Archive: 06/1998
- The 1998 San Francisco International Film Festival: A look at 25 works
- Waiting-list for hospital treatment in Britain reaches record level
- The US government case against Microsoft
- Indonesian regime to retain ban on socialist parties
- A spokesman for American militarism and reaction: Barry Goldwater dead at 89
- Deflation, production cuts and currency turmoil, a sign of things to come
- Former CompuServe executive convicted in Internet censorship case
- Observations from a visit to China
- Un ataque contra los derechos democráticos
- The politics of Australia's “National Sorry Day”
- The politics of Australia’s “National Sorry Day”
- Workers and farmers in Australia outraged by toxic dump
- Judge drops most charges against union officials who attacked US miners
- New York City mayor attacks taxi drivers
- A contribution to discussion on jazz history
- The film Wilde: Additional considerations
- Deadly Feasts: A valuable examination of the “Mad Cow” epidemic
- British government concerned with Indonesian investments
- Strike by Air France pilots disrupts preparations for World Cup
- The 1998 San Francisco International Film Festival: The intriguing, the disappointing and the rest
- Russian economic crisis vindicates warning by the ICFI
- The first image of a possible extrasolar planet
- IMF dictates terms to Indonesia
- Indian budget sharply increases military spending
- Unions signal readiness to settle in Air France strike
- Reader comments on “The struggle for democracy in Indonesia”
- Britain’s Labour government issues new policy on trade unions
- Reader: Public software projects provide innovation
- The Suharto financial dynasty
- Growing demands for the seizure of Suharto’s empire
- Readers comment on US school shootings
- The photographer Walter Rosenblum: Some kind of respect
- Reader assesses coverage of workers struggles on WSWS
- Police cover-up of racist killing unravels in Britain
- Reader compliments review of Park Kwang-Su’s A Single Spark
- An appreciation of discussion of aesthetics
- Reader enjoys LA Confidential review
- Anti-immigrant measure passed in California
- Reader differs with WSWS review of Apostle
- Jospin government threatens to use military to break Air France pilots’ strike
- Michigan strike causes parts shortage for GM
- An exchange on Australia’s “Sorry Day”
- Philadelphia transit workers’ walkout continues
- South Korean unions call off national strike
- Habibie pledges to implement IMF program
- Australian government reinforces ties to Indonesian military
- Starr seeks overturn of attorney-client privilege
- Blacklisted film director John Berry honored
- Asian crisis breaches Australian “firewall”
- US courts back General Motors’ reduction of retiree benefits
- Judge threatens supporters of Philadelphia transit strikers
- New Zealand dollar dives
- Abacha’s death fuels crisis in Nigeria
- The theater and its corporate sponsors
- Strike at GM parts factory shuts assembly plants
- Another incident with Air Force One
- Reader comments on The Boys
- Air France strike disrupts World Cup football match
- A note on the Air France struggle: Lessons of the 1989 Australian pilots strike
- Riot police used against students in East London
- Metal Center strike in sixth day
- Racists murder black man in Texas
- Labour goverment prosecutes asylum seekers in Britain
- Experiencing Porgy and Bess
- Racist party dominates Australian election
- Arnold Schoenberg on Gershwin
- Arnold Schoenberg on Gershwin
- Historical and social issues behind the Eritrean-Ethiopian border war
- Air France pilots’ unions end strike
- Second GM strike in Flint, Michigan threatens to close operations of US automaker
- “With respect to education, the Red-Green government has made a step backwards”
- “The situation for refugees is the same as it was under the CDU”
- A balance sheet of Germany's “Magdeburg model”
- British company leaks deadly gas into residential areas
- Former British cabinet minister charged with perjury
- Unions seek job-cutting deal on Australian waterfront
- How the Air France deal was reached
- Sri Lankan government tightens censorship
- Philadelphia transit walkout continues
- Workers struggles around the world
- Workers struggles around the world
- Indonesian military threatens crackdown on protest
- Multinationals demand that Indonesian President Habibie protect their assets
- Some interesting films on US television, June 13-19
- The murder of James Byrd, Jr: Racial violence and the social forces in America that fuel it
- A quarter of all schools in Bradford, England set to close
- Report charges illegal links between Starr and media
- Globalization book featured at Australian bookstore
- London Underground workers strike
- International labour struggles
- Flint strikes force GM to idle more plants
- British firefighters strike against cuts and job losses in Essex
- Recession hits Japan: What’s behind global “economic schizophrenia”?
- What makes the Celtic Tiger run?
- Republican leader of US Senate calls homosexuality a “sin”
- “There has to be unity amongst working class people”
- Terry Carling, Northern Ireland Officer of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions: “It is the best thing for investment since the sliced loaf”
- Paddy Lynn of the Workers Party: “I want to see mainstream politics coming back to Northern Ireland”
- “Flawed as it is in parts, it can change the culture of politics here”
- Divergent views on the Northern Ireland Agreement
- The Starr investigation and the destabilization of the Clinton Administration: Readers respond
- Australian coal union imposes sweeping job cuts
- A “new artistic concept of space”
- US Supreme Court ruling: a further blow to legal aid for the poor
- AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies: Some serious questions
- New Zealand slides into recession
- Gap between rich and poor is wider than ever
- Dayton GM workers critical of UAW leaders
- Patients suffer under new hospital funding scheme
- Joschka Fischer's answer to globalisation
- Joschka Fischers Antwort auf die Globalisierung
- Music is international: the film Comedian Harmonists
- UAW convention opens as impact of GM strike widens
- The right-wing politics behind school vouchers
- Japan's banking crisis: the global implications
- Elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly take place tomorrow
- Strikes break out in Indonesia
- Essex fire fighters take action
- Whit Stillman's The Last Days of Disco: Life for some in the "very early 1980s"
- Case against nine asylum seekers in Britain collapses
- Pictures of the 'floating world'
- Volvo announces job cuts in southern Sweden
- South African government to sack thousands
- Quebec nurses' action ruled illegal
- Polish steelworkers under attack
- Philadelphia transit strike nears fifth week
- Tentative hospital workers' settlement in New York
- The Political Economy of 'New Labor'
- Workers struggles around the world -- 27 June 1998
- Japanese pilots union cancels strike
- Italian chemical workers block railway line
- 300,000 march in Rome to demand jobs
- Future of BJP-led government again in doubt
- Greek bank workers' strike called off
- French government tank maker to cut one-third of labor force
- Some interesting films on US television, June 27-July 3
- Supreme Court upholds arts censorship
- China: a mounting tide of working class anger
- Sydney nurses protest jobs threat
- Australian bus drivers demand increased security
- HIV/AIDS epidemic ravages Africa
- Latest articles
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