Archive: 12/1998
- Sri Lanka: Protests continue against cuts in food supplies to Tamil war refugees
- Ex-Stalinist Jimmy Reid supports Scottish Socialist Party
- The tug-of-war over Kurdish nationalist leader Abdullah Ocalan
- Eye-witness account of West Papua massacre - "We saw terrible slum-like conditions and a very strong army presence"
- The SEP and the fight for the Socialist United States of Sri Lanka and Eelam
- Workers Struggles Around the World: The Americas
- Jersey City teachers end strike after firing threat
- From a striking teacher in New Jersey
- Chilean Socialist Party seeks to rescue Pinochet
- ABC cuts benefits of locked-out workers
- Vadim Rogovin and the significance of his historical research
- British unions accept 2,500 job losses and flexible contracts
- The war poet Wilfred Owen 80 years on
- A legal farce: Malaysian judge orders Anwar's lawyer jailed
- On copyright
- "There is no process of peace and reconciliation in Chile"
- US and IMF rescue banks in Brazil
- Millions in Bangladesh face slow poisoning from arsenic-contaminated water
- Labour Party defeat could accelerate drive for Scottish independence
- A letter from South Africa
- Europe, Russia and Africa
- Boeing announcement brings US job cuts to 500,000 in 1998 jobs
- India: BJP routed in state elections
- Elizabeth and a weakened historical sense
- How should the terminally ill be treated?
- Asian economic slump deepens
- Britain's Conservative Party split over House of Lords reform
- Scientists isolate elusive embryonic stem cells
- Separatist PQ returned to power
- How government policy imperiled an architectural masterpiece
- An exchange on the NBA lockout
- A political fraud in Pittsburgh
- Jury rejects charges by independent counsel against former US Agriculture Secretary
- United States violates international human rights standards
- Over 10,000 job losses announced in one week
- Some interesting films on US television, December 5-11
- PNG unions scuttle national strike
- The significance of Pinochet’s arrest and the lessons of the 1973 coup
- Lively discussion on the lessons of Pinochet's coup
- Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Utility shutoff leads to child's death in Detroit house fire
- Statistics show gathering world recession
- A letter on Malaysian developments
- Starr refuses to answer questions from Judiciary Committee Democrats
- Corporate claim on an asteroid
- Outcry over Philippines orphanage fire
- Workers struggles: North America
- Report finds UK health inequalities have widened significantly
- Parent union takes control of New York's DC 37
- "Pinochet the 'All-American' hero"
- Woody Allen strikes a nerve--good for him!
- Social explosion looms in Bangladesh
- Clinton to back Social Security privatization
- Pentagon report calls Asia a "core security concern"
- Pakistan prime minister imposes military crackdown
- Israeli student strike ends in failure
- Violence erupts again in Drumcree
- A growing loss of confidence in the Habibie regime
- Telephone call centres expand worldwide
- University of California teaching assistants return to work
- The Texas killing machine targets Canadian Stanley Faulder
- New attacks on the democratic rights of refugees
- Washington's silence on Pinochet
- LTTE calls for new talks with Sri Lankan regime
- Europe, the Middle East and Africa
- On Pol Pot and The Killing Fields
- In appreciation of David Walsh's review of The Siege
- Some interesting films on US television, December 12-18
- Money for prisons, not for schools
- Decision on Pinochet heightens political crisis
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the South Pacific
- US moves B-52s towards Iraq
- Hypocrisy surrounds international cricket scandal
- Clintons groveling emboldens right-wing push for impeachment
- Judiciary Committee Republican Bob Barr spoke at white supremacist convention
- Workers Revolutionary Party member resigns and declares his support for the International Committee of the Fourth International
- Welfare jobs cut in Australia
- New York City transit authority to employ welfare recipients
- Sri Lankan regime to try LTTE leaders for Central Bank bomb attack
- A personal tribute to film director Alan Pakula by writer John Nichols
- Venezuelan and foreign capital size up former coup leader
- A special holiday offer from Mehring Books
- Europe, Russia and Africa
- Military aggression and political diversion
- Protest strikes target BJP government's economic policies
- Striking bus driver killed in Blackburn, England
- Immigration and Asylum Bill turns refugees into pariahs
- British media incites hatred against Eastern European refugees
- The Teamsters election and its significance for the working class
- Law Lords overturn earlier decision refusing Pinochet "sovereign immunity"
- Labour's reform of the House of Lords
- Slumping sales, profits behind US layoffs
- Controversy mounts over role of UN inspectors in Iraq
- Peter Symonds replies to two letters on the trial of Anwar Ibrahim in Malaysia
- Australian miners union calls strike against coal price cuts
- "They will monitor anything we do on that phone"
- Some interesting films on US television, December 19-25
- San Francisco's homeless dying at record rate
- Workers Struggles Around the World: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- A shameful chapter in American history
- Indonesian regime resorts to brutal police measures
- An exchange on gambling and socialism
- Blair is Clinton's sole international ally once again
- Soros warns of "market fundamentalism"
- A vote of social protest
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Is America drifting towards civil war?
- On the bombing of Iraq
- Meatpackers strike against demand for $6 per hour wage cuts
- Labour's backdoor privatisation of essential public services
- ABC-TV gives ultimatum to locked-out workers
- Labour government rocked by high-level resignations
- US and British bombs killed hundreds of Iraqi civilians
- Notes from the Amsterdam documentary film festival
- Detroit firefighters lack equipment and manpower
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Russia and Africa
- Agents provocateur: the activities of Richard Butler and UNSCOM
- Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Canadian Prime Minister's role ruled off limits
- The WSWS will not post articles December 25-28. Postings will resume Tuesday, December 29.
- Science and Society, a Socialist Perspective
- Chapter 1: Preparations for the First Show Trial
- 1937: Stalin’s Year of Terror By Vadim Z. Rogovin – Introduction
- 1937: Stalin's Year of Terror By Vadim Z. Rogovin – Table of Contents
- Social inequality, bureaucracy and the betrayal of socialism in the Soviet Union
- Leon Trotsky and the Fate of Marxism in the USSR
- 1937: Stalin’s Year of Terror
- Stalin’s Great Terror: Origins and Consequences
- Marxist standpoint on "Science and Society" debated at British university
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- "Stalin and his regime destroyed the revolution."
- The mask falls: Germany's Red-Green government and the bombing of Iraq
- Voices against the war
- Exposing Stalin’s “retouching”
- Reply to a supporter of the US bombing of Iraq
- Television technicians in US reject ABC ultimatum
- "International campaign secured our release"
- Why did the Scottish National Party oppose the bombing of Iraq?
- New Zealand coalition government in disarray
- Plans for Greater London Authority ignore growing social inequality
- After the bombing of Iraq, danger grows of a US ground assault
- Oldest human-like fossil uncovered in South Africa
- David Walsh's list of the best films of 1998
- New revelations of corruption in New York City unions
- Some interesting films on US television, January 2-8
- The International Space Station: a project with enormous scientific potential
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- The Jefferson-Hemings controversy
- A further erosion of Australian public health care
- House fires during the holidays kill scores of people acrosss the US
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Detroit firefighter speaks out: "All these kids do not have to die"
- Detroit fire death toll at 79
- On films and form: a letter from a reader
- Canadian Auto Workers union to stump for Liberals in next Ontario election
- Canada's social democrats to move further to the right
- Latest articles
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