Archive: 06/2015
- This week in history: June 1-7
- Russia scrambles jets against US destroyer in Black Sea
- Australian media promotes right-wing, anti-Chinese protest
- US brinkmanship with China over South China Sea
- Pennsylvania government is preparing to destroy public pensions
- New details on connections between German intelligence and neo-Nazis
- Large sections of New Orleans’ levee system sinking
- “Youth have been neglected”
- Los Angeles labor federation calls for minimum wage exemption for unionized workplaces
- Cost of living unbearable for millions of Londoners
- A review of Stephen Kotkin’s Stalin: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928
- US police kill more than two people a day
- To Pimp a Butterfly from rapper Kendrick Lamar
- Indian heatwave kills more than 2,200
- More job cuts in Australian car industry
- Prince William spearheads UK campaign against FIFA, targeting Russia
- More than a quarter of Chicago county jail inmates suffer severe mental illness
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- US defense secretary signs joint military statement with Hanoi
- Australian Labor leader moves bill on same-sex marriage
- Parasitism and the economic crisis
- Former Israeli Premier Olmert sentenced to jail
- US Senate prepares to extend NSA spy powers
- Mexican elections overshadowed by political crisis
- With US air war in 10th month, ISIS advances in Iraq and Syria
- Syriza’s Tsipras outlines concessions programme as Greece faces debt default
- US farm income hit by collapse in grain demand
- Funding cuts push community organisations to the brink of closure
- Chicago Democrats prepare new attacks on public education
- Cleveland prosecutor criticizes “egregious” errors in exoneration of killer cop
- Oil price drop triggers sharp decline in Canadian economy
- Australian government “actively considering” dangerous provocation in South China Sea
- Report: Invasive US airport screenings unsuccessful at finding concealed weapons
- Struggle Street: Dehumanising the poor in preparation for new welfare cuts
- G7 conference to take place behind wall of high security
- Egyptian dictator al-Sisi visits Berlin
- Street artist Shepard Fairey paints a giant mural in Detroit
- Utilities, regulators conspired to make public pay for California nuclear plant closure
- Refugee boat pushed back by Australian navy crashes on Indonesian reef
- UK rail unions call off national strike for second time
- The Australian pseudo-left and the drive to war against China
- The US arming of ISIS
- US Senate approves extension of NSA spying
- New hominin discovery suggests multiple human ancestors lived side-by-side
- European leaders dictate terms for Greece
- Finland government commits to austerity, moves towards NATO membership
- FIFA head resigns amidst US-led campaign over bribery scandal
- FBI operates spy planes over dozens of US cities
- Sri Lankan plantation company victimises strike activists
- “Where are we going to herd our poor?”
- Ferry sinking in China leaves hundreds missing
- 100 years since the birth of Orson Welles—Part 1
- February cease-fire collapses as fighting re-erupts in eastern Ukraine
- Philippine President Aquino compares China to Nazi Germany
- “USA Freedom Act”: A fig leaf for illegal spying
- US government paid millions in Social Security benefits to ex-Nazis
- “A lot of our people are trapped in a poverty cycle”
- Los Angeles homeless population grew by 16 percent since 2013
- South Korean teachers union faces ban
- Mass abstention in Italian regional elections
- Lawmakers push to expand offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
- In Brussels talks, Greece moves closer to austerity deal with EU
- Austrian state elections: Far-right Freedom Party makes significant gains
- Despite headline growth figures, Australian national accounts point to contraction
- US removes Cuba from list of sponsors of state terror
- The American pseudo-left and the Democratic Party
- Boston police, FBI shoot to death alleged terror suspect
- Police brutality and social inequality in Baltimore: An indictment of the Democratic Party
- 100 years since the birth of Orson Welles—Part 2
- France’s UMP changes name to “The Republicans” in run-up to 2017 elections
- US officials consider nuclear strikes against Russia
- Guantanamo detainee details CIA sexual abuse and torture
- Historian Timothy Snyder falsifies history at German-Ukrainian conference
- Ukraine names ex-Georgian President Saakashvili governor of Odessa
- Media hypocrisy over fate of migrant labour in Qatar
- Philippine Maoists support US war drive against China
- Al-Sisi in Berlin: Red carpet for the hangman of Cairo
- OECD cuts global growth forecast amid growing financial turbulence
- Workers and young people speak out against growing poverty
- US defence secretary boosts military ties with India
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Australian union boosted membership lists by imposing low wages
- Build rank-and-file committees to prepare the fight for jobs and wages!
- More labs received live anthrax from US military
- US-backed war on Yemen leaves 20 million without food, water, medical care
- Painter Kehinde Wiley at the Brooklyn Museum: Trappings of empire and power
- Turkish election exposes deepening crisis of rule
- Edward Snowden lends his support to “USA Freedom Act”
- A US-led chorus of condemnation of China
- The Bernie Sanders campaign and the American pseudo-left
- US imperialism and the FIFA corruption investigation
- Oppose enforced political conformism at Humboldt University
- German Left Party on course for war and joining a government
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Texas executes possibly innocent man after 31 years on death row
- Germany, France and Italy to build military drone
- San Diego, California renews emergency services contract with low-wage company
- Medical technicians and paramedics picket against low-wage exploitation
- Australia: High-rise fire investigation reveals cost-cutting endangered lives
- US media escalate anti-China propaganda over alleged hacking
- Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Report and the crimes against the native people
- Death toll rises following ferry sinking in China
- Former Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz dies in prison at 79
- This week in history: June 8-14
- G7 summit convenes amid US threats against Russia
- Sri Lankan government facing deepening financial crisis
- A reply to Louis Proyect’s attack on the WSWS
- UK probation workers vote to strike
- Social inequality and American politics
- New York City nurses threaten strike over staffing levels
- New York City nurses threaten strike over staffing levels
- Los Angeles cops who killed Ezell Ford set to be exonerated
- Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series depicts a vital chapter in American history
- For-profit education company deems Highland Park, Michigan’s last high school “unfeasible”
- Former BP executive acquitted of charges from 2010 oil spill
- Greek default threatened as Syriza balks at further social cuts
- Fraud charges and shareholder revolt at Deutsche Bank
- Canadian prime minister backs right-wing regime in Ukraine
- Australian government vilifies human rights commissioner
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Detroit workers oppose water shutoffs
- G7 leaders escalate war threats against Russia
- SEP/IYSSE public meetings to discuss Sri Lankan political crisis
- Japan ramps up pressure on China at G7 summit
- Washington’s death squads
- Mounting opposition to Democratic politicians in New York
- Mexican elections held under conditions of police-military siege
- Australian reports on wealth and poverty: A tale of two countries
- Obama, Merkel present united front for more austerity in Greece
- German ver.di trade union calls off childcare workers strike
- Socialist Party promotes Hollande in run-up to 2017 French presidential election
- Where did half a billion dollars from the UAW strike fund go?
- AFSCME backs Illinois bill banning strikes
- Protests mount against US-backed regime in Ukraine
- Erdogan’s AKP loses parliamentary majority in Turkey
- Germany: The reactionary politics of IG Metall and the works council at Siemens
- Protests follow police terrorizing of teens at Texas pool party
- The death of Kalief Browder
- Hedge fund billionaire Paulson’s $400 million gift to Harvard
- UK: Rabina Khan is no alternative in Tower Hamlets mayoral contest
- Obama hints at escalation of Iraq-Syria war
- Student groups defend freedom of expression at Berlin’s Humboldt University
- IYSSE motion to Humboldt University student parliament in defense of “Münkler-Watch”
- Mass layoffs in French nuclear energy industry threaten 6,000 jobs worldwide
- Australian government pushing ahead on revoking citizenships
- Canada’s police-state bill passes final parliamentary hurdle
- Afghan teachers’ strike demands higher pay
- Detroit Workers Action Committee holds meeting against water shutoffs
- Swiss referendum to decide on inheritance tax
- A postscript on Louis Proyect’s lies
- One year since the fall of Mosul: More US troops headed to Iraq
- New York City plans public housing privatization
- Oppose the US-Australian war drive against China!
- German Left Party strives to govern at federal level
- The revealing remarks of a central banker
- Inkster, Michigan residents to foot the bill for police beating settlement
- Banking giant HSBC announces mass job cuts
- Broad support for IYSSE resolution in defence of freedom of speech at Berlin’s Humboldt University
- Poll finds mass opposition in Europe to war drive vs. Russia over Ukraine
- Chicago teachers march against pay cuts
- China hits back at G7 over South China Sea
- No growth boost from developing economies says World Bank
- Australian strategists debate support for Washington’s provocations against China
- Canada expelling tens of thousands of migrant workers
- Austrian Social Democrats form coalition with far-right party
- Police killed over 500 people in the US this year
- “Human rights” imperialism in Ukraine
- US Army simulates gun battles, sets off explosives in Flint, Michigan
- Indian prime minister visits Bangladesh to strengthen ties against China
- Students at Humboldt University pass resolution defending free speech
- German army receives €8 billion for new missile system and warship
- A new film version of Far from the Madding Crowd; Brian Wilson’s story in Love & Mercy
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Deutsche Post workers continue strike
- Growing signs of China’s economic slowdown
- Surveillance video of FBI shooting in Boston leaves unanswered questions
- Gloomy outlook on Australian economy from central banker
- US appeals court upholds sweeping Texas abortion restrictions
- Orson Welles symposium at University of Michigan
- House vote deals setback to Obama trade bill
- Pseudo-left seek formation of Scottish Syriza
- Humboldt University student parliament defends freedom of speech
- Los Angeles Police Commission cites minor protocol breaches in killing of Ezell Ford
- WSWS responds to Joma Sison and the Philippine Maoists
- The dictatorship of finance capital: Greece and Ukraine
- Towns in Upstate New York placed under lockdown in manhunt for escaped prisoners
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Pentagon seeks network of new US military bases in Iraq
- IYSSE delegate addresses Humboldt University student parliament
- Students and parents oppose closure of last high school in Highland Park, Michigan
- IMF and ECB walk out of Greek debt talks with Syriza
- Students in Frankfurt, Germany support fight against war propaganda
- New Zealand toddler’s death linked to run-down public housing
- Canada: Alleged ISIS supporter detained without charge for over a week
- Canada’s aboriginal Truth and Reconciliation Report—the class issues
- Citizenship and the assault on democratic rights
- China’s former security chief sentenced to life in prison
- Australia: Tony Abbott’s government accused of paying “people smugglers”
- US police instructors go to Ukraine to train Kiev regime’s security forces
- US to station troops, heavy weaponry on Russia’s border
- This week in history: June 15-21
- Trial collapses after threatened exposure of UK backing of Syrian terror groups
- Unions at Tata Steel in UK move to ignore strike vote
- The role of the trade unions in the German childcare workers’ strike
- No witnesses heard cops warn 12-year-old Tamir Rice before killing him
- Philippines: Maoist union leads Tanduay contract workers toward defeat
- Hillary Clinton launches her presidential campaign
- A further comment on Paulson’s gift to Harvard: Public education and American democracy
- Mad Max: Fury Road: A “feminist” demolition derby
- Crisis talks in Brussels collapse as EU threatens to bankrupt Greece
- Florida death row inmate commits suicide
- Sri Lanka: Reinstate victimised Deeside plantation workers!
- The Magna Carta and democratic rights
- US appeals court blocks release of last Louisiana “Angola 3” prisoner
- Australian government tacitly admits payments to “people smugglers”
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- German trade union prepares sellout of childcare workers’ strike
- US Supreme Court upholds arbitrary executive power in immigration visa case
- UK government, Murdoch press smear of Edward Snowden unravels
- Wages fall and poverty rises in Russia as government axes services
- Global refugee crisis worst since World War II
- Australia: Former Rudd and Gillard Labor governments also accused of paying “people smugglers”
- Peru’s mining protests suspended amid evidence of leadership’s corruption
- The way forward for the working class in Greece
- US war planes bomb alleged militants in Libya, killing dozens
- Indian military raid in Myanmar escalates regional tensions
- Global stock markets fall on fears of Greece debt default
- Contract covering 16,500 General Electric workers to expire June 21
- SEP (Australia) campaigns against attempted censorship by Bankstown Council officers
- US drone strike in Yemen kills AQAP leader
- Noah Baumbach’s While We’re Young: No need to fight
- The New York Times, Scott Walker and the unions
- Obama, Republicans join forces to salvage trade bill
- Australian Labor leader under fire over “sweetheart” deals with employers
- Russia threatens response to US military buildup in Eastern Europe
- The callous and criminal treatment of refugees
- Egyptian court confirms death sentence for former President Mursi
- Australian cleaners denied penalty rates by trade union for more than a decade
- US House approves measure blocking training of neo-Nazi militia in Ukraine
- EU threatens to push Greece into bankruptcy after collapse of debt talks
- French neo-fascists committed street crimes to stoke insecurity and fear
- Danish parties shift further right in election campaign
- Berkeley, California balcony collapse kills six
- Financial markets jittery on eve of Fed statement
- Detroit’s “water affordability” plan guarantees profits to wealthy bondholders
- Mass killing at African American church in Charleston, South Carolina
- EU dispute over refugees intensifies
- US drive to war dominates Philippine presidential election discussions
- Wall Street’s legal offensive
- German secret service involved in NSU far-right terrorist attacks
- Manitoba’s NDP presides over child care crisis
- Israel exonerates its armed forces of war crimes
- US deported 260,000 for drug offenses over five-year period
- Three quarters of a million private tenants in England living in rundown homes
- Greek central bank warns of “uncontrollable crisis”
- Grand jury witnesses told not to mention police “chokehold” in Eric Garner case
- Millionaires projected to own 46 percent of global private wealth by 2019
- Free jazz pioneer Ornette Coleman dead at 85
- CIA authorized experimentation on human beings, document shows
- Jeb Bush launches campaign for Republican presidential nomination
- Australian Greens back Abbott government’s deep pension cuts
- US stocks, bonds rally as Fed pledges to keep rates low
- Top GM and Fiat Chrysler negotiators depart on eve of UAW contract talks
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- County official wants Detroit area put into financial emergency status
- Delay on TPP prompts warnings to US from Asia
- Québec Solidaire renews offer to work with Péladeau-led PQ
- Amnesty International: US police laws violate human rights standards
- The mass killing in Charleston, South Carolina
- Michigan prosecutor finds no wrongdoing in the police killing of unarmed teen
- US secretary of defense threatens breakup of Iraq
- Eurogroup issues ultimatum to Greek government
- Texas carries out ninth execution of 2015
- European Union extends economic sanctions against Russia
- Entourage and Spy: Celebrity, wealth and the CIA—Hollywood’s idea of summer fun
- UK: Labour saves Conservative government from defeat on EU referendum bill
- New Zealand government complicit in Australia’s persecution of refugees
- War dangers in South China Sea continue to rise
- Belgian and French authorities move to seize Russian assets
- Polish government plagued by spying scandal
- American militarism and the Charleston killings
- White House steps up assault on pensions
- La loi du marché (The Measure of a Man): An attempt at a drama of the French working class
- German Left Party on course to join the government
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Japanese protests denounce new military legislation
- Why the German media refuses to report Humboldt University students’ defense of Münkler-Watch
- European Central Bank extends credit on fears of Greek bank collapse
- Layoffs continue amidst economic stagnation
- Canada: Alleged ISIS supporter released on bail after lengthy, illegal detention without charge
- Worldwide displaced population reaches record 59.5 million in 2014
- Canada’s media attacks Truth and Reconciliation report
- Renewed Saudi-led bombardment kills, wounds dozens of Yemeni civilians
- Ukrainians testify to a life of poverty and violence under US-backed government
- This week in history: June 22-28
- Nurses strike at Berlin Charité clinic in Germany
- Sanders campaign seeks to channel anger over inequality behind Democrats
- The US contemplates partitioning Iraq
- NATO rapid reaction force exercises in Poland target Russia
- Australia: Political cover-up over Sydney siege continues
- What we learned about Mercury from the Messenger spacecraft
- Man shot dead by Massachusetts state trooper was mentally ill, suicidal
- Participants in UK marches denounce austerity
- Syriza offers last-ditch concessions prior to EU summit on Greek debt
- Eritrea faces societal collapse
- 250,000 demonstrate against austerity in London
- Child suicides highlight growing social crisis in China
- Only socialism and class struggle can end austerity
- Germany arrests Al Jazeera journalist on warrant issued by Egyptian junta
- Australian prime minister launches new attack on democratic rights
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Verizon presses for new concessions from US telecom workers as contract talks begin
- Scottish National Party’s Nicola Sturgeon goes warmongering in Washington
- Australian Labor leader defends “modern” union deals to boost corporate profits
- The social roots of racism in America
- MERS outbreak exposes South Korean government’s lack of preparation
- The arrest of Ahmed Mansour
- Jurassic World, summer blockbuster
- After Syriza’s concessions, EU demands more austerity at Greek debt summit
- French Socialist Party government presses Syriza to deepen austerity
- Hundreds of thousands of Haitians face deportation from the Dominican Republic
- Far right makes major gains in Danish elections
- Global economic impact of violence reached $14.3 trillion in 2014
- Republican candidates received donations from white supremacist
- Bangladesh budget: More concessions to investors, increased austerity for poor
- Pittsburgh-based health system cutting costs with early retirement offers
- US Senate vote clears path for anti-China trade bill
- US Supreme Court overturns death row appeal
- The role of Ver.di and the Left Party in the Berlin health workers strike
- Sri Lanka’s Punguduthivu: An island devastated by war
- Pentagon chief outlines war preparations against Russia
- Trotskyism and the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934
- Australia: The live exchange on ABC television’s “Q&A”
- UN report details Israeli war crimes in Gaza
- Australian treasurer denies housing affordability crisis
- Syriza agrees to EU austerity measures
- Race and class in America: The case of Rachel Dolezal
- Special prosecutor brings reduced charges against Albuquerque cops who killed James Boyd
- 5,000 protest in Berlin against EU refugee policy
- Australian government deepens attack on free speech and democratic rights
- Julie Taymor’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Taliban strikes Afghan parliament in Kabul
- Oppose political censorship at the University of Western Sydney!
- State of California rules Uber driver is employee, not contractor
- New York City claims reforms at Rikers amid further evidence of prisoner abuse
- Redeployment: Phil Klay’s short stories about the Iraq War only go so far
- Behind the political furore over the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Union shuts down last remaining oil refinery strike in the US
- NATO announces expansion of military force targeting Russia
- SEP/IYSSE public meetings to discuss Sri Lankan political crisis
- US home ownership rate hits lowest level in two decades
- EU rejects Syriza’s austerity proposals at euro group summit
- Study finds that one in six species are in danger of extinction due to climate change
- EU begins military intervention in Mediterranean
- Australian government unveils bill to revoke citizenship by ministerial decree
- Striking Berlin hospital workers denounce austerity, staffing cuts
- French riot police attack striking ferry seamen and migrants in Calais
- Freddie Gray’s death was a homicide, autopsy confirms
- Dortmund: Steelworkers protest against plant closure
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- German child care strike delegates rebuff union president
- Spain agrees to increased US military presence
- SEP public meeting assesses political turmoil in Sri Lanka
- San Bernardino, California, prepares to privatize city services
- Political issues in the Greek debt crisis
- OECD report points to growing dangers for world economy
- US Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies
- New York City mayor announces plan to hire more police
- US, NATO powers intensify preparations for nuclear war
- NATO increases support for Ukrainian regime, warns of renewed fighting
- NDP leader Mulcair makes pitch to Canadian big business
- The issues in the US auto contract talks
- Abbott government calls for sackings at Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Dozens killed in terrorist attacks in Tunisia, France and Kuwait
- Australian Labor leader pledges loyalty to government’s assault on democratic rights
- Australian pseudo-lefts hail advance of US-backed Islamists in Syria
- The US Supreme Court and marriage equality
- Over 1,100 killed by heat wave in Pakistan
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Paul Krugman’s apologia for Obamacare
- Thousands of jobs lost in UK
- Greek prime minister calls for referendum on EU austerity demands
- Green Party candidate launches US presidential campaign
- EU summit strengthens brutal refugee policy
- Detroit police chief says block party shooting carried out by “urban terrorists”
- Obama administration uses bilateral talks to ramp up pressure on China
- Ver.di seeks to impose sellout of German childcare workers strike
- UK Prime Minister Cameron sets out demands for EU treaty reform
- Michigan cuts welfare payments for school truancy
- This week in history: June 29-July 5
- UK unions abandon strike threat at Tata Steel
- Strange Fruit by Kenan Malik: A polemic against racism and identity politics
- Sri Lankan president dissolves parliament amid political uncertainty
- The Apu Trilogy: “Art wedded to truth must, in the end, have its rewards”
- South Africa: Commission whitewashes ANC role in Marikana massacre
- Legislative deal means further deepening of New York’s housing crisis
- Greek crisis comes to a head
- OECD report documents growth of financial parasitism
- Obama’s eulogy in Charleston, South Carolina
- Iran nuclear talks to go past June 30 deadline
- Greek collapse, global turbulence loom as Syriza imposes capital controls
- German army expands its tank battalions targeting Russia
- US government covered up 14,000 photos documenting CIA secret prisons
- China’s central bank cuts rates after shares plunge
- American CEOs paid 300 times more than workers
- German army targets youth with war propaganda
- New York City police officers waited 20 minutes to report shooting of Akai Gurley
- Australian government intensifies political assault on the ABC
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Three national strikes called off by UK trade unions
- Sri Lanka SEP calls public meeting to defend victimised plantation workers
- Budget cuts create intolerable conditions in California nursing homes
- European energy firms agree to expand Nord Stream pipeline with Gazprom
- Puerto Rico governor declares debts “not payable”
- US Supreme Court upholds “excruciating” executions
- The case of Zaky Mallah and the witch-hunt against the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Malaysia’s opposition coalition breaks apart
- UK: Another £22 billion in “savings efficiencies” in National Health Service
- Bank closures impose deepening misery on Greek people
- Why the politicians have united to take down the Confederate flag
- Australia: Fire inquest told Bankstown apartment block still unsafe
- Supreme Court invalidates federal air pollution rules for power plants
- Syriza’s fraudulent capital controls
- Protests continue in Armenia
- Latest articles
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