Archive: 10/2012
- SEP candidate speaks with striking Detroit city workers
- This week in history: October 1-7
- US increases support for Syrian opposition as Aleppo burns
- Vote “no” on the Chicago teachers contract!
- Sri Lankan government moves to revive the death penalty
- ACLU Report: Obama administration expands domestic spying
- Minneapolis workplace shooting leaves six dead
- SEP candidate Jerry White to participate in online Q&A forum Tuesday
- Tens of thousands protest austerity policies in Portugal, Spain
- Netanyahu’s war ultimatum at the UN
- Singer Nick Lowe in Louisville, Kentucky
- One in five US households has student loan debt
- Australia: Terry Li, boyfriend of Connie Zhang, speaks about Bankstown fire
- Detroit water workers go on strike
- Quebec’s premier venture-capital fund controlled by Quebec Federation of Labour
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Widow of Nazi victim wins partial victory in court
- Far From Afghanistan: Significant, moving, uneven
- China’s sweatshops exploit students
- COSATU federation leader expresses fear of social explosion in South Africa
- Vigilante mobs, right-wing protests target Roma in France
- Australia pressures refugees to return to Sri Lanka
- US troop deaths in Afghanistan top 2,000
- France, US step up pressure for military intervention in Mali
- Interviews with John Gianvito, Minda Martin and Travis Wilkerson—co-directors of Far From Afghanistan
- World economy slides deeper into slump
- Striking Detroit water workers defy federal judge, union officials
- Deutsche Bank announces hundreds of job cuts
- Oppose the strikebreaking injunction! Defend the Detroit water and sewerage workers!
- California warehouse workers return to work
- A special message from SEP presidential candidate Jerry White
- Barcelona workers and youth discuss austerity
- The euro crisis and the lessons of the Weimar Republic
- Transit workers voice anger
- New York City transit workers without a contract for over eight months
- Amid mass protests, Mexican deputies approve labor counter-reform
- Protests greet French government debate on pro-austerity European treaty
- Libor reforms will not stop collusion
- US removes Iranian MEK from terrorist list
- Firefighters speak with the WSWS at Burn premiere
- Opposition parties, trade unions hold demonstrations in Germany
- Incumbent President Saakashvili’s party defeated in Georgian election
- Australia: Police called in against Bankstown fire survivor
- UK local councils close remaining elderly care homes
- City threatens to fire striking Detroit sewerage workers
- Democrats, Republicans plot post-election assault on Medicare, Social Security
- Scherrer wins support in Pittsburgh
- A comment on Burn: One Year on the Front Lines of the Battle to Save Detroit
- Warehouse workers in California speak to the WSWS
- Pennsylvania judge postpones enforcement of anti-democratic voter ID law
- Turkey attacks Syria after stray shelling
- Killing of two female officers used to demand greater UK police powers
- Declining US doctor visits: A product of social decay and the assault on health care
- NHL lockout of players continues
- Minnesota Orchestra musicians locked out
- Lecture at Historians’ Convention: In Defense of Leon Trotsky
- SYRIZA deepens European Union ties as austerity intensifies in Greece
- Top-level Chinese delegation visits Fiji
- Chicago: Evergreen Park teachers strike
- AFSCME regional, local leaders betray Detroit water workers strike
- Obama and Romney: A “debate” without real differences
- Cyrano de Bergerac in New York: The tale of a gallant individual
- Democratic rights under threat as US Supreme Court opens new term
- Letters from our readers
- Santiago Carrillo, butcher of the Spanish Revolution
- Los Angeles free clinic clients, volunteers discuss crisis of US health care
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Venezuela’s Chavez turns further right in face of election challenge
- Charity launches first-ever appeal for British children living in poverty
- Detroit’s belated “renaissance”—on film
- Sri Lankan union prepares to sell out university strike
- Poverty rises dramatically in Michigan
- Obama and the debate
- European Union demands further cuts in Greece
- Australia: Workers warned to “brace for falling living standards”
- Mass layoffs mount under Socialist Party government in France
- Jerry White talks to firefighters about Detroit water workers struggle
- Union capitulation deals blow to Detroit sewerage workers
- Ratification of Chicago teachers contract sets stage for assault on public education
- Barcelona’s unemployed detail social tragedy engulfing Spain
- SEP calls public meeting to initiate investigation into Bankstown fire
- UK Labour assumes “one nation” Tory mantle
- Mass protest against threatened Turkey-Syria war
- Germany: SPD selects Peer Steinbrück as its candidate for chancellor
- 12,000 miners fired as South African strike wave grows
- US wages economic war on Iran
- Well-attended SEP election meeting at Oberlin College
- New Zealand state coalminer axes hundreds of jobs
- New York Public Library backs off 42nd Street reconstruction plans
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- South Korean government bolsters police powers
- Obama seizes on flukish jobs report to defend right-wing policies
- Government subsidies funded Bankstown fire complex
- UAW pushes through contract ratification at Chrysler Dundee, Michigan Engine Plant
- Hearings for victimized Detroit sewerage strikers
- Letters from our readers
- Australian High Court strikes down ASIO-dictated detention of refugees
- This week in history: October 8-14
- Turkish, Syrian armies clash along border
- Staff and residents speak out against closure of UK hospital unit
- US SEP presidential candidate Jerry White to speak in Toronto
- South African unions, government seek to quell spreading wildcat strikes
- Phyllis Scherrer caps tour with meetings in Chicago and Milwaukee
- Poverty up, income down in San Diego
- The US elections and the unemployed
- British historian Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012)
- China’s Foxconn rocked by more labour unrest
- Residents find no answers at Bankstown Council’s safety expo
- 39 killed in Hong Kong ferry disaster
- Egyptian pseudo-left parties form new anti-working class alliance
- Revealing study of “revolving door” between US government and big business
- IMF chief warns: China-Japan dispute threatens world economy
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Interviews with five filmmakers about life and art in India, Ivory Coast, Guatemala, Angola and Haiti
- Chicago teachers docked pay, CTU still collects dues
- Bankstown fire exposes plight of international students
- Silicosis rampant in South Africa’s mines
- In bellicose speech, Romney outlines bipartisan drive to war
- Australia: Thousands of NSW public sector workers strike
- Growing world slump overshadows IMF-World Bank meeting
- The New York Times promotes the Syrian contras
- New report details huge rise in poverty in Detroit suburbs
- Deadly meningitis outbreak linked to contaminated steroids
- Illinois leads US in home foreclosures
- Chinese student group condemns unsafe and over-crowded housing
- In Defense of Leon Trotsky published in Greek
- Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer urges dictatorial powers for the EU
- Greek police collude with fascist Golden Dawn group
- German Left Party opposes religious circumcision
- Jerry White addresses workers and students in New York City
- US leaders fete Burma’s “democracy icon”
- Venezuela’s Chavez wins election, but by narrower margin
- US student loan lawsuits increase
- Australia: Speaker’s resignation deepens Gillard government crisis
- Scottish National Party prepares new round of cuts and job losses
- Foxconn strikes and the global class struggle
- The end of Germany’s Neckermann mail order firm
- Court decision allows some London Metropolitan international students to remain in UK
- SEP (Australia) meetings discuss how to fight austerity and war
- Socialist Equality Party gains ballot status in Louisiana
- US, Israel plan joint strikes on Iran
- Workers and youth speak on the issues raised at SEP meetings
- German chancellor Angela Merkel visits Greece
- French government accused of ordering Libyan leader Gaddafi’s assassination
- One excellent movie, several inspired performances, too much conventional storytelling
- Campbell’s Soup to close California plant
- Bankstown fire building residents still given no date to return
- Australian Treasury secretary outlines austerity offensive for Labor government
- In preparation for wider war, Pentagon deploys task force in Jordan
- Notes on the social crisis in America
- Sri Lankan Trotskyist dies
- Strikes spread across South Africa despite mass sackings
- Philippine president to sign Mindanao peace accord
- The class issues in the 2012 US elections
- SS massacre in Sant’Anna di Stazzema goes unpunished
- Wall Street vs. workers—the class gap widens
- Irish financial elite presses government for deeper austerity
- Australian timber company Gunns collapses
- Greek police torture anti-fascist protesters
- Detropia: A compassionate, confused study of a devastated city
- Letters from our readers
- Eye-witnesses raise concerns about Bankstown fire tragedy
- Australian foreign minister suggests “assassination” of Syrian leaders
- Boeing professional workers overwhelmingly reject proposed contract
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- UK Conservative Party calls for further cuts to welfare
- Underground: The Julian Assange Story and Roman Polanski: Odd Man Out
- Sri Lanka: Rift between president and judiciary
- Bipartisan Senate deficit deal to cut Medicare, slash taxes for the wealthy
- The diversionary debate over the Benghazi attack
- French Socialist Party’s austerity program expose bankruptcy of petty-bourgeois “left”
- Mehring Publishers at the Frankfurt Book Fair
- Federal home heating cuts spell hardship for US families this winter
- IMF report points to growing financial instability
- French police kill one, arrest 11 in raid on alleged terror cell
- Bankstown fire victim deported from Australia
- US vice-presidential debate: Demagogy and reaction
- Daniel Cohn-Bendit’s imperialist “For Europe” manifesto
- Ten years since the Bali bombings
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Turkey’s hijacking of Syrian plane raises specter of wider war
- UK showings of Tsar to Lenin
- UK: Closure of Trafford General A&E part of larger plan to close hospitals
- Philippine politicians declare candidacy for the 2013 election
- EU austerity drives repression in Greece
- Spate of police shootings coincides with deepening social crisis in New York
- Spread of meningitis outbreak exposes lack of drug oversight in US
- The Australian Labor government and the “sexism” debate
- Bankstown tragedy highlights fire service cuts
- Fiat truck subsidiary Iveco to close five plants in Europe
- She Town: a drama of working class life in pre-WW II Dundee
- Letters from our readers
- Detroit man killed in attempted copper theft
- Attend the SEP regional conferences!
- Five deaths in Baltimore row house fire
- Jerry White addresses Toronto meeting
- This week in history: October 15-21
- Students expose lack of decent, safe, affordable housing
- Strikes continue in South Africa amid deepening repression
- The European Union’s Nobel Peace Prize
- US extends permitted range of South Korean missiles
- London housing bubble expands as plutocrats buy up top properties
- US Defense Secretary warns of “Pearl Harbor” cyber attack by Iran
- Friction at IMF meeting as global economic outlook worsens
- Family protests after officials call off search for trapped worker in Florida garage collapse
- Three weeks to the US elections: The issues facing working people
- Egyptian Islamists clash with liberals and pseudo-left groups on Tahrir Square
- Chicago mayor threatens to cut pensions of teachers and city workers
- Germany: Union agrees to flexible working at BMW
- Workers Struggles, the Americas
- US intelligence admits Syria arms aid goes to Al Qaeda
- Sri Lankan union sells out three-month university strike
- US stokes China-Japan dispute over Senkaku/Diaoyu islands
- How Germany's super-rich benefit from the economic crisis
- SEP meeting resolution on the Bankstown fire
- Report details widespread poverty in Australia
- Former Philippine president arrested on the charge of plunder
- US debate night number two
- US meningitis outbreak: A deadly product of deregulation
- Five British Royal Marines charged with murdering Afghan insurgent
- Man jailed in Greater Manchester, England, for shirt critical of police
- Poverty rises sharply in Illinois
- Tom Henehan: A revolutionary life
- 35 years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977)
- Martelly government cracks down on Haitian protests
- Letters from our readers
- Residents speak to WSWS about the Euro Terraces fire
- SEP public meeting calls for Bankstown fire investigation
- Antibalas: War, social crisis meet intricate musicianship
- Jerry White interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Australian government slashes benefits to single parent families
- Deal finalised for referendum on Scottish independence
- Rotherham locked down by police before English Defence League march
- Conflicts come to the surface at IMF-World Bank meeting
- Washington seeks to exploit outrage over attack on Pakistani schoolgirl
- More contaminated drugs linked to US meningitis outbreak
- Lufthansa threatens wage cuts and layoffs
- US prepares military strikes as Libya crisis deepens
- New evidence that US invasion has produced epidemic of birth defects in Iraq
- Schutzengel (Guardian Angel): New film promotes German military
- France ratifies European Stability and Growth Pact
- Obama-Romney debate number two: Another stage-managed charade
- Economic fallout of Japan-China island dispute widens
- Vion’s Broxburn plant in Scotland to close
- Residents condemn Bankstown council and Labor Party
- Phyllis Scherrer discusses social crisis with students and workers in upstate New York
- Drama of modern-day life
- Turkey leads US-sponsored military encirclement of Syria
- Former Australian PM promotes Pax Pacifica as US-China tensions rise
- Thousands demonstrate against new budget in Portugal
- The Obama-Romney debate: Questions unasked and unanswered
- New Zealand government calls for war against Syria
- Jerry White speaks at University of Michigan on post-election war threats
- Mehring Books special offer – Free US shipping on Tsar to Lenin
- The consequences of austerity in Latvia
- Interview with Damien Ounouri, director of Fidaï, and Mohamed El Hadi Benadouda
- Millions of Indonesian workers join one-day strike
- EU Summit: German Finance Minister Schäuble calls for a commissioner for austerity
- Morgan Stanley fine upheld in electricity price-fixing scam
- Building regulations and the Bankstown fire
- US in talks on extending Afghanistan occupation past 2014 deadline
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Wall Street issues its orders to Obama, Romney
- UK man charged with kidnapping journalists in Syria
- Unprecedented military budget in Sri Lanka
- The meningitis outbreak and health care for profit
- Germany’s Left Party meets with the Syrian opposition
- BHP chief demands assault on Australian miners’ conditions
- Mass protests and police violence in Greece
- US Supreme Court hears oral arguments in affirmative action case
- In Ithaca, New York appearance, Phyllis Scherrer responds to presidential debate
- China’s economic growth slows to lowest level in three years
- FBI entraps Bangladeshi student in fake terror plot
- Flemish nationalist gains in regional elections renew pressure on Belgium
- India’s Kingfisher Airlines workers demand unpaid salaries
- President Zuma calls on trade unions, state forces to end South Africa’s strike wave
- Adam Rapp’s Through the Yellow Hour: Doom and gloom pervades....
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- South African miners defy repression
- California prison crisis foisted onto beleaguered counties
- Sri Lanka: SEP holds Piyaseeli Wijegunasingha memorial lecture
- Obama prepares protracted Afghanistan occupation
- Trade unions and management negotiate on Opel “recovery plan”
- Jerry White speaks on austerity and war at Monroe County Community College in Michigan
- British bakery to close with 200 job losses
- Australian PM visit to India bolsters new “strategic partnership”
- Relative of Anthony Grainger speaks on UK police killing
- Building workers raise questions about Bankstown fire
- German-French tensions dominate European Union summit
- Letters from our readers
- Atwater: Another California city on the verge of bankruptcy
- Australia to use UN Security Council seat to support US militarism
- This week in history: October 22-28
- Turkey’s foreign minister demands war in the name of “human rights”
- German private health provider threatens Sylt strikers with the sack
- Sri Lankan military forcibly “resettles” Tamil detainees
- Two defenders of American imperialism
- Amidst austerity drive, Ontario Premier resigns
- The Nation magazine and the campaign to reelect Obama
- Lebanon bombings linked to civil war in Syria
- Federal court puts Florida execution of paranoid schizophrenic on hold
- “The local council and governments have a lot to answer for with this fire.”
- Australia: Inquest exposes police brutality in death of Brazilian student
- Extensive coal ash contamination found in US water supply
- Exhibition of photographer Agustí Centelles in Barcelona: Many unanswered questions about the Spanish Civil War
- UK: South West Pay Cartel proposes 10 percent pay cut for health workers
- New York attorney general sues JPMorgan for mortgage fraud
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Poverty, budget cuts hit Syracuse, New York
- The danger of fascism in Greece
- Report highlights poverty in rural Pakistan
- Australian government imposes new spending cuts
- India: Jailed Maruti Suzuki workers subjected to torture
- “We’re the one’s who are suffering—the poor, the working class”
- New York City housing crisis reflects record inequality
- Egyptian liberal, pseudo-left groups demonstrate against Mursi
- Sharp fall in numbers on Trades Union Congress London demonstration
- Obama and Romney concur on war, assassination and reaction
- Letters from our readers
- The US re-engages with Burmese military
- Afghan schools and clinics built by British military to be closed down
- Workers and students discuss upcoming SEP conference in Los Angeles
- Indian tire maker Apollo set to buy Cooper Tire
- Poverty, hunger and inequality grow in Spain
- Federal judge bans strike by Seattle airport refueling workers
- UAW skulduggery in Michigan Proposal 2
- Union prepares to sell out Western Australian port dispute
- After the US presidential debates: The political issues facing the working class
- More cuts for German pensioners
- UK coal mine faces closure
- Downturn to continue for a generation, Bank of England governor warns
- Island dispute between Japan and China grows more tense
- Russian President Putin advocates ban on headscarves in schools
- DuPont cutting 1,500 jobs
- Earth-mass planet found orbiting the nearest star
- Largest tainted meat recall in Canadian history
- Ben Affleck’s Argo: An embrace of US foreign policy
- Four Afghan children killed in US raid
- Notes on the social crisis in America
- National Health Service facing deep cuts across Scotland
- Romania: 3,500 jobs threatened at Oltchim chemical plant
- US-Israeli preparations for war against Iran
- Deepening social inequality and poverty in New Zealand
- Another EU memorandum for Greece
- French Socialist Party government endorses austerity in debate over Gallois report
- French government opens up public bank for small businesses
- The International Socialist Organization and the 2012 US elections
- Obama institutionalizes state assassinations
- Letters from our readers
- Australian mining unions ram through new productivity agreement
- BAE-EADS merger fails due to mounting antagonisms between major powers
- Auto workers and the 2012 elections
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- The issues facing teachers in the 2012 elections
- Sudan accuses Israel of bombing military factory in Khartoum
- Sri Lankan defence secretary initiates communal campaign over 13th amendment
- South Africa's unions use mass sackings and murder to suppress miners
- Berlin protest against inhuman treatment of refugees in Germany
- Institutionalized state assassinations and the November 6 election
- Australian opposition under fire over budget update response
- George McGovern: Liberal standard-bearer at a turning point in US politics
- EU and the US prepare military intervention in Mali
- US seeks to bar testimony on torture in military trial of alleged 9/11 plotters
- European Central Bank chief Draghi reassures German parliament: Austerity will continue
- 80 top CEOs tell Obama, Romney to slash social spending
- Strike leaders arrested following testimony before Marikana massacre inquiry
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Texas police helicopter fires on immigrants, killing two
- A new downturn in the global economy
- Cyclist Lance Armstrong stripped of Tour de France titles
- Dow Chemical to cut 2,400 jobs, close 20 plants
- Conflicts within EU stall Irish debt deal
- US sought use of British bases for war against Iran
- Hungarian premier steps up nationalist rhetoric
- Further cuts leading to collapse of Greek health system
- French government bails out automaker PSA
- Ford Europe plant closures threaten thousands of jobs
- Letters from our readers
- No decision on coronial inquiry into Bankstown fire for months
- US suit vs. Bank of America: No criminal charges despite “spectacularly brazen” fraud
- Arbitrage: False advertising
- Swiss Bank UBS to lay off 10,000 employees
- This week in history: October 29-November 4
- A reader reviews Tsar to Lenin
- Sri Lanka: Tamil party to resume talks with government
- Striking South African miners oppose rally called by official unions
- Monument for Sinti and Roma victims of Nazis highlights German government hypocrisy
- The New York Times and Washington Post endorsements of Obama
- Newark, New Jersey teachers union pushes “pay for performance” plan
- Australian government’s new mining tax raises zero revenue
- US health officials find mold at facility at center of meningitis outbreak
- Interview with historian James McPherson: 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation
- Wolfgang Brenner’s Hubert in Wonderland: A life in the shadow of Stalinism
- French president Hollande acknowledges 1961 massacre of Algerians in Paris
- SEP campaign teams win support for Detroit regional conference
- BBC programme exposes 1984 police frame-up of striking miners
- The World Series and militarism
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Fighting erupts between Western-backed “rebels” and Syrian Kurds
- Poverty, hunger and inequality grow in Spain
- The rise of separatist agitation in Europe
- SEP campaigns for November 3 regional conference in New York City
- Gillard government releases “Australia in the Asian Century” White Paper
- France’s New Anti-capitalist Party conceals plans for historic attack on European auto workers
- Lufthansa pushes ahead with job cuts
- South Korean unions enforce new auto productivity benchmarks
- Massive hurricane hits Northeastern US
- Australian government pledges further pro-business industrial relations reform
- One week to Election Day in America: The real choice for workers
- Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists ally with Sawiris tycoon, ex-Mubarak officials
- US third party debate presents no alternative for working class
- Letters from our readers
- Storm’s damage to aging infrastructure leaves New York City paralyzed
- US employs former child soldiers as mercenaries
- SYRIZA supports Greek government as it negotiates new austerity measures
- A quarter of Spain now unemployed
- Hurricane Sandy leaves 8 million without power in US
- Australian Labor government “excises” entire country to bar refugees
- American democracy and the “disposition matrix”
- $100 million contribution to New York’s Central Park
- New Zealand Maori business elite sues for water ownership
- The New Anti-capitalist Party and the expulsion of the Roma from France
- Irish teachers demonstrate in Dublin against pay cuts
- SEP conferences in California outline the socialist perspective in the 2012 elections
- Separatist parties gain in Spanish regional elections
- Latest articles
- Browse by month: