impose mass layoffs at German drugstore chain
- Detroit residents speak about deadly house fire
- Letters from our readers
- California Governor Brown’s pension reform: An assault on state workers
- Interview with Rainer Rother, director of a Soviet-German film retrospective: “These films are a pledge that things can be different”
- Romney builds lead in Republican presidential contest
- US exploits UNHRC resolution to pressure Sri Lanka
- California’s March 5 “Day of Action” draws over 10,000 students
- Military tribunals and assassination
- The New York Times and “liberal” warmongering against Iran
- Starvation tragedy underlines social deprivation in Japan
- Monti government deregulates Italian jobs market
- Obama reiterates war threats as Iran, major powers agree to new talks
- Sharp rise in people sleeping rough in UK
- French Socialist Party presidential candidate reassures the banks
- Jerry White visits Debs museum in Terre Haute, Indiana
- Second round of UK local government cuts under way
- Ithaca bus drivers speak out against salary cuts
- Notes on the social crisis in America
- German Socialist Equality Party defends Greek workers
- Australian political crisis exposes acute US-China tensions
- Australia’s supreme court upholds free speech ban on Palm Island leader
- French petty-bourgeois “left” backs imperialist war plans in Syria
- Libya autonomy declaration poses threat of civil war
- Corruption charges vs. British officers investigating murder of Stephen Lawrence
- Jack London’s The Iron Heel: An enduring classic
- Ireland’s Vita Cortex occupation in third month
- Hedge funds speculate on Greek default
- Child poverty on the rise in Germany
- Letters from our readers
- The New Orleans Saints’ “bounty” program and violence in American sports
- Australia: Floods inundate rural communities
- Six British soldiers killed by explosion in southern Afghanistan
- Daniel Woodrell’s The Outlaw Album: Short, honest, brutal and beautiful stories
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Pentagon prepares war plans for Syria
- Slovakia: Mass poverty, corruption on the eve of parliamentary elections
- Sri Lanka: Colombo residents defy government bid to demolish “unauthorised” housing
- The US elections and the jobs crisis
- Washington threatens Pakistan over proposed gas pipeline with Iran
- Spain’s Garzón acquitted for investigation of Franco-era crimes
- Australian government pledges deeper cuts as economy slumps
- Detroit mayor outlines bipartisan assault on city workers
- How to fight Obama’s police-state policies
- UN torture official denounces US treatment of Bradley Manning
- Australian nurses’ union betrays protracted industrial struggle
- Obama hails jobs report despite nearly 13 million unemployed
- US teacher discouragement at 20-year high
- Over 10,000 mentally ill Michigan inmates face Tasers and torture
- Unarmed man shot dead by police in English village
- EU grants Serbia candidate status in run-up to federal election
- Successful start to SEP West Coast campaign
- The Greek agony
- Murdoch press endorses Scottish independence
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- South Korean Democrats make empty populist appeal
- Australian steel company axes another 575 jobs
- Letters from our readers
- Sergei Eisenstein’s October: a monumental work
- Massive anti-government protest in Bahrain
- Cuts push UK workers’ living standards back 30 years
- Virginia abortion ultrasound measure becomes law
- This week in history: March 12-18
- French social democratic unions, NGOs promote right-wing Social Pact
- Sri Lankan UNP’s bogus opposition to IMF austerity program
- The collapse of American democracy
- Australia: Second inquiry whitewashes Orica’s toxic leak
- Workers occupy ArcelorMittal site at Florange in France
- Jerry White speaks in Los Angeles
- Financial organisations declare Greece to be in default
- Britain: 1,000 jobs still at risk at Coryton oil refinery
- Massacre in Afghanistan: US soldier kills 16 villagers, including 9 children
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Strikes by German public-sector workers
- Incomes of top 1 percent in US skyrocket in wake of recession
- Afghanistan’s My Lai
- Public meeting in Leipzig: Leon Trotsky and the defense of historical truth
- One year since Japan’s triple disaster
- Illinois Democrats plan massive attacks on Medicaid and state workers
- Athens steel strike enters fifth month
- Israel expands deadly air strikes on Gaza
- Ralph Fiennes directs Shakespeare’s Coriolanus with an eye to contemporary events
- Divisions over economic policy at Chinese National People’s Congress
- CAUS meeting endorses SEP presidential campaign
- SEP supporters campaign for meetings in Portland and Kentucky
- Autistic teen fatally shot by police in suburban Chicago home
- New bid for UN resolution aimed at Syrian regime-change fails
- The Kandahar massacre and the fight against war
- Australian workers locked out by pharmaceutical company
- Secret Australian SAS operations in Africa
- Santorum wins Republican primaries in Alabama, Mississippi
- The student debt explosion
- Film Noir Classic Collection, Volume 5: The most political of the Warner Bros. film noir collections
- German government study promotes campaign against immigrant communities
- Kony 2012 promotes US “humanitarian” intervention in Africa
- SEP presidential candidate Jerry White to speak in Kingston, Ontario
- Hunger and homelessness on the rise in Greece
- Australian states impose Gillard’s “Empowering Local Schools” program
- Disabled workers facing redundancy due to UK budget cuts
- Protest over closure of Detroit Day School for the Deaf
- East Timor to hold presidential election
- One-day general strike called in Spain
- Ruling parties routed in Slovakian elections
- UK Home Secretary approves Richard O’Dwyer’s extradition to US
- An insider’s view of Wall Street criminality
- Sri Lankan ex-lefts promote the right-wing UNP
- Jerry White explains socialist perspective in Northern California meetings
- Canada: Front-runner for NDP leader considered joining Harper Conservatives
- British print workers in fourth week of lockout
- Kentucky students speak about bleak job prospects
- Greek health service faces catastrophic cuts
- Ani DiFranco's “¿Which Side Are You On?”: a “radical” artist openly embraces Obama and the Democrats
- Bankers’ dictatorship for Detroit workers
- Letters from our readers
- US, UK vow no change in war after Afghanistan massacre
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Millions for Volkswagen CEO, no money for European migrants
- German public service union agrees real wage cuts for Berlin transport workers
- French President Sarkozy makes anti-immigrant appeal to neo-fascist vote
- Australia: Labor faces electoral rout in Queensland
- SEP campaign and public meeting at Portland State University
- Japan’s triple disaster: An indictment of capitalism
- New stage in Murdoch scandal as former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks re-arrested
- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks with WSWS
- Iceland’s ex-prime minister on trial over role in financial crisis
- Documents in US foreclosure settlement highlight lawlessness of the banks
- Left-wing German films in the 1920s reveal problems
- US Afghan strategy unravels in wake of Kandahar massacre
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Tornado damages 100 homes in Michigan community
- Quebec: Almost 200,000 students striking against university tuition fee hikes
- Social counterrevolution in Britain
- New York legislature passes pension cutbacks
- Australian nurses’ union imposes real wage cut
- SEP vice presidential candidate Phyllis Scherrer speaks in Kentucky
- Obama menaces Iran with military threat
- 20 million could lose employer coverage under Obama health care overhaul
- Unemployment, wage cuts destroy living standards of millions in Greece
- Italian truckers strike against austerity closes Fiat plants
- Letters from our readers
- Bangladeshi government cracks down on opposition rally
- In wake of Afghan massacre, tensions mount between US and its puppet Karzai
- This week in history: March 19-25
- SEP campaigns in Tampa, Florida and Detroit, Michigan
- SEP campaign takes socialist program to Syracuse, New York
- Quebec Solidaire moves still closer to big business PQ
- The Greek crisis is only the beginning
- New York City police brutalize, arrest Occupy Wall Street protesters
- Leipzig meeting on Leon Trotsky and the defence of historical truth
- Israel threatens Iran, continues air strikes against Gaza
- Health and Social Care Bill prepares health care privatisation in UK
- French Socialist Party presidential candidate falls behind Sarkozy in polls
- Detroit workers react to plans for financial control board, more budget cuts
- New attacks on contraceptive access follow Obama cave-in on issue
- China’s military spending surpasses $100 billion
- Isaak Babel’s Marya: An antirevolutionary play?
- Questions mount over US account of Afghanistan massacre
- Gunman kills four at Jewish school in Toulouse, France
- Second round required in East Timorese presidential election
- Fighting and bombings in Syrian capital
- US Supreme Court issues reactionary rulings on warrants and interrogations
- Sri Lankan defence ministry censors SMS news alerts
- UK unions collude in railway restructuring
- Australia: Acute disaffection in Queensland election
- Afghanistan massacre: The product of a criminal war
- Germany: New elections in North Rhine-Westfalia
- Leon Trotsky and the defense of historical truth
- Letters from our readers
- Top official Bo Xilai dismissed by Chinese Communist Party
- Cambridge University suspends PhD student for peaceful protest
- The AFL-CIO’s endorsement of Obama: A conspiracy against the working class
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Australian police Taser attack kills Brazilian student
- Australia: Queensland flood inquiry report a political coverup
- Kony 2012 and the promotion of “humanitarian” wars
- The Pope’s visit to Mexico deepens assault on the secular state
- Campaign in Morgantown wins support from workers and students
- Australian mining tax passed through Senate
- Mehring Publishers presents new German edition of Alexander Rabinowitch’s The Bolsheviks Come to Power
- Federal authorities to investigate Florida shooting death of black teenager
- A return to Sri Lanka’s killing fields by Channel 4
- It’s perfectly true, We Need to Talk About Kevin is “not an issue-based movie”
- New York Times’ Bill Keller sets ground rules for next war
- Ireland: Opposition mounts to government-imposed household charge
- US war game foreshadows Israeli attack on Iran
- The coronation of the new German president
- Detroit school czar targets 15 schools, 600 teachers
- Pakistan’s president delivers annual address amid swirl of economic and political crises
- French police in armed standoff with alleged Toulouse gunman
- Syrian opposition accused of human rights abuses
- More austerity measures as Spain’s public debt soars
- Quebec to implement university fee hikes in face of mass protests
- Workers face loss of more than 100,000 jobs as Obama joins attack on postal service
- Australia government intervenes into port workers’ dispute
- Nine years after the invasion of Iraq
- One quarter of German workers are in low-wage jobs
- Letters from our readers
- Jerry White speaks in Canada
- California community college introduces two-tier tuition system
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Thousands protest against killing of black teenager in Florida
- More than 20,000 California teachers receive preliminary layoff notices
- As ruling party loses support, Greek “left” cosies up to PASOK
- Sri Lankan health unions abandon strike after court order
- Portugal paralysed by general strike as second bailout looms
- Political issues in the Toulouse shootings
- Australian mining magnate accuses CIA of funding environment groups
- US condemns North Korea’s planned satellite launch
- Being Flynn: Homelessness as a social failure
- Florida shooting focuses attention on “Stand Your Ground” laws
- The socialist solution to the crisis in Detroit
- Canada: NDP frays over Mulcair’s candidacy for party leader
- UK budget brings a bonanza for the rich and pain for workers
- Top general demands US keep “robust” combat force in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Questions emerge over police handling of Toulouse, France killings
- New evidence emerges on Brazilian student’s death in Sydney
- ICG reports detail the militarisation in Sri Lanka’s North
- Notes on the social crisis in America
- Mahle workers in Kilmarnock, Scotland, vote to strike
- Quebec: Mammoth demonstration in support of strike against university fee hikes
- Europe’s trade union heads meet with Merkel
- Phyllis Scherrer speaks in Morgantown, West Virginia
- Escalating protests in Montenegro
- US student debt surpasses $1 trillion
- Letters from our readers
- Jerry White campaigns in Queens, New York
- US charges soldier with 17 counts of murder in Afghan massacre
- This week in history: March 26-April 1
- US to give “non-lethal” aid to Syrian opposition
- Obama administration expands illegal surveillance of Americans
- The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 1
- Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists campaign for war against Syria
- Australia: Brisbane voters speak to the WSWS
- Australia: A historic rout of Labor in Queensland election
- The killing of Trayvon Martin
- German and British GM plants threatened with closure
- The Many Mistresses Of Martin Luther King and the politics of race in America
- Lutte Ouvrière mounts nationalist French presidential election campaign
- Hire-and-fire labor reform: A historic attack on the Italian working class
- West Virginia house fire kills nine
- Euro crisis set to resume
- SEP Presidential candidate Jerry White addresses New York meeting
- Wild rumours of a coup in Beijing
- British teenager arrested for Facebook comments criticizing Afghan war
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- The 2012 elections and the assault on voting rights in the US
- Thousands march to demand arrest of Trayvon Martin killer
- US steelworkers union prepares betrayal of refinery workers
- The life and times of a Sri Lankan migrant worker
- The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 2
- Sri Lankan SEP calls plantation workers’ congress
- Sri Lankan farmers demonstrate for a higher rice price
- A strategy to mobilize the working class is needed
- Papua New Guinea government moves against judiciary
- Washington’s “human rights” fraud
- Obama uses nuclear summit to issue new threats against North Korea and Iran
- Canada: NDP picks ex-Liberal minister as federal party leader
- Thatcher papers show how Murdoch’s media domination was secured
- Joan Miró: An artist “in the service of mankind”
- US Supreme Court hears challenge to Obama health care law
- German public service union continues token strikes
- Free health screening draws unemployed, homeless in Detroit
- Letters from our readers
- Inside a union rally at the PSA auto plant in Aulnay, France
- SEP campaigns in National City, California and Ann Arbor, Michigan
- British trade unions call off national strike over public sector pensions
- Democrats seek to channel mass anger over killing of Trayvon Martin
- Reports indicate Toulouse gunman was French intelligence asset
- British Columbia criminalizes teachers’ strike to force through wage cut
- The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 3
- UN Human Rights Council passes resolution on Sri Lanka
- German state election: Main parties in Saarland form grand coalition
- Romney tightening grip on Republican presidential nomination
- German Pirate Party takes 7 percent in Saarland state election
- The Obama recovery
- Military launches coup in Mali
- SEP vice presidential candidate speaks in Ithaca, New York
- Israelis protest war with Iran
- Australian government bars Chinese telco on “security” grounds
- Why does The Hunger Games strike a chord?
- UK Conservatives hit by “cash for access” scandal
- Record opposition to Afghanistan war as killings mount
- Parents of Trayvon Martin speak to the WSWS
- More troubling facts emerge in the Trayvon Martin shooting
- French Socialist Party presidential candidate backs police in Toulouse shootings
- In wake of Syria peace plan, US steps up bid for regime-change
- The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 4
- Spanish “left” groups use one-day general strike to promote trade union bureaucracy
- Three workers killed in Peru mining protests
- Obama’s nuclear disarmament hoax
- Pakistan: Power cuts spark mass protests across Punjab
- North Sea gas leak threatens environmental disaster
- Davenport, Iowa aluminum strike in second month
- SEP presidential candidate Jerry White campaigns in Boston
- US Congress passes phony “JOBS Act”
- Taser death in Australia: A warning to youth
- Indian budget raises taxes and prices
- German union facilitates mass layoffs at Schlecker drugstore chain
- Letters from our readers
- US and Australia prepare military build up in Indian Ocean
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- SEP vice presidential candidate ends New York tour with meetings in Ithaca and Syracuse
- Trade unions isolate London teachers and lecturers strike
- Government readies military as UK tanker drivers vote to strike
- Tamil separatists lobby imperialist powers against Sri Lankan government at UN
- Australian government pledges to slash billions from budget
- The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 5
- Millions join general strike in Spain
- The award-winning A Separation and the humanity of the Iranian people
- Mehring Publishers presents two new photo documentary books at Leipzig Book Fair
- Trade unions in Italy play crucial role in the abolition of workers’ rights
- Ireland pushes for debt restructuring to avoid second bailout
- India’s government orients towards privatizing water
- Sham election in Hong Kong reveals sharp social tensions
- Pope Benedict backs market measures in Cuba
- US House of Representatives approves plan to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps
- Wildcat strike at Air Canada outrages and unnerves ruling elite
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Video: Florida workers and students speak on killing of Trayvon Martin
- The killing of Trayvon Martin and the social crisis in the US
- Australia: University of Sydney job cuts temporarily postponed
- Former IMF chief Strauss-Kahn faces sex crime charges
- The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 6
- Barcelona’s workers and youth speak during Spain’s general strike
- Bluegrass legend Earl Scruggs dies at 88
- Unions complicit in GM attack on European auto workers
- Mohamed Merah’s family denies he was Toulouse, France gunman
- New round of mass layoffs in North America
- Judge dismisses terrorism charges against Michigan militia group
- At least 13 dead in another Honduran prison massacre
- Labour Party facing loss of Glasgow City Council
- Canada’s federal and Ontario governments unveil “transformative” austerity budgets
- Australia: Coal companies provoke new miners’ walkouts in Queensland
- Latest articles
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