Archive: 12/2003
- Michael Jackson’s tragedy
- Portugal slashes corporate tax and government spending
- New York: Homeless man crushed to death by sanitation vehicle
- The Michael Jackson case: the New York Times piles on
- US military adopts “no-holds barred” tactics against Iraqi resistance
- Indian elections reveal chasm between political elite and voters
- La "guerra contra el terrorismo": signos ominosos para la democracia de Estados Unidos
- Mass protest against Quebec government’s demolition of public and social services
- Australian government moves to dismantle Medicare bulk-billing
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US military opens fire on Iraqi civilians following skirmish in Samarra
- Friedman of the New York Times attacks London anti-Bush protest
- FBI memo encourages local police to spy on protest groups
- Australia: Ansett workers still not paid their full entitlements
- UN International AIDS Day report reveals growing pandemic
- Investigations announced into alleged Indonesian atrocities in West Papua
- German Social Democrats endorse government austerity program
- The California recall in historical perspective: Lessons of Upton Sinclair’s 1934 campaign
- Northern Ireland elections: Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fein gain support
- Massacre in Samarra: US lies and self-delusion
- Letters on the Michael Jackson case
- Cincinnati police beat unarmed black man to death
- Brandenburg “anti-racist group” attacks World Socialist Web Site
- Spain: Congress belatedly honours victims of Franco
- 50 Años del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional
- Se intensifica oposición a Estados Unidos en Afganistán
- Election of new Labor leader marks unabashed embrace of free-market agenda
- Israel: Air Force pilots reject participation in targeted assassinations
- US soldiers’ families, veterans go to Iraq to oppose war
- US: Regional, industry conflicts stall energy bill
- A reply to “Sylvia Plath is hardly present: a review of Sylvia, directed by Christine Jeffs”
- The political economy of “New Labor”
- Ashcroft defends US victimization and abuse of Maher Arar
- British poet rejects Order of the British Empire award
- Alarming rise in suicides among US troops in Iraq
- Political impasse deepens in Sri Lanka
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Georgia’s “rose revolution”: a made-in-America coup
- An exchange on “Medicare bill marks major step in destruction of government health plan for US seniors”
- US-China tensions loom over Taiwan
- Student protests at Berlin universities
- Quebec premier baits unions
- Meetings on 50 years of the International Committee of the Fourth International
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Marginal rise in US employment in November
- US pushes through tough IAEA resolution targetting Iran
- German Greens conference supports eastward expansion of European Union
- Ecuador: Drug scandal rocks Gutiérrez government
- Colorado court strikes down Republican gerrymandering
- US media, Ashcroft silent on conviction of right-wing terrorists in Texas
- Spain: Aznar opposes pullout from Iraq
- Portland, Oregon: Muslim defendants sentenced in treason trial
- Australian film industry: the futility of calls for “cultural protection”
- The Medicare fraud and the decay of American democracy
- LTTE offers reassurances to major powers
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- British whistleblower faces trial for exposing US spying on UN delegates
- Letters from our readers
- Iraqi colonel says he is source of 45-minute claim on Iraqi WMDs
- WSWS arts editor appears on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Longtime supporter of International Committee in US dies
- Florida National Guardsmen victimized for wedding Iraqi women
- A war criminal visits the scene of the crime
- US, Israel prepare mass killings in Iraq
- US prepares “Big Brother” system to monitor immigrants
- Talks break down in Southern California supermarket strike
- Two recent American films
- New York City seeks to limit liability in Staten Island ferry disaster
- New laws cloak ASIO detentions in secrecy
- La diatriba del New York Times contra Michael Jackson
- La tragedia de Michael Jackson
- Rome: Mass demonstration to defend pensions
- Quebec: A socialist perspective to defeat Charest government’s plans for social demolition
- Irish budget hands millions of euros to business
- Pro-US Iraqi factions enlisted for counterinsurgency operations
- Heavy losses for Congress in Indian state elections
- With endorsement of Dean, Gore seeks to revive Democrats and contain political crisis
- New York City seeks to limit liability in Staten Island ferry disaster
- US Congress blocks extension of federal unemployment benefits
- Northern Ireland: Unions derail opposition to Bombardier job cuts
- Historic Toronto theatre collapse kills one
- A young US Marine’s death in Iraq
- Sri Lankan artist speaks about death threats by Sinhala extremists
- US court case: Renewed attack on open source software
- Florida National Guardsmen victimized for wedding Iraqi women
- Ex-Senator Bob Kerrey appointed to 9/11 panel
- On the 40th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination
- British Columbia: Ferry workers defy government strikebreaking
- Spain: Catalan election threatens further instability
- Eastern Europe faces HIV-AIDS epidemic
- Britain: Blair government seeks massive hike in university tuition fees
- Australia: NSW teachers endorse 48-hour strike in February
- US: Hundreds of job cuts hit Oregon’s manufacturing sector
- Peter Weir’s Master and Commander: A case of the imaginary concrete
- Iraqi “reconstruction” as corporate looting
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Bush backs blacklist on reconstruction deals in Iraq
- US military kills six Afghan children in new atrocity
- No resolution to Sri Lankan political crisis
- Saddam Hussein’s capture will not resolve Iraqi quagmire
- US and European leaders court North Africa
- Germany: education is a fundamental right—not a commodity
- US occupation authority suppresses study of Iraqi civilian casualties
- Berlin: 40,000 demonstrate to defend education and social programs
- Quebec: Mounting opposition to Liberals’ class war agenda
- Legal observer details police violence against FTAA protesters in Miami
- The political crisis in Sri Lanka: the way forward for the working class
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Koizumi sends Japanese troops to Iraq
- The official US response to the capture of Saddam Hussein: a degrading spectacle
- Democrats praise Bush after capture of Hussein
- The Thatcherisation of the German CDU
- Brazil’s Workers Party government expels ‘left’ legislators
- Arrest of Zak Mallah: test case for Australia’s anti-terror laws
- Military’s “espionage” case against Guantanamo chaplain collapses
- Thailand: 295 workers strike Nasawat Apparel factory
- Sri Lankan health workers picket parliament
- French students protest university reforms
- National tensions sink agreement on European Union constitution
- Day three of US media coverage of Hussein’s capture: no let-up in the hysteria
- Other letters from our readers
- Letters on the capture of Saddam Hussein
- Bush administration embroiled in Boeing scandal
- Spain: Prime Minister Aznar may face slander charges
- US: Another Senate Democrat steps down to aid Republicans
- Russian elections: Putin consolidates regime of “managed democracy”
- British Columbia: Unions suppress ferry and forest strikes
- Australian parliament adopts legislation to restructure universities
- Bush calls for Hussein’s execution: a portrait of sadism and ignorance
- Afghanistan’s loya jirga convened to rubber-stamp an anti-democratic constitution
- Detroit Symphony Orchestra faces $2 million deficit
- Deadline passes with no sign of any end to the Sri Lankan political crisis
- Desperation fuels hunger strikes in Australian refugee camps
- Canada’s Liberal government veers right
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- World hunger report: 842 million starve in the midst of plenty
- Pentagon fired military lawyers assigned to defend Guantánamo prisoners
- The sculpture of Edgar Degas
- Detroit Symphony Orchestra faces $2 million deficit
- Muerte de un joven marino de guerra en Irak
- Spain marks 25th anniversary of democratic transition
- Britain: Labour Party leadership paves way for the return of Ken Livingstone
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Australian Labor backs call for execution of Hussein
- The slight and the reprehensible
- Howard Dean and the shrinking US political “mainstream”
- Wall Street Journal’s Robert Bartley dead at 66
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Australia’s next neo-colonial intervention begins in Papua New Guinea
- Pakistan’s military dictator survives assassination attempt
- Two appellate courts rule against Bush administration detentions
- Ireland: Barron report confirms British collusion in 1974 Dublin bombings
- Nick Beams: “The program of the ICFI has stood the test of time”
- The anti-Semitism and anti-Bolshevism of the German Nazis: a letter and reply
- US voting machines: Will 2004 elections be electronically rigged?
- Orange alert in US—terrorizing the American public again
- Sri Lankan political crisis heightens tensions in Jaffna
- Israel: Elite commandos refuse to serve in Occupied Territories
- US media, government scramble to obscure criminal dealings with Hussein
- Deaths in Sydney hospitals used to boost private health care
- Howard Dean rejects Washington Post charge that he is “beyond the mainstream”
- California Governor announces millions more in cuts
- Australia: New fare hikes and job cuts in NSW public transport
- Australian government joins Bush’s “missile defence” system
- Fuel shortages, blackouts heighten Iraqi opposition to American occupation
- Behind the India-Pakistan ceasefire
- Georgia: “Rose revolution” destabilises southern Caucasus
- Letters from our readers
- SEP holds public meeting on the political crisis in Sri Lanka
- Libyan government assists US aggression in the Middle East
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Earthquake kills tens of thousands in Iran
- Australian detainee at Guantanamo Bay pressured to plead guilty
- A song, an era that still haunt us
- Georgia: “Rose revolution” destabilises southern Caucasus
- US: Hundreds denied early retirement at Verizon telecommunications
- Nauru hunger strikers left to face death
- European battle over software patents
- Kissinger and Argentina: a case study in US support for state terror
- Blair caught out again over Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
- Gas explosion turns Chinese villages into “a death zone”
- Milosevic trial sets precedent: US granted right to censor evidence
- David Walsh picks his favorite films of 2003
- Latest articles
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