Archive: 07/2004
- Australia: tram union attacks SEP after “unauthorised” strike
- Spain accused of planning coup in Equatorial Guinea
- Britain: mother of soldier killed in Iraq slams government
- US Supreme Court overturns Pledge of Allegiance ruling on technical grounds
- Outkast: a case study in social misleading
- Democrats move to keep SEP candidate off Illinois ballot
- Germany’s Green Party in government—a balance sheet
- Fijian vice-president on trial for treason
- Lessons of the European elections
- German-based Siemens imposes drastic wage cuts
- Arroyo sworn in for second term as Philippine president
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- The Australian and the social catastrophe in Iraq
- US Border Patrol launches police-state sweeps against California immigrants
- Stop the Democratic Party’s attack on third-party campaigns! Place SEP candidate Tom Mackaman on the ballot in Illinois!
- Britain: report describes “filthy” conditions at Immigration Removal Centre
- The meaning of the US Supreme Court rulings on “enemy combatants”
- NATO summit underlines US-European tensions
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- The Fourth of July, 2004: America’s revolution 228 years on
- Homage to Catalonia on stage: an interview with writer Pablo Ley and director Josep Galindo
- Former generals dominate Indonesia’s presidential election campaign
- Stop the Democratic Party’s attack on third-party campaigns! Place SEP candidate Tom Mackaman on the ballot in Illinois!
- Letters from around the world denounce Democrats’ effort to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- A new dramatization of Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia
- From Karl Marx to the Fourth of July
- Marlon Brando, 1924-2004
- Toronto SEP meeting discusses Canadian, US elections
- Rather timid considering the circumstances
- Saddam Hussein in court: a show trial made in the USA
- More letters denouncing Democrats’ effort to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Britain’s Socialist Workers Party and the defence of national reformism-Part 1
- Some positive signals
- Spain: PSOE government organises a cover-up over March 11 bombings
- Illinois Democratic officials use legislative staffers to attack third-party campaigns
- Huge protest rally in Hong Kong demands democratic and social reform
- Democrats, Republicans to spend $1 billion in US presidential campaign
- Letters denounce Democrats’ effort to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Britain’s Socialist Workers Party and the defence of national reformism—Part 2
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Statement of SEP candidate Tom Mackaman to Champaign County, Illinois Election Board
- Summer job prospects for US teenagers worst in 58 years
- Sri Lankan military’s intrigues with LTTE rebel faction threatens ceasefire
- Australia: economic forecaster slams government budget estimates
- The Iraq War: imperialism and the international strategy for socialism
- London’s Mayor Livingstone gives aides massive salary rise
- Letters continue to condemn Democrats’ effort to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Illinois election board defers ruling on ballot status for SEP candidate
- US: Actors Equity leadership votes not to strike
- Kerry-Edwards: Democrats finalize their pro-war, millionaires’ ticket
- Britain’s Socialist Workers Party and the defence of national reformism—Part 3
- Frankfurt, Germany: police chief justifies torture
- Summer job prospects for US teenagers worst in 58 years
- Sudan: African Union troops sent after weeks of haggling between US and Europe
- Sri Lankan military’s intrigues with LTTE rebel faction threaten ceasefire
- Marek Belka elected new Polish premier
- London’s Mayor Livingstone gives aides massive salary rise
- More letters oppose Democrats’ attempt to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- The politics of opportunism: the “radical left” in France
- Stop the Democratic Party’s attack on third-party campaigns! Place SEP candidate Tom Mackaman on the ballot in Illinois!
- Iraqi regime prepares for martial law
- Why the Rail Tram and Bus Union is attacking the SEP
- Suicide bomb blast in Sri Lanka threatens ceasefire
- Pueblos europeos se oponen a la visita de Bush, pero los líderes se postran ante él
- ¿Prepara otra masacre en Fallujah el ejército de los Estados Unidos?
- One in six US veterans of Iraq war suffers trauma disorders
- European Council approves software patents
- Lithuanian elections return US Republican as president
- More letters oppose Democrats’ attempt to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Liberal philistinism and Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11
- Britain: Former government legal advisor says Iraq war was illegal act of “aggression”
- Senate cover-up of WMD lies underscores Democrats’ support for Iraq war
- Judges call for “radical review” of Milosevic trial
- Why Maine workers should vote for the Socialist Equality Party
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Supreme Court gives HMOs immunity from damage suits
- Champaign, Illinois electoral board bars Green Party candidates
- Chinese police round up protesters in Tiananmen Square
- “The democratic potential for independent filmmaking already exists”
- A timely and disturbing drama
- International Court of Justice condemns Israel’s wall
- Illinois Democrats seek to disenfranchise voters to bar SEP from ballot
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- The indictment of Kenneth Lay
- Bush administration takes steps to cancel US election
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Media suppresses news of Bush’s moves to cancel US elections
- Huge abstention rate in Sri Lankan provincial council elections
- Letters express popular commitment to democratic rights
- Aid organisations berate British government’s record
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- German Interior Minister plans massive restrictions on the right of assembly
- Actors’ Equity and Broadway producers reach tentative agreement
- Former BBC head attacks Blair government over Iraq war
- Bill Cosby blames parents for US society’s ills
- Thirty years since the Portuguese Revolution
- Washington Post calls Bush moves to postpone US elections “appropriate”
- Aboriginal family dies in house fire: a tragedy caused by poverty
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- The EU’s eastward expansion—the cases of Romania and Bulgaria
- Butler Inquiry exonerates Blair government on Iraq war lies
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- Thirty years since the Portuguese Revolution—Part 2
- Philippines government to withdraw troops from Iraq
- Socialist Equality Party files petitions for Michigan congressional candidate
- More letters oppose Democrats’ attempt to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Democrats conspire against voters in bid to remove SEP from ballot
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- Pentagon plans military tribunals for Guantánamo prisoners
- Letters on “Bush administration takes steps to cancel US election”
- BBC vindicated on charge that government “sexed-up” Iraq dossier
- Britain: Blair knew claims on Iraqi WMDs were dubious
- Green Party, Libertarians join SEP to denounce attack on third party campaigns
- Thirty years since the Portuguese Revolution—Part 3
- Letter to Illinois Inspector General from Tom Mackaman
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Democratic candidate Kerry vows to maintain US troops in Iraq for years
- German auto workers protest job cuts by DaimlerChrysler
- Beijing detains SARS doctor for raising questions about Tiananmen Square
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- German “labour reform”: all-out attack on the unemployed
- United Airlines announces deferment on pension payments
- The New York Times and the threat to cancel the November election
- Notice of postponement: ICFI/WSWS public meeting in Wellington, New Zealand
- Israel: Labour Party to prop up Sharon
- Former general on top after first round of Indonesian presidential election
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- German interior ministers end separation of police and intelligence services
- Press conference denounces Illinois Democrats‘ effort to remove Nader from ballot
- El gobierno de Bush toma pasos para cancelar las elecciones
- La contribución de Michael Moore
- Portugal’s Prime Minister Barroso nominated as European Commission president
- Sweden: Anna Lindh killer’s conviction thrown out
- May police now arrest people for refusing to identify themselves?
- Report highlights unchecked looting of Iraq’s oil resources
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- Britain: Labour’s privatisation of roads
- New York City officials muzzle anti-Republican protests
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- School fire in southern India kills 90 children
- Victims of Indian school fire: “The government is responsible for this tragedy”
- Motion to dismiss Illinois Democrats’ challenge to SEP candidate
- The Berger affair: Kerry campaign cowers before Republican provocation
- European governments make an example of Cap Anamur refugees
- US media covers for Allawi—Washington’s executioner-in-chief in Iraq
- Growing imbalances belie Greenspan’s confidence
- Factional warfare breaks out in Palestinian Authority
- More letters oppose Democrats’ attempt to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- What is at stake in Australia’s “History Wars”
- WSWS readers comment on US government discussions on postponing election
- Britain: unions found anti-Blair ginger group
- Open Letter to the workers and students of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, from SEP candidate
- Spain: Socialist Party government to send troops to Afghanistan and Haiti
- Bus drivers in South Yorkshire, England, strike over pay
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Indian budget: pro-business agenda dressed up in a pro-poor disguise
- Illinois county clerk’s findings vindicate SEP petitions
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- What the 9/11 commission report ignores: the CIA-Al Qaeda connection
- Some Australian documentaries: plenty of room for improvement
- Chairman of US Federal Reserve assures Congress wages will be kept low
- The Democratic convention and the crisis of the two-party system
- Support for SEP candidate builds in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
- Cassini-Huygens spacecraft begins systematic exploration of Saturn system
- Berlusconi government wracked by crisis
- Australia: latest “terrorist” case relies on police entrapment
- Huge funding shortfall for global AIDS epidemic
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- New York: Sotheby’s workers locked out for more than a week
- Germany: SPD/PDS senate jail Tamil refugee
- The human cost of fratricidal war
- Britain: the take-over battle for Marks & Spencer
- Acute power shortages cause disruptions across China
- Democratic National Convention: Boston gripped by “anti-terror” security operation
- Police involvement in death of Aboriginal youth exposed
- “There’s 67 percent poor people—we need our own government”
- Ruling coalition suffers backlash in Japan’s upper house election
- Britain’s 380,000 “hidden homeless”
- The Democratic convention and Kerry’s left apologists
- Corporate America throws Democrats a $50 million party
- Humanitarian crisis in Sudan used as cover for neo-colonial ambitions
- Australian union continues to attack the SEP
- Zionist settlements expanding in West Bank and Gaza
- Review upholds SEP ballot petitions in Illinois
- Worldwide opposition to Democrats’ attempt to bar SEP candidate from Illinois ballot
- Populism and patriotism: behind the posturing at the Democratic National Convention
- German DaimlerChrysler workers face political tasks
- Anger at International AIDS Conference over Bush administration’s policies
- Workers Struggles: Europe & Africa
- SIEU head says unions might be better off if Democrats lose
- Democrats withdraw objections to SEP petitions: Tom Mackaman to be on the ballot in Illinois
- The great unmentionable at the Democratic convention: Kerry’s antiwar past
- Another Australian whitewash
- Official indifference as South Asia floods affect 40 million people
- WSWS readers comment on the Democratic National Convention
- Britain: Blair’s claims on Iraqi mass graves refuted
- Australia votes with the US against UN condemnation of Israel’s wall
- United Airlines halts pension payments: a major attack on retirement programs in US
- La convención Demócrata y la crisis política en EE.UU.
- Polio epidemic threatens Africa
- Spain seeks to extend its influence in North Africa
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Kerry, Edwards vow to continue war and social reaction
- Germany: total union capitulation at DaimlerChrysler
- Latest articles
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