Archive: 02/2015
- Former German President Richard von Weizsäcker dies
- Limited strike called at US oil refineries as national contract expires
- This week in history: February 2-8
- Russian central bank cuts interest rate amid growing economic chaos
- Queensland state government defeated in anti-austerity vote
- New police unit in New York: The ruling elite prepares for class struggle
- Peru’s currency falls sharply amidst economic crisis
- The beheading of Japanese hostage Kenji Goto
- Thousands march against water charges in Dublin and other Irish cities
- Queensland voters give voice to disaffection
- Tsipras rushes to reassure EU, banks on Greek debt
- The WSWS needs your support to expand on-the-spot coverage and online videos
- Romney pullout gives Bush advantage in Republican money race
- US wage and GDP growth decline in the fourth quarter
- Canadian prime minister praises troops as military clashes escalate in Iraq
- UK: Blair government colluded in extraordinary rendition of Libyans
- Australian politics in upheaval after election shock in Queensland
- Lawsuit challenges use of pepper spray in Birmingham, Alabama schools
- US AFRICOM commander calls for “huge” military campaign in West Africa
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Wisconsin governor proposes largest ever cuts to public university system
- South Africa: Apartheid-era assassin Eugene De Kock granted parole
- A guest reviewer: Quiet, now—three photographers (Salgado, Struth, Atget) in New York
- Podemos leader promotes patriotism at mass rally in Madrid
- The US arming of Ukraine and the danger of World War III
- Oil giants take hard line against US workers on strike
- Federal panel calls for slashing tens of billions from veteran benefits
- New Zealand: Labour leader outlines his pro-business agenda
- Germany’s working poor and the government’s “jobs miracle”
- Egyptian court confirms mass death sentence against 183 political prisoners
- German military experts demand purchase of drones
- Planetary boundaries—a systems approach to the environmental crisis
- “Smoking gun” documents prove massive Canadian spy operations
- Obama’s “pro-middle class” budget: Cut corporate taxes, raise military spending, slash Medicare
- Bangladesh plastics factory fire kills 13 workers
- Australian PM recommits to war and austerity
- Washington moves toward arming Ukrainian regime
- Mistreatment of detainees and asylum seekers widespread in Europe
- Financial markets celebrate as Syriza repudiates pledge to write off Greek debt
- S&P agrees to sweetheart settlement on inflated ratings of subprime mortgages
- The Obama budget: A populist fig leaf for militarism and reaction
- US oil industry strike enters fourth day as companies resist wage and safety demands
- Obama administration announces cosmetic surveillance “reforms”
- US measles outbreak spreads to fourteen states
- Japanese PM pushes for new military powers
- ISIS releases video of barbaric execution of Jordanian pilot
- Alternative for Germany attempts to establish equivalent of French National Front
- Canada’s Conservatives launch sweeping assault on democratic rights with new anti-terror bill
- Australian central bank cuts rates as economic downturn accelerates
- Further evidence of deaths due to UK welfare benefits sanctions
- European leaders turn against Syriza’s appeals to alter Greek debt payments
- Oil slump triggers North Sea crisis
- Australian High Court rubberstamps detention of refugees at sea
- Deadliest commuter rail crash in New York history kills six
- Video shows Baltimore school cop beating 13-year-old girl with baton
- Imperialist hypocrisy over ISIS execution
- Falling oil prices trigger new layoffs, budget cuts in Louisiana and Texas
- NATO meeting in Brussels heightens danger of war with Russia
- Testimony of Moussaoui in civil suit implicates Saudi monarchy as principal sponsor of Al Qaeda
- Former Maldives president mounts challenge to government
- The Humbling: An actor who can no longer act
- German ruling class demands that austerity, debt payments continue after Greek elections
- People from wealthy families eight times more likely to graduate college
- Chicago mayoral race enters final weeks
- US spy bases in Australia central to war plans against China
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- German, French leaders fly to Russia amidst warnings of “total war” over Ukraine
- Office supply giants Staples and Office Depot announce $6.3 billion merger
- Top US diplomat heaps praise on new Sri Lankan government
- US electronics retailer RadioShack files for bankruptcy
- US federal court hearing highlights widespread misconduct by prosecutors
- The GM-UAW profit-sharing fraud
- Saudi Arabia, 9/11 and the “war on terror”
- USW rejects new offer by Shell as oil strike enters sixth day
- UK Conservatives set out “English Votes for English Laws”
- NATO doubles combat forces in Eastern Europe
- Mexican government announces budget cuts in response to economic turmoil
- Leviathan: A latter-day Job
- Guantánamo Diary: A book that needs to be read
- Germany demands Greek austerity as Syriza pledges “frenzy of reasonableness”
- European Central Bank tightens its grip on Greece in response to Syriza “debt swap” proposal
- Former Australian Labor minister endorses university fee deregulation
- Japanese government pushes to revise US history text
- Meeting in Moscow fails to produce agreement as US plots escalation in Ukraine
- Syriza capitulates to the European Union
- South Africa: Mpumalanga premier roiled by African National Congress faction fight
- The twentieth century was lived in vain: Leonardo Padura’s The Man Who Loved Dogs
- White House urges USW to strangle oil workers’ strike
- Europe on the brink of war
- National Security Strategy document affirms US drive for world domination
- French National Front leader Marine Le Pen addresses Oxford Union
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Official enthusiasm over January jobs report belied by economic reality
- German chancellor seeks to push Hungary away from Russia
- Hong Kong protest falls short of expectations
- Haiti: Martelly to rule by decree
- Socialist Equality Group in Ireland holds first public meeting
- Political conflict between Argentinian president and intelligence agencies intensifies
- Australian prime minister faces leadership vote
- This week in history: February 9-15
- Syriza leader issues nationalist appeal in speech to Greek parliament
- Albuquerque moves to escalate evictions of homeless campers
- German television series Tannbach and German postwar history
- Oil strike shows growing combativeness of US workers
- New Sri Lankan government brings down election budget
- US presses for military action against Russia
- Illinois Democrats concoct pseudo-legal justification for cutting public employee pensions
- New Zealand First Party attacks foreign students
- Munich Security Conference: Threats and provocations against Russia over Ukraine
- Snowstorms cripple aging public transit in Boston area
- Striking US oil refinery workers speak out
- Leader of German Social Democrats sides with right-wing Pegida movement
- US official admits to UK role in rendition to Diego Garcia
- Australian prime minister clings to office
- Shia insurgents disband US-backed Yemeni government
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- East Timorese prime minister resigns, “national unity” government formed
- The Abbott government and the deepening political crisis in Australia
- Catastrophic fire at Russia’s most important social science library
- The political significance of the US oil workers’ strike
- Norfolk police chief apologizes for K9 attack as brutality cases mount
- Obama refuses to rule out arming Kiev following talks with Merkel
- Northern Marseille on lock-down after shots fired at police
- Stock markets fall on fears of Greek exit from euro zone
- German media backs confrontation with Russia over Ukraine
- Canada’s opposition parties acquiesce to government’s draconian “anti-terror” bill
- Urgent care center replaces shuttered hospital in impoverished Pennsylvania town
- Wild and Black or White: Social problems, but the solutions?
- Fighting in Ukraine intensifies ahead of Minsk talks
- UK Police Federation votes for all police to be given access to Taser guns
- Syriza prepares to make a deal with the EU
- Sri Lankan pseudo-left leader joins top government advisory body
- Spanish government prepares new National Security Law
- A photo slideshow of the US oil workers’ strike
- The danger of escalation in Ukraine
- Oil workers remain determined as USW resumes talks to sell out strike
- Mayor announces bulletproof vests for New York City cops
- Spiegel Online warns of nuclear war
- Sri Lankan pseudo-left leader joins top government advisory body
- Upstart AAP staggers BJP and Congress in Delhi Assembly election
- Former intelligence chief in South Korea jailed
- HSBC documents reveal criminal conspiracy of banks and governments
- Australia: New South Wales police gun down 22-year-old woman
- Calls to intensify Australian austerity agenda
- Africa subject to billions in illicit capital flight
- US closes diplomatic facilities in Yemen
- Australian police carry out another anti-terror raid
- New York Times takes aim at treatment for peripheral artery disease
- Judge in Stockton bankruptcy upholds retiree benefit cuts
- Obama administration seeks blank check for perpetual war
- Ohio BP-Husky workers express support for national oil strike
- New York Mayor de Blasio announces meager housing goals
- Leading German newspaper says Russia should be threatened with nuclear war
- Ceasefire agreement for Eastern Ukraine announced after Minsk summit
- Over 300 migrant workers perish off Italian coast
- German Left Party backs Merkel on Ukraine crisis
- German Karstadt department store plans more layoffs and pay cuts
- Indonesian government pushes ahead with planned executions
- Australia: Homeless people speak on worsening social crisis
- Talks on Greek bailout terms break down
- USW isolates militant strike at Toronto Crown Holdings plant
- Brooklyn grand jury indicts cop who shot Akai Gurley
- NBC suspends news anchor Brian Williams over Iraq war episode
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- IMF announces new $17 billion loan agreement for Ukraine
- Port owners lock out West Coast dock workers
- Quebec Liberals aim to level what remains of welfare state
- Study says US jails have become “massive warehouses” for the poor
- The Minsk truce: A hiatus in an escalating war
- Senate approves Ashton Carter as new Pentagon chief
- Boston, Massachusetts storm-related crisis deepens at MBTA
- Political crisis in Jakarta over national police chief
- Illinois governor prepares attack on state workers
- Interpreter for 9/11 defendants at Guantanamo Bay was a CIA agent
- Greece’s Syriza government pledges to serve the EU
- Britain’s GCHQ given free rein to continue mass surveillance
- Two brothers die in Detroit house fire
- Sri Lankan plantation union pressures workers to end strike
- Australia: NSW electricity workers face more job losses
- Widespread anger over killing of three Muslim students in North Carolina
- US threatens military intervention as UN warns of “disintegration” in Yemen
- US and Ukrainian officials seek to torpedo Minsk cease-fire agreement
- Ukrainian government moves to stifle dissent as military morale plunges
- Australian PM prejudices rights of terrorist suspects to fair trial
- Oil workers on strike denounce poor safety and work conditions at US refineries
- Siemens unveils another round of job cuts in Germany and worldwide
- Australia: Labor forms minority government in Queensland
- The drive to dismantle pensions in the United States
- Thirty-five years since the nationwide US refinery strike
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Japanese PM calls for constitutional change in keynote speech
- British unions recommend health service workers accept another pay cut
- Fresh talks begin on forcing Greece to accept austerity package
- German President Gauck’s human rights imperialism
- House fires kill 71 people in the US during the first week of February
- The Water Diviner: Russell Crowe’s contribution to the WWI centenary
- German army association demands massive armaments increase
- Indian grandfather partially paralyzed by Alabama police beating
- Hostilities ease in eastern Ukraine on first day of cease-fire
- This week in history: February 16-22
- More evidence of US involvement in Sri Lankan regime-change
- Rise in value of Swiss franc threatens workers in Eastern Europe with ruin
- France sells 24 Rafale fighter jets to Sisi dictatorship in Egypt
- Obama administration intervenes against West Coast dock workers
- The human rights disaster in America
- A revealing Financial Times comment on the Greek debt crisis
- Obama’s budget proposal cuts $50 million from immunization funding
- US military looks to expand use of Australian bases and ports
- New evidence implicates pro-US opposition in Maidan killings during Kiev coup
- US historians criticize Tokyo’s efforts to whitewash war crimes
- The Two Faces of January: Three Americans joined together by crime
- No to war and austerity! Join the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!
- Harper government to criminalize Canadian Pacific railway strike
- Alleged terrorist gunman shot dead in Copenhagen
- Seventy years since the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army
- Pseudo-left embrace Syriza’s alliance with the Independent Greeks
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- South Africa: ANC provincial premier renounces electronic-tolling populism
- Report documents attacks on press freedom in US and Europe
- US imperialism and the catastrophe in Libya
- US oil strike enters third week with corporations refusing to budge on wages, safety conditions
- New revelations in the 1980 Munich Oktoberfest bombing
- Nearly 4,000 blacks were lynched in Jim Crow South, report finds
- CIA whistleblower calls for prosecution of officials responsible for torture
- SPD victory in German state election conceals growing gulf between political establishment and population
- No agreement reached between EU finance ministers and Greece
- Lawsuits allege Missouri cities run “debtors’ prisons”
- Eleven-year-old Ohio girl charged with murder
- Citing government threats, Teamsters suppress Canadian Pacific rail strike
- Two detained on charges of aiding Copenhagen terror attack
- Growing problems for Chinese economy
- US-NATO war games prepare massive military escalation in West Africa
- Malaysia’s highest court jails opposition leader on trumped-up charge
- Hazel Park, Michigan retiree dies of hypothermia after gas shutoff
- Minsk cease-fire verging on collapse as fighting continues in east Ukraine
- A warning to US oil workers: The United Steelworkers’ record of betrayal
- Oil trains derail and burst into flames in Canada, US
- European Union gives no quarter in war against Greek workers
- Defence establishment complains of Britain’s “irrelevance” in world affairs
- French government forces through austerity measures without vote in parliament
- White House delays immigration order after court ruling
- Sydney siege survivors speak on Australian television
- Canada: Why is the Globe and Mail denouncing Harper’s latest “anti-terrorism” bill?
- UN survey documents Israeli war crimes in Gaza
- German government to establish Eastern Europe Institute
- Sri Lankan police attack estate workers protesting police killing
- Report points to global spyware operation by US
- Mounting signs of global economic stagnation
- Detroit bankruptcy judge approves $178 million in legal and consulting fees
- US steps up threats against Russia as Ukrainian troops retreat from Debaltseve
- Sri Lankan foreign minister visits US to strengthen ties
- Report documents growth of extreme poverty in Rochester, New York
- Japanese prime minister pushes to end constitutional limits on the military
- Explosion rocks California refinery as oil strike continues
- SEP Australia to stand in New South Wales state election
- Mounting violence against Muslims in America
- Australia: Sydney residents shocked by police shooting of 22-year-old woman
- House fire in Hamtramck, Michigan kills four, including two children
- Germany and EU look set to reject Greece’s request for six-month loan extension
- German government prepares new military doctrine
- Study shows inequality much higher in Germany than previously estimated
- Finance capital pushes for Australian economic “restructuring”
- Right-wing nationalists regain Croatian presidency
- White House outlines policy for deepening intervention in Central America
- Pulling down the shutters at the Berlinale
- Alabama judge asks courts to defy order granting same-sex marriage licenses
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- US-backed Kiev regime faces military debacle in east Ukraine war
- Australian government launches vicious attack on human rights commissioner
- Obama, port owners line up against West Coast dockworkers
- Polish trade unions end miners’ strike
- Obama’s terror summit: An exercise in hypocrisy, falsification and self-delusion
- USW forced to reject another contract offer as oil workers press for national strike
- Up to six million face Obamacare penalties for 2014
- Canadian NDP declares willingness to enter coalition with Liberals
- Illinois budget to cut $6.7 billion from pensions, health care, social services
- US court overturns “terrorism” charge against Australian Guantanamo prisoner
- German finance minister demands unconditional surrender from Greece
- French government survives confidence vote over austerity law
- Freezing temperatures spell misery and danger to America’s poor
- “Cultural appropriation,” “white privilege” and the attacks on rapper Iggy Azalea
- ACLU report documents horror of solitary confinement in US prisons
- Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis’ mission to save capitalism
- Refugees deported from the EU, imprisoned in Ukraine
- Schäuble’s arrogance towards Greece and the class divide in Germany
- Oil refinery workers denounce USW treachery, call for national strike
- Germany: Further strike action imminent at Deutsche Bahn
- Guantanamo in America
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Unemployment in Australia at 12-year high
- Japan rewrites foreign aid rules to include military assistance
- US preparing major ground offensive against Iraqi city of Mosul
- Oppose political censorship at Griffith University!
- Syriza capitulates to the EU
- Record cold weather in the US leads to spate of deadly house fires
- US and UK intelligence agencies hacked cell phone encryption keys
- Obama budget cuts target high school counselors
- A comment from a reader: The peculiar socialism of Syriza
- Family of man shot by police in Pasco, Washington demands independent autopsy
- Marcel Ophüls’ Memory of Justice and other documentaries
- The upcoming Academy Awards: Selma, American Sniper and other issues
- Argentina charges US interference in crisis over prosecutor’s death
- UN delays war crimes report on Sri Lanka
- This week in history: February 23-March 1
- Australian government uses Sydney siege report to ramp up anti-terror laws
- Turkish troops enter northern Syria
- Inmates riot against miserable conditions at south Texas prison
- The capitulation of Syriza and the lessons for the working class
- Auto workers speak out in support of oil strike
- US oil workers strike spreads to more plants in Texas and Louisiana
- Massachusetts public transit crisis drags into fourth week
- UK steps up militaristic propaganda against Russia
- Obama administration forces five-year agreement on West Coast dockworkers
- Australia: Sydney city council attacks the homeless
- European Union leaders hail Syriza austerity agreement
- Cleanup continues after West Virginia oil train explosion
- The Danish roots of the Copenhagen terror attack
- As temperatures drop, overcrowded New York City shelters forced to turn away homeless
- Canada’s NDP belatedly opposes Conservatives’ draconian “anti-terror” bill
- Still Alice and Kingsman: The Secret Service—A woman battles disease and a street kid helps save the world …
- US expands “secret war” in Afghanistan
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Governor, legislature move to pass right-to-work legislation in Wisconsin
- Virginia bill shields companies producing lethal injection chemicals
- One fifth of world suicides linked to unemployment
- US seizes on video to escalate repression at home and war in Somalia
- Australian PM outlines sweeping new “anti-terror” measures
- US oil strike highlights sacrifice of workers’ safety to corporate profit
- The theoretical and historical origins of the pseudo-left
- US slaughter in Afghanistan rages on
- US federal study predicts 10 oil derailments per year
- White House economic report calls for cutting corporate taxes
- Pro-European forces threaten Moldova to toe the line
- Netanyahu exploits Islamist attacks on European Jews
- Stock markets rise after Greece signs new austerity agreement
- German constitutional court justifies state use of agents provocateurs
- A comment on Syriza's “back-flips” over austerity
- Burmese army clashes with separatist militia near Chinese border
- 87th Academy Awards: A more intriguing event than in recent years
- Pennsylvania school district to be run for profit
- Irish police clamp down on water charge protesters
- Rightist mayor faces coup charges as Venezuela’s crisis deepens
- The UAW and the GM share buy-back scheme
- The US “pivot to Asia” and the Australian leadership crisis
- UK retail giant Tesco announces thousands of job losses
- Sri Lankan president’s visit to India highlights foreign policy shift
- In leaked recording, Egyptian minister calls for machine-gunning protesters
- Australia: Aurizon workers confront deep assault on conditions
- Poland increases military spending
- The US oil strike and the international struggles of the working class
- Striking oil workers from Kentucky, Ohio and Louisiana speak out
- United Steelworkers reaffirm support for big business Parti Quebecois
- Conflict over DHS funding masks bipartisan attack on immigrants in US
- Greece’s Syriza government proposes list of social cuts to European Union
- Chicago Police Department operates “black site” interrogation compound
- Haiti and Romania: Drama and social life in Murder in Pacot and Why me?
- In testimony before US Congress, Fed chair signals likely delay in interest rate hike
- Record utility shutoffs in New York
- UK joins US, Poland in sending military trainers to Ukraine
- Talks remain suspended as US oil workers continue strike
- A photo essay on the US oil workers’ strike
- Pentagon provocation on Russia’s border
- New Zealand to send troops to Iraq
- Half a million children in poverty in Michigan
- German Left Party votes for austerity measures in Greece
- US-Iran negotiations inch toward a nuclear agreement
- Child poverty at devastating levels in US cities and states
- Mounting outrage over Syriza betrayal
- Chicago mayor forced into runoff election
- Unions demobilize Canadian railway workers
- Australian prime minister’s leadership continues to unravel
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Independent autopsy finds Zambrano-Montes was shot twice from behind
- Obama Justice Department: No federal charges to be filed in Trayvon Martin slaying
- East Timorese government promotes new “free trade zone”
- Federal prison regulations violate constitutional rights
- Chicago’s Abu Ghraib
- USW blocks way forward for striking oil workers
- Nick Beams retires as Socialist Equality Party (Australia) national secretary
- Germany and Austria discriminate against Kosovo refugees
- German trade union approves 1,400 layoffs at Karstadt department store
- Mass layoffs shake India’s IT industry
- Syriza’s parliamentary group supports Greek austerity agreement
- Three New York men charged in alleged terror plot
- Record global stock prices reflect growth of financial parasitism
- Top British politicians caught in cash for access sting
- Opposition to Japanese government’s lies on “comfort women”
- Every Thing Will Be Fine from Wim Wenders, Taxi from Jafar Panahi, and other films
- Governor compares Wisconsin protesters to terrorists
- The anti-Marxism of Yanis Varoufakis
- Sri Lankan opposition parties seek to bring back Rajapakse
- Missouri Republican candidate, apparent target of anti-Semitic comments, commits suicide
- German television documentary on the troika and Greece
- “Jihadi John,” imperialism and ISIS
- As US oil strike reaches one month, companies sit on billions in profits
- A revealing exposure of the destruction of health care in the UK
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- German parliament endorses Syriza’s proposed austerity measures
- Anti-Muslim actions rise sharply in France after Charlie Hebdo shooting
- US economy in deflation and slump
- Judge in Detroit bankruptcy calls for dismantling public employee pensions nationwide
- Two cyclones devastate areas of northern and eastern Australia
- Clinton Foundation raked in cash from right-wing regimes, corporations
- Canada invokes “jihadi threat” to pursue agenda of war and reaction
- Latest articles
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