Archive: 04/2004
- Polish prime minister resigns amid mass opposition to social devastation
- New Sinhala extremist party fields Buddhist monks in Sri Lankan elections
- Iraqi hatred for US occupation erupts in Fallujah
- Letters from our readers
- Pay soars for Wall Street CEOs
- Banker’s speech points to global problems
- Norwegian festival withdraws Berlusconi documentary after meeting with Italian officials
- Sri Lankan elections foreshadow a deepening political crisis
- Spain: Zapatero chooses a business-friendly cabinet
- Chinese regime amends constitution to protect private ownership
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- SEP US presidential candidate on Kerry’s jobs plan: “A hoax on the unemployed and giveaway for the rich”
- The diplomacy of imperialism: Iraq and US foreign policy
- Australia: Voters register opposition to major parties in local elections
- Tensions escalate in eastern province following murder of Tamil candidate
- Britain: SWP/RESPECT “lefts” oppose union disaffiliation from Labour Party
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US jobless rate climbs to 5.7 percent in March
- The real lessons of Fallujah
- Detroit schools to cut 3,200 jobs
- Attac lines up with German unions to back government plan for welfare cuts
- Sri Lankan election produces a hung parliament and further political instability
- Britain: Corporate CEO pay rises again
- Shiite uprising erupts against US occupation of Iraq
- Why US troops are occupying Haiti
- European-wide protests against social cuts and mass unemployment
- Professor Chomsky comes in from the cold
- Australia’s national wage case: no solution for the working poor
- Former FBI translator says Rice lied about government knowledge of terrorist threats
- La estrategia política del PSI para las elecciones de EE.UU. en 2004
- Bush, Rice and the 9/11 commission: Behind the conflict within the US ruling elite
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- Newfoundland public sector strike enters sixth day
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Operation Iraqi Bloodbath: US prepares reprisals against uprising
- Nationality, ethnicity and culture: Guardian hosts the racist ideas of David Goodhart
- Australian universities increase fees despite student protests
- Australian government uses Madrid bombings to justify further police-state powers
- Mahinda Rajapakse to head a minority government
- Pulitzer Prize awarded to report on US atrocities in Vietnam
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- Stop the war on the Iraqi people
- Nationality, ethnicity and culture: the Guardian hosts the racist ideas of David Goodhart
- The politics of electrical power
- Discurso del candidato Presidencial del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad en la conferencia del PSI y de la WSWS
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- Turkey: Successor organization of the PKK curries favour with US
- SEP launches campaign to put Van Auken and Lawrence on the ballot in the US
- Defend the Iraqi masses
- Nationality, ethnicity and culture: the Guardian hosts the racist ideas of David Goodhart
- An exchange of letters on the French headscarf ban
- Bush signs “Unborn Victims of Violence Act”: legislation targets abortion rights
- An exchange of letters with the Sri Lankan military
- Rice testifies before 9/11 commission: more cover-up and lies
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- The Democrats and “Bush’s war”
- Canada: Deepening poverty and economic insecurity for working families
- Rural backlash in Sri Lankan elections
- University of Michigan lecturers stage one-day walkout
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- SEP presidential candidate: “Pull all US troops out of Iraq now”
- UFCW forces through concessions contract at Gelson’s markets in California
- Support the Iraqi resistance. Australian troops out of Iraq.
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- Portland, Oregon: second police killing in 10 months
- CIA briefing memo exposes Bush lies on 9/11
- The inevitable logic of US repression in Iraq
- A devastating blow to the myth of American invincibility
- An attempt to portray the Afghanistan disaster as a success
- LTTE launches offensive to suppress dissident eastern faction
- "La clase obrera tiene que desarrollar una estrategia política para defender sus empleos y niveles de vida"
- "Gastadas mentiras en defensa de una guerra criminal"
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- US press justifies slaughter in Iraq
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US military seeks to crush Iraqi uprising
- Moves toward European-wide police-state methods
- Europe and US approve all-African military force
- Bancario puntualiza los problemas mundiales de la economía
- Quebec government tries to remake its image for the better to pursue class war assault
- Marxism and the political economy of Paul Sweezy
- Standoff over deployment of Australian police to Papua New Guinea
- Students for Social Equality hold rally and meeting at University of Michigan
- Socialist Equality Party US presidential candidate: “A vote for Kerry is a vote for war”
- Chemical giant DuPont announces 3,500 job cuts
- Letters from our readers
- Reject Blair’s colonial adventure—Withdraw British troops from Iraq now!
- Egypt’s President Mubarak comes to the aid of Bush
- An exchange with a supporter of the French LCR
- US military prepares assault on Najaf and Fallujah
- Threat of civil war hangs over Georgia
- Australia: Public schools to be reduced to a residual safety net
- SEP campaign wins support in Cincinnati, Ohio
- Bush’s press conference: evasions, lies and a promise of more bloodletting
- Turkey: Victory for the AKP in local elections masks social tensions
- Rifts open up in new Sri Lankan government
- Bush backs Sharon’s West Bank land grab
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East and Africa
- Japanese government shaken by Iraq hostage crisis
- Threat of civil war hangs over Georgia
- Britain: Ruling elite discuss Iraq strategy
- US tax agency gives big business a free ride—corporate audits drop
- Sweden: Anna Lindh’s killer given life sentence
- Los Demócratas y la "guerra de Bush"
- ANC wins South African elections in low voter turnout
- The Parmalat scandal and globalization: impact on the Italian economy
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- South Korean voters reject right-wing establishment parties
- German SEP gains official ballot status for European elections
- Letters and a reply on “Professor Chomsky comes in from the cold”
- Stop the war on the Iraqi people! Withdraw US troops from Iraq!
- Britain: Labour Party membership plummets
- Kerry on “Meet the Press:” Democratic candidate reiterates support for Iraq war
- India’s election commission demands BJP explain its role in Lucknow tragedy
- Government indifference to dengue outbreak in Indonesia
- Britain: Antiwar protesters call for withdrawal of troops from Iraq
- Washington to use UN to select puppet regime in Iraq
- Spain: New prime minister says troops to be withdrawn from Iraq
- The political questions raised by Justice Scalia’s attack on the media
- Senate committee finds four million Australians living in poverty
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- The social consequences of European Union expansion
- Letters from our readers
- Why did Bush give Israel a green light to assassinate Hamas leader Rantisi?
- Australia: NSW government axes jobs to fund decaying rail system
- US: opposition erupts over rule to expense stock options
- The Negroponte nomination: a warning to the people of Iraq
- Suharto’s cronies make significant gains in Indonesia’s elections
- Testing of New York guardsmen: first confirmed cases of Iraq war depleted uranium exposure
- The Columbine High School massacre: American Pastoral ... American Berserk
- Concessions imposed on Minnesota transit workers
- 18,000 Iraqis illegally held in jails and prison camps
- Proceed carefully with interest rate rise, IMF warns
- Indian general election begins
- Iraq crisis spurs call for US military draft
- Blair and Bush plan further crimes in the Middle East
- Britain: Documentary shows police laughing as man dies in station
- Angry response to international pressure to keep Indonesian cleric in jail
- What the September 11 commission hearings revealed
- Bush forced to cover World Trade Center health claims
- Contribuciones sobre las artes, derechos demócraticos y Nader
- Divisions within ruling elite drive impeachment of Lithuanian president
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- US officer threatens to turn Fallujah into “a killing field”
- India’s elections: the decline and decay of the Congress Party
- California guts workers’ compensation system
- New Sri Lankan parliament descends into chaos
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Britain: Bob Copper, foremost traditional singer dies
- Danish whistleblower charged after accusing prime minister of exaggerating Iraqi WMD
- Cyprus: referendum on the Annan Plan
- Pentagon censors images of US soldiers’ coffins returning from Iraq
- Britain: Blunkett to legislate for “thought crimes” and guilt by association
- Partido Socialista por la Igualdad en Alemania se postula para las elecciones europeas
- Blair y Bush planean mayores crímenes en Oriente Medio
- Slovakia takes up membership in the European Union with extreme right-wing president
- Nauru deal cements Australia’s Pacific incarceration policy
- Northern Ireland: Reports detail Britain’s collusion with loyalist murder squads
- Letters from our readers
- What the September 11 commission hearings revealed
- SEP holds meeting in Colombo against US occupation of Iraq
- Spain attempts to appease the US on Iraq
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Tropical storms and heavy flooding devastate Fiji
- The struggle against war and the 2004 US elections
- New York Mayor Bloomberg reaches concessions deal with city’s biggest union
- Forty years since the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial
- What the September 11 commission hearings revealed
- Support the Socialist Equality Party in the 2004 US elections
- Australian government faces new charges of manipulating intelligence
- Britain: Former diplomats blast Blair’s support for US Middle East policy
- Washington unleashes bloodbath in Iraq
- Bush administration claims police-state powers in Guantánamo arguments before US Supreme Court
- Australian defence adviser sacked for refusing to write WMD lies
- Part 2—The accused: Henchmen acting under orders
- Massive march on Washington for women’s rights
- Britain: Union leader warns of “nightmare prospect” for education under Labour government
- Stop the slaughter in Iraq
- Beijing shuts the door on democratic reform in Hong Kong
- Britain: Government threatens to change law to enable continued detention without trial
- New York City: Columbia graduate students go on strike
- Forty years since the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial
- Torture of Iraqi prisoners exposed
- Workers Struggles: Europe, the Middle East & Africa
- US: Mass opposition grows to Iraq war
- Britain: Blair pledges anti-immigrant clampdown
- Australia pushes ahead with grab for Timor oil and gas
- Ahmed Chalabi and the “liberation” of Iraq
- Canada: State assault on public sector workers
- The social roots of a Detroit tragedy
- Latest articles
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