Archive: 11/2010
- Australia: Warehouse workers strike over wages and conditions
- This week in history: November 1-November 6
- US Supreme Court justice’s wife has leading role in ultra-right group
- Unanswered questions in the Yemen terror scare
- Stewart/Colbert rally preaches compromise and complacency
- Haiti’s cholera toll: An indictment of imperialism
- Australia: Nurses stop work over staffing at Blacktown hospital
- Wikileaks exposures deepen political crisis in Iraq
- New Anti-capitalist Party covers for union betrayal of French oil strike
- US election campaign ends amid deepening economic crisis
- 欧洲的罢工浪潮与资产阶级民主的衰败
- D’Artagnan Collier addresses public meeting in Detroit
- UK government to impose Orwellian-style surveillance
- US stokes disputes with China at Asian summit
- Obama prepares to expand military attacks in Yemen
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- “The Iraq documents give a picture of the war that has been hidden until now”
- London Underground workers on third one-day strike
- Sri Lanka: Fight against university privatisation
- California ballot propositions: Corporate money and the illusion of reform
- The decay of American democracy
- New Zealand workers protest new industrial laws
- Greek union calls off rail strike
- Germany: Envio workers contaminated with both PCB and dioxin
- Vote for D’Artagnan Collier
- Letters from our readers
- Brazil stock market rises on Workers Party election victory
- New York Times defends its coverage of WikiLeaks exposures
- Housing benefits cuts will “socially cleanse” London
- Top Saudi court confirms death sentence on Sri Lankan worker
- BP spill claims czar throws out thousands of applications
- Mounting evidence of British war crimes
- The American student loan racket
- Indonesia: Inadequate relief endangers disaster victims
- Wall Street expected to net billions from GM stock sale
- The German Foreign Ministry during the Third Reich: “A criminal organisation”
- France: More strikes, opposition to social austerity
- Two injured as London fire fighters resist strikebreaking operation
- National Ransom, Elvis Costello and Americana music
- Republicans win sweeping victory in US congressional election
- Striking warehouse workers isolated as trade unions prepare sell out deal
- The dimensions of the Democratic Party collapse in 2010 election
- UK and France forge military alliance
- Global financial crisis leaves two million Australians in poverty
- Behind the Democratic debacle
- The significance of Israel’s “loyalty oath”
- Montreal meeting: 70 years since the assassination of Trotsky
- Fractal visionary dies: Benoit Mandelbrot, 1924-2010
- The American student loan racket
- Pakistani workers express support for Indianapolis GM rank-and-file committee
- India: BYD Electronics fires most of its workforce, after police break up sit-in
- India: Police Chief vows to step up spying on workers
- China: Report exposes Foxconn’s oppressive work regime
- US Federal Reserve announces new round of bond purchases
- Obama, Republicans prepare for joint assault on American workers
- The Detroit Symphony Strike & the Defense of Culture in the US
- Letters on the Stewart/Colbert rally
- Australia: Union rams through sellout deal for warehouse workers
- Workers Struggles: Europe and Africa
- Unions undermine London Underground jobs fight
- The Town: Clichés and engaging performances
- Sri Lankan government wages “war on drugs”
- US Federal Reserve stokes global currency war
- The German Foreign Ministry and the Nazis
- Australia: Labor joins Murdoch media smear campaign in Victorian election
- Wall Street celebrates Fed credit boost, Obama deal on tax cuts
- The American student loan racket
- Disputed Pacific islands spark tensions between Russia and Japan
- Hurricane threatens Haiti as cholera epidemic surges
- German unions prepare betrayal of rail workers
- French unions call further one-day strike to contain opposition
- The record of the WSWS on Obama
- Top Chef: Is real drama so hard to find?
- British Columbia Premier felled by anti-tax campaign
- Right-wing Democrat wins in California gubernatorial election
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US tax data shows falling wages, rising inequality
- Scotland concedes legal access to those arrested, but curtails appeals
- The apologists for Obama and the Republican “resurgence”
- US unemployment remains at 9.6 percent despite rise in payrolls
- Obama continues Washington’s aggressive courting of India
- French union leaders seek to wind down opposition to pension cuts
- Fire Brigades Union sabotages London firefighters struggle
- Business concerns over Greens and threat of hung parliament dominate Victorian election debate
- The 2010 elections in Detroit and the fight for socialism
- Public outrage over light sentence for California cop
- Clinton to pressure Australia to be firmer on China
- Torturer-in-chief: Bush brags about waterboarding
- This week in history: November 8-November 14
- Sri Lanka: Action committee against evictions appeals to workers
- Australia: SEP meetings advance socialist perspective against war in Afghanistan
- Mounting US war threats against Iran
- MSNBC’s suspension of Keith Olbermann: US media shifts further to the right
- Pseudo-left critics of French unions sow demoralization about strikes
- German parliament approves billions in welfare cut
- One million march in eighth national protest against Sarkozy’s pension law
- Obama, Republicans embrace spending cuts and tax breaks for the wealthy
- UK’s top CEOs see 55 percent earnings rise
- BBC journalists strike against pension cuts
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- 民主党溃败的背后
- Striking Detroit Symphony musicians hold another well-attended support concert
- World Bank head calls for monetary system linked to gold
- Australia: Victorian government tries to cover up ambulance crisis
- Indonesian government dismisses evidence of torture in Papua
- Obama on “60 Minutes”: A servant of big business
- Indian worker left to die on Nokia assembly line
- Student demonstration against cuts attacked by police in Dublin
- Obama backs India’s bid for permanent UN Security Council seat
- Abstention in Greek elections shows anger at PASOK austerity
- Letters from our readers
- Three films: Conviction, It’s Kind of a Funny Story, Inside Job
- Presidential commission whitewashes BP disaster
- Austrian government adopts austerity budget
- Australia aligns with US against China’s geo-political rise
- US ends 25-year defence rift with New Zealand
- Shootings of immigrants in Sweden
- Mother of Sri Lankan worker facing Saudi death sentence speaks to WSWS
- French police infiltrated protests against Sarkozy austerity program
- US prepares permanent Iraq occupation
- Protests in Germany against radioactive waste transport
- No explanation for apparent missile firing near Los Angeles
- SEP Victorian election meeting
- Washington cuts funding for emergency utilities assistance
- Oligarchy and inequality in Israel
- Unprecedented attacks on Fiat workers
- French Constitutional Council approves pension cuts
- David Walsh speaks on “Socialism and Cinema”
- Bush on NBC: Rehabilitating a war criminal
- Australian media denounces Labor government for postponing major spending cuts
- White House rejects criminal charges in CIA destruction of torture videos
- California’s public universities start new round of tuition hikes
- Texas legislature proposes draconian education cuts
- UK students march against cuts, occupy Conservative Party HQ
- Marine biologist denounces BP commission findings
- Houston officials attack summer school programs
- Australian cable workers in third week of strike against restructuring of conditions
- Lessons of the European strike wave
- The Nagoya biodiversity summit, a cynical fraud in global politics
- Pentagon moves to quickly close investigation of mystery missile
- The historical and political legacy of Leon Trotsky
- The New York Times argues against promising lung cancer test
- Leading members of the Socialist Alternative Group join German Left Party
- An additional comment on Inside Job, the documentary about the financial meltdown
- New Zealand government attacks film workers, gives millions to Hobbit producers
- G20 summit dominated by specter of currency, trade wars
- Chairmen of Obama deficit panel propose cuts in Social Security, Medicare
- Letters from our readers
- Australian banks denounce criticism of record profits
- Zizek in Manhattan: An intellectual charlatan masquerading as “left”
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Video: SEP candidate speaks with residents in toxic dump area
- Detroit town hall meeting on utilities offers residents no help
- Toronto Star investigation highlights police brutality, rigged disciplinary system
- UK students and academics voice anger at tuition fee hikes
- Sri Lankan minister warns of “insurgency” in universities
- Qantas’s near mid-air disaster highlights safety concerns
- US deficit panel launches offensive against social programs
- Italy: right-wing shift underlies latest Berlusconi scandal
- Iraq parliament meets to ratify power-sharing deal
- 50 million US adults without health insurance
- Hollywood musicians express support for Detroit Symphony strikers
- The protests against nuclear energy and the German Greens
- Five children killed in Florida house fire
- US soldier refused Afghan deployment over PTSD
- US Army “kill team” hearing continues
- Workfare to be imposed in Britain
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Obama moves toward extending Bush tax cuts
- Oppose the witch-hunt of student protesters in Britain
- US diplomatic offensive tightens strategic encirclement of China
- An interview with Richard Pare, photographer and expert on Soviet Modernist architecture
- After the elections, New York Democrats step up attacks on state workers
- Media drops story of apparent missile launch
- Louisiana college students protest budget cuts in Baton Rouge
- 200,000 at risk in Haiti cholera epidemic
- LHC particle accelerator begins lead ion collisions
- Britain’s Guardian embraces the Tories’ austerity measures
- Australia: Sydney Foxconn workers expose sweatshop conditions
- Growing signs of renewed debt crisis in Europe
- G20 summit fails to resolve global trade, currency conflicts
- Chinese President Hu visits France
- Canada to extend participation in Afghan War through 2014
- US steps up pressure on Burmese junta following rigged elections
- US pushes back Afghanistan timetable as fighting escalates
- SEP (Australia) holds election meeting in Broadmeadows
- This week in history: November 15-November 21
- After the G20 summit
- Ireland seeks bailout by European Union
- Study shows growing social divide in Germany
- 10 percent of all German adults heavily indebted
- Released opposition leader Suu Kyi calls for talks with Burmese junta
- For a mass movement against austerity! For a workers’ government on socialist policies!
- Boston School Committee approves in-district charter schools
- APEC summit ends with drift toward trade war
- Karzai calls for reducing US military operations in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Sarkozy reshuffles French cabinet
- US corporate executives back at the trough
- The New York Times and the mystery missile
- Australia: Victorian opposition directs preferences to government, almost ensuring a Labor victory
- Lame duck US Congress moves to cut taxes for rich, end benefits for unemployed
- Israel prevents fair trial of Rachel Corrie lawsuit
- German unions’ “hot autumn” protests seek to demobilize workers
- Chicago apartment fires kill and injure multiple residents, leave scores homeless
- Texas execution in 2000 based on false evidence
- Australia: Privatisations send electricity prices surging
- Letters from our readers
- Trade union federation works hand in glove with German government
- Veteran’s wife writes on US military neglect of PTSD victims
- Hunger in America
- The liberals’ lament: “Why won’t Obama fight?”
- Bloomberg appoints publishing exec to run New York schools
- Australian Labor government “education revolution” leads to Macquarie University job cuts
- Mounting evidence of British war crimes in Iraq
- Obama trip consolidates strategic ties with Indonesia
- India: Unions sell out contract workers strike at lignite mining company
- German parliament approves health reform
- Protesters shot dead as Haiti cholera toll tops 1,000
- Social democrats win Greek regional elections amid mass abstention
- New Anti-Capitalist Party endorses French unions’ sellout of pension strikes
- World markets fall on signs of renewed financial crisis
- DSO musicians hold spirited picket in week seven of strike
- Australia: The Victorian Labor government’s “jobs pledge” and the unemployment crisis
- Fire in Shanghai building kills 79
- California state workers’ union pushes through cuts in pay and pensions
- Growing public outrage over full-body scans, “enhanced” pat-downs at US airports
- Australia: Gillard Labor responsible for another refugee suicide
- The revival of German militarism
- The Detroit Symphony strike and the defense of culture in the US
- ISSE and SEP hold meeting on Detroit Symphony strike at the University of Michigan
- Republicans dictate agenda in lame duck Congress
- The GM IPO: Wall Street celebrates impoverishment of auto workers
- Gamma-ray bubbles discovered around our galaxy
- EU “rescue” operation for Ireland heralds deepening euro crisis
- Another bipartisan panel proposes cuts to Social Security, Medicare
- Letters from our readers
- US seeks “engagement” with Burmese junta after Suu Kyi's release
- Former British ambassador forecasts 50-year foreign role in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- UAW President Bob King on Wall Street
- Guantánamo detainee, acquitted on 284 of 285 charges, faces 20 years
- Obama lawyers oppose suits enforcing separation of church and state
- Sri Lankan government detains plantation union leaders
- Thirteen arrested in California student protest
- Europe’s dirty secret
- New York’s Mayor Bloomberg announces 10,000 job cuts
- Social crisis grips Ireland
- New report on Gulf oil spill shows BP ignored warning signs
- US House fails to extend jobless benefits
- Australia backs US in currency conflict with China
- New social cuts in California to follow revised budget deficit
- US takes extraordinary steps to extradite alleged Russian arms dealer
- Sweden issues international arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Assange
- 美国外交攻势收紧对华战略包围
- Australia: Desalination plant workers strike over corporate spying revelations
- More US orchestras demand musicians accept pay, job cuts
- Students and academics condemn witch-hunt of anti-Tory protesters
- French President Sarkozy outlines right-wing agenda in TV interview
- French Socialist Party advocates fraudulent “Real Equality” program
- The Rangel diversion: Democratic congressman convicted on ethics charges
- Australia: Striking Prysmian workers fighting global “restructuring” offensive
- NATO summit to embrace indefinite Afghan war
- 29 missing after explosion in New Zealand mine
- Australia: Bipartisan support for repressive “law and order” measures in Victorian election
- Former Nazi soldier appointed to Latvian parliamentary committee
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- US Steel locks out Hamilton, Ontario workers
- Anti-UN protests spread as Haitians die without aid
- State of emergency declared in Guinea after elections
- Letters from our readers
- This week in history: November 22-November 28
- Obama appeals to Republicans to back Russia arms treaty
- Interview with a Grand Junction resident
- Repression of British students presages explosive class struggles
- NATO summit reveals cracks in Atlantic Alliance
- The “cool little cluster” that is Mose Allison’s brain
- New Zealand: 29 miners still missing after underground explosion
- Hundreds sue Massey Energy over water pollution
- Sri Lanka: ISSE/SEP public meeting against university privatisation
- Ireland “on the brink of significant civil unrest”
- Grand Junction, Colorado and the rationing of health care in the US
- Repression against opposition intensifies in Egypt
- Myth and reality in the mountains of Colorado
- More details emerge in US Army kill team case
- US, NATO commit to indefinite occupation of Afghanistan
- British enterprise tsar resigns after “never had it so good” remark
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- SEP to hold first ever meeting in Vancouver
- Assessing Leon Trotsky seventy years after his assassination
- Australia: Desalination workers challenge attempt to cover up spying affair
- Detroit News targets Michigan teachers for new round of pay cuts
- Obama’s car czar faces new lawsuits in kickback scheme
- The stench of the police state at US airports
- Rescuers preparing for “loss of life” in New Zealand mine disaster
- New pamphlet from Mehring Books
- Pentagon ratchets up Korea tensions over nuclear facility
- Bankers dictate brutal cuts as part of EU-IMF bailout of Ireland
- Australia: Labor’s “world class health system” leaves thousands of Victorians waiting for treatment
- Young worker dies in Detroit area house fire
- Struggling California condor population suggests persistence of DDT
- Striking Detroit Symphony musicians continue efforts to win public support
- Bernanke defends Fed monetary policy, blames China for currency tensions
- Australia: Refugees continue hunger strike as frustration and anger escalate
- Media campaigns against “energy theft” at start of heating season
- Terror warning a pretext for an attack on fundamental rights
- Portugal: General strike ahead of Congress budget vote
- New Zealand miners declared dead after another massive explosion
- The Irish bailout and the necessity for the United Socialist States of Europe
- Nurses strike across Australia’s largest state
- Leon Trotsky’s Analysis of the Emerging Global Role of US Capitalism
- Maine hospital locks out nurses in response to one-day strike
- Artillery exchange heightens tensions on Korean peninsula
- At Indiana Chrysler plant Obama hails revival of auto industry profits
- Harlan, Kentucky mine worker killed, three injured in separate accidents
- Irish government moves to push through austerity measures
- Australia: Labor government accelerates rundown and privatisation of public housing
- The legacy of Leonard Bernstein: a book review
- Australia: Ex-lefts develop new political “regroupment” in Victorian election campaign
- Australia: Labor moves to tighten coercive industrial powers after construction worker acquitted by magistrate
- Quebec’s Liberal government engulfed by scandals and crisis
- General strike brings Portugal to a halt
- US corporations shatter profit records
- New York City: Thousands of subway signals not inspected
- US exploits Korean clash to step up pressure on China
- Student protests in Italy against education cuts
- European markets fall as Ireland reveals further austerity plan
- Letters from our readers
- Germany: Missing “degenerate art” works rediscovered
- World Bank report points to deepening social crisis in Russia
- Police attack students involved in nationwide protests in UK
- Council of Europe accuses Greece of mistreating refugees
- Students demonstrate in UK against increased fees and education cuts
- Sri Lankan budget implements IMF austerity measures
- Vote 1 for Peter Byrne and the SEP in Broadmeadows, Victoria
- Mehring Books holiday sale!
- Growing anger over New Zealand mine deaths
- Aung San Suu Kyi and democracy in Burma
- Workers Struggles: Europe. Middle East & Africa
- India’s government rocked by 2G mobile license scandal
- Euro in crisis as speculative assault intensifies
- The Nation covers up for Democratic Party debacle
- US: The millionaires’ Congress
- Pentagon issues grim review of Afghanistan war
- South Australian unions call protest to head off opposition to Labor’s job cuts
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- 在美国挨饿
- Management reject rail unions’ offer to call off London strike action
- Australia: Prysmian workers stand firm as they enter fifth week of strike
- Cholera outbreak kills dozens in Papua New Guinea
- The Korean crisis and the threat of a wider war
- Ireland’s main opposition parties signal support for austerity budget
- First arrest in high-profile insider trading investigation
- UN agency predicts global food crisis as prices soar
- Portugal passes austerity budget as speculative attack on Spain intensifies
- State repression rampant in run up to Egyptian parliamentary elections
- Former House Republican leader convicted of money laundering
- Cholera outbreak kills dozens in Papua New Guinea
- Hundreds die in Phnom Penh bridge stampede
- Over 300,000 affected by boil-water advisory in New Orleans
- Experiment at CERN traps antimatter atoms
- New WikiLeaks documents expose US foreign policy conspiracies
- Australia: Victorian Labor government thrown out of office
- Four of five Las Vegas mortgages “underwater”
- This week in history: November 29-December 5
- German court bans pilots strike
- The US Congress and the unemployed
- Labour’s majority slashed in New Zealand by-election
- US praises Malaysia’s autocratic government
- US stages show of force as China calls for crisis talks on Korea
- Tens of thousands protest EU-IMF bank bailout in Ireland
- Demonstrators in Ireland denounce austerity cuts
- Victorian workers discuss key issues in state election
- The historical and political legacy of Leon Trotsky
- US states prepare unprecedented cuts to social spending
- One hundred arts organisations face destruction from UK budget cuts
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Switzerland approves reactionary “Deportation Initiative”
- Michigan families face rising poverty, hunger and homelessness
- Diplomatic secrecy and imperialist crimes
- SEP member addresses student occupation at the University of Manchester
- Britain: Which way forward for the student movement?
- Financial oligarchy dictates terms of Irish bailout
- Obama administration targets Iran for aggression
- Victorian workers discuss key issues in state election
- German state exploits terror alert to expand police powers
- Obama imposes pay freeze on 2.1 million federal workers
- The Victorian election and the crisis of the Australian Labor Party
- China imposes price controls as inflation threatens social unrest
- Angels in America returns to New York
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: