Archive: 05/2015
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Former IG Metall union leader heads Volkswagen supervisory board
- American Psychological Association played critical role in CIA torture program
- Sri Lankan parliament passes amendment to restrict presidential powers
- SEP campaigns in Sri Lanka, India for International May Day Online Rally
- Bernie Sanders to seek Democratic presidential nomination
- Department of Justice sues Detroit-based Quicken Loans for mortgage fraud
- Capitalism, the working class and the fight against police violence
- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio defends mass arrests of demonstrators
- Victoria, Texas police kill 25-year-old father with PTSD outside his home
- Mehring Books launches May Day sale
- Students and young workers in Australia register for international May Day event
- US appeals court grants immunity to border patrol agent who killed Mexican teenager
- Class issues behind Sun columnist Katie Hopkins’ attacks on migrants
- The lessons of the capitulation of Syriza
- Military police attack Brazilian teachers, leaving over 200 injured
- Protests continue as Baltimore police conclude investigation into death of Freddie Gray
- The new global arms race
- US sends warships to Strait of Hormuz, claiming Iran threat
- New York Times lies, falsifies history to promote neo-fascist Kiev regime
- European Union steps up repressive measures against refugees
- SEP UK candidate David O’Sullivan addresses Primrose Hill hustings
- Parasitism, plutocracy and economic depression
- Russia, China announce joint naval exercises in the Mediterranean
- Youth and workers in Australia denounce war and join international May Day
- The role of the Maryland’s “Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Workers in Britain sign up for International May Day Online Rally
- Canada hikes military spending
- Joyce Carol Oates, Russell Banks and 143 other writers protest free speech award for Charlie Hebdo
- Anger mounts among Greek retirees as Syriza threatens to withhold pensions
- Violent arrests of protesters follow charges against Baltimore cops in murder of Freddie Gray
- Michigan governor releases plan for assault on public education
- US “Grand Strategy” for war against China laid out
- Pseudo-left to lay foundations for Syriza-type alliance at upcoming Chicago conference
- Strike of California nurses ends
- Sentencing phase of Boston Marathon bombing trial underway
- York, Pennsylvania: Mass unemployment and temporary jobs
- Los Angeles teachers face political fight to defend public education
- This week in history: May 4-10
- US warplanes kill dozens of civilians in Syria
- Muslim girl expelled from French high school for wearing long skirt
- Murdoch’s Scottish Sun backs the Scottish National Party
- Socialism and the struggle against war
- US sends hundreds of troops to quake-stricken Nepal
- International Online May Day Rally draws worldwide audience
- A review of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, by Naomi Klein
- US federal court rules against White House immigrant detention policy
- Glasgow Care Crisis hustings: Pseudo-left make overtures to the Scottish National Party
- German press demands more effective tanks for war against Russia
- France to spend billions on military rearmament program
- Fracking linked to earthquakes and increased levels of radon in homes
- Finance houses warn of loss of Australia’s AAA credit rating
- Baltimore workers and youth speak out
- Baltimore rally against police brutality encourages illusions in Democrats
- US-backed Saudi forces dropped cluster bombs on Yemeni villages
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Wayne County, Michigan “Recovery Plan” guts public worker pensions, health benefits
- Two gunmen killed outside anti-Islam provocation in Texas
- Re-sentencing leaves Atlanta educators still facing years in prison
- Spain: Rebound in employment based on wage cuts and increased job insecurity
- The 2015 May Day Online Rally and the fight against imperialist war
- BP and Steelworkers union reach sellout deal to end three-month Indiana refinery strike
- University of Sydney meeting discusses attacks on democratic rights
- South Asia, the US “pivot” and the perspective of permanent revolution
- The world capitalist crisis and the drive to world war
- Police attack demonstration against police violence in Israel
- German participants respond to International May Day Online Rally
- Australian Federal Police defend decision to expose “Bali 9” to Indonesian death penalty
- German foreign intelligence service aided NSA spying in Europe
- Two years since the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh
- Police quickly suppress spontaneous protests after arrest in Baltimore
- York, Pennsylvania: Social service and education cuts hit workers and students
- Further on political censorship at the University of Sydney
- Workers in Britain speak on May Day rally
- Green Party calls for modernisation of British armed forces
- Co-director Wim Wenders’ The Salt of the Earth: The photographs of Sebastião Salgado
- Thailand’s draft constitution enshrines dictatorship
- Kerry visits Somalia as US prepares expanded intervention in East Africa
- Massive payout for US hedge fund chiefs in 2014
- NATO begins largest anti-submarine exercises ever in the North Sea
- US-Jordan war games prepare wider Mideast conflict
- The fight against militarism, war and the falsification of history
- The European Union and the return of European militarism
- London’s housing crisis demands a socialist solution
- Harper visits Iraq to laud Canada’s role in Mideast war
- The “Fight of the Century”: An orgy of wealth and profit
- Fiat-Chrysler worker crushed to death at Detroit assembly plant
- Australian central bank cuts interest rate to record low
- French soldiers sexually abused children in Central African Republic
- The political issues in the German train drivers strike
- Kerry visits Colombo to deepen US ties with Sri Lanka
- Three more Republican candidates join US presidential race
- French National Assembly passes draconian electronic surveillance law
- Public Meetings: The way forward after Britain’s general election
- Britain’s general election: The need for a socialist alternative
- The UK general election and the growth of class antagonisms
- The crisis in Latin America and the fight for revolutionary leadership
- Leading Australian journalist advocates confrontation with China
- The rotten record of the UK Green Party
- Record number of internally displaced people globally in 2014
- Statues of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Bradley Manning unveiled in Berlin
- Chicago mayor demands wage, benefit cuts from teachers
- Alberta: NDP election sweep ends 44 years of Tory rule
- The British election as seen from Europe
- Russell Brand performs volte face and urges Labour vote
- FBI spy planes used in police-military operation against Baltimore protests
- China’s Xi meets head of Taiwan’s Kuomintang
- Skelos latest veteran New York State politician indicted for corruption
- Kerry in Riyadh: A meeting of war criminals
- NSA conducts real-time analysis of spoken communications
- US Court of Appeals finds NSA phone data collection is illegal
- The cost of military domination
- The US “pivot to Asia” and the drive to war against China
- The fight for the political independence of the working class in China
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Italian parliament adopts new election law
- Netanyahu forms far-right coalition government in Israel
- Australian Greens execute abrupt leadership change
- German train drivers’ strike: “This is about our basic right to strike”
- General election produces political earthquake in Britain
- Irish bus workers strike for 48 hours
- Canada’s parliament adopts bill to greatly expand intelligence agencies’ powers
- Bond market sell-off signals mounting financial crisis
- Jean-Michel Basquiat at the Art Gallery of Ontario: Graffiti, fame and the art market
- Obama administration moves to bolster police in Baltimore
- VE Day in Germany: War commemoration and war propaganda
- New Australian police “terror” raids used to ramp up crisis atmosphere
- US begins training new “rebel” army for operations in Syria
- Polish presidential election expresses growing hostility towards Russia
- Seventy years since the defeat of Hitler’s Third Reich
- PEN Gala pays homage to Charlie Hebdo
- War in the Middle East, imperialism and the lessons of the Egyptian Revolution
- The tragedy of Mediterranean migrants and the crimes of imperialism
- Workers, students and youth in Australia discuss May Day rally
- Video: “It’s about the defense of the right to strike”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- German court rejects claims of Kunduz victims
- Police, far right linked to attack on kosher grocery during Charlie Hebdo shooting
- Syriza government endorses “war on terror” to divert opposition to austerity
- Unifor bows to latest GM Canada layoffs
- Sri Lanka: Evicted Colombo shanty dwellers face desperate situation
- April employment report masks extent of US jobs crisis
- Detroit to resume water shutoffs this month
- General election produces political earthquake in Britain
- Yemen rebels announce support for Saudi cease-fire plan
- The Westerbork transit camp and the destruction of Dutch Jewry
- Venezuelan economy continues to deteriorate
- This week in history: May 11-17
- The death of British Labourism
- The crisis of capitalism and the reemergence of class struggle in the United States
- European powers seek to bomb Libya to stop migrants
- Los Angeles police shoot unarmed homeless man
- Historians condemn Japan’s whitewashing of war crimes
- Italy: Expo 2015, May Day reveal deep class antagonisms
- Illinois Supreme Court strikes down state pension cuts
- Australian “Rental Affordability” report highlights housing crisis
- HIV epidemic in rural Indiana exposes social crisis in US
- SEP in Germany participates in panel discussion on train drivers strike
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Spain lines up behind US-led destabilization campaign against Venezuela
- Greece pledges to repay IMF loans early in EU talks on bailout deals
- Ex-CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling sentenced to three years in prison
- Enthusiastic response in Sri Lanka to online May Day rally
- Siemens announces massive job cuts worldwide
- The Baltimore upheaval: On race and class in America
- Ex-Guantanamo child detainee Omar Khadr released on bail
- New Zealand: State-owned mining company announces job cuts
- Massachusetts governor deepens austerity drive with early retirement legislation
- Twenty two killed during Albanian terror group border post attack in Macedonia
- Fire erupts at nuclear power plant outside of New York City
- Detroit begins new round of water shutoffs
- Australian government shifts tactics in pursuit of budget austerity
- Seymour Hersh exposes official lies about Bin Laden killing
- Germany: Auschwitz survivors testify against former SS officer
- SEP’s Lawrence Porter discusses socialism, Detroit bankruptcy on public radio program
- The bin Laden assassination and the lies of the “war on terror”
- White House authorizes Shell to resume drilling in the Arctic
- Sinn Fein loses ground in UK elections in Northern Ireland
- US judge throws out gag law directed against prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal
- No charges in Madison, Wisconsin police killing of unarmed youth
- Australian unemployment levels continue to rise
- Official death toll from GM ignition defect reaches 100
- Drone warfare in Good Kill
- Texas executes mentally incompetent death row prisoner
- China’s central bank cuts rate amid further signs of slowdown
- Australian budget: A fraudulent bid for political survival
- German SPD achieves worst result in Bremen state elections since World War II
- Berlin police powers strengthened
- UAW ready to sanction new subclass of low-paid US auto workers
- Swedish Supreme Court rejects Julian Assange’s appeal of arrest warrant
- Yemen war rages on through first day of humanitarian “cease-fire”
- UK: Cameron strikes post-election anti-European pose
- US Senate reaches bipartisan deal to push trade pacts
- Police shift their line on Australia’s latest terrorism “plot”
- Nationwide strike by child care workers in Germany
- Former Sri Lankan president warns of government financial bankruptcy
- US threatens military confrontation with China in South China Sea
- Unions reaffirm ties to Parti Québécois as it prepares to anoint arch-right winger
- At least 45 workers die in Manila factory fire
- The worldwide persecution of refugees
- Scientists reveal the history and analysis of Kennewick Man
- Soldiers reveal Israeli war crimes in 2014 Gaza assault
- ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore: Playwright John Ford’s lurid classic receives Off-Broadway revival
- State funding for higher education in US slashed by 20 percent since 2008
- Amtrak train derails in Philadelphia, killing at least seven
- The right-wing political record of Bernie Sanders
- Russian finance minister proposes raising retirement age: “The faster, the better”
- US prisons rife with violence and torture against mentally disabled prisoners
- The growing danger of a US war against China
- US House passes surveillance “reforms” aimed at codifying illegal spying
- French NPA seeks to strangle opposition to draconian surveillance law
- CIA-embedded Hollywood liars and their lies
- Many questions remain in death of Detroit Fiat-Chrysler worker
- India’s BJP government presses forward with big business “reforms”
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Closer Chinese-Russian ties on display in Moscow
- Attempted military coup in Burundi
- Five major banks to plead guilty to rigging currency markets
- Lawyers detail horrific and illegal conditions of Baltimore arrest victims
- Australian Labor leader calls for bipartisanship with Abbott government
- Obama hosts Camp David summit for Gulf oil monarchies
- Existing safety equipment would have prevented Philadelphia Amtrak disaster
- Detroit residents speak on the resumption of water shutoffs
- Federal court sentences Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death
- Thai military sends boat carrying hundreds of Rohingya refugees “out to sea”
- The Amtrak disaster and America’s crumbling infrastructure
- USW pushes through sellout contracts at Indiana and Texas oil refineries
- “Marx Is Muss” congress: Germany’s pseudo-left discusses war policy and austerity
- Crisis envelops UK Labour leadership contest
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Japanese cabinet approves new military legislation
- Nineteen-year-old Indiana man dies while in police custody
- Two killed during mass protest by Chilean students
- New torture allegations from Chicago “black site”
- Jeb Bush’s “gaffe”: A revealing comment on the Iraq war
- Controversy erupts over American B1 bomber deployments to Australia
- Alberta’s NDP pledges to “partner” with big business
- This week in history: May 18-24
- Thousands of auto workers strike in Turkey against Renault and union
- UK government counter-terrorism bill would criminalize speech, political activity
- US special forces stage raid into Syria
- French Rafale fighter sales stoke arms race in Middle East, Asia
- Is the US planning a “Gulf of Tonkin” incident in the South China Sea?
- Second major quake in Nepal deepens political crisis
- US panel’s screening guidelines threaten mammograms for 17 million women
- Blues musician B.B. King, 1925-2015
- No charges for police officer who shot Illinois teen twice in the back
- Iraqi officials report the fall of Ramadi
- Chicago residents speak on police torture at Homan Square “black site”
- Hollande, the Clintons and imperialism in Haiti
- Egyptian regime hangs six after ex-president Mursi sentenced to death
- Christie’s $1 billion week: Art market heads for the stratosphere
- Saudi-led coalition resume air strikes in Yemen
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Nine killed, 170 arrested in Texas biker gang shootout
- Seattle teachers hold one-day strike
- Conditions worsen for refugees trapped on boats in South East Asia
- UK Network Rail workers vote for national strike
- Obama’s paramilitary police
- Ontario Liberals move to criminalize teachers’ strikes
- US air strikes, Shia militia deployment follow Iraqi military’s rout in Ramadi
- Defend student free speech at Humboldt University! Stop state-sponsored censorship!
- Is it a dangerous precedent?: Detroit Institute of Arts tests out art market with van Gogh
- Rating agencies downgrade Chicago debt after Supreme Court ruling blocks state pension cuts
- Albuquerque, New Mexico: Family charges SWAT team drove son to suicide
- US House of Representatives passes anti-abortion bill
- Australian government undermines arts funding body
- Michigan legislation would cut off welfare for families with truant children
- Saudi Arabian monarchy calls for more executioners
- San Bernardino, California officials to vote on bankruptcy plan
- Australia sets precedent for worldwide assault on refugees
- German postal service threatens to lay off strikers while deploying strike-breakers
- Spanish elections: Support for Podemos declines amid predicted losses for main parties
- The fall of Ramadi and the criminality of US imperialism
- US secretary of state berates North Korea
- Only one in four workers worldwide has a stable job
- Greece edges towards collapse as troika demands new austerity plan
- Alex Garland’s Ex Machina: Will artificial intelligence replace human efforts?
- Surprise move by European Central Bank to speed up debt purchases
- The Clintons peddle populism while raking in corporate cash
- The deindustrialization of Baltimore
- New details undermine police account of deadly shootout in Waco, Texas
- Supreme Court sides with San Francisco police officers who shot mentally ill woman
- US prepares to challenge China in the South China Sea
- EU approves military operation against Mediterranean refugees
- Poroshenko says Ukraine is at war with Russia
- Britain’s anti-terror law and the global assault on democratic rights
- Macedonia conflict threatens to destabilise whole of Balkans
- Los Angeles City Council moves to raise minimum wage
- India’s Modi woos and warns China
- Greek health workers, journalists, pensioners strike against austerity
- German train drivers launch new strikes
- German police officer accused of torturing refugees
- Online video exposes French police violence against migrants in Calais
- “Frontline” broadcast documents CIA torture program
- US brings charges of economic espionage against six Chinese engineers and businessmen
- Australian budget boosts spending on war and surveillance
- Sidney Blumenthal, Clinton, Inc. and the rape of Libya
- Token fines for banks caught rigging foreign exchange markets
- Federal court blocks release of CIA torture report
- Why aren’t the banksters in prison?
- Defying USW, striking US oil workers continue to resist company demands
- “Münkler-Watch” and the reproach of anonymity: A red herring
- Sri Lankan landslide victims still in makeshift accommodation
- Growing danger of landslides in Sri Lanka
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- Massive military escalation looms as ISIS advances in Iraq
- UK Conservatives plan to scrap Human Rights Act
- New York City mayor de Blasio’s housing plan will do little or nothing for the working class
- Maryland grand jury announces charges against six cops in killing of Freddie Gray
- German train drivers’ union calls off strike and agrees to arbitration
- Police crackdown on protest in western China
- US intelligence and media fail to debunk Seymour Hersh on bin Laden
- Pipeline rupture causes oil spill in California
- US prepares new military provocations in South China Sea
- UK rail unions call off strike action
- Hundreds of unemployed workers apply for jobs in Pittsburgh
- European Union’s “migrant mission”: War plans in a humanitarian cloak
- “Münkler-Watch” and the dictatorship of the elites
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- Murder of Tamil student sparks protests in northern Sri Lanka
- New York mayor de Blasio’s housing plan: An assault on the working class
- France boosts military spending, recruits more youth into the army
- OECD report: Global social inequality hits new record
- Ten years after riots, French police cleared in deaths of Clichy-sous-Bois youths
- Despite surplus, California governor releases austerity budget
- Agreement signed on China-backed investment bank
- Thousands of Ukrainians protest Kiev regime’s draconian utility price hikes
- This week in history: May 25-31
- NSA spying bill stalls in US Senate
- Hundreds dead in refugee graves in Malaysia
- Quebec criminalizing working-class struggle
- Moves for a “left alliance” government accelerate in Portugal
- The escalation of global financial parasitism
- Herfried Münkler’s interview in Die Zeit: State-imposed conformism like 1933
- Mexican president deploys military in Jalisco state
- Pentagon chief hints at shift in US policy in war with ISIS
- Riga talks fail to produce Greek loan deal
- US CEO pay hits record high
- Judge clears killer cop in 2012 Cleveland, Ohio shooting
- Australia deeply embedded in US military build-up in Asia
- Workers Struggles: The Americas
- Most Turkish auto workers end strike
- New discoveries illuminate early human physical and technological evolution
- Turkey says US agrees to provide air cover for anti-Assad “rebels” in Syria
- Sri Lankan president pledges to strengthen the military
- Spanish regional elections mark further break-up of two main parties
- China warns of war with US in South China Sea
- Pipeline in Santa Barbara oil spill lacked key safety feature
- NATO begins anti-Russian air drill in Arctic
- Obama Justice Department reaches settlement with Cleveland, Ohio over police brutality
- Flash flooding forces thousands to flee in Texas, Oklahoma
- Union imposes another concession deal on West Coast dockworkers
- Cop used military “rules of engagement” in 2012 Cleveland killing
- Australian budget targets working-class households
- US-China tensions escalate over South China Sea
- Union collaborates with Liberals in Ontario Hydro privatization
- Conservative wins presidential election in Poland
- US establishment shields killer cops
- The New York Times calls for blood in Iraq-Syria war
- New York City public libraries face continued assault under de Blasio administration
- France claims killing of Al Qaeda leaders in Northern Mali
- Protests in Japan denounce US military presence
- Irish voters overwhelmingly support legalisation of same-sex marriage
- Historic flooding in Texas and Oklahoma
- Australia: Labor backs move to sack thousands of electricity workers
- Another austerity budget in New Zealand
- Crisis in Burundi heightens danger of regional war in Africa
- NSA affair creates tensions between Berlin and Washington
- Works council elections at Germany’s ThyssenKrupp: What way forward?
- Australian government moves to revoke citizenship rights
- Left Platform: Syriza’s last line of defence
- ANC whips up racism amid xenophobic attacks in South Africa
- US defence secretary sets stage for confrontation with China
- The assault on health care in Russia
- Queen’s Speech 2015: UK Conservatives lay out agenda of austerity and repression
- Behind the recriminations over the fall of Ramadi
- Canada: Ontario Liberals orchestrate outlawing of teacher strikes
- Global tensions surge as NATO, Russia hold rival military exercises
- Los Angeles County backs Obama’s anti-immigrant agenda
- Philippine state visit to Canada escalates anti-China “pivot”
- Officials signal Australia will join US provocation in South China Sea
- Alabama bought execution drugs on the black market
- Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
- French Prime Minister Valls imposes unpopular school reforms by decree
- Sri Lankan president postpones parliamentary election
- ANC whips up racism amid xenophobic attacks in South Africa
- Life inside a Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh
- Austerity budget deepens Puerto Rico’s economic crisis
- Rohingya refugees abused and killed in camps in Malaysia/Thailand
- Judge orders release of photo showing Chicago cops posing as hunters with “suspect” wearing antlers
- Wall Street buybacks: Another expression of parasitism
- Federal court upholds block on Obama immigration plan
- The contract unity law and the return of German militarism
- Nebraska abolishes death penalty
- Canada’s NDP pledges to “partner” with business as its poll numbers jump
- Münkler receives support from the far right in Germany
- US seizes on FIFA corruption to pursue campaign against Russia
- UAW, Fiat Chrysler maintain silence on death of skilled trades worker
- Australian economy heading for recession
- Help the WSWS expose the US-led drive to war in Asia!
- Why did the US Army ship live anthrax?
- US economy contracted in first quarter
- Record storms, flooding continue to ravage Texas and Oklahoma
- Spanish telecom workers strike against “precariousness and slave labour”
- Spanish telecom strikers: “We have to resist until we achieve something”
- Sri Lankan plantation companies reject wage increase
- US defence secretary challenges China at Singapore security forum
- The fraudulent debate over NSA reform
- US preparing direct military intervention in Nigeria
- Humboldt University professor Herfried Münkler calls for German leadership in Europe
- Sydney’s Mount Druitt: A microcosm of Australia’s social crisis
- India: One year of the Modi-led, BJP government
- Meetings on UK general elections: “We were alone in telling workers and young people the truth”
- Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
- The Divergent Series: Insurgent—More talent and resources squandered
- Insurance companies apply for rate hikes for Obamacare plans
- Former Republican speaker indicted on felony charges
- European Union squabbles over refugee quotas
- Colombian peace talks continue amid renewed combat
- Chinese premier concludes four-country tour of South America
- UK Prime Minister Cameron tours Europe lobbying for EU reforms
- Latest articles
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