Archive: 08/2010
- Fires ravage Southern California
- This week in history: August 2-August 8
- US backs plan to send more troops to Somalia
- Slideshow
- Blood on whose hands in Afghanistan?
- New Zealand government launches fresh attack on workers’ rights
- German court sanctions monitoring of Left Party MP
- Australia: Labor’s leadership coup starts to unravel amid leaks and counter-leaks
- Half of India’s population lives below the poverty line
- Economic crisis deepens in Gulf
- Greek military mobilised to break truck drivers strike
- At Clinton wedding: The American aristocracy flaunts its wealth
- SEP candidate speaks on Gillard’s education record
- California governor Schwarzenegger declares state of fiscal emergency
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US military, intelligence agencies press attack against Wikileaks
- Australian government and media block discussion over Wikileaks revelations
- Economic transformation of Welch, West Virginia: from mines to prisons
- G20 Review Boards set to whitewash Toronto police-state tactics
- Markets, profits soar amid signs of deepening slump
- Hundreds killed in devastating Pakistani floods
- Another West Virginia coal miner killed
- Australia: Labor’s factional war—a deepening crisis of the parliamentary system
- Obama hails Iraq war in “withdrawal” speech
- Inception: But where are the ideas?
- Greece: Union betrayal of truck driver’s strike sets stage for further attacks
- Israel, Gaza and the aid flotillas
- “Independent claims czar” on BP payroll
- DTE reports increased profits in second quarter
- Letters from our readers
- Chicago Public Schools fires 600 teachers and staff
- WikiLeaks: The German Armed Forces and the policy of targeted killings in Afghanistan
- The social crisis in Appalachia
- US-China tensions over South China Sea
- South Carolina budget cuts hit health care, education
- Army operation against Greek truck drivers: A warning to European workers
- The ousting of Kevin Rudd: How the global corporations and financial markets rule
- Socialist Equality Party public meetings in Britain: A socialist policy against mass unemployment and cuts
- EPA holds public meeting on Michigan oil spill
- Funeral for victims of the Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany
- UAW’s Bob King offers up auto workers as fodder for exploitation
- Gulf disaster largest oil spill ever
- The decay of Germany’s CDU and preparations for a new right-wing party
- CAUS denounces new Michigan “energy theft” law, endorses D’Artagnan Collier campaign
- British Prime Minister Cameron’s Asian tour
- Garment workers in Bangladesh continue protests
- Opposition to Afghanistan war mounts as US intensifies offensive
- Sri Lanka: Police oppose bail for arrested slum dwellers
- Socialist Equality Party candidate interviewed on Melbourne radio
- US war criminals threaten WikiLeaks, Private Manning
- Michigan voters largely abstain in primary for governor
- Confessions of a scoundrel
- Trafigura found guilty in Ivory Coast waste-dumping case
- Cinema as an imperialist weapon: Hollywood and World War I
- German high court rules: Parliament cannot challenge domestic use of the military
- Obama declares Gulf disaster “coming to an end”
- Deep disquiet in western Sydney over Australian Labor’s leadership coup
- Cuba’s Raúl Castro unveils plan for massive job cuts
- Letters from our readers
- French National Assembly vote to ban the burqa: An attack on democratic rights
- ACLU files suit against Obama administration in Awlaki case
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- German media attack WikiLeaks
- SEP candidate campaigns at Newcastle university
- Scotland’s budget review proposes mass layoffs, end to universal benefits
- Forest fires kill 50 in central Russia
- Federal judge strikes down anti-gay Proposition 8 in California
- Obama threatens Iran
- US ends ban on Indonesian Kopassus commandos
- Scientists criticize White House minimization of Gulf disaster
- Australia: Greens manoeuvre for de facto coalition with Labor
- US jobless claims, bankruptcies rise
- Shooting rampage leaves nine dead at Connecticut beer distributor
- Pentagon demands return of WikiLeaks data on Afghanistan war crimes
- German foreign minister defends targeted killings in Afghanistan
- Russia bans grain exports, world wheat prices soar
- Police reform to create FBI-style national agency in Britain
- Pakistani floods: A man-made not a natural disaster
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US economy lost 131,000 jobs in July
- Communal outburst from Kerala’s Stalinist Chief Minister
- 65 years since the bombing of Hiroshima
- BP scales down cleanup efforts
- Australia: Once more on the ETU disaffiliation
- Letters from our readers
- SEP candidate speaks on crisis facing students
- Beyond Borders, but how far beyond?—An album by Soulstice and SBe
- Over 60 migrants die in July in Arizona border crossings
- US-Vietnam nuclear talks heighten frictions with China
- London Underground cuts 800 jobs
- This week in history: August 9-August 15
- SEP meeting in Sri Lanka warns of police-state measures
- SEP candidate speaks on the Afghan war
- Salt leaves a bad taste in the mouth
- Australian election: Corporate concerns raised about “broken political system”
- France: Sarkozy stirs up hatred against Roma
- A massive crime compounded by a massive cover-up
- Royal College of Nursing backs British health service cuts
- Socialist Equality Party holds public meetings in New Orleans, Mobile
- Plan for mosque near Ground Zero a target of anti-Muslim chauvinism
- Record number of Illinois families on food stamps
- Santos takes office as Colombia’s president
- Leading Republicans call for partial repeal of 14th Amendment
- A sense of unease: Tobias Wolff’s recent fiction collected in Our Story Begins
- Spanish government prepares to use military against air traffic controllers
- Moscow suffocates as wildfires continue burning
- The “humanitarian” campaign for the war in Afghanistan
- Guantánamo trial begins for Omar Khadr, abducted at 15
- BP and White House conclude negotiations on compensation fund
- SEP’s Chris Gordon addresses Your Rights at Work candidate forum
- British prime minister says austerity cuts are permanent
- Cambodian garment workers strike over low pay
- SEP candidate for Calwell addresses the social crisis facing workers and youth
- Dramatic increase in HIV infections in Eastern Europe
- The global financial crisis and the National government’s assault on the working class
- UN report reveals sharp spike in Afghan civilian casualties
- Armed mob sets fire to Sri Lankan TV/radio station
- Seventy years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky: The Fourth International and the Perspective of the Socialist Equality Party
- Youth services slashed in South Yorkshire
- IMF, European Union increase pressure on Romania
- Australian bushfire royal commission report—a political whitewash
- Obama’s jobless “recovery”
- Pakistani floods affect millions, but level of international aid pitiful
- Israel provokes Lebanon border clash
- SEP candidate for Fowler speaks on the assault on democratic rights
- US Federal Reserve reassures markets, offers no help to the unemployed
- Canada’s Liberals press for extension of Afghan occupation
- The dangers of mounting US-China rivalry
- German parties back attack on pension system
- Far-right party emerges as power broker behind new Netherlands government
- Labor pledges new assault on the jobless and welfare recipients
- Britain: Health inequalities widest since records began in 1921
- Obama mortgages the Gulf of Mexico to BP
- Global markets plunge on fears of deeper slump
- Obama stimulus funds pledged to community colleges go to for-profit institutions
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Fall in British unemployment figure misleading
- Canada: Court ruling finds that Taser stun guns can kill
- SEP candidate for Swan campaigns at Royal Perth Hospital
- Video: Nick Beams explains Socialist Equality Party election program
- The European press and the WikiLeaks revelations
- Spending cuts in Northern Ireland to be particularly severe
- White House condemns criticism from the left
- 30,000 line up for housing aid in Georgia
- Israel’s Netanyahu defends illegal assault on Turkish aid ship
- German journalist Götz Aly denounces pension system
- Australia: Gillard rolls out right-wing education agenda
- Signs of Chinese slowdown add to global market fears
- Hundreds killed in mudslides in China
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Sri Lankan president forced to sack deputy minister
- New private university signals drive to privatise higher education in Britain
- A fraudulent “coalition of resistance” in Britain
- SEP candidate for Parramatta discusses urban infrastructure crisis
- Australian government resumes vendetta against Julian Moti after appeals court reinstates charges
- Iraq’s top general calls for US forces to stay for another decade
- Obama signs law to militarize US-Mexico border
- GM and French trade unions force through wage cuts
- Mounting signs of slowdown in US economy
- Pentagon rejects new investigation into killing of Spanish cameraman by US troops in Iraq
- Letters from our readers
- This week in history: August 16-August 22
- Greek ex-lefts denounce truck drivers strike
- Canadian military detains Tamil asylum seekers
- The great Australian superannuation fraud
- Two Sri Lankan opposition MPs cross over to government
- Solomon Islander shot dead by Australian-led intervention forces
- Socialist Equality Party in Britain holds meetings: A socialist programme against mass austerity
- Obama’s covert wars
- Floods hit Germany, Poland and Czech Republic
- Greece sinks further into recession as European economy falters
- First Khmer Rouge defendant convicted in Cambodia
- Blaxland voters speak out about their concerns
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Canada’s government foments reaction over Tamil refugee boat
- Swedish election dominated by economy and unemployment
- Relief wells delayed over fears of a new spill
- Austerity measures intensify social crisis in Romania
- Petraeus beats the drums for endless war in Afghanistan
- Wall Street celebrates the destruction of workers’ jobs and wages
- Pakistan after the floods: “The situation is explosive”
- Pakistan floods affect 20 million people as disaster worsens
- SEP candidate Noel Holt for Newcastle addresses community forum
- Video: James Cogan answers community questions on the environment
- Indianapolis auto workers drive UAW executives out of meeting
- Australian Labor Party’s campaign “launch”: Gillard pitches her right-wing credentials to corporate elite
- SEP candidate campaigns in Detroit against utility shutoffs
- Letters from our readers
- Child labour in Turkey exposes growing social inequality
- Sri Lankan military court convicts former army commander
- SEP candidate James Cogan speaks about Trotskyism on Sydney community radio
- Scientists estimate nearly 80 percent of oil remains a threat
- The “Ground Zero mosque”: Obama cowers before right-wing hysteria
- SEP campaigns in Sydney seat of Parramatta
- Austerity measures hit North West of England
- Britain: Call to re-open inquest into death of Dr. David Kelly
- Government crisis in Italy: Democrat leader supports the post-fascist Fini
- Indianapolis auto workers take a courageous stand
- Indianapolis workers denounce GM-UAW threats
- US housing slump deepens
- German media campaign for establishment of new right-wing party
- The June 2010 Political Coup: A warning to the working class
- More than one million public workers strike in South Africa
- Photo book of the month: Red Star Over Russia
- The assault on US workers’ wages
- As Pakistan drowns, Washington focuses on security threats
- Britain’s National Health Service saddled with massive debts
- James Cogan spells out socialist policies at Sydney candidates’ forum
- Librarians protest closures in Southampton, England
- Australian courts reject undemocratic electoral amendments
- Mass protests continue in Indian-held Kashmir
- US claims end of combat operations as violence mounts in Iraq
- Indianapolis auto workers determined to resist wage cuts
- SEP candidate demands immediate end to Tullamarine health hazard
- Letters from our readers
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- SEP candidate for Swan speaks on health care
- Los Angeles Times campaigns against teachers
- Sri Lankan government to evict 66,000 families in Colombo
- On the Seventieth Anniversary of the Assassination of Leon Trotsky
- Increasing social hardship in Sydney’s west
- Obama’s “Mission Accomplished”
- All-party coalition suppresses truth about Love Parade tragedy in Germany
- Police conduct “terrorist” raids on eve of Australian election
- Britain: 15,000 jobs to be cut at Ministry of Justice
- US jobless claims hit nine-month high
- Corporations, UAW call for revote on wage cut at Indianapolis GM plant
- White House numbers on oil spill challenged at congressional hearing
- Google-Verizon deal undermines push for an open Internet
- French government’s law-and-order measures threaten democratic rule
- Vote Socialist Equality Party in the 2010 Australian election
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Spain joins anti-burqa witch-hunt
- The political and social roots of Russia’s wildfire disaster
- France deports Roma en masse
- Massive oil plumes remain in the Gulf, study shows
- China eclipses Japan as the world’s No. 2 economy
- Millions of Pakistani flood victims face continuing crisis
- New York’s transit agency lays off workers, raises fares
- The Fourth International and the Perspectives of the SEP
- SEP holds final election meetings on Trotskyism and the struggle for socialism
- Rush Limbaugh backs 50 percent pay cut for auto workers
- Audience members speak about Trotsky, socialism and the SEP
- Indianapolis GM workers face abysmal working conditions
- Tainted eggs sicken thousands across US
- SEP’s Carolyn Kennett exposes Greens’ role at public education forum
- Colombian high court rejects US bases agreement
- Belgium fears becoming “Greece on the North Sea”
- Illinois uranium workers locked out over health care dispute
- This week in history: August 23-August 29
- East German secret police files highlight role of ex-Nazis in post-war Germany
- South Africa: ANC government uses police, army and courts against strikers
- New provocation against WikiLeaks
- Pay day loans in Britain increase by 400 percent
- New Zealand soldier killed in Afghanistan
- Voters speak to the WSWS on election day
- Claims fund designed to limit payouts, shield BP from lawsuits
- Americans cut back on medical care due to economic crisis
- Trade unions betray airport workers in Britain
- Australian election delivers first hung parliament in 70 years
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- SEP 2010 Australian election campaign wins powerful response
- Federal judge orders halt to US funding of stem cell research
- After the Australian election: The way forward for the working class
- Who is JD Norman?
- Australia: Labor and Liberal vie to form minority government
- Conflicts erupt within the German Left Party
- Jasmine, duet recordings from Keith Jarrett and Charlie Haden
- “Everything is far from rosy”
- European Commission urges Greek government to press ahead with austerity
- China: Foxconn hold rallies to boost its image
- Detroit Symphony Orchestra demands musicians accept huge cuts
- Letters from our readers
- Letter from a Spanish air traffic controller
- Canada’s Conservatives purge establishment critics
- US to spend $1.3 billion on Afghanistan bases
- US, British media keep pushing smear of WikiLeaks founder
- Obama administration continues to cover up US torture of prisoners
- “It’s like the election got hijacked”
- Jimmy Reid, Stalinist union leader who betrayed Scottish shipyard struggle, dies at 78
- James Reid: a political profile
- Back to Vichy
- Pakistan lacks adequate international flood aid
- Securities fraud case against New Jersey exposes pensions crisis
- German army abandons investigation of officer who ordered Kunduz massacre
- Facebook postings of abuse of Palestinians highlight polarisation of Israeli society
- Record drop in US home sales
- Hearing reveals confusion aboard Deepwater Horizon rig
- Australia: Greens willing to join coalition government with Labor or Liberal
- Greek unions posture as opponents of privatisation
- Egg recall exposes unsafe US food supply
- US forges closer military ties with Vietnam
- “Why are we still in Afghanistan!”
- Tensions emerge between Rwanda and Western backers
- US primaries: Millionaire candidates, right-wing politics and few voters
- Pakistan floods unleash desperate economic crisis
- The Jungle in 2010
- New Zealand union rallies mount sham opposition to new labour laws
- Israeli-Palestinian talks part of preparations for US aggression against Iran
- Uttar Pradesh farmers latest victims of Indian business’ land grab
- Germany: Heinrich Heine in the “Marble Galgotha”
- The fairytale of Germany’s “miracle growth”
- The Australian election and the war in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- US Marine general rejects Obama’s Afghanistan deadline
- “Alarm bells” ring for Australian government over deepening China-East Timor ties
- Sri Lankan government evicts street hawkers and shanty dwellers
- Queensland Labor proceeds with privatisations, despite last weekend’s electoral rout
- Philippine hostage tragedy exposes tense international relations
- Class struggle erupts in South Africa
- Another utility worker killed in Detroit
- Conservatives contend for power in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Thousands of Detroit-area unemployed attend “over 50” job fair
- US agencies delayed action on tainted eggs for weeks
- Heavy flooding creates further havoc in China
- Chicago teachers speak about mass layoffs
- Struggle by Indianapolis GM workers raises crucial issues
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- UAW, Jesse Jackson push illusions in Democrats with phony “jobs march”
- British trade unions hold secret talks with government
- Contamination scandal in the German city of Dortmund
- Obama to escalate slaughter in Yemen
- Five years since Hurricane Katrina
- Japan’s prime minister faces leadership challenge
- India to conduct caste census
- Murdoch media issues threats to independents
- US slashes estimate of second-quarter economic growth
- Detroit Symphony musicians appeal for support as contract deadline approaches
- Letters from our readers
- This week in history: August 30-September 5
- Russia to partially privatize major industries
- Twenty-Five Years Since the Split with the Workers Revolutionary Party
- Pakistan’s floods, partition and imperialist oppression
- 72 immigrants massacred in Mexico
- British Royal Mail plans mail centre closures and job cuts
- Five years since Hurricane Katrina
- Evidence that Afghan leaders are on CIA payroll
- US ramps up pressure on Burmese junta over war crimes
- Glenn Beck in Washington: Preaching the gospel of Mammon and militarism
- Australia: Corporate media voice concerns over “courtship” of independents
- US soldiers punished for not attending Christian rock concert
- Global youth unemployment reaches record levels
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Two Detroit-area men killed in Taser-related incidents
- French government seeks European backing for its anti-Roma policy
- Australia: Detained refugee dies in Perth hospital
- Fourteen more US troops killed in Afghanistan: What are they dying for?
- Pakistan floods displace another million people
- Corporations, UAW continue campaign against Indianapolis GM workers
- The Australian election crisis: The political issues facing the working class
- Five years since Hurricane Katrina
- Jesse Jackson, UAW hustle votes for Democrats at Detroit “jobs” march
- US arrests 370 immigrants in Midwest raids
- Caretaker PM delivers pitch to independents and financial markets
- Latest articles
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